Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Etain
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Etain A Bagle Bite

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Emma walked down south street it surprisingly had no undead rather as of now it didn't. Everything was dead though shops had been trashed for supplies and anything anyone could use and or need. It was nothing like it used to be there was no joy or entertainment to be brought anymore.
It was actually rather dead and boring.

Swallowing she would check every now and then behind her to make sure nothing would pop out and feed on her. Pulling her mask up a little bit to cover her nose and mouth to make sure the Smell didn't lingerie into her system not only that she wanted to prevent anything that could cause the disease to speed it's pace up in her system.

Deciding that she needed some more supplies she was going to look for the nearest Walmart and or large grocery store to get everything she needed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kousei sat in the middle of one of the many aisles that were in walmart, seeing as the walmart itself was clear, to his knowledge, he took his time in searching for any supplies within each aisle. Every now and again he got lucky and found something small that would help him but so far his search hadn't yielded anything worth the time he spent inside. He adjusted the bow on his shoulder and shifted the quiver of arrows around his waist up. Once he was clear of the aisle he was in, he moved onto the next one over which was the outdoor equipment aisle. He had high hopes for this aisle since there was a high chance he could find something that could later help him. Raising his right arm to his forehead, he wiped the sweat away and continued on his way.

Arriving to the aisle he immediately began searching past all the useless junk, before long he found some basic camping gear, which included a fire starter. He shot up to a standing position and with his hands motioned as if saying yay out loud, obviously without the actual yay part. Right away he knelt down on the ground and opened up his mid sized messenger bag and put in the stuff he thought was the most useful. Once he was all set he got back up to his feet and continued to move down the aisle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Elsewhere, a girl climbed through a window she had recently broken, helping herself inside before those things came running. She unwrapped her spare shirt from her hand, worn to prevent any bleeding and risk a whole group from lining up for her blood. Inside, she ransacked all the cupboards in the kitchen, unsurprised to find majority of the food either gone or past its expired date. She luckily found a couple of canned tomatoes and beans, which she eagerly stuffed into her bag before moving onto finding any other supplies.

Lydia held her battered rucksack close to herself, as if it were a shield that could protect her from oncoming dangers. The girl snuck throughout the house quietly, hoping to find any weapons or medicine she could use before escaping. She could hear the dead groans from outside and each time she would stiffen, terror overcoming her shaky body.

Finding nothing, the girl finally gave up searching the house, deciding to look elsewhere instead for her supplies. At this point, her days were all the same: eat, drink, run, and scavenge. Lydia wondered whether there were any survivors, whether her brother was one of them. She longed for some contact, anything with another human being which she didn’t need to kill for once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

The Walmarts front entrance was like a shrine of death, thought Mies looking through the binoculars. Like moths to a flame people would come seeking fortune and oh so few would come out again. Why the dead would not disperse out of the temple of consumerism Mies pondered. The aisle must get them turning around and around. "How fitting" said Mies putting down his binoculars and opening his bag to take stock, a now daily ritual. 1 binocular, 1 mp3 player (full battery, but fill of trashy boy band music), 1 harmonica, a small bag of condiment packs, 1 magnet, a Pencil and Pen, a knife sharpener, multi-tool (leatherman), 1 Long handled Machete, 1 pump action shotgun (8 buckshot shells), a police standard pistol (1 clip with 15 rounds).

Putting every thing in its place Mies stood up, pistol at his side, and claimed down the side of the green trimmed house he had sat upon and walked slowly towards the Walmart thinking: 'Death, fortune, or food. How fitting of me now.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thesagaofluke

thesagaofluke The Last Fanboy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finn opened another can of beans. His last can... He'd have to make another soon. He stuck the can in the microwave, using the the energy he had saved.

As the beans slowly rotated, Finn turned back to his work. He had two test tubes set up. One with a sample of his blood in, the other with some rather old blood from his father. He looked back down his microscope again. Both him and his father had strange bacteria like organisms swimming around in them.

The microwave dinged as it finished. Finn shook his head as he stood up from the table. He was no scientist, and had no idea what he was looking at. He ate his beans quickly, thinking about what he would pick up on his next trip. Once he finished, he grab his rucksack, a kitchen knife, and his filled water bottle, and quietly slipped out of the house.

