Name: Isabella Dutch
Gender: Female
Age: 28
Appearance: Is 5' 8" tall, weighing 140 pounds. Has a B/W/H of 38/24/36 inches.
Personality: Friendly and well-mannered, Isabella is no stranger to social interaction. She has had extensive experience talking people into doing what she wants, although she rarely does so with malicious intent. She deals with her problems head on, and generally speaks her mind when. Although, she will generally relent to many arguments when it is clear she can't convince the opposing party. While she doesn't have any sort of superiority complex, Isabella is quick to get annoyed at her fellow Vault dwellers, especially if things don't go her way.
Occupation: Doctor
Biography: Born like any other person in the Vault, Isabella has gotten accustomed to the filtered air and artificial sunlight of the Vault. Her family were all considered some of the Vaults best minds, so Isabella was pressured at a young age to do well in school. She read many books throughout her childhood and adolescence, without having much in the way of interaction with fellow dwellers. However, this insularity paid off, as she was able to pass her GOAT exam and land a job as a Vault Doctor. She breathed a sigh of relief as she began her training, but the world of work was much different than the world of study. She soon had to perfect her interpersonal skills, realizing that the mouth was as powerful as the mind.
Now, Isabella lives comfortably and is familiar with many Vault residents, although she often wonders how life is outside the Vault.