-Full name: Rin Lee Monroe
-Age: 17
-Gender: Female
-Rebirth: Not yet but she will be the first official successful case in the Rebirth project.
-Rank/Assignment: Still in training.
-Call-sign: Valkyrie [She may require this later on.]
-Personality: Rin enjoys learning at the academy and enjoys the parties that go on there almost just as much, though they never get in the way of her goal to become a fighter pilot like her father. She's a fun girl who for the most part is friendly and likes to joke around with friends. Despite her friendly exterior she does have one hell of a temper, so it's best to not make her mad. She is rough around the edges and can be harsh. Her opinion of you will generally be known and given openly with little to no care for who you are or what rank you are. If she disagrees with you, you will know it. Perhaps part of her problem is that she cares to much. She does have a more compassionate side but it is sometimes hard to find because she has built walls around it. If you can ever gain her trust it is likely that you'll never loose it. Time apart doesn't diminish her trust in a person, only their actions can change it. When she trusts and cares for someone there is little to nothing she won't do for them. Needless to say she is a complex and confusing person, even to herself.
-History: “My name is Rin Monroe. I grew up in a little village on the planet Tenish. My father was the best fighter pilot of his time in the R.A.S. When I was only three years old he gave his life to prevent a major attack on the the home planet, Shintie. He has always been and will always be regarded as a hero.
I was raised by my loving mother and grandparents. When I turned sixteen I decided to follow in my father's foot steps, so I ran away from home to join the military. I'm now undergoing rigorous training to become the best fighter pilot in the RAS."
-Skills: An amazing pilot despite still being in training. Decent with guns and knifes, though she has a lot of work to do. Has an eye like a hawk when she is in her Viper. Strong swimmer(She spent most her time on the beach growing up). Many would never guess it but she's a very good cook.
-Weaknesses: Isn't so good with electronics, especially the more advanced stuff. While she usually knows at least kind of what she's doing they seem to just hate her. The cold bothers her. Spiders freak her out. A rough childhood has left her somewhat emotionally twisted. She doesn't always look at the full picture. Once she get's an idea set in her mind it's hard for her to change it.
-Romantic relationship: Has never had any besides maybe a crush or two.
-Other: She lived in a small house on a hill over looking a beach. Most of her childhood was spent on the beach and in the ocean. Her love for water has never went away. She was given her middle name in honor for her father after his death.
-Appearance: She stands at 5'10" with a well toned but plentifully feminine figure. She has naturally pinkish-blonde hair (mostly kept in a ponytail) that is only seen in certain blood lines on Tenish and gray-blue eyes. Her look is generally friendly and happy, she is often times complimented on having a beautiful smile.
-Picture: Something like this but younger and friendlier looking.