Subject Number:
Spencer Maximilian
Date of Birth:
2/20/1996 (19)
116 lbs
Intelligent, friendly, and cautious. Subject displays a well developed intellect, but is sometimes overly cautious and more reluctant to engage in risk taking. Subject is pragmatic but quick thinking; problem solving situations were met with thorough plans and alternate solutions, all done in record time. Complicated problems required a significant increase in time; pressuring social situations marred subject's problem solving capabilities and caused anxiety. Subject seems merciful and optimistic. Is quite capable of feigning emotions to get her way.
Subject displays a high degree of creative intelligence, with prodigious talent in art, reading/writing, and science. It is very worth noting that, having grown up in a rich, privileged, white and politically involved family, subject has been tutored in most talents. Subject is capable of playing a few instruments, and is an "amateur" mathematical genius (there's an oxymoron for you), as well as having been copiously involved in both school run and church run plays. Grades in school suggest an extremely intelligent young woman, but we remain suspicious of money's involvement in her grades.
Subject herself claims limited, or average, capabilities in these skills, and focuses most of her time on art, reading/writing, and strangely science. Is a big admirer of Darwin, and extremely inquisitive of our experiments. Has also requested we loan her psychology textbooks, which we heartily denied her. Still, thus far, the internet has worked in her favor. She counter experiments on us.
Having grown up in a religious family, subject has a good knowledge of the Bible. However, for personal reasons, she seems to heartily deny religion. Having been both privileged and politically involved for most of her life, subject can appear, though friendly, callous to the problems of her fellow experimentees. She self-identifies as a Democrat having grown up in the family of Democrats, though she has recently taken to calling herself an independent, seeing the merits of both Republicans and Democrats. While she loathes some of her father's political views and choices, she still supports him in his endeavors.
Micheal Maximilian - A popular Democratic politician from New York, Mike serves as a Senator the U.S government. Having originally grown up in a low middle class family, Micheal strove to provide his children with opportunities he had lacked as a child. This meant that all of his children were spoiled with opportunity that children lower than upper class would have, typically, not been presented with. Mike is also highly religious; it would seem to be contradictory to his party, but people seem to forget you can be religious and believe in gay rights and abortion at the same time.
Jennifer Maximilian - Jennifer is a self proclaimed Republican grown Democrat, and a well re-known lawyer. Having lived a relatively poor (economic status) Republican life, college changed Jenn, for maybe what some what call the better. It pushed her to finally join a party whose belief fell more in line with those values which she had held growing up. In fact, being a relatively liberal republican family, her parents only reason for remaining Republican fell in line with their religious beliefs. While Jennifer is religious, she, like her husband, approves of gay rights and abortion, as well as greater representation for women. She has imparted many of these belief on her eldest daughter, Spencer.
Leslie Maxmimilian - Spencer's tall, precocious, younger sister. Like Spencer, she is mature and well thought, but privileged and restricted in other ways. She, like her parents, is more focused on politics. She has prodigious talent in math, and is already well versed in the language of law, having poured over her parents many books over and over again.
Name: "Damian"
Relationship with Host: Damian and Spencer seem to get along at an average rate. Their relationship is comparable to that of a rocky friendship, and Spencer sometimes has trouble envisioning Damian as a glowing orb in her vision, instead sometimes only seeing a low sliver of green light where his orb would be. Like Spencer, Damian is pragmatic, meaning that he also tends to think things over, and they work together well enough. Disagreements, while they don't often elevate to a terrible level (both Spencer and Damian are too afraid of the pain) are often the end of them working together and can make experiments and the like (in which the two are required to work together) infinitely more difficult as the two stubborn consciousnesses come to a standstill. Damian also occasionally messes with Spencer's real life, claiming to be "protective" of her.
It's worth noting that the two of them had a great relationship in Spencer's childhood, but things changed when Spencer recognized that the being, who was at the time called "Angel" was abnormal, and their relationship quickly decreased in quality.
Personality: Damian is, like Spencer, pragmatic. He's not quite as intelligent, and actually maintained the image of being bored in school. In fact, when Spencer was asked to grade Damian, she rated him with average intelligence. Damian seems to have a cheery personality, but his opinions sometimes differ from Spencer and that can cause rifts between the two. Spencer has claimed that Damian sometimes seems naive and blindly traditional, claiming that he is not very well versed in the world around him. Damian, on the other hand, believes that Spencer thinks she's too grown up, though she is very much on the brink of being, neigh is, an adult. Damian can be overly protective, to the point of being annoying to Spencer. He has quite expressed an enjoyment of video games, and prefers relaxing and listening to music as opposed to investing himself in creative talents themselves. He's quite the accomplished mathematician, and it is suspected that Spencer's outstanding grades in Math may have been on his behalf.
Notes: Was previously named "Angel" by host, who, at the time, was influenced by parents' religious belief and the attendance of Catholic school to call the parasitic conscience a "guardian angel". Should also be noted that host claims to no longer believe in religion, and has therefore rechristened Angel, Damian.