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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Midori
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mr. Narrator

The galaxy is a vast sea of endless stars, each one casting it's own light. Civilizations brave the expanse in search of wealth and prosperity. The Terran Federation, in it's own small corner of the galaxy, fights to expand it's borders leaving a wake of destruction in their path. Smaller civilizations are quickly conquered and fall to the Federation's might. Certain individuals take advantage of the recent turmoil in the sector and look to make their own fortune among the stars, unfettered by the rules and regulations of the Federation.

The year is Universal Century 0159, and a solitary vessel makes it's way onto the stage...

Captain Lockheart

The Rigid Pike Spaceport, a cesspool of villainy and scum nestled deep in the asteroid field of an unimportant star system. It was also a good place for people such as herself to hide from the persistent forces of the Terran Federation. Captain Lockheart had managed to evade their attention for some time but as experience would tell her, that only meant it was a matter of time before they found her again.

The Black Dirk had been undergoing some minor repairs after their recent activities chasing a treasure vault that had been hidden on a comet for safe keeping. The ship only received some minor hull damage so it's systems were still in working order. The crew had been getting some well deserved debauchery in the local brothels and gambling halls while the Captain went off to recruit new faces to man the Black Dirk. She had spent too long without essential personnel and it was starting to effect performance. The only thing she could do was recruit some more crew and hope they weren't terrible. Fortunately for her she had come to the best place to find talented idiots willing to join the life of Piracy.

Captain Lockheart sat alone in her ready room, an office connected to the bridge. The office consisted of a couch on the far side from the door and a desk with a chair for the Captian and two guests. On the desk sat her personal terminal. Lydia opened her logs and startd talking.

"Perosnal Log Entry. I've come to Rigid Pike because it's the only place in the area to hide. I think we'll be staying for a while so the men can get their rocks off and whatever else they do when they get spare time..." Lydia put her feet up on the desk. "...Among the new recruits is my new first mate, Alfred C. Reed XIV. He's got some impressive military record or whatever I didn't really read it but that means he's got plenty of experience in warfare. That'll be good for this line of work. Since he'll be with me on the bridge I can only hope that he isn't boring.

Maxxine Nox. Hmm... She's hot, she's tough, and she's got experience leading small teams of soldiers. Seems like a perfect fit to me, no complaints really. I'm sure I'll find something later though, the good ones always have character flaws.

Donovan J. Stroud, a pirate in his own right. He'll be in the barracks with the rest of the pilots as the new lead for the squadron. No one will ever replace Jimmy though. Poor Jimmy Jimson, he should have never tried that triple inverted barrel roll super tre-flip through that mine field on a dare.

Aredwas Loci, calls himself 'Red', I guess it's easier. A decent smuggler but more importantly he'll be my new Chief of Security. Hope he has fun in the Command Information Center. Seems like a real straight shooter as far as career criminals go. He'll be handling security teams and coordinating with damage controls during battles. I'm sure he's up to it.

Cynthia Rosalind Farell, a real cat burglar type this one. Not really sure what to do with her yet but hey she signed up and I need bodies so what the hell? I've got her listed as a crewman so she'll be swabbin' the deck for now but I'm sure we'll find her niche at some point.

Styx Yorkishire, I don't know what the hell kinda alien he is but he's a good engineer and he speaks english, that's good enough for me. My last Chief engineer fell asleep in the engine pre-fire chamber, hopefully this one isn't so dumb. He'll have plenty of time in Main Engineering to get acquainted with the Black Dirk.

DataFox, now this one's a ball of fun. She reminds me of my younger self, so full of energy and ready to cause some mayhem. She's got the skills to handle Cyber-warfare in the Command Information Center. That way she only has to deal with dealing out cyber attacks and defending against incoming intrusions.

Doctor Ashley Archer. Nice to see there's gonna be a doctor on board again. She even get's the Infirmary all to herself. Hopefully she won't molest the nurses like the last one did...

Darius Johnston, another skilled hacker. This ones gonna be our Intelligence Analyst. He'll have fun working with the other one in the CIC. He'll mostly be doing intelligence gathering and risk assessment so they probably won't step on each others toes too much.

Erik Tan, a bad-ass if I ever saw one. He'll be with the other raiders in the barracks. Lucky guy get's to work with that hot terrorist Nox. I might even be a bit jealous.

Hmm.... then there's Aliss, I'm not sure what the hell a royal spy hooker is doing on Rigid Pike but hey I need bodies and he... uh her? Him? Shim? whatever, Aliss is a crewman for now. I'll have to find out what shim is really after at some point.

