Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Twilight town was as quiet as ever, the residents went about their lives with barely a care in the world, they thought nothing of the fact that sun was always setting. They knew nothing of the fact that their world sat on the edge of darkness near so many other's that had been swallowed whole by Darkness. Teenagers planned trips to the beach while others prepared for the struggle match that the town always held. No one knew how struggle got started but it was a fun sport and the matches were enjoyed by all. No one would ever suspect that this sleepy town would be the point at which darkness and light met. The world was strange and anyone from outside it could feel an aura of eerier calm wash over them.

Arthal had come here with his apprentice to wait for the arrival of those who would stand with him and face the this terrible war with him. Twilight town was neutral ground to both sides so he felt sure no one would march here and seek to destroy him. Of course many other's protested to his idea's many on the side of Light wished to banish all darkness from the world. Those fighting in the name of darkness wanted it for power and to strong the strength of their own dark energies. Arthal and other's like him simply wanted it to end and the worlds to be safe from destruction by keyblade wielders.

Arthal himself had just gotten two sea salt ice cream bars from the vendor by the station walking over he offered one to his apprentice. "Here you are Bellasiel, I thought you might like one while were waiting here, hopeful word has reached others and they will travel here, whether it be portal, ship, or however." He said tasting of his ice cream the kayblade master smiled. "This world... It's strange, I almost think I could be happy here it seems so... Peaceful and serene, like as if to say nothing will ever happen here." He sighed and looked at her. "What do you think of the town?" He asked leaning back against the steps of Twilight station.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Standing alone on the top ledge of the clock tower, Cyrus gazed at the never-ending sunset of Twilight Town. He'd heard this spot offered what others referred to as a "stunning view of the town", though Cyrus only really thought of it as a useful vantage point, he still had to admit that the view itself was indeed a sight to behold. Arms crossed, his red scarf whipped about in the wind, with a sigh Cyrus let himself relax a bit, evidenced by his beginning to lean on the wall behind him.

He heard rumors of like-minded Keyblade Wielders meeting here to discuss a plan for ending the war. It sounded genuine, but he knew all too well how often rumors could also lead to deadly traps. This was why he'd chosen his current vantage point. From here, he could watch things unfold while hopefully remaining unseen by those on the streets. If the rumors proved themselves to be true, Cyrus would show himself peacefully and offer his aid to effort. If his other hunch was correct and this turned out to be some twisted trap for naive hopefuls, then Cyrus would just have to once again prove why he was called the Grimm Reaper.

Perhaps he was being a bit pessimistic, but the war had made Cyrus into a very... pragmatic individual. It taught him to approach everything with a "healthy" amount of caution that often bordered on paranoia. He wanted to think that there were others like Ren out there, who were also trying to end the conflict just as he had tried to do, and if there were Cyrus would gladly join their cause in the name of honoring his fallen friend. Unfortunately, the realist in Cyrus told him that absolutely nothing should ever taken at face value.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seth walked out of a café with his coffee in his right hand and a brown paper bag. He took a seat outside the café and took out his bagel and spread the cream cheese evenly over each slice before taking a bite. He had been in Twilight Town for three days now and since then he blended in with all the towns’ people. He wasn’t about to make a scene to lure out the Keyblade warriors of darkness.

“These people don’t deserve to be but in the crosshairs of the war,” Seth said. He had grown to like the town and the people in it. He took a sip of his white chocolate pumpkin latte as he watched many of the towns people go on with their daily lives. Many of the teenagers talked about something called the struggle while eating ice cream bars. He had tired one of the sea salt ice cream bars, but couldn’t stomach the taste.

Seth got up and threw away the brown paper bag after he finished his bagel. He got up and continued to drink his coffee as he walked the town. He could feel the darkness getting stronger, but he could also feel something else. Whatever power his Keyblade held still lingered in his mind which brought back the image of the burning orphanage. He shook his head to get rid of the image and sighed. I’ll find whoever ordered that warrior to burn my home and make him pay. Seth thought as he finished his coffee and threw it in a trash bin before heading back towards the inn.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Bellasiel watched as people went by, the citizens blissfully unaware of the darkness slowly sinking in around them as they went about their daily lives. It wasn't their right to take that ignorance away from them and hopefully nothing dark would creep in anytime soon to disturb what they had here. This place seemed so peaceful, it could almost make one forget the darkness outside this world but the memories of all that had suffered would not ever leave her mind no matter how calming this place might be. She found herself startled out of her thoughts at Arthal's return and a frozen treat being held out for her to take which she did happily as her attention turned to the other. "Thank you, that was very thoughtful.",Bellasiel replied with a gentle smile.

