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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

-Full name: Rin Lee Monroe

-Age: 17

-Gender: Female

-Rebirth: Not yet but she will be the first official successful case in the Rebirth project.

-Rank/Assignment: Still in training.

-Call-sign: Valkyrie [She may require this later on.]

-Personality: Rin enjoys learning at the academy and enjoys the parties that go on there almost just as much, though they never get in the way of her goal to become a fighter pilot like her father. She's a fun girl who for the most part is friendly and likes to joke around with friends. Despite her friendly exterior she does have one hell of a temper, so it's best to not make her mad. She is rough around the edges and can be harsh. Her opinion of you will generally be known and given openly with little to no care for who you are or what rank you are. If she disagrees with you, you will know it. Perhaps part of her problem is that she cares to much. She does have a more compassionate side but it is sometimes hard to find because she has built walls around it. If you can ever gain her trust it is likely that you'll never loose it. Time apart doesn't diminish her trust in a person, only their actions can change it. When she trusts and cares for someone there is little to nothing she won't do for them. Needless to say she is a complex and confusing person, even to herself.

-History: “My name is Rin Monroe. I grew up in a little village on the planet Tenish. My father was the best fighter pilot of his time in the R.A.S. When I was only three years old he gave his life to prevent a major attack on the the home planet, Shintie. He has always been and will always be regarded as a hero.
I was raised by my loving mother and grandparents. When I turned sixteen I decided to follow in my father's foot steps, so I ran away from home to join the military. I'm now undergoing rigorous training to become the best fighter pilot in the RAS."

-Skills: An amazing pilot despite still being in training. Decent with guns and knifes, though she has a lot of work to do. Has an eye like a hawk when she is in her Viper. Strong swimmer(She spent most her time on the beach growing up). Many would never guess it but she's a very good cook.

-Weaknesses: Isn't so good with electronics, especially the more advanced stuff. While she usually knows at least kind of what she's doing they seem to just hate her. The cold bothers her. Spiders freak her out. A rough childhood has left her somewhat emotionally twisted. She doesn't always look at the full picture. Once she get's an idea set in her mind it's hard for her to change it.

-Romantic relationship: Has never had any besides maybe a crush or two.

-Other: She lived in a small house on a hill over looking a beach. Most of her childhood was spent on the beach and in the ocean. Her love for water has never went away. She was given her middle name in honor for her father after his death.

-Appearance: She stands at 5'10" with a well toned but plentifully feminine figure. She has naturally pinkish-blonde hair (mostly kept in a ponytail) that is only seen in certain blood lines on Tenish and gray-blue eyes. Her look is generally friendly and happy, she is often times complimented on having a beautiful smile.

-Picture: Something like this but younger and friendlier looking.

Hidden 10 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thorned Hammer
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Full Name: Marcus Avian

Age: 17, almost 18

Gender: Male

Rebirth: Not yet, but if so he will be a later one.

Rank: Cadet, in training

Call Sign: Specter

Personality: I am quiet terrible at these so please bear with me. Ahem, Marcus is a decent student although there are subjects in which he struggles, most of them relating to medicinal work, historical subjects, and discipline never having really been one to blindly follow and obey. He is known for not having much of a filter, usually blunt and sometimes coming off as an ass to others although he does his best to convey his thoughts and speculations in a clear manner. Quick for a fight, Marcus tackles whatever challenges come before him although some (Like the classes mentioned earlier and larger Cadets) can get the better of him. Extremely self critical and coming from a rather strict family, he doesn't often let loose but when he does it's without limitations since he's usually out to make bad choices at such a time. Doesn't consider himself as one that has time for fools, and if he think's youre stupid he will let you know.
His goal is to join the recon division in hopes of following after his older sibling.

History: Grew up in a family with seven siblings, four brothers and three sisters. He is the third, his older brother being an R.A.S recon sniper and his sister having run away from home with some good for nothing, as his parents called him. His parents did not neglect him intentionally, having had their hands full with several children at the time and as a result of this was mostly raised by his elder brother Richard who is about six years older them him.
He idolizes his brother and hopes to someday join him in the army, never really having put much thought to any other course then doing so.

Skills: good hand-eye coordination, fast on his feet and in tense situations although sometimes he does act without thinking things all the way through. Due to years of practice at home he is a great shot, better with a rifle then a pistol though and works hard to understand the basic mechanical functions of vipers and other vehicles although he still ahs some work to put in there.

Weaknesses: Impulsive and reckless, tends to run head long into things with the mind set that he'll work things out as he goes. Has trouble taking orders or commands he doesn't agree with and will argue back in situations like these. Doesn't really know his place.

Romantic Relationship: None at the moment, although there was a girl his parents attempted to marry him off to to prevent his enlistment. Didn't really work out.

Appearance: 5'10 at the moment, not the tallest of guys with short dark brown hair he pays little attention to save for when its to long. A bit thin, lean though with broad shoulders and a sharp jaw. A bit bird like in look, (hah, Avian, get it...) and as a rebellious act he's sort of regretting, has a sleeve tribal tattoo all down his left arm. A crooked grin and dark brown eyes, he's almost always smirking.

If I find a picture I will put it up,
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Thorned Hammer
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Okay her name is Tessa Michaels, or Tess, sand age as them with long dirty blonde hair, kinda looks impish all the time, call sign is wasp
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rose
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: John Franks

Age: 23 - 24 ( A few years older than them )

Gender: Male

Personality: John is a genuinely a nice guy, often going out of his way to help others. He's one of the good ones, that's what everyone says. A picture perfect soldier and a great man. Deeper down he's got a more dark side that tends towards jealousy and anger.

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Rose
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Member Seen 4 yrs ago

I might have to edit this along and along. For some reason I'm having a hard time matching how I actually play him to a CS.

Full name: Richard Flatts

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Part of Rebirth: Will be, yes.

Rank/assignment: I'm going to say a Warrant Officer assuming they are all probably Warrant or Petty Officers. There's a full list of ranks in the Rebirth topic.

Call-sign: Catch

Personality: At first he seems to be the bad boy rough type, not liking to be pushed around or talked down to. Soon though you can see that he can be quite friendly, enjoying a good conversation. He isn't one to tangle with. He has no reservations about confronting an issue, or a person. For the most part he is respectful to his commanding officers, not wanting to hurt his chance of climbing the ladder. However, this doesn't mean his not willing to rattle the lion's cage, so to say. Richard is somewhat of a flirt and is always trying to impress the girls.

History: Came from a poor family of metal workers on Mardish. Joined the army to make a difference and have a better life. Has had some experience as a ground soldier and is now trying out being a Viper pilot.

Skills: Is an skilled with guns and a decent pilot. He is good at commanding people and situations. He has lots of brute strength, which makes him good at straight up fist fights.

Weaknesses: Isn't terribly coordinated in hand to hand combat situations. Has difficulty with personal relationships.

Romantic relationship: Single and ready to mingle!

Other: He's actually a cool guy once you get through the gruffy exterior.

Appearance: 6'5" big build. He has dark brown hair and brown eyes. Can often be seen smoking a cigar.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thorned Hammer
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Kyle Terra, 24

Banshee Squad Leader

Call Sign : Phantom

Description: Tall with broad shoulders and tanned skin. Short dark hair and grey eyes that seem to stare right into you. not much you can hide from a phantom, after all. A crooked jaw, result of it being broken at one point, but some say it adds a bit of a roguish look to his appearance. Which he does not complain about. Also has a red tattoo about his right eye, a spiked half circle above the eye going one way, a mirrored image below it.

Personality: Can come across as cold and calculating sometimes, like when dealing with superiors or people he doesnt particularly like. Other wise he acts pretty laid back and mellow, quick to mouth off and throw a few punches when he has to knock his people in line.

Weakness: Sometimes can demand to much of his people, his expectations being to high or unrealistic. Also seems to have some backed up issues regarding his past and some ptsd. But he doesnt let it show, or get in the way. Its a secret.

History: Mostly blacked out, thanks to the military, even though he has a brief military career. Joined up when he was 18.

Casper DelRoic, 20 (And 6 months!)

Banshee Striker

Call Sign: Ghost

Description: Casper isnt exactly a tall guy, built much like Marcus with lean frames and visible tension at all times in his shoulders despite his relaxed demeanor. Dark brown hair he keeps cut pretty short with muddy green dark eyes that always seem to be smirking. Sharp features and high cheek bones, with three parallel solid lines tattooed lengthwise on his cheeks. These are just the most obvious of many that he has covering his body.

Personality: Smarmy, sarcastic, cheerful. He moves about interacting with people in what seems a friendly manner while really he is judging and attempting to manipulate almost everyone he encounters. Marcus almost fell pray to this before being warned by Kyle of Casper's nature. Casper doesnt make friends, he makes acquaintances. Good friends are to much of a hassle in his opinion. They leave a mess when you or they get killed. Acquaintances are much easier. Although he seems to be breaking this rule with his squad mates, becoming more reliant and dependent on them as the months go by.

Weakness: Inability to connect with people on meaningful levels. Sometimes his mouth gets in his way and he can act more out of emotion and passion then actual thought or logic. Sometimes, because of this, Kyle has to keep him on a pretty short leash. Prone to get into trouble.

History: The closest thing I can think of to use as a reference for hiss family background would be Mennonites. Cas was sort of a sore thumb amongst them, or black sheep whatever floats your boat. He got his first facial tattoo to piss off his parents when they first told him their plans for him. An arranged marriage and life, all laid out nice and neat and crisp. A fan of messes, Casper ran away when he was fifteen and lied about his age and background to get into the army when he was 17. Eventually found his way into Kyle's squad.

Manson Chad, 21

Banshee Striker

Call Sign: Wraith

Description: The bulkiest of the crew although not ridiculously so, broad and tall with a square jaw and a nose thats clearly taken a break or two. Blonde hair blue eyes, nothing to astounding to look at but not bad either. Every move he makes seems to be restrained slightly like he has to calculate and think it all out.

Personality: The least chatty out of the four of them which doesnt say much, so pretty normal in that regard. Likes to keep to himself when around strangers but open enough with the other three. Defensive when it comes to them, maybe even jealous of their interactions with people outside of the squad. Easy enough to handle and get along with though once youre friends with him.

Weakness: Strong headed, opinionated and not afraid to voice those opinions. Loudly. And at times, angrily. Often it gets him toe to toe with Casper or Kyle, rarely having conflicts with Marcus, but the Squad Leader is quick to deal out 'swift justice' or 'marshall law' (Is what he likes to call a few punches to knock them in line). Things dont usually get to out of hand.

History: Like Marcus he went to the academy, graduating and has spent all his time as a ground soldier. A pretty basic family background and history, following in the footsteps of his uncles.

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