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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Etain
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Etain A Bagle Bite

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Emma DelFare
Age: 18
Personality:Her personality is a bit different I suppose you could say she is a smart ass? Her personality is just different everyone..it all depends on how she thinks of you and or see's you as. But when it comes down to it she is usually nice. She likes to hide whatever she is feeling which she has found out is a problem but she just can't help but do it. She has her mind set she needs to survive and nothing is going to get in the way

Skills:Crafty, Leader, Archery, A little bit of knowledge on fighting. Mind you she need's some more knowledge on it. Smartassery.
Biography: Emma was born into a middle class family in Philadelphia. She had lived an okay life up until she was about 10 when her parent's got a divorce. Thus her family splitting which wasn't an entirely bad thing but wasn't a good thing. After that it was hazy. At the age of 18 she was sitting in her room at her fathers house when she was quickly told to get in the car with her brothers doing as she was told. She can remember driving off all of the family in the car and seeing death every where people eating each other and screams every where after a week of surviving together her parent's and step-brother were killed and she and her brother went to find her mother and step-father. After searching for weeks she found them dead but walking around as if they were alive. Trying to get her brother away from the dangers she fled with him to another state. While scavenging for food she could hear her brothers screams of pain echo and as she quickly ran to him she could see him there in pain a bite to the arm. She tried to keep him alive and human like for as long as she could but she couldn't very long..and she realized she had to kill him..it took her forever but when she did it she finally broke down it hit her she was alone everyone she loved was possibly dead. This included her friends and even her boyfriend all possibly dead. She was completely alone it was just her. Now it's a month after the outbreak and she has found herself still in Philadelphia.Still alone and still trying to get survive.
Motive:To find some way to stay alive as long as she can.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Robo27
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Robo27 Long Live the King!

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Name- Arima Kousei

Age- 19

Gender- Male

Sexuality- Straight

Kousei's personality is that of a very low level introvert, while he does get lost in his thoughts every now and again he does like to interact with others on a day to day basis. He is kind to pretty much everyone unless he has a reason not to be. While he does like to seem very pessimistic about things he is indeed an optimistic person. Kousei does not like to appear weak to others but when he does it's because he is stuck in a very bad predicament and as such will ask for the help of others in situations like that. Once someone gets to know him he is easy to talk with and a great friend to have as he cares for anyone that forms a bond with him. Whether it is for better or for worse.

Proficient with a bow, knows various martial arts but is not a master of any, handy with bladed weaponry, can shoot a gun decently but will always prefer a bow, decent cook, basic medicine.
Kousei was only just finishing up his classes for the day and as he was pulling into the garage, he heard the news over the radio seeing as it came on over the station he was listening to. It came to him as a surprise but he listened to it very closely to see what it was about. What he heard came to him as a shock and as such he immediately began to run around his house grabbing what he figured he would need. Obviously those supplies included his compound bow and tanto knife, he would've liked a gun but at the same time he knew the bow was probably the better idea. Once he gathered all the supplies he could he locked up his home and jumped into his car and began driving to wherever he thought would be the safest.

It has now been a month since that day, Kousei was making ends meet and had picked up a ton of survival skills along the way, but at the same time he had a lot to learn and not only that he still had to get used to killing the zombies that roamed the streets of Philadelphia one thing he figured would be the best would be to get out of Philadelphia as soon as possible and hope that there is another city that he can go to that is safe from this virus. He can only hope that there is somewhere safe, as he was not ready to live the rest of his life wondering whether or not he would survive for the next day.

His sole motive is to survive through this virus and live on.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Aewin
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Aewin Fangirl Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Name: Lydia Turner

Age: 19 years old

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Lydia was a sickly child, having difficulties with making friends who were willing to stick around long enough to deal with her constant trips to the doctors. She is also very overprotective over her brother and those she cares about dearly. She cannot see people get hurt, even if they're her enemy. If you're someone to be trusted, Lydia will be very loyal to you.


Skills: Lydia, being a medical student, cannot hurt anyone even if they're in their zombied state. This is why she chooses long-ranged weapons (bow and arrows or guns), so she can keep a distance between them as she kills them. She also has been studying medicine long enough to be able to deal with minor injuries and illnessess.