Relevant files will be attached to this log." Captain Lydia saved her audio log and walked out onto the bridge. It was a bit sparse since half the crew was on Rigid Pike getting drunk and banging whores. The few crewman on duty ran routine checks of essential systems and generally just did busy work like 'pretending to be busy' because they were docked and really had nothing better to do. The repairs on the hull weren't going to be finished for another hour so they all had some time to kill. Captain Lockheart just sat in her Captain's Chair and stared out at the asteroid field in front of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by DarkFey
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DarkFey The Queen of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Maxxine Nox

Max wiped her hands clean of blood on a scrap of cloth before turning back to the bar and draining the last of her drink. Placing the glass back down she paid for the drink, dropping the currency on the bar next to the drink. "Hey barman, you want your cash on not?" she demanded roughly, slamming her robotic left fist down on the bar. With a shout of fear the barman climbed out of his hiding spot behind the bar and snatched up the money before quickly ducking back down to hide. Max turned around with a hiss of disgust to survey the scene around her.

Over twenty people lay around the bar between overturned tables and chairs, some even draped over the displaced furniture. Most were mewling weakly and nursing wounds or broken limbs. Others lay ominously still and silent. Max fished a cigarette from her pocket and lit it up before taking a long drag and making her way out of the bar, stepping over a number of broken bodies on the way out. As she left a broken lighting fixture let out a shower of sparks and dropped from the ceiling.

Max looked around the street as she stood outside the bar, chewing lightly on the end of her smoke, wondering what to do next. The bar had been fun and all, but she got the distinct feeling that the owner had begun to resent her patronage, especially towards the end there. She inhaled another long drag, tossing up between going to look for some more entertainment elsewhere or just heading back to the ship. After all, the Rigid Pike Spaceport was a big place, surely there was something else around she could find for some distraction.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WilsonTurner
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WilsonTurner AKA / OfWindAndRain

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Darius Johnston- "Veelo"

Darius stood with a man who wore a long maroon trench coat, saying, "Dude, who are you? Can't you just bloody leave me alone?" The man jumped back in front of him as Darius tried to walk past, saying, "Woah, waitwaitwait! That bastard didn't put it back-" Darius, in turn, cut him off as he tried to continue, "And I have nothing more to do with those bastards, so back off, eh? And again, who the bloody fucking hell ARE you?!"

The man dropped his arms and his head leaned to the side, looking up to the void above. "Sun Prince, man." "What," said Darius, baffled. "You know, legendary outlaw... c'mon, guys?" He turned to look at a couple random pedestrians, who glanced at the man for a moment before hurrying on their way even faster.

Darius just sighed and brushed past him, keeping his head down as he rapidly disappeared into the crowd. He heard a stream of curses behind him, then an even louder curse as some lady started beating him up, which launched a battle/chase that ended with a bunch of rebel soldiers grabbing the both of them and dragging them away. Darius didn't notice, though. He was focused on getting to the ship that he just been hired on for, and out of the way of cameras and spies. Too many people were starting to figure out who he really was, and some were circulating his current name in the even more backwater channels of the backwater channels.

He was being hunted, and he found the perfect captain to use as his cover. She was clueless, normal, and very little was actually special about her- he'd seen better a hundred times in the past couple centuries. He just needed to get her onboard with his intelligence, and then they could loot the ship that stole his equipment, and he could get back to work.

Perfect... in theory. He hoped that this Lockheart was as she was described by all his contacts- he couldn't deal with another prison break from the corrupt, cruel places that the Federation was putting up nowadays. He'd spent his fair share in cryosleep inside one of their better set-ups- it was only because of his bounty that brought a thousand pirates on the prison ship, and started the events that led to his freedom again.

He strolled along the dangerous dark streets of whateverthehellthestationwascalled, whistling slightly merrily as he searched for his ship. Being off the grid for a short while will definitely help his cover, and he wanted to... relax, for once. He hadn't relaxed in a long time. The last time he had actually slept to sleep and recover was probably when he went into cryosleep last.

Maybe he'll take a nap...

And then he entered the docking tube that lead to the Black Dirk, which was a ridiculous name, because the ship wasn't even angular. It was all blunt and rounded, and was designed so terribly inefficiently. He could've done a better job- but then again, not everyone has a superbrain at their command, especially one that can download files right from the ethernet.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MrMinerGuy142


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Erik Tan

"How long till ya understand ya brick?" yelled a particularly angry bartender, "I ain't servin ya no more, I won't do it, in fact, I'll ban yer ass if you don't scram! So I'll say it again, get the hell outta my bar before I get someone to get you out for ya!"