The journey was a simple one. He only ran into two zombies, who he easily snuck past. He breathed in deeply before stepping inside Wal-Mart. This is my last trip, my last trip...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Kousei quietly went from aisle to aisle ins earch for supplies he began hearing some rustling noises near his area, he hoped on everyhting that it was only a rodent scurrying around in fear, but he did not want to take any chances so he slid his bow off of his shoulder and then reached around to the back of his waist, before grabbing an arrow he knocked the quiver with his hand and took a count of the amount of arrows he had through the noise that was made by the all the arrows being knocked against the quiver.「Ok I only have fifteen arrows...as long as they don't break though I can continue to use them...」He quietly said to himself as he drew one of the arrows from his quiver and placed it on the arrow guide. He half drew the bow back and slowly creeped his way around the area, getting closer and closer to the source of the noise.

As he got closer and closer he drew the arrow back even farther and as soon as he was practically in front of the source of the noise he released the arrow from the bow sending it shooting at the source of the noise. Right away the noise of flesh being pierced by force, was heard by Kousei. Once he confirmed the surrounding area was clear he sneaked his way to where his arrow was to inspect what he had hit. He was not surprised at what he hit, it was an infected human. He closed his eyes for a brief second before removing the arrow from its head and cleaning it of any residue left by the infected human.「I am sorry you didn't get to die as yourself my fellow human...」

Once his arrow was clean he placed it back on the arrow guide and went back to his searching.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Lydia reached into her bag, stomach aching from hunger but not letting herself eat the two cans of food she had found in the previous house. She wandered the street, keeping close to the shadows and alleys to avoid detection and crept along the street till she found something, anything, that could help her alleviate her hunger.

Finding a Walmart, the girl tugged on her bow that was hanging from her body and equipped it with one arrow, the rest hanging from her backpack as she drew closer to the once popular store. God I hope I find something, she couldn't help but pray.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thesagaofluke

thesagaofluke The Last Fanboy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finn opened the main door to the Walmart, and it slammed behind him. He grimaced, in almost physical pain. He slowly looked up to find at least 20 undead staring at him.

"Oh crap..." Finn said under his breathe. The first of the undead ran towards him and lunged. Finn managed to duck, but the second zombie grabbed him around the neck. The rotting human tried to embed it's teeth into his right side of his neck, but he was able to shove his knife into it's face before it could make a move.

The zombie fell off of him, and temporarily to the floor, but Finn had no time to celebrate, as the other undead started to close in on him. The only reason they hadn't already, is they were stuffed into the isles, and tripping over each other as they savagely tried to charge at him, like wild animals. Slowly though, they were getting closer. Finn turned back towards the door, but the two undead he'd just faced were in his path.

"If there's any kinda guardian angel looking out for me," Finn shouted to no one, "Now would be a good time to do some guarding!" Finn raised his knife, preparing for the end.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

His heavy boots smashed through the Glass doors of The Walmart, landing in a roll he leaped up and threw his fist like a bullet into the skull of the nearest infected, chuncks of blood and brains splattering, but none entering his mouth as it was covered by a bandana.

He kicked hard, sending an infected into a small group of others, then turned on the balls of his feet to send another fist into the skull of an infected.
"Two down, a dozen and a half to go."
He growled lowly to himself, slipping a specialized fist blade under his brass knucles, swinging his hands as quickly as he could, tearing through the tripping crowd of the undead.

Finaly only one remained, and he smiled widely as he grabbed it by the neck, throwing him down onto the floor and bringing the heel of his boot down with a loud smash, like the sound of a pumpkin being stomped on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by thesagaofluke

thesagaofluke The Last Fanboy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finn, stood with his mouth open, staring at the one many army standing in front of him, as he snapped the neck of the final zombie. The man then turned to look at Finn. He instantly put his hands up. After a second, Finn glanced at his knife, and then dropped it, keeping his hands up.

"When I asked for guardian angel, I was not expecting you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"Fuck are you on about?"
He asked, looking at him oddly and shaking his head, then placing the two hand knives into their pouches on his belt. He slipped his hands into his flight jacket pockets, then pulled them out, this time sans the brass knuckles. He stomped his boot on the floor a bit, knocking the gore off of his boots.
"Names Ved."
He stated simply as he knelt down and tightened his 12 eye pair of ox blood doc martens. They were thick leather with steel roes, and he took better care of them then himself. Boot polish was easy to come by, as not many considered it an essential, and most had been left untouched by scavengers.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Lydia jumped out of her skin when she heard glass shattering. She peeked from the corner to see that the Walmart doors had been broken in and she could hear grunts of about two men fighting inside alongside the groans of the undead chattering to kill the two.

