Avatar of Rose
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    1. Rose 8 yrs ago
    2. ███████████ 11 yrs ago
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6 yrs ago
Current It's been so long that I have to learn how to use the site all over again ;-;
8 yrs ago
From BlackRose24 to just Rose
9 yrs ago
I put the pro in procrastination



I suppose I'll start with the basics. I'm a female, age 22, married, mother, from and currently living in the US.

Started rping about 8 years ago but haven't been doing much writing in the past 3 years.

Ridiculously unpredictable schedule, nonexistent motivation, professional procrastinator, tired mom.

Most Recent Posts

In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
You're welcome. Let me know if you guys have any questions. I'll see them and be able to answer faster in the Discord though.
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'm thinking the ship they're in is something like a pelican from Halo or the Quinn jet from Marvel. That general size and layout. Couple seats in the cockpit then a open bay right behind that. Yall get the idea.
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Petty Officer Brandy Carson

The last few hours had gone by in a rushed blur, receiving orders, being transported to the planet surface, being shuffled around then receiving more orders, now finally with her newly assembled squad on their way to the action. The experience was exhilarating yet overwhelming. It wouldn't be her first time in combat but it certainly wasn't her preferred set of circumstances. Like a methodical song in her head she went over the things that had been drilled into her mind during training. As she did so she checked over each on of her weapons being sure they weren't going to fail on her when in the line of fire. Despite the adequate proof that they were all in perfect functioning order she decided it was best to double check, after all there wasn't anything else to do with her hands in this moment.

The Lieutenant Major's voice snapped her out of the rhythm of inspecting her weapons and forced her mind back into reality. Carefully she listened to each word he said and did her best to envision what type of environment they'll be going into. What would these insurgents be like and why are they there? A thousand questions raised through her mind but none that her squad leader would be able to answer. Her eyes drifted and glossed over as she stared out the windshield of the ship. The sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, it was early morning and that meant the factory had been taken during the night, which made sense with why there were so few workers present, likely just a skeleton crew to keep an eye on the machines over night.

"Why didn't they just blow up the factory and everyone in it?" She mumbled to herself. The answer was a mystery to her but she had the feeling that before it was all said and done they would have an answer to that question.
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
You’re a part of a mobile base of operations on Hanorat that was assembled to take care of a recent influx of small groups of insurgents showing up. They’ve been targeting mining facilities, it's suspected that they are trying to impede the flow of supplies off the planet.These groups aren’t like what most are used to facing from the UKD, it isn’t large organized forces with formidable weaponry. Rather it’s numerous smaller groups. Your team is charged with the mission to clear out a local refinement factory that a unit of insurgents have taken up in. This issue is considered more of a pest control job than a force worth sinking many resources into, according to higher ups.
We’ll enter in on our team in transit on a shuttle being piloted by Nora. Bravo
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Heads up I'm not planning on giving us a lot of down time for our characters to do introductions and such. If you guys want to have them already know each other, have met, are buds, whatever is fine. You'll probably have at least laid eyes on each other previously. This will make more sense once I get a post up explaining the setting and mission.
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
We're just all hoes for Rebirth

A truer statement has never been made.
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Yall's commitment is impressive
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Totally haven't been avoiding this for no apparent reason other than any amount of expectations stress me out. :D

But I do still want to get this going.
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Okay now that I'm making this post from my new laptop (totally not super excited about this idk what you're talking about) I guess that means that I have no more excuses and this can start whenever. Whenever Valen gets her character up that is, not trying to rush you though.<3
In Rebirth 6 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Rank: Petty Officer 2nd class

Name: Brandy Amelia Carson

Age: 28

Sex: Female

Years enlisted: 6

Specialty: Tech and engineering

Planet of origin: Mackortie and Shantor

Biography: Originally from the UKD planet Mackortie the Carson family was relocated to Shantor as refugees. Brandy was still a child when the transition was made and her memories of life before are limited. The area of Shantor they were moved to was a poverty-stricken refugee camp with little work available. The lack of opportunities for a positive life led Brandy down a path to drug use and minor dealing. This lasted from her late teens into her early 20s. She was angry at the thought of her life going nowhere and was eventually driven to seek help. A rehabilitation facility was able to take her in, that's where she met her mentor, George. He was a veteran who had overcome alcoholism and wanted to put his past mistakes to good use in helping others. With his help she was able to get clean and work towards getting her life on track. George encouraged her to consider a life in the military as he felt it would give her the structure and direction she needed. Once she completed her rehabilitation she enlisted and went through basics.

She's overall a friendly person who has a deep desire to succeed. Her drive is to have a better future in something secure, never having to return to the life she grew up in. She takes orders well and enjoys having a clear path to follow but does not feel comfortable taking the lead. She tries to hide the fact that she isn't confident in her abilities and still feels somewhat out of place.

Some time ago Brandy was assigned to the battlestar Governor as a tech maintenance and repair officer. During her time there she received training in this field and was able to gather experience. The most notable thing to happen during her deployment was an ambush from the UKD while the Governor was assigned to guard a space station outpost. They took heavy fire and significant damage but until backup arrived they were the only thing between the UKD and the 1,500 souls aboard the space station. A fire broke out in one of the Governor’s maintenance shafts that lead directly behind a munitions locker stocked with heavy explosives. She could see the fire on the sensor readouts yet the fire suppression system was not responding. With only moments to respond before a crippling explosion happened she lept into action. The surrounding areas had already been reported clear of personnel after the hit that had triggered the fires. So Brandy forced the system to close the hatches in the area and opened several airlocks, allowing the section to be decompressed, immediately extinguishing the fire. Her quick thinking was one of the many actions that allowed the Governor to stay afloat and ward off the UKD’s attack.

Additional information: Callsign is Outside. The skills she possess in her given specialty stem from hours dedicated to studying and training rather than an innate talent. Below her right collarbone is a tattoo serial number that was given to her as a child when she entered the refugee camp. This type of mark is given to all refugees to keep track of them. She is somewhat ashamed of the mark because most RAS soldiers give UKD refugees a very hard time and shame them for their place of origin. For this reason she tries to keep it hidden but still appreciates it in a small way as a reminder of where she came from and how hard she has worked to change her life.

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