The grizzled "brick" sitting at the counter stared the bartender straight in the eyes, with no reaction to the spit and slob the man slung at his face. The two men stared for a straight minute before the man wanting probably his tenth round stood, his broad structure making him seem to loom over the bartender, who suddenly became a little less secure yet still held a strong façade.

"Good, now why dontcha turn around and get, how about it ya sack of dirt?" the bartender said in an attempt to remain in charge of the issue.

The "sack of dirt" said the first words he'd said all week, and said them in a deep and resonating tone, "Look here, I am not someone you toy with, I fight to keep ungrateful scum like you safe, and what did you bastards do? You fucking turned your heads and joined some damned rebellion nuts for whatever reason."

He then booms to the entire room "I fought for all of you!" Everyone looks at the screaming loon, "I defend your homes, I keep your lives calm, I maintain the quiet night! I fight for you people, I've won medals for it! What goddamned lunatic goes and turns their head on the people who provided food, homes, work, safety, and a good life to them?!"

Most people grumbled about the Federalist, some carried on with their drinking and gambling, three or four show enthusiasm, but kept it hidden in the rebel supporting bar. One man in particular however, would stand up and walk up to the man who was still standing and slightly slipping his stance from a head rush from too many drinks.

The newcomer to the conversation spoke, calmly and casually, "So, you love the Federation, for all its worth?"

"No shit, who would've guessed," said the Federalist.

"Do you know who I am?"

"No, who cares?" The Federalist stumbled a bit towards the man and bumped into him.

"Oh, no one." The man pulled out a handgun and fired a hail of shots into the Federalist's chest, the whole room spun to see the Fed groping at his chest and stomach, which were now punctured with many holes, too many for him to count before he fell on the floor to lay until he died.

"Ey, you best be paying for the compensation and damages and then leave!" cried the bartender.

"Pay? Alright, is a grenade worth enough to cover the damages?" He pulls a grenade from his coat and holds it in the air. The air goes still and nobody dares to move or speak, nobody at all. One man makes a quick dash for the door and soon all of the patrons start to panic and flee as he pulls the pin, drops it at his feet, and joins in with the flood of civilians.

With a large boom being heard from where there used to be a bar, Erik considers something, something that simply hadn't crossed his mind. Who in the living shit does something like that? "Me, I deserve it, I saved a colony anyway, I think I need to balance out my save count to body count a bit." He grinned a bit as a squad of rebels ran to handle the damage control of the used-to-be-bar.

"So," he thought, "the Black Dirk...well, I guess it's about time I met the captain, an old Fed soldier, I hope that's a good thing..."

A lone rebel approaches Erik, and he quickly stows away his grin and stands tall for the uniformed revolutionary, "Need something?"

"Don't joke," the soldier started, "An explosion went off in a bar in the next bay over, were you in Bay 062 in the last 10 to 15 minutes?"

Erik pulled a look of confusion, "Well, I heard a loud thud, but I wasn't over there. Jeez though, a bomb? Guys, I'm trying to live in the apartment over here and a bomb goes off next door? I'm living right in that building, I mean Christ Almighty, Jesus!" He couldn't resist insulting the rebel and his cause.

The rebel glances at the building, then his holopad, then back to Erik. Erik spots the rebels hand go for his baton, "That building is a warehouse for Docking Bay Li-" The soldier is cut off by a fist straight to his face. Erik pulls his sword from his time in the Federation Colonial Marines and thrusts it straight into the dazed trooper. He dies without a single cry.

Erik continued to ponder, "Well, good start, only a colony minus one to go."

"Fuck the Rebellion, fuck the Federation, fuck that all."

"Now, where the hell is the Black Dirk?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 20 days ago

The General

Reed tilted his head away from the edge of the pillar he was hiding behind as several bullets grazed of the side of it.

he'd found a place aboard a ship belonging to a former federation officer as a first officer, it was finally a place aboard a ship again, a place of command as well, and a way off the damned station. He had went to get some things from a stash he kept and was on his way toward the ship, things had been going smoothly until an explosion in a nearby area attracted a lot of attention from the rebel security. he'd managed to get by on the rebel-friendly station just fine for awhile, but he was ultimately recognized by a few passing rebel soldiers, which led to his current situation.

he'd ended up in a fight with three rebels, two were lying on the ground now, one completely motionless and the other writhing in pain and bleeding from a wound in his chest, and the third was taking cover behind a few crates firing at Reed's hiding spot with a pair of pistols. when the shooting lulled Reed's poked out of cover and leveled his magnum at where the rebel was and fired three shots before pulling back behind cover to reload. He sighed at least with most of these rebel sympathizers preoccupied with the explosion down the way i don't have to worry about him getting reinforcements He thought as he pushed the cylinder back into his magnum and cocked it.