She turned her gaze back out at the people, taking a bite of the dessert in her hand only to frown and tilt her head slightly.
That is certainly an interesting taste...
Bellasiel didn't want to be rude so she continued to eat the treat but noting that salty and sweet mixed were obviously not her thing. The conversations around her drew her interest as she ate, this struggle thing that they all spoke of might be quite a sight if they didn't meet with the others soon, whoever they might be. Bellasiel had to wonder if this wouldn't turn negative or if it was a smart idea to advertise themselves since it could bring danger but she believed in Arthal and would take he lead. She was hopeful to find others, others that wanted this to end in peace just as much as she. She thought of the question Arthal just asked for a moment, looking up at the sky with a sun that was forever stuck at it's twilight hour. The neutral time between light and darkness...

"It is strange to never see full light of the day or the full blackness of the night. This place seems so serene and peaceful that it makes me feel like the calm before the storm or the pause before battle. It is a place I could feel happy in but there would always be this feeling of dread or that waiting for something more...Do you think it was a good idea that we let word out about our cause? It could attract the wrong kind of attention though I am hopeful that we find others to join us.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

He finished his ice-cream then stood up. "I suppose you are right however I guess it's time to attract some attention if we want the other's to find us." He watched as the towns people walked away then he extended his hands, Keyblade appearing in each he twirled them lay them again the ground. He knew in a few moments any Leyblade wielder would be able to tell who he was and why he was here. He just hoped they would be here to talk, not to fight him, he didn't want to kill anyone he didn't have to. "They'll find us soon I suggest you be prepared. If we have attracted Dark Keyblade wielders they will no doubt know who we are now."

Around the city crept in black shadows, Heartless who had hidden here. Slowly they crawled out from there holes gather near the newly summoned Keyblades. They sought only to end whoever had brought these weapons into their home. They were weak creatures, the Heartless here having no real power. They formed a circle around Arthal, yet none of them wished to near the weapon, slowly the came closer Arthal begin to spin the blades. "Begone or I shall hunt you all and remove you from the corners of this world." Soon they backed away, as if they sensed a presence commanding them.

The Heartless ran as a black-gate that oozed liquid shadow opened and out stepped a a girl. Her long black robed covered her body but the figure itself was unmistakable. "Oh how cute, you think you can organize something like this?" A kingdom key appeared in her hand. "You are messing with your betters, run on home to your world and cower their before I-"

In an instant Arthal slammed his blades together and he flew upon her, his combined Keyblade against her neck. "Tell your masters I will stop them and the next person they send does not return." With that he shoved the girl back. "I am a Keyblade master if you think you can handle someone with a hundred years of practice with this weapon then by all means come at me." She went wide eyed as pulled the blade away, turning she cried running back through her portal, a novice no doubt sent out here by a faction of Dark Keyblade wielders attempting to determine how severe the threat to their power was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Azazel walked through the streets of Twilight Town, observing everyone and seeing who was a Keyblade wielder and who was a normal civilian. He reflected on his journey here and shuddered. It was taking time to get used to this new power of his Keyblade. It appeared in his hand for a moment but quickly disappeared.

Some Heartless appeared around him and he growled. They were pathetic, the most base form of monster to be encountered. Shadows, no emblem and no special powers. They sunk through the shadows and attacked with animalistic fury. Azazel raised his hand and his Keyblade appeared. A wind swept through the area and knocked them all into a wall, dispersing them with ease. Anyone nearby would feel the strong breeze and recognize it as magic with ease. As long as they knew what magic was of course. His Keyblade disappeared once he recognized the threat was gone.

Azazel walked to a nearby Ice Cream stand and decided to order the local delicacy. He put the munny down on the counter and ate his Sea Salt Ice Cream quietly. As he ate he noted the man with two Keyblades as he attacked some girl who appeared through a dark portal. A shame really, he could've learned something from her. Azazel then turned his attention to the man. He was most likely the guy who organized the meeting between all of the Keyblade users, a fool if he had ever seen one. Neutrality was not an option in this war, you fought or you were slaughtered by those who fought. Azazel shook his head and walked towards the Clock Tower. Perhaps he could observe the meeting from there, it was a good vantage point.

