A few words from the Captain...
"You're all scum... rejects... drop outs... outcasts... you get the point. Anyway you're here now and that means you're part of my crew. Take a look at the idiots next to you. These are your friends, on the Black Dirk everyone works together. If we work together who knows what kind of shenanigans we can get into, and we'll be gettin' rich on the way there! Sound good? Good, 'cause if not you're welcome to let yourself out the airlock! Hah!"
The Black Dirk

Crew Capacity: 50+15
- Reinforced steel alloy plating
- Plasteel interior plating
- Twin fusion reactors
- 4 Main sub-light engines
- Various manuevering thrusters
- High-warp FTL drive
- 40mm rapid fire beam cannons x12
- 120mm dual beam cannon x2
- Missile bays x20
- Market standard guided missiles x100 (standard compliment)
- Main bridge x1
- Command information center x1
- Captain's Quarters
- First officer's quaters
- Officer's quarters (houses 1 officer) x4
- Crew quarters (houses 2 crewman) x22
- Marines/Pilot barracks (houses 15 Marines/Pilots)
- Auxiliary craft hanger bay x2
- Main engineering
- Crew lounge
- Officer's lounge
- Infirmary
- Mess hall
- Gym x2
- Brig (holds 2 prisoners) x4
- Munitions storage
- Armory
- Cargo hold x4
Captain Lockheart

Full Name: Lydia Loraine Lockheart
Alias: The Impetuous Captain Lockheart
Rank: Captain
Occupation: Space Ship Captain/ Career Pirate
Prior Service: Terran Federation Navy (Dishonorably Discharged)
Age: 34
- Terran Federation Naval Academy- Graduated w/ high marks
- Terran Federation Naval Officer- 4 years experience
- Hold's a Master's Degree in Linguistics
- Declared an Enemy of the State by the Terran Federation
- Desertion- 1 counts
- Treason- 5 counts
- Grand Theft- 824 counts
- Destruction of Private/Public/Government Property- 1254 counts
- Acts of Piracy- 1658 counts
- Murder- 132 counts
- Attempted Murder- 6.5 billion counts
- Criminal Misconduct- 483 counts
Comment: N/A
A Note On Technology
'Beam' weapons: These are perhaps the most common in the galaxy. They're different from lasers in that the medium for energy being transferred is a magnetically confined stream of super heated ionic gas particles as opposed to ionized photons. The gas used as fuel for beam weapons differs depending on the manufacturer but all of them use noble gases such as Argon and Xenon (The Black Dirk as well as most human manufacturers use Argon for their beam weapon systems). Beam sabers and pistols/rifles also exist and operate on the same basic principles.
FTL: Faster than light travel is achieved in a few different ways. The most common for large ships is the warp drive, which envelops the ship in a bubble separate from normal space (creating a 'subspace') and contracting/expanding the space behind and in front of the bubble in order to 'pull' the ship at incredible speeds without physically accelerating. This system is much too bulky to fit on most smaller commercial ships like freighters and transit vessels.
More common for commercial use is the jump gate system. The jump gates are a system of tunnels through warped space allowing for travel between two 'fixed' points at incredible speeds. Due to their economic and strategic importance any system with a jump gate is generally highly regulated and policed. Strict laws are usually in place to protect the gates as well.
Mobile Suits: The growing popularity of Mobile Suits is most prominent in the larger empires that have more credits and resources to pour into making complex war machines. Mobile Suits are generally expensive high precision machines that are typically resemble the race's physical form in shape. Their high maneuverability and varied weapon systems make them some of the most versatile and deadly war machines in the galaxy.
Unfortunately the complex systems and expensive resources necessary to build Mobile Suits makes them impractical for mass-production even by larger empires. As a result Mobile Suits are only ever granted to talented pilots and only operate in small groups.
Androids/Gynoids: Synthetic self-aware life-forms are not uncommon in the galaxy. Many lead normal lives along side they're organic counterparts. There are certain areas of the galaxy where synthetic life forms aren't recognized as being alive but they are few and far inbetween.