The Rebel

Donovan had turned to mercenary work after the rebellion had been defeated. he tended to stick to places like this station, rebel-friendly or neutral at least, and he tried to avoid federation space unless a job took him there. at least now he'd signed on with a proper crew now, the captain may have been federation but as it's ex-federation now he could overlook that.

He was heading toward the Black Dirk when an explosion rang out at one of the bars. He stopped and turned to look as some of the station security rushed past him toward the scene of the explosion. He was going to move along and let them handle it but he noticed someone that looked strangely familiar. He stopped two of the security soldiers and pointed out the man to them "that's General fuck'n Reed" they were shocked to see him in a place like this and immediately assumed he was responsible for the bombing. They had started approaching him and thought he'd be easy to take down, they hadn't expected him to pull a gun as soon as he did, they didn't even get a chance to say anything, what resulted was one soldier getting killed, the other wounded on the ground, and Donovan was taking cover behind a crate as he shot at Reed with his pistols, he took a moment to reload and heard as Reed returned fire with his gun, three shots, one flew past and the other two hit Donny's cover "where'd he get that fucking hand cannon?" he murmured as he slipped clips back into his weapons.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spriggs27
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Spriggs27 Most likely a Synth

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Unlike most who were wondering around the space port and being outside of the ship, or even their area on the Dirk, the doctor was just in the infirmary and playing an old fighting game with one of the nurses on a holoscreen, they both sat on the floor in front of the large hologram screen with old primitive controllers in their hands, the doctor was struggling to play the game against the nurse and was mashing buttons on the controller in her hands." Unfair !! I never played this game before and never even used this thing before." She spoke about the controller in her hands and watched as the nurse beat the crap out of the Doctor's avatar and then ripped her avatar's head off and ate it.

Dr.Archer stood up from the floor and threw the controller on the floor and partially broke one of the controller's thumb sticks." You cheated !" She yelled pointing at the nurse beginning to berate her, while the nurse grabbed the controller and looked a little teary eyed." You drew me into this game and...And your emulator game thing, and used this to make a mockery of me didn't you !? I have a degree in medical science" The doctor asked looking angry at the nurse. The nurse was on the verge of tears after the doctor broke her controller and started to get angry.

"I'm..I'm sorry, I just thought you seemed lonely since you just seem to trap yourself in the infirmary all day and don't seem to come out sometimes, I just wanted to be friendly, and you broke my controller." The nurse told the doctor. The nurse stood up with her broken controller and walked out of the infirmary as if she stormed out of the room, the doctor sat at in her office chair and spun around in the chair starting to now feel a little bored and lonely." Maybe I was too hard on the nurse I should apologize when I get the chance." The doctor spoke to herself since she didn't have anyone else in the infirmary, it was almost vacant inside of the ship with only a couple others on board at the moment.

The Doctor leaned back in the chair and crossed her legs trying to relax." God I'm bored." She spoke to herself again." Yup you are other Archer, and there's noting we can do about it." She even responded to herself now, she pushed her glasses up onto the bridge of her nose fixing them." I need to apologize to her and try to be nicer to others, or I could take her lungs and kidneys, or take her heart and have three, then I can be an ultimate time lord." She began to think about what she should do later." No other Archer these people are allies to us, if we mess up with them then we're on our own and we won't last a second on our own with out allies, you already remember the Navy black market thing." The doctor sighed." I'm right." She sighed again closing her eyes trying to take a nap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by vFear
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vFear monochrome boi

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Aredwas 'Red' Loci

Aredwas paced down the street at a leisurely place, with his hat tipped slightly forward and askew, and generic a wheeled bag trailing along behind him. As shots rung out across the streets, bar fights came to a close, and even an explosion boomed through the station, he let out a content sigh as he came up the docking entrance to the Black Dirk. Truly, it was just as much a home as any other - it'll be a shame to leave all the gunshots and bar fights and explosions behin... Aredwas pauses, double-taking as it crosses his mind.
"An explosi-.." he mutters, confused, before he lets out a sigh and presses on to the ship, "..y'know what, that ain't my job anymore."

The doors to the CIC open of their own accord for a dustcoated Aredwas to pace in, his bag following in suite. After briefly examining the room and identifying a suitable station for his work, he paces on over, collapses the handle of his bag and slips it under the desk, and produces an ashtray to set atop as the first of many touches to come. He lets out a sigh as he lowers into the chair, taking in a moment to take in the scenery of his new office.
"..Might introduce myself to the Captain later, get the low down." he mutters to himself as he sits idle, clearly not intending to act on it for the moment at least.
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