Biography: Lydia was always a sick child when she was younger, having to go to hospital and visit doctors was part of her daily life. It was because of this that she was motivated to become a doctor, to help others the way she was helped. Her little brother came when Lydia was in fourth grade, and she became overprotective of the younger child. Lydia was in her first year studying medicine when the virus breakout was announced. Many of the students around her fled while she grabbed as much medicine as she could from the hospital she was studying at before escaping to look for her younger brother, who was long gone from his middle school by the time she arrived. Now, with her brother missing, parents killed and zombies walking around, Lydia's main objective is to look for her brother and to protect him - since he's the only family she has left.

Motive: To look for her brother and to protect him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by thesagaofluke

thesagaofluke The Last Fanboy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sorry posted this in the wrong place...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
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RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name:Elisha Normit

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Hetro

Personality: He's never been one for starting conflict but is willing to do what it takes to survive. Tends to speak softly. Loves to listen in on people's conversations. Somewhat of a wallflower. Preferring anonymity over being known. He has never been known for turning people away when they need help


take off the satchel and shotgun

Skills: Marksmanship, guns, lockpick, melee weapons, stealth, athletic. leadership (small groups)

Biography: Out of highschool Elisha enlisted in the Marine Corps hoping that once he was out he'd be able to go to college and have a better life. He wanted to run a bar one day. That was his goal in life. A few years in being in the Marine Corps he was given the opportunity to go to scout sniper school. He barely passed but nonetheless passed. During the start of the outbreak his team and several others were told to provide support while several VIP's were being extracted. This mission was a success but his team suffered heavy casualties and were left behind. Elisha was one of the few survivors of his squad. It is unknown what happened to his team members and he wishes to try and find them.

Motive: to find his brothers in arms if possible after that survive.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thesagaofluke

thesagaofluke The Last Fanboy

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Finn Carter
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Personality: Finn is a very odd sort of person. When people first meet him, he appears to be a rather funny, down to earth kind of guy, but as they get to know him some of his darker traits come to light. He is very easily annoyed, and can lash out at people if provoked. Because of this, he's lost many friends over the years, and so he's started to build a barrier up around himself, making it hard for anyone to really get to him. Now a loner, he's a man of few words, thoughtful (although, because of his ADHD, his thought jump all over the place, making him very hard to keep up with mentally), and committed to his studies. Even though he is a bit of a book worm, he's kept his body in just above average shape. (Edit: Because of his ADHD, he's had to a hard time applying himself to his study, but because of this, he's just come out of it stronger.)
Skills: Finn has been swimming 6 years now, and was the fastest in his college. He speaks English, Japanese, French, and Russian. He has taken casual kick boxing classes, so in the situation of a fight, can defend him self to a point. Knows some simple wiring and computer coding. Can perform a crude form of blood transfusion (Long story...).
Biography: Finn had been in his local library the day of the apocalypse, revising for a test he had the next day. Two weeks before that, his Mom had walked out on his Dad, and it was still eating away at him that he chose his father. The receptionist was playing the radio very quietly over by her desk. When the government report of the infection interrupted the scheduled show, Finn put down his books and came over to listen. He smirked when he heard about "The walking dead" and rolled his eyes as he sat back down at his table. Every couple of minutes he would hear a police car drive by, but he shook his head at the idea of the apocalypse. He had made a deal with the librarian three years ago, that he could stay after closing time, if he locked up after he left. This was one of those times. As he sat there alone, in the dead of night, the power suddenly blacked out. Finn stood up, in pitch blackness, as he heard a raspy breathe coming from the other side of a bookshelf. Finn light his phone's torch, and then slowly walked up to it, and pulled a book off the shelf to look through. He stifled a scream at what he saw on the other side. The librarian was stooped over, her skin grey and wrinkled. The light from Finn's phone caught her attention. She/It stared at the light through the book sized hole in the shelf, and then screamed and threw itself against the shelf. The shelf fell over onto Finn, as the zombies tired to grasp at him through it. Finn struggled, but managed to pry himself from under the shelf and ran out. The librarian tried to follow, but Finn was able to slip out the door, and hold his weight against it. She bashed against the doors a few times, before Finn was able to lock it. (I realise how long this is getting so I'm gonna speed up a little). After his encounter in the hospital, Finn rushed home, joined by many other worried civilians. What he found was the in a state with the headless, now zombie body of his father. He decided to stay in his house for now, and burnt what remained of his fathers body. He kept living in his old home, scavenging food from his local store. He's gather some rather crude weapons, like a garden hoe, and some kitchen knives as well. Also, he has been able to create a crude solar powered generator, which allows him limited electricity. When he is fully prepared, he plans to head out to find the whereabouts of his mother.
Motive: To find his mother, and once that's completed, the cause for the virus.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by tatszico
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tatszico The Unseen

