Username: Retarion
Gender: Female
Race/Species: Human
Personality:Retarion is much less of a coward than her real life self, she is much more serious and stronger too. Retarion can joke around at times with lots of sarcasm, but is most of the time serious. Retarion smiles a lot to show that she is having lots of fun, and that she can fight with her friends. Retarion will be your knight in shining armor.
Stats:Teamwork [3/10]
Fitness [10/10]
Agility [7/10]
Stamina [7/10]
IQ [7/10]
Strategy [6/10]
Skills: - Switch Gun: Able to switch the gun that Retarion is currently using in an instant, there is a cool down of 30 seconds though.
- Spark Shot (Dual Pistols): Retarion shoots at the enemy with an electric bullet.
- Homing Shot (Sniper Rifle): After locking onto an enemy she charges up her gun and fires.
Abilities:- Tornado Shot (Dual Pistols): Retarion shoots in front of her and a tornado forms around the bullet.
- Wide Shot (Shotgun): Retarion fires a single bullet from her shotgun, then it splits into a dozen bullets impacting an area.
Weapon/s:- Amnesia (Dual Pistols)
- Flash Annihilator (Shotgun)
- Legionnaire's Rifle (Snipe Rifle)
Class: Gunner
Fame: Name slips off the tongue once in a while.
Extras:- Ammo: Only has a set number of bullets, has to buy ammo to restock and fight.