She knew that with the glass shattering, it was only a matter of time before the others came to join their undead buddies by the store, so whatever Lydia needed to do, had to be done quickly. She tightened her grip on the bow, adjusting her bag before slowly approaching the door to help the two inside.

It could have been a stupid mistake, but Lydia needed to make sure that those inside had some sort of help. Plus, this might be her chance to find or form a group. She aimed her bow as she appeared at the doorway, finding herself late but she still kept her aim up, in case the two living decided to try anything funny. “Everyone okay here?” She asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thesagaofluke

thesagaofluke The Last Fanboy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Finn watched Ved tie his shoelaces, "You were pretty badass out there." Ved just grunted. Finn shook his head, amazed at his 'guardian angel.' "Where'd you learn that stuff?" He also knelt down and picked up his knife.

"Everything okay here?" Finn swivelled round to find a girl pointing a bow right at his face. He instantly dropped his knife again.

"Woah. Ok..." Finn examined the girl more, "Now you, you look like a guardian angel."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Lydia took one step closer, her grip not faltering as she tried to assess the situation. She didn’t know whether it was worth it to try and scavenge for more food inside Walmart, seeing as the two guys were already here. Plus, she didn’t want to run into any more of the walkers. “How many of you are there?” She asked, unsure if there were survivors hidden within the store.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Noise, the bane of any survivor. If there is one thing Mies knew would attract the undead was un-patterned and loud noises. They drew to it like moths to a flame. The time for a leisurely stroll through the Wallmart had now past.
But not all things where misfortune though. Sound means people and people means more hands to gather resources, if there was time and will.

Stepping though the broken door Mies saw two men and one woman standing. He looked at them for just a moment and then spoke (in an irritated tone): "Though I am pleased to meet three of the living (and probably a few more here and there), we are low on time. Unliving company is now on the way and we need things so we can not join them."

Mies closed his eyes for just one second. Though he had never stepped into this Wallmart, he had stepped into Four others. In his mind the combined the layouts, averaged the positions of various departments and finalised it. He opened his eye and said: "I estimate that Food-stuffs is 15 aisles that way, Camping equipment 5 aisles that way, and 9 aisles that way to the gun section. I am heading for the food. Care to join me? I know a way out not crowed by our unfriends."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Lydia looked at the newcomer, instinct screaming for her to run away and hide under some rock till she either died or somehow the whole apocalypse was over and done with. Instead, she lowered her bow ever so slightly as she entered the building, careful not to step on the broken glass as she walked past the first two men. "I just need some food before I can be on my way." She said, "but try anything and my arrow will be in your eye." She frowned. She had never threatened someone before, and she was sure that her voice made it obvious so, but she kept hold of her weapon, ready to fire if necessary. She may have been one to protect others, but her main objective was to save herself long enough to find her brother.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He had stood silently throught the entire encounter, keeping an eye on the woman with the bow. As the second newcomer came and began barking suggestions, he growled silently to himself. He was an Anarchist and a Socialist, meaning that authority did not exsist, nor did seperation. Everything was done by the people
as a whole, or it didn't happen at all.

Walking near Lydia, he turned to her, grabbing her bow and chucked it in a solid motion, then as if nothing happened and continued walking. He through it far enough that if she drew it on him, he would have enough time to round a corner into an aisle before the arrow was even fired.
"Threaten me again, and you'll find yourself looking like one of the Infected back there."
He said with a chuckle, knowing that he would likely be capable of it. He knew the others were intimidated, not many people can survive that number of infected with an automatic rifle, let alone with a pair of brass knuckles and fist knives.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Lydia, first startled blinked as her weapon clattered to the ground. Next, she found herself getting angry, "what the hell, you ass!" She hissed, "I wasn't even talking to you, so that was uncalled for." She went over to pick up her weapon, but rather than shooting him with the arrow like she wanted to, she walked in the direction of the newcomer, passing him without another words as she walked towards the food aisle.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Mies Thought: 'Aggressive, violent, self sufficient. He will do well in this world. The girl though, She is missing something, seeking...'

"Wait for me young lady, four hands are better than two." Mies said beginning to follow the woman. He looked back to the young man now standing alone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Lydia chose to slow down, however she didn't bother looking back as she took her time observing the aisles around her. She kept her attention on her surroundings instead. If there were about two dozen undead - now dead - just sitting by the entrance, Lydia was sure that there would be a couple of stragglers around somewhere.
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