After arriving at the Clock Tower, Azazel used some basic Magnet Magic to stick to the wall and walk up the Clock Tower. He stopped walking about halfway up and watched to see what would happen at the meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cyrus offered no reaction when Heartless attacked the man who revealed himself as a Keyblade Wielder. If the man was truly a master as he purported himself to be, then there was no threat. Ergo, no reason for the Reaper to get involved yet. No, he instead just continued to watch, wishing to be absolutely sure of this meeting's legitimacy before taking part in it. He noted the presence of another nearby, below him on the wall of the tower to be exact. They were using magic to keep themselves from falling, choosing not to climb all way up the tower for reasons unknown. They were probably just using caution, as he himself was. Certainly not a threat, at least not yet anyway.

There briefly was a Dark Keyblade wielder commanding the Heartless, but the man with two blades chases her off easily enough. With the calling of a Keyblade, the proverbial floodgates were now open. Now, not only would Heartless begin to appear on this world, but any Keyblade holder within the area could easily sense the man's power. He was doing this as a sort of signal, letting it act as a beacon to call others to his location.

Time to find out what this man's true intentions are.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Mac hated being outside. On the contrary he quite enjoyed the occasional midnight stroll through the city streets of London. But this wasn’t London, nor was it night time. Instead the twilight hour provided just enough light to see clearly but just dark enough to produce the occasional chilly wind.

On the plus side, at least I’m not getting stared at as much here than at home. Mac thought to himself as he stomped further up the hill. Must have some real weirdos coming through here then if I don’t stick out that much. Maybe some sort of dog or duck-man or something.

Of all the places in this “Twilight Town” Mac enjoyed the Train Station the most and it was there he was headed. The station had everything if you wanted some time to yourself. It had a view of the trams trundling away, the sun forever sitting on the horizon, some really odd but nice ice lollies and finally a clock as some way of keeping track of time.
But even as he stomped the last few steps of the hill Mac knew that what he was about to find upon the balcony was not going to a relaxing hour or so; an energy seemed to permeate him churning his stomach up into excited knots and twists.

As per his expectation the scene that met Mac as he rounded the corner was one that was as surprising as it was terrifying. Not only were there those Heartless things jittering about the place but also some guy with two odd looking weapons in each heand. If Mac still had eyebrows they would’ve taken off from spotting another person standing on the side of the clock tower. Just standing there. Horizontal. On the side of the clock tower.

There was a hesitant pause. With the Heartless jittering cautiously on the spot Mac saw that their attention was focussed squarely on the guy with the weapons. A weight both very new and familiar fell into Mac’s curling fist and a weapon of his own was brought into existence with a flash of light.

The Heartless turned towards this newer and weaker wielder. Spilling towards him the creatures slipped into the ground and easily under Macs wide swings and feverish lunges.


“Mac!” Cheese called out into the square.

It was just another day in Twilight Town; the sun was setting, people were socialising, the shops in tram common were doing reasonable business and Mac had gone wondering off again without a single word to Cheese. Not that he’d actually said a word to her since they had left home.

Another tingle ran its way up Cheeses spine. Someone nearby was using magic of some kind. But for Cheese someone using magic was the least of her worries at the moment. What she needed to do was to find Mac. After all they were stuck in a strange, unfamiliar place so who knew what trouble he could get himself into?

After asking a few people if they had seen Mac (“Have you seen anyone with a computer screen for a head at all?”) Cheese learned that he had last been seen heading towards the Tram Station. So with an aspirated sigh Cheese too began to make her way towards the Station.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Bellasiel nodded as Arthal told her to be prepared and stood while he summoned his Keyblade which would inform anyone nearby of his presence. She held back on summoning her own as she didn't feel it smart to lay all their cards on the table straight away unless it was completely necessary plus she believed in Arthal's abilities as she had before she learned of her own. They had all put their faith in Arthal and Thon before darkness descended on their world so way stop now. She moved into defensive position, making sure that if any stray Heartless didn't back off that she could take care of them with magic. Her attention was so focused in on what was before her that she hadn't time to notice their growing audience, nor would she have probably cared if she had because if they didn't attack then there was nothing to worry about. They could approach and introduce themselves as they pleased for right now they would be the least of her worries.