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Name: Zico Sinnet

Age: 21

Gender: M

Sexuality: Hetero

Personality: Zico is an individual with a cool-headed personality, often showing a strong sense of willpower and optimism. In his mind and heart, he had already came to terms with the worst-case scenario regarding every possible situation he may encounter, and therefore, proceeds with a sense of confidence so that he may not be broken and hindered mentally. Zico's moral senses has not been shaken yet but he does understand that in some cases, one must pick the lesser of two evils when it comes to a difficult decision. He can be stubborn and hardheaded.

Skills: Proficient in using firearms, adept in outdoor survival which includes hunting, tracking, providing shelter, and supplying the bare basics of first aid and cooking. Tools - Travelling rucksack with necessities (dry foods, water, camping gear), combat knife, silenced M1911 handgun, FN SCAR-L Close-Quarter-Combat Variant (last-resort weapon).

Biography: Zico was a Dental Hygienist student at a local university when the virus broke out and shattered humanity. Even then he was nothing too special - just a guy who was in his junior year of college like the rest of the young adults his age. He came from an upper-middle class family, with a father who owned a small-time machine shop, and his mother who was a secretary for a big hospital. Through them, he was able to become a well-rounded individual with a bright mindset that would set him off to a (hopefully) successful career after he graduated. But just as the world sunk into an apocalypse, so did his future. When the undead first appeared, there were many causalities during the evacuation procedure, and his campus was left abandoned as it turned into a scenario where it was every man for himself. Having no other choice but to secure his own life, the young man stripped an assault rifle from the dead body of a soldier, and disappeared into the night that was painted red with the blood of mankind.

Motive: To make contact with his family ; so ensure his own survival.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Joseph Reed

Age: 37

Gender: male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Personality: Joseph can be described as a rather reserved and calm man. He is a man of few words and picks his battles. However, as a result of this, he finds that he gets little say in group settings and is ordered around by the other members. He can easily work/travel alone, however he does grow lonesome at times. He is usually happy to let someone else run the show and just act as a support beam. He can often be indecisive when he is met with a tough decision that needs to be made on the spot. He must take his time to think about it. However, he is more than willing to help others with their problems. Before the outbreak, he could be best described as passive aggressive and gentle. Come the outbreak, he was forced to resort to violence which disturbed him greatly. He tries to refrain from violence as much as possible. Joseph is a man who is in touch with his thoughts and likes to write them down on paper. Currently, he is scared that he will become a monster with all the killing he is doing. He feels remorse for killing walkers but knows it’s necessary. He also scares himself by his increasing aggressiveness. Nonetheless, Joseph is still a gentle giant. Yet he may not remain that way.

Skills: Knowledge of agriculture, knowledge on how to deal with livestock, brief knowledge in hunting, self sufficiency, two years of university, average firearm knowledge, understanding, easy to talk to, problem solver, people skills, handyman, physically strong, good writer

