Several hundred years ago, humans were nearly exterminated by Titans.
Titans are typically several stories tall,
seem to have no intelligence,
devour human beings and,
worst of all,
seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source.
A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls,
even taller than the biggest Titans.
Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a Titan in over 100 years.
The people witness something horrific as the city walls are destroyed by a Colossal Titan that appears out of thin air.
As the smaller Titans flood the city,
the people watch in horror as their family and friends are murdered and eaten.
”Dear newcomers of the one hundred fourth Trainees Squad.
You have come here in order to train to protect the kingdom for the Titans and the criminality.
As you know the top ten of the squad will be given the choice to join the Military Police to protect the King.
However, do not think this is going to be easy.
It’s not unusual for students to drop out because they’re not able to handle the training.
Only one hundred of the four hundred trainees succeeded.
Give it your all and I wish you the best of luck.”


Every new role-player starts in the 104th Trainees Squad. But don’t worry as long as you do your best (and survive) you will just be fine. Be careful of the harsh teachers as they don’t tolerate any repeated mistakes though they do this for your own good. To prepare you as much as possible if you were to decide to join the Survey Corps.
- Mia Köstner ~ @Nightmare Bites
- ...
- Jacob Rommel ~ @vancexentan
- Dianna Falkner ~ @dndragons
- Ryuu Yuuki ~ @Jasonhero
- ...

The Survey Corps, also known as the Scouting Legion, Scout Regiment, or Recon Corps, is the branch of the Military most actively involved in direct Titan combat, Titan study, human expansion, and outside exploration. They have the best soldiers (not to be compared with the Top 10 who joins the Military Police), and are the most skilled in using the 3DMG. But despite having little success, they still symbolize ‘the hope of mankind’, their insignia being known as ‘the Wings of Freedom’. They hope that someday, their efforts will change the world, and they’ll be able to recover what has been taken away from humanity.
Commander: …
- Mia Köstner (Captain) ~ @Nightmare Bites
- ...
Occupation: Human Expansion, Titan Research.

The Garrison, also known as the Stationary Guard, is the largest of the Military divisions which protects and maintains order within the Walls. Given the fatality rate of the Survey Corps and the limited entry of the Military Police Brigade, most soldiers join the Garrison. As they often have close contact with both Titans and human civilians, they are proficient over a wide variety of tasks such as Titan combat (defensive battles), cannonading, security detail, crowd control, and rifle usage.
Commander: …
Members: …
Occupation: Guarding and Maintaining the Wall.

The Military Police Brigade is the most prestigious due to their work allowing them to live safely within the Inner Wall, abundant resources, and higher authority over other military sectors. However, in reality it is the most corrupted military sector due to a lack of oversight compared to the other sectors of the military. Due to their misuse and abuse of authority, the Military Police Brigade is also at odds with the Garrison and especially with the Survey Corps. Only the top ten alumni from trainee squads can apply for the Military Police Brigade.
Commander: …
Members: …
Occupation: Personal Guard of the King, Police within Wall Territoy.


The Three Dimensional Manoeuvre Gear, also called Vertical Manoeuvring Equipment or Omni-directional Mobility Gear, is a set of gear developed by humans that allows great mobility when facing the Titans in combat. The gear allows the user to fight in a 3D space as opposed to a 2D one. The gear itself takes the form of a body harness that encompasses much of the body below the neck.
Although the Gear can grant a skilled user tremendous mobility, it is a demanding art that requires strength, and skill, both of which must be honed through constant practice. Some tools involved in the apparatus include:
- Hand Grips
- Piston-shot Grapple-hooks
- Gas Powered Mechanism
- Iron Wire Propeller with Plug in Blades
The simplest move possible with the 3DMG is simply aiming and firing the grapple hooks at an object and then activating the gas mechanism to reel oneself toward said object. They can then disconnect the hook and continue moving forward.
Usually however, soldiers must be able to move around in order to navigate in general. Therefore, they tend to use their momentum in order to swing around targets, not only in rectilinear patterns, but also slaloming between objects and Titans. The gas mechanism is so powerful that it can stop a person from falling without using the hooks.
The 3DMG tends to be less efficient in open spaces because the user does not have too many spots where the hooks can be reeled. However the hooks are able to pierce Titan flesh and 3DMG can be as fast or even faster than a Titan.
Usually however, soldiers must be able to move around in order to navigate in general. Therefore, they tend to use their momentum in order to swing around targets, not only in rectilinear patterns, but also slaloming between objects and Titans. The gas mechanism is so powerful that it can stop a person from falling without using the hooks.
The 3DMG tends to be less efficient in open spaces because the user does not have too many spots where the hooks can be reeled. However the hooks are able to pierce Titan flesh and 3DMG can be as fast or even faster than a Titan.
The Body of the Device – Steel wire is stored inside the body. There are two axles, which revolve independently.
Operating Device – The functioning part of the operating device is a black box, which the technical department manages and improves in secrecy. The operating device has two triggers that launch the hooks, a lateral switch that aims the hooks and a brake.
Body of the Compressed Gas Cylinder – Gas is compressed into the cylinder and injected.
Blades – The blades are made from a Super Hardened Steel, which is both supple and strong, capable of rending Titan flesh. It can only be manufactured in the blast furnaces of factory cities.
Fan Section – Gas is blown directly into the fan to make it rotate. The pressure of the gas is regulated to manipulate the output.
Operating Device – The functioning part of the operating device is a black box, which the technical department manages and improves in secrecy. The operating device has two triggers that launch the hooks, a lateral switch that aims the hooks and a brake.
Body of the Compressed Gas Cylinder – Gas is compressed into the cylinder and injected.
Blades – The blades are made from a Super Hardened Steel, which is both supple and strong, capable of rending Titan flesh. It can only be manufactured in the blast furnaces of factory cities.
Fan Section – Gas is blown directly into the fan to make it rotate. The pressure of the gas is regulated to manipulate the output.
Three-dimensional manoeuvre device training is a rigorous process that allows humans, which are limited to two-dimensional movements, to adapt to movement in the third dimension.
Great physical strength, particularly in the legs, coupled with spatial recognition abilities, as well as the mental strength to not waver in the midst of a panic, are crucial qualities.
One of the first things done after enlisting in training is the 3DMG aptitude evaluation. Those unable to remain upright are dismissed.
Three years of training is needed before officially becoming a soldier. Many run away or are driven out before graduating. The training is so intense that some people actually die during the process.
Great physical strength, particularly in the legs, coupled with spatial recognition abilities, as well as the mental strength to not waver in the midst of a panic, are crucial qualities.
One of the first things done after enlisting in training is the 3DMG aptitude evaluation. Those unable to remain upright are dismissed.
Three years of training is needed before officially becoming a soldier. Many run away or are driven out before graduating. The training is so intense that some people actually die during the process.

The Signal Flare is a common tool used in the Military by the Garrison and the Survey Corps. The signal flare has a variety of uses, depending on the mission and brigade using them.
While the Signal Flare has many uses, its main purpose is long distance communication. The Garrison uses it as a way to inform the higher-ranking officers how their mission is going, while the Survey Corps uses it as a way to communicate (often in the presence of Titans) to the rest of the legion. One improvisational use is to use them to conceal allies from enemy sight or to stop fast moving Titans.
The ammo comes in pre-loaded barrels that are locked into place on the pistol. After being fired, the barrels are discarded and replaced before being capable of use again. There are various types of ammo and usage depending on the mission and message at hand.
The ammo the Garrison uses is the following:
* Green – Mission started.
* Red – Mission failed. (Unless Yellow Flare is spotted sometime after Red.)
* Yellow – Mission Successful.
The ammo the Survey Corps uses is the following:
* Red – Titan spotted. (Used in order for the squad to avoid the Titans.)
* Black – Abnormal Type Titan spotted.
* Purple – An emergency of some kind (someone is grabbed, etc.).
* Blue – An order to retreat.
* Green – Change direction of the formation: Fired by the commander in one direction to indicate a change in the direction, and then repeated by the relay soldiers.
* Yellow – This lets everyone know that the mission has been terminated, be it successfully or failed.
The ammo the Garrison uses is the following:
* Green – Mission started.
* Red – Mission failed. (Unless Yellow Flare is spotted sometime after Red.)
* Yellow – Mission Successful.
The ammo the Survey Corps uses is the following:
* Red – Titan spotted. (Used in order for the squad to avoid the Titans.)
* Black – Abnormal Type Titan spotted.
* Purple – An emergency of some kind (someone is grabbed, etc.).
* Blue – An order to retreat.
* Green – Change direction of the formation: Fired by the commander in one direction to indicate a change in the direction, and then repeated by the relay soldiers.
* Yellow – This lets everyone know that the mission has been terminated, be it successfully or failed.