The Heartless attention switched so fast that for a split second she didn't react other than to look in the direction they had. A flash of light showing the presences of another Keyblade Weilder but even she could tell that this must have been their first time as they didn't do anything more than wide swings and feverish jabbing to try and make the Heartless back off which was easily dodged as they slithered on the ground. She wouldn't stand by and watch another be attacked and though she was fairly new to having a Keyblade herself, at least she was somewhat trained. Bellasiel quickly rushed to the others aid, that fimilar feeling sparking in her as she held out her hand and in a flash of light she grabbed hold of her Keyblade. Quickly, she slid in front of the other protectively, glaring as she attacked one of the Heartless that was too close for her liking and went onto the next letting them know that unlike Arthal she would give no warnings when it came to protecting someone else. She took a few steps back, scanning to make sure how many enemies she had left but also to do a quick check of the what she believed was a man behind her. Where she came from he was definitely a sight with a monitor for a head but she wasn't one to judge after all she had seen so far or the way people looked at her."Are you alright?, she asked softly, her voice full of concern but not taking her eyes off the enemy since she wanted to leave no room for attacks though it looked like the Heartless were already slinking away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Arty Fox
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Arty Fox

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Mac & Cheese

Mac halted mid swing as the woman came to his rescue. One of the first things he noticed was how easily she had dispatched the Heartless with controlled lethality and the image of which seemed to make the Heartless somewhat hesitant to attack again.

The second thing he noticed was her own ‘Sword’ and how it too seemed to have appeared in a flash of light much like his. However while hers was intricate and beautiful in every detail his was a warped and twisted thing. Seeing the threat begin to diminish Mac lowered his own weapon slightly to a position he presumed would allow him to quickly defend himself from any sudden attacks.

“Yes.” Mac replied somehow. “Thank you. I haven’t really had this…thing for long, and I have no idea how to use it.”

“Mac!” A shout came from behind them and Mac visibly cringed.

Cheese sprinted under the arch and skidded to a halt in front of her friend, right next to the other person, already with her own Keyblade summon and held with confidence.

“I keep telling you to stop wondering off!” Cheese angrily shouted at Mac, but kept her attention fixated on the few remaining heartless dancing about. “We don’t know this place Mac, you could get hurt!”

Cheese then glanced momentarily at the woman beside her, also wielding a Keyblade.

“Hey, thanks for helping him. Really appreciate it.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Azazel nodded to himself as he continued observing the situation. These people were interesting, he was quite surprised by the appearance of the one with the TV head. He was from a strange world indeed. Some people were noticing him so he began walking up the Clock Tower to avoid notice. He reached a nice vantage point and made it so he was standing upright once more. He looked to his left and saw nobody. He looked to his right and saw some dude. Look to his left aga- wait what. Azazel looked back at the guy in surprise but quickly made his face impassive. It made sense that others would also want to observe from afar. He shrugged and began to speak.

"Dont bother me and I won't bother you. Deal?" Azazel considered a handshake but instead settled on looking at the battle that was going on below. They would be fine, they had a Keyblade Master with them. The one with the TV head sucked at fighting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Seth stopped as he noticed the heartless around the town. As more heartless appeared his Keyblade appeared in his hand. Guess this place is plagued by the same battle as the rest of the worlds. Seth thought as the heartless stared at him with their glowing yellow eyes. Their heads twitched before they ran towards him like a wave of darkness.

“Aright, let’s get this over with before the towns people get hurt,” Seth said before he ran at the massive wave of heartless. With each swing of his blade, heartless disappeared, but it seemed when one fell, two more took its place. A small spark of lightning swirled around his Keyblade before he let lose a massive thunder bolt towards the heartless. It took out a majority f the heartless. However, even though the heartless were weak, they had numbers as more seemed to appear around him.

“This is getting me nowhere,” Seth said before he looked down at his Keyblade. He knew he needed to get rid of the heartless before they went after the towns’ people. He held out his Keyblade and said, “Rip Jaw, Give me the strength to protect those around me.” A small grey aura surrounded Seth before he suddenly raced towards the Heartless. Even though their claws slashed at his skin, Seth continued to cut down each one. I have to finish this now. Before I lose my self in my own madness. Seth thought.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Arthal looked at the Heartless around them, more and more began to circle him. Soon a large almost comically large shadowy form appeared before him. This was the leader, the boss of the Heartless without him the others would cower and run from the blades they feared. Jumping up he flew right up to the large creatures head more heartless uselessly jumping up towards him. He disconnected the blades landing on the creatures shoulder he shut his eyes focusing he unleashed attack after attack the beings neck. Soon the Shadow collapsed burning away into nothing their leader gone the Heartless faded away nervously.