Biography: Joseph Reed was born to an English professor and a stifled housewife in the city. He had a relatively easy childhood and had a few close friends throughout his years. However, he was constantly living in the shadow of his father. Being the Reed’s only son, Joseph’s father had high and strict expectations of him. Joseph was to go to university right after high school and become a professor just as his father was. This all changed when Joseph was 20, one year into his degree when he met the love of his life. A farm girl named Margaret. She was young, beautiful, and free spirited. Needless to say, Joseph fell madly in love with her and dropped out of school a year later to marry her. They owned a ranch together where Margaret would teach Joseph everything about farming, raising livestock, shooting, and hunting. When Joseph was 25, he and Margaret had a son named Tom. The following 12 years leading up to the outbreak, the Reed’s focussed on being a family and running their ranch. The virus was delayed in making it’s way to the Reed’s ranch. As they lived out almost in the middle of nowhere in a small rural county, they had heard little of the outbreak. They had no idea it had gotten so out of control or the devastating effects of the virus. One late afternoon, Joseph and his wife had realized that their son had not yet returned from earlier on that day when he told them he was taking one of the horses for a ride. Margaret insisted that Joseph stay behind while she went to look for him in case Tom came back to the house while she was out. A few hours later, the sky was beginning to darken and now neither Margaret nor Tom had returned to the home. Joseph was beginning to grow anxious and decided to go out and look for them in his truck. He had no avail and returned home hours later. He called neighbours and friends of the family, asking if they had turned up at their houses; but few of them answered their phones and those that did had not seen Margaret or Tom. He continued to search the next day. If he did not find them by nightfall, he planned to call the police. In the afternoon, he went to the stable to search by horseback this time. This is when he found his wife and son - but not in the way that he had expected. They frothed at the mouth and staggered about, moaning, appearing to not have any control over their own mind or body. At the sound of Joseph opening the stable door, they attacked him, as well as another undead that was believed to be the one that infected them. How he got into the stable is a mystery. Joseph tried to find some way to subdue them without using his gun but all three were overpowering him and he could tell that they were not of a sound mind. He realized they had the virus he had faintly heard about but he could not bring himself to shoot them. He barely managed to tie them up without getting bitten, before racing back inside and calling the police. No answer. He turned on the news and saw nothing but chaos. After taking a ride into town and seeing what the world had gone to, Joseph knew what he had to do. However, he sat on this for a week. He locked the stable and stayed inside the farm house, believing that he had no other option but to wait it out at the farm. A few days after his family had been bitten, a young, recently orphaned girl named Winifred Turner, stumbled upon the farm house and banged on the doors and windows, begging Joseph for help. Lonely and unable to turn her away, Joseph let her in and let her stay with him. She stayed with him until the farm became overrun and they had to leave. In the haze of it all, Joseph managed to get to the stable and find his wife and son. He finally laid them to rest. This still haunts him. After leaving the farm Joseph and Winifred traveled for a while, living out of his truck and scavenging whatever they could find. In this time, the two became very close and Winifred asked to Joseph to adopt her.
Motive: To overcome this virus that took his wife and son and help in finding a cure, and to protect Winifred

Name: Winifred "Winnie" Turner

Age: 15

Gender: female

Sexuality: heterosexual

Personality: Winifred can best be described as being strong willed. She is outgoing and will talk it up with anyone around her. If nothing is being said, she will find something to say. If she believes something wrong is taking place, she will speak out against it. She speaks her mind most of the time, which sometimes causes conflict, but for the most part she is liked. She has mastered the art of flattery and uses it to her advantage. She is a bit of a busy body and likes to gossip. She has no problem with killing walkers and really doesn’t let it affect her. She understands that they are no longer really living once they’ve turned. She lets very little actually get to her and doesn’t hold onto offence over petty things and arguments. She really doesn’t mind getting dirty or having to engage in physically stressful activities in order to survive. She likes be active and loves adventure.

Skills: Outgoing, easily likable. Small and able to fit into small spaces, light on her feet, athletic. The ability to get over offence quickly. Fishing skills. Very little gets to her, mentally.

Biography: Winifred was born in a hickish small town to an alcoholic father who owned a bait and tackle shop and avoided the house as much as possible, and an often detached, schizophrenic mother. The house was not a nice environment and Winifred tended to be out more often than not. After school let out, she would simply walk off on her lonesome. She loved to explore, often going off into forests, abandoned buildings, or strange parts of town. She’d come home with the dark, and dinner would be made, sitting on the kitchen table under a bowl. Winifred was an outgoing child but somehow had few friends. She was seen as weird and strange amongst her peers and was always known as the daughter of the “lady who talks to herself”. Her tomboy-ish tendencies did not make her popular with the girl and her aggressiveness did not make her popular with the boys. She had about 3 peers that she called friends but, more often than not, she spent her time alone. Which, in the process, preserved her youthful demeanour. It also did not help that she was an only child and did not have older siblings to help her mature. Winifred was more so fascinated than scared by the virus when it broke out. Class mates and teachers were suddenly disappearing and all these crazy stories were going around about what was happening to those who got the virus. Although citizens and students were advised to stay inside, Winifred paid no mind to this. One day, while she was out walking through a tall field of grass at around four in the afternoon, she saw a walker in the distance. She was confused but intrigued - she advanced towards the walker and attempted to talk to it as if it were a person. When it began to growl and hiss at her, Winifred knew something was wrong. She began backing away from it, and then began to run. She ran home, passing two other walkers on the way, to find her father standing above one of the walkers in the backyard, holding a rifle that he had used to kill it with. He then revealed to Winifred that the walker had bitten her mother. Winifred and her father stayed in the house with her mother until she turned. At this point, her father laid her to rest. They then gathered their belongings and moved to her father’s shop, as he believed it would be safer there. However, they only lasted a week before survivors managed to break into the shop and killed Winifred’s father. She escaped while the survivors raided the shop and ran until she could barely breathe. Winifred spent two days looking for shelter, but she had ran so far out into the rural areas and farm lands that houses were far and few. She slept in trees and by the time the third day came around, she had grown desperate. She had nearly been bitten multiple times and she had barely eaten or drank anything in the two days. When she came across the Reed farm, she could not help but bang her fists against the doors and windows until Joseph let her in. Winifred spent the next few weeks with Joseph at his farm until it became overrun and they had to leave. During this time, the two became very close and Winifred became very attached to Joseph. She asked him if he would think of her as his daughter and was delighted when he agreed.
Motive: to merely survive and to build a new life for herself
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

