Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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At that point, Ka-Vara became sick of hearing the necromancer's gloating and decided to try haring his inflated ego. "A surprise, hmm?" Ka-Vara called up to the necromancer "You mean like those minions of yours that we encountered at the entrance and defeated before they could lay a finger on any of us? Or like the thing you had covered in a sheet that just lay there as I cracked its head open like a nut? Face it, you're as dangerous as a horker on dry land. Actually, scratch that. A beached horker would be infinitely more dangerous than you. If I ever find out that you got all the corpses for your work from the aftermath of a bandit skirmish on the road and that you dragged that dead spriggan to the entrance to this tower after someone else killed it to make yourself seem like more of a threat than you really are, I wouldn't be surprised. And by the way, you were wrong in your assumption that we were sent to end your plans. We came to this tower looking for loot and found you instead. And the only reason why I'm wasting my time on a failure of a necromancer such as yourself is because my companions have somehow convinced themselves that you are an actual threat. But you're not. You're an arrogant fool who would probably be a bigger danger if you tried to help instead of hurt. And before I forget, you have no right to call me paranoid. Ever since we arrived, you've done nothing but hide as we dispatched your minions effortlessly. If you want to see someone who's paranoid, then you should look in the mirror. Then with a little bit of luck, you'll also see that not only are you an arrogant fool, you're also a hypocritical milk drinker forged from a lineage of cowards and hog farmers!"

Actions: Taunt the necromancer.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon stood there silently in awe as Ka-vara smashed in the unknown figure, then promptly launched into a belittling tirade on the gloating necromancer from his unseen location. It certainly sounded quite impressive. In the deafening quite that followed Shinon merely waited to see the response, he was reluctant to be the first up the stairs and if the necromancer was angered by the mockery he would certainly unleash his fury on the first one up.

Actions: Wait.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@rush99999 Actions: Taunt the necromancer.

Intimidation check required: (1 yellow vs 2 purple)= fT = Failure with a triumph

@Eklispe Actions: Wait.

No check required.


You hear a scream of anger and frustration. "SHUT UP! YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR INSOLENCE! ATTACK!!!"

Suddenly the roof begins the rumble with foot steps, a few of the planks break down and a few decayed arms start the reach down at the group. Metosi and Qa'Ra duck down and get themselves ready as you all hear footsteps coming down the stairs, heavy footsteps.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"Alright then" Ka-Vara said as the heavy footsteps came down the stairs "Let's see how quickly we can drop this crazy bastard's minions this time around". With that said, Ka-Vara made a fire ball in his hands and launched it at the wooden stairs to set them alight and burn any undead that came down the stairs.

Actions: Set fire to the stairs the zombies are coming down with a fire ball.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon quickly ensured he was out of the grasp of any of the reaching hands and glanced at the stairs. With that entrance he could either with patiently for one of them to come around the corner or shoot at the hands reaching for him. Opting on the more immediate course of action he aimed upwards at one of the grasping hands and shot at it carefully. He wondered just how many more zombies this necromancer had and how strong he really was.

Actions: Aim, attack zombie hand.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@rush99999 Actions: Set fire to the stairs the zombies are coming down with a fire ball.

Destruction check required:(1 yellow 2 green vs 1 purple)= saa = Success with triple advantage.

@Eklispe Actions: Aim, attack zombie hand.

Marksman Check required: (1 yellow 2 green vs 2 purple)= ss = Double sucess.


Shinon Fired two arrows into the slightly rotten ceiling. Hearing two thuds, two of the zombie hands stopped moving and a black fluid began to drip from above. Ka-Vara's fireball leaped and splashed onto the staircase. Seeing a fire begin to shine some light two zombies tumbled down alight and writhed on the floor as another three walked down behind them.

Metosi bent down and charged a bolt of electricity and threw it into the group of zombies, knocking down 1. Qa'Ra grabbed an arm and ripped it down, pulling a zombie through the ceiling and slamming it into the ground.

Above the sound of a few more zombies shuffling could be herd, along with a deep thump of something bigger beginning to stir.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon grinned, from the looks of it he'd hit something. Though he wasn't eager to have that black stuff drip onto him so he carefully avoided those spots. He wasn't sure if the following zombies on the ground were dead but figured they would be so enough. Since the group of three zombies heading down the stairs was the more concern he quickly shot at the furthest along one. The lizard had impressively grabbed a zombie through the roof and smashed the poor thing into the floor, which was luckily remaining intact. Shinon hoped whatever was rumbling above them wasn't as big as it sounded. His over active imagination was already constructing images of undead giants and dragons, though he knew logically they wouldn't have made it this far as the necromancer had that much power.

Actions: Aim, attack lead zombie on stairs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"This only proves my point, corpse-raiser!" Ka-Vara called up to the necromancer "You continue to hide behind your zombies like a coward, and your zombies continue to be - No offence intended, Qa'Ra. - as weak as kittens! Lay off the milk and grow a spine already!". As he spoke, Ka-Vara drew his 2 steel maces and prepared to face anything brave/stupid enough to walk through the fire.

Meanwhile, Ka-Vara's lesser daedra decided to make itself useful and bite open the throat of the zombie Qa'Ra had attacked to ensure it wouldn't get up. The lesser daedra then turned to the stairs and growled at the oncoming zombies.

Ka-Vara's Actions: Continue to taunt the necromancer and prepare to face any zombies that make it past the fire.
Daedra's Actions: Ensure the zombie Qa'Ra pulled down is actually dead before preparing to face any zombie that makes it past the fire
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Aim, attack lead zombie on stairs.

Marksman Check required: (1 yellow 2 green vs 2 purple) = ssst = Triple success with threat

@rush99999Ka-Vara's Actions: Continue to taunt the necromancer and prepare to face any zombies that make it past the fire.
Daedra's Actions: Ensure the zombie Qa'Ra pulled down is actually dead before preparing to face any zombie that makes it past the fire

Intimidation check required: (1 yellow vs 2 purple) = st = Sucess with threat
Hand to hand check required: (1 yellow 1 green vs 1 purple) = tt = Fail with two threat


Shinon fired his arrow true, his arrow flew straight through its head and it fell to the floor with a dead thud. However the aim drained him slightly (1 strain damage). Ka-Vara's Deadra unchanged at the fallen zombie, snapping at it awkwardly as the zombie struck back. Both missed their mark.

The voice responded to Ka-Varas taunt with even more spite. "GO DOWN THERE AND KILL THEM! NOW THROUGH THE FLOOR!" Suddenly the ceiling shook as something pounded on it, the ceiling cracked and falling though it was a monsterus collection of stitched together humanoids. It roared a low roar as Qa'Ra lunged for a strike. The monster grabbed Qa'Ra by the arm and flung him against a wall, Qa'Ra stood up shaken, but still intact.

Metosi stood up and inspected the creature, "I have not seen this before, but I will assume it is far more powerful than the putrid dead we have faced so far. Go for the head to kill it quicker. (All players get 1 blue to the next attack against this monster).

All during this 3 more zombies came down the stairs, now 4 cluttered the stairway, though it seams the tied of the dead had ended.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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With a whistle and a gesture of his hand, Ka-Vara commanded his daedra to distract the necromancer's abomination. While distracted, Ka-Vara would then flank the abomination, climb onto its back, and slam his steel maces into the abomination's head until the thing went down or it could throw him off.

Daedra's Actions: Distract the abomination.
Ka-Vara's Actions: Climb onto the abomination's back and play it's head like a drum.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon drew back his hand already reaching for another arrow. He was quickly learning that hunting and fighting with a bow were two very different things. Rapidly firing with this much power behind shots was quite draining. He turned from the stairs