Arthal then looked up at the clock tower. "Care to join us? Or should I be shaking in boots in fear of another minion of Darkness." He asked the two who had remained at a distance on the tower. "Let us gather and discuss this war before the Heartless find a new leader." He answered, in truth the Heartless boss here was weak and pitiful compared to most. Living in this world had weakened the Heartless here considerably compared to your average group of the abominations. The master simply waited both blades in hand just standing their. He knew Bellasiel could handle these creatures, though the other two proved to quite bad at fighting.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Akayaofthemoon
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Member Seen 2 days ago

"You are very welcome, I am just glad you are unharmed. I am sure you will learn more about the Keyblade you hold and how to use it as time goes on."Bellasiel replied to the man behind her still keeping her focus forward. She was slightly startled by another voice calling out the name 'Mac' which she could only guess was the person behind her as the woman slid in next to her and a Keyblade already wielded in the others hand to defend. The woman seemed angry at Mac for wondering off but it seemed reasonably valid to be upset since it was probably just their way of showing concern.

She glanced at the other woman, a gentle smile appearing as she spoke,"It was no trouble. I couldn't stand by and watch someone being harmed when I had the power to stop it."

Bellasiel quickly jetted forward, gracefully moving to attack each Heartless one at a time and keeping in mind to attack the ones that got to close to the other two while elegantly flipping to dodge some of the Heartless that thought she was distracted with a different Heartless. She knew that the one named 'Mac' wasn't great with his weapon and the others skills were unknown as of yet so she wasn't going to wait for the Heartless to attack to take that chance that this woman couldn't fight either. It didn't take long before the Heartless were dealt with, finally letting her turn and talk to the man she had help face to umm...screen? "Here, let me help you."she said, holding out her hand for the man to take."It is a pleasure to meet you even given the circumstances of the meeting and it is a pleasure to meet you as well Miss."

Arthal's voice caught her attention, she turned her view up to the clock tower and a frown softly making its way on her features as she just now realized the little audience they had but what made her upset was that they had lifted no finger to help. It made her feel untrustworthy of them even if they had their reasons for not joining in, it didn't seem valid if they let innocents be attacked. It was obvious the man hadn't known how to defend himself and they would have just let something happen? She didn't like it one bit.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Cyrus gave no reply to the stranger's... "greeting", if it could even called that. He was more interested in watching the Keyblade Master fight. No matter what anyone has ever said, a person's true self is revealed only in the heat of battle. As a wise Keyblade Master once said, there are no real winners or losers in combat, only the truth. And from what he saw of this elf-man, Cyrus was beginning to reconsider his decision to come here. The elf was skilled, no doubt, but he was also arrogant. Even as he called up to Cyrus and the other stranger on the roof, asking them to join or wondering if he should quiver in fear.

"Your threats will only frighten the weak. But against the strong, they will do nothing but make you look the fool." he responded in a cold, blunt tone, "I came here because I thought to find one worthy to call my ally. But I see no such man or woman here. All I see are children, led by a an arrogant man who pretends to be a Master." his words were sharp, intended to cut deep into all who heard him. He sounded cruel, but in all honesty, he could easily tell that the majority of Keyblade Wielders present were rookies who likely had no idea what they had gotten themselves into. They would have learned the harsh truths of the war sooner or later, so that time might as well be sooner.

Then, out of the blue, a black scythe-like Keyblade appeared in his right hand, "A wise old Master once said that only through battle is one's true self revealed. So I say to you, Master, show me your true self. Haste!" the last word was a Spell he suddenly cast upon himself before leaping forth with frightening speed. He leaped straight off the tower, coming down on the elf-man in what had to be one of the most epic looking jump slashes ever conceived.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Azazel shrugged and jumped off of the clock tower. He cast some wind magic so he could float down safely instead of plummeting to his death. After landing he smiled and looked at the Keyblade Master. "I care little for this war. I only seek a way to control the Darkness and make sure that no world falls prey to the Heartless. I wish you luck in your journeys though."