Name: Mies Wexler

Age: 32

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Sly and subtle, Mies is a reader of people, places, and things. His observant demeanor mixed with his quick wit allow him to think his way out of situations rather than by force. He enjoys waiting quietly to gather all information he can before taking action, and hates to be rushed (especially by the quite rule walking dead). As time went on he collected scraps and items he deemed useful to himself and others, always looking to trade up. He enjoys the company of other survivors but will not think twice on abandoning those he feels are holding his safety at risk. He is obsessed with puzzles, he will always grab and work on a puzzle book if he has the time; but currently he is preoccupied with the greatest mystery of all, the zombie apocalypse.

Skills: Great people reader, Excellent observational skills, Sharp awareness (all scenes), Training in pistol and rifle use/maintenance, Photographic memory, Strong deductive and logical reasoning skills, athletic.

Biography: Mies Wexler was a private investigator before the world came to an end. He tackled everything from cheating spouses, missing people, and breaking the occasional enterprise corruption scheme. No stranger to law enforcement, he spent his younger years on the police force but found himself more apt to solving puzzles and mysteries than protecting the public or service justice. He retired from the force and worked for himself as an investigator. When the end came he was off the case and was surprisingly well preprepared for the undead hordes. The last month has been an ebb and flow of terror, hope, meetings, and abandonings.

Motive: Survive until he can figure out how the undead came to rise (more or less every detail).
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by hagroden
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hagroden Atomic Angel

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

James "Ved" Carson
Tending to be a bit more aggressive side, if known for anything it is his passion. He has a very bad temper, and is the type of person who will sooner punch you in the teeth than ask what you meant.

Street fighting, using common objects as weapons and in general just good old fashioned ass kicking, he has a rather strong love for a pair of fitted brass knuckles, keeping one on at almost all times.
He was A SHARP, or a Skin Head Against Racial Prejudice, which often lead him to troubles with authorities and people of a bigoted background. He was know to be the most respectful person to punch someones noes in. He was as well, if you gave him a reason to respect you he would, but if you were a racist, bigot, or homophobe, he'd be the first to break a rib or two.
He intends to survive the Apocalypse, and re-institue civilization but without the evils of Fascism or bigotry.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by gorgenmast
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Member Seen 29 days ago

Name: Travis Wernbaum
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight

Personality: Travis' sense of emotion is has been severely stunted by a lack of social exposure. He dislikes talking with others and comes across as uncaring and distant.


Skills: Travis has a respectable handle on the Japanese language from spending a considerable amount of his freetime watching anime with the original Japanese dialogue. He is quite proficient with computers, and has often repaired his own devices out of necessity. In a fit of frustration, his father once threw one of Travis' laptops down the stairs. To his parent's dismay, Travis had repaired the laptop himself within the week. Unfortunately, most of his skills have no bearing or value in the real world. However, he does have some knowledge of the outdoors and wilderness skills honed from the three years he spent in Boy Scouts before dropping out.

Biography: Travis is the elder of the two children born to Margaret and Chaim Wernbaum. He was a fairly normal child until the age of twelve or so, where he gradually began to withdraw himself from his peers at school and his family. Every available hour he could spend alone, Travis would spend in his room playing video games. Though he had been placed in gifted programs in elementary and junior high (primary school), Travis' academic performance declined as he progressed into high school. His teachers would note that Travis was present in body, but mentally he was somewhere else - in his video games or online. Measures to try and curb his time in front of a "screen" were unsuccessful. By his senior year in high school, it seemed his parents had largely given up on him, and hoped that college would change him for the better.

Travis was sent off to the University of Maryland in College Park. By the midterms of the first semester, Travis had been put on academic probation for poor grades and low attendance. No doubt, he had been online or playing games in his dorm all day. When Winter Break marked the end of the semester, Travis had completely flunked out of college. He returned home to irate parents, but they were unable - or perhaps unwilling - to prevent Travis from sliding back into his old routines.

For the next two years, Travis atrophied at home. His parents told him he would have to get a job if he was to stay at home, and moved him to the basement as a punishment. A poor punishment indeed; Travis loved the cool darkness of the basement and relished its seclusion from his nagging parents. After bringing his computer and laptop down, and moving the microwave and minifridge from his dorm into the corner - Travis felt at home. He would spend hours on end watching anime or getting better weapons and armor for his World of Warcraft character. Separated from his parents by a well-insulated basement, Travis was free to yell at scrub players on League of Legends and watch porn without having to put his headphones on. He was independent of the drama and obligations of the world above him, and with his parents focused now upon his overachiever sister who was now getting ready to put in applications to the country's best colleges, life seemed wonderful for Travis.

About three months ago, his sister left for Amherst College, and his heckling parents descended upon him once more. A few weeks ago, Chaim and Margaret held an "intervention" with Travis. They explained that if he did not get a job or show progress in getting back to school - he would be kicked out of the house. As typical, Travis brushed off what he imagined to be hollow threats. And hollow it seems they were; Travis can't remember the last time his parents pestered him. A few days ago, his parents must have discontinued the internet service. So they were going to try to starve him out of the house, where they? With nearly a terabyte worth of anime, porn, and various other diversions stored on an external hard drive, his parents will have to do a lot better than that.

But would they seriously stop paying the electric bill just to force him out of the house? That seemed extreme, especially for Travis' passive parents. Something was up.

Motive: Figure out what the hell happened to the power.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Alice Maccabeus McGarvey




Twisted, disturbing and corrupt, yet still retaining the ability to move according to logical thought - or, at the very least, what seems like logic. Alice is a broken woman who was put back together in the a very wrong way. She is cunning, but random, friendly, but manipulative, but above all, dangerous to every thing, including herself. Trying to predict her next move is an exercise in futility; her personality shifts when she sees fit to do so, and moreover, it is near impossible to tell if she is faking them or not - most times, not even Alice herself can tell if the feelings she puts on display are genuine.

Alice has no compunctions or grievances in taking any sort of actions, no matter how dangerous or questionable they are; sometimes, she may even do something simply for the sake of doing it. Despite how random she is, however, there is but a single consistent train of thought that can be found most of her decisions: Her survival above everyone else's.

Appearance: (will draw her sometime soon)
Alice short, stands at an average height of 165cm, with pale white skin and green eyes. Her black hair is cut roughly, as if a knife had been used by unskilled hands. She has a heart shaped face with prominent cheek bones and pale pink lips. Her fingers and legs are noticeably long and slender. Her chest size is also noticeable, especially due to her tendency to where tight clothing.

By all means, she could be considered a very attractive woman, were it not for the madness that frequently makes itself evident as a spark in her eyes.


  • Moving silently
  • Proficient at using a knife and dagger
  • Highly agile and;
  • Extremely fast runner
  • Good situational and physical awareness
  • Surprisingly strong
  • Flexible

It was her wedding day - that was what she first remembered.

The undead brought catastrophe - that was what she remembered second.

Alice Maccabeus McGarvey, her name - that was what she had remembered third.

Alice's earliest memories date back to exactly one month ago - anything else, she can't remember clearly. She woke up, covered in debris and furniture, yet miraculously unharmed, as if she had been buried precisely so she would not die. She assumed it was her house, as the first thing she found while searching the empty and messy home was a note crumpled near her hands, a note addressed to her:

Don't try to remember, forget everything you ever where, and don't go looking for clues. Your old life ended the moment I finished writing this letter, Alice. It's better this way; you would never be able to survive in the world now as the old you. But you have to live, you have to live because that's what you promised. So no matter what it takes, live on


Compelled to follow the letter, for the reasons that it was the most logical thing to do, and that, no matter what, she felt like whoever had written that letter was undeniably right, Alice has since traveled for a month, doing whatever was necessary to survive. Unfortunately, the horrors and atrocities she so committed by both human and not has twisted her personality from its original blank slate. Only time will tell what will happen to her next.

TO SfiUndRaVrIeaVsonEto
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