Firearms are weapons that use the combustion of gunpowder to launch projectiles a enemies at high speeds. However, they are unsuitable for dispatching Titans and have not progressed very far technologically. Consequentially, they are almost always overshadowed by the Three Dimensional Manoeuvre Gear. However, they are still regularly used by the Military Police and other human-to-human security relations. In addition, their larger cousins, cannons are used as the main line of defence against Titans by the Garrison. The Survey Corps and the Garrison also use flare-guns to communicate over long distances.

Despite the ability to blow a Titan’s head off in one shot, half of all Titans will merely regenerate their heads; the only certain way to kill a Titan is to destroy the nape of its neck. In addition, the time it takes to reload and aim a cannon makes it inapplicable for offensive strategies against Titans. However, cannons are still used in static defence positions, most notably on top the Walls and near gates in the event of a breach. As such, they are used most often by the Garrison, who patrol such areas.

3-6 Meter Class: Roughly three meters to six meters in height, these Titans tend to be more human-looking, possessing large heads in proportion to their bodies. So far, none of this type have displayed any intelligence or unusual abilities.
7 Meter Class: These types of Titans have very large heads with a semi-quadrupedal, ape-like stance. Arguably the most common Titan class.
8-14 Meter Class: These Titans resemble humans the most. They seem to be more energetic and physically fit than other Titans.
15 Meter Class: Among the largest of the Titans, these Titans have more proportional bodies but with also grossly enlarged mouths.
7 Meter Class: These types of Titans have very large heads with a semi-quadrupedal, ape-like stance. Arguably the most common Titan class.
8-14 Meter Class: These Titans resemble humans the most. They seem to be more energetic and physically fit than other Titans.
15 Meter Class: Among the largest of the Titans, these Titans have more proportional bodies but with also grossly enlarged mouths.
Deviant (Abnormal or Aberrant) Type: Any Titan that displays abnormal behaviour or intelligence is classed as Deviant type. Unlike most Titans which mindlessly attack and devour humans on sight, Deviant types often ignore nearby humans and charge to more important locations where they can do more damage. Some Deviant types possess noticeable physical deformations, such as lacking skin in certain areas or carrying less weight than others.
Titan Shifters: Titan Shifters are humans capable of transforming into Titans who have various unusual traits and skills that can be honed and directed with purpose. These Titans are usually stronger and/or faster than typical ones and retain their intelligence during a controlled transformation. They generally don’t have any deformations that hinder their skills, and often resemble their human “pilot”. A skilled Titan Shifter can move more quickly and regenerate parts of their body just by focusing, and even discard their body entirely and regain a new Titan form within minutes.
Titan Shifters: Titan Shifters are humans capable of transforming into Titans who have various unusual traits and skills that can be honed and directed with purpose. These Titans are usually stronger and/or faster than typical ones and retain their intelligence during a controlled transformation. They generally don’t have any deformations that hinder their skills, and often resemble their human “pilot”. A skilled Titan Shifter can move more quickly and regenerate parts of their body just by focusing, and even discard their body entirely and regain a new Titan form within minutes.