Then Cyrus gave a monologue about power or something. What was important was he just attacked a Keyblade Master without any fear. This was someone that Azazel could respect. He jumped away from the Keyblade Master and landed near Bellasiel. He looked towards her and then looked back to Cyrus and Arthal. "You fought the Heartless well. I respect that." He shrugged and looked at Mac and Cheese. "I was going to help if it was needed. You just didn't need it." Azazel cast some more wind magic as a shield just in case the battle got too close.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rex
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Some of the heartless ran around a corner while a few were struck down by a thunder bolt. The heartless stopped when they saw the other Keyblade warriors and their master standing in front of them. They then turned to watch Seth stumble around the corner. His body movements made it seem like his body was being controlled by string like a marionette puppet. He picked up his head and it twitched as it cocked to the side and stared at the heartless. His eyes then moved to the other Keyblade warriors before setting on the long black robed figure. His eyes showed no emotion, as though they belonged to a lifeless puppet.

A Chester cat grin formed on his face before he turned his attention on the Heartless that were running from his earlier. The heartless seemed to shiver at his stare before they suddenly ran towards the robed figure. Seth suddenly shot towards the heartless and in one motion spun around and sliced the heartless into nothing but black mist. His body hit the ground and rolled like the strings had been cut. His body started to slither back up, his Keyblade scraping along the ground. As he stood up his head looked up at the robed figure and his Chester cat grin once again formed on his face. The silver aura that was once around him now seemed a sickly green.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Arthal looked at the figure. "A battle you want, a battle you shall have!" He raised his Redemption pointing at the young man falling towards the earth. "Stop!" He commanded and the young man seemed to slow, with that he spun both his blades throwing them into the air he jumped up and catching them in the opposite hands his aura glowed around him red and white as he landed back on the ground. He moved out of the way of the slash and then quickly prepared to counter what ever strike came next.

In truth what he had done was activate a Master's technique, he needed this finished quickly. He called upon the power of his old master, their hearts were one now and their skills as one. Of course this came at great strain should he fail to defeat him before his body was drained he would fall. He would end this quickly so they could get to more important matters, such as travel and fighting the Darkness. "I should warn you, I have had a century of training with this blade, and two if you count my master's skills that I gained." He knew humans didn't live as long as elves, he hoped experience and training along with his past combat would see him through this fight.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

That Stop spell would have taken anyone else by surprise. Unfortunately for the elven master, the Grimm Reaper was far from just anyone. As soon as he heard the command for the spell, a new Keyblade materialized in Cyrus' left hand. This one was more golden, and possessed a brighter appearance than that of his main Keyblade. He thrust it out mid-dive, the Stop spell catching him for only a millisecond before the energy of the spell just flat out vanished, specifically into Cyrus's second Keyblade. With the Stop spell almost completely canceled out, there didn't appear to be anything more stopping Cyrus's attack from connecting. Perhaps he could avoid taking the full brunt, but there was no escaping being grazed at the very least thanks to Cyrus's counter measure.

"Sorry, Keyblade Master, but your magic is all but useless against the Reaper." Cyrus made to attack again, still using the leftover speed from his earlier Haste spell to move with near instantaneous speed around the elf's position so that he could strike at his flank. Even if his movements could be anticipated, without Haste magic of his own, the elf was likely to find it difficult to properly react to Cyrus's attack. But as he made his move, Cyrus spoke one more word at the last possible moment before his attack came, "Reflect!" this was a cautionary measure, as this time Cyrus fully expected the elf to try slowing him down with Stop, but if he dared cast the spell this time it would be sent right back at him, leaving him completely helpless against the Reaper's strike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Apollosarcher
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Apollosarcher Knight with the Rowan Shield

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

The Elf smiled, his enhanced skills gave him the ability to see it coming even before he cast reflect he tossed one Keyblade in the air and jumped on it then propelled himself off of it smiling. "The name is Arthal, remember it." He whispered his next spell. "Gravity." Suddenly with sudden force and speed the Elf came crashing to back down to the ground, both blades aimed in a downward swipe to hit Cyrus.

"Faith!" He yelled after he landed beams of light coming down around Cyrus, not hitting but rather blinding him. "You call yourself the Reaper? Must be some kind of big shot huh?" The Elf wasn't even taking this seriously, he laughed at the name. "So Reaper, you think I am not a Master? The second Keyblade is a surprise as well as your power. However magic is useful for other things." Gravity ended and suddenly he burst through the light from the opposite direction
his voice had been heard. Rapid attacks coming in. "Impress me."
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