Jace "Spades" O'Shea
Age: 16
Power: Mimicry
A true Jack of all Trades, but master of none.
Weapons: 21 razor-rimmed Ace-of-Spades playing cards, blackthorn shillelagh.
Bio: Jace lived a good, lucky life. Irish through and through, and born in the heart of Dublin, he could be considered one of the luckiest people alive. He bluffed his way through school perfectly, his teachers never even bothering to check the work he never did. Until his thirteenth birthday, his luck held out. It ended abruptly, at 7:07pm, March 7th, the exact moment of his birth, all those years ago. His mimicry abilities, once hibernating inside him, woke. The first thing he copied was, unfortunately for him, a king cobra while his mother was beside him, watching a nature documentary about snakes. He grew fangs, his skin became scaly, and his pupils narrowed. Miss. Dawson was called and Jace was deported. At first, he was always angry, refusing to conform to anything. He mellowed out over the years, but continues to dream of his freedom... he's also a sucker for romance.
Dreams/Wishes: Freedom (obviously), an intimate relationship
Good/Evil/Walking the Line: Good
Siblings: 3 older sisters, 1 younger brother.
Pets: A parrot named Gallus.
Name: Aaron Fletcher
Age: 17
Powers: Electrokinesis, total immunity to electric shocks
Electrokinesis, also called fulgurkinesis, electromagnetism, and lightening control, is simply the ability to manipulate electricity. Side effects of this power typically include hyper activeness, static electricity build-up, an inability to rest, and being periodically struck by lightning.
Weapons: Several folding knives, including an ivory and stainless steel spring-loaded switchblade, and his Electokinesis abilities.
Bio: Aaron Fletcher, mother a stripper in her last year of college and father a drunk frat boy, neither of whom cared about him, grew up on the streets in a bad neighborhood somewhere in New England. He went between foster homes for most of his childhood, several of which were barely better than where he came from and let him do whatever he wanted. Therefore, he performed poorly in school and had very few friends, one of which dared him to go into a power station through a hole in the fence when they were seven. Once inside, he wandered and nudged an exposed wire through a hole in his pants. For most, this would be a premature death, nearly 30,000 volts of raw, unfiltered electricity tearing through your body with nowhere to go.
For Aaron, it was an awakening, the moment he realized that the most dangerous thing he knew of couldn’t kill him. He felt truly alive for the first time, and started doing stupid things that would get others killed for money. He’d shock himself with jumper cables and car batteries for $15, drop various household items into pools for $30, and would stand in thunderstorms with an umbrella for $100. Moral of the story, he made a lot of money during the humid summers. With a little kleptomania in his personality coupled with the fact that he was a fantastic liar, he could afford to buy a small house and pay off the mortgage immediately at thirteen.
Somehow, he managed to unknowingly avoid both the United States government and Miss Dawson until his 17th birthday, the former getting him first. The façade he settled on involved him being falsely detained for no good reason, and it worked for a while. Once it failed a few times among several ace interrogators, he was employed by the CIA to work alongside the janitors that handled the electrical systems for a brief time, around three months, and was given a handler that was connected to Miss Dawson. He was handed over to the Home after short-circuiting the Capitol Building and part of the Pentagon for the third time, which was very recently.
Somewhere along the line, Fletcher became a bit of a narcissist and constantly fusses over his appearance. Much of the time he can be seen wearing a scarf, despite the weather.
Dreams/Wishes: To become rich, and maybe take someone along for the ride.*
Good/Evil/Walking the Line: Walking the Line, leaning towards good.
Siblings: N/A
Pets: None
*He comes across as arrogant, but he softens up to someone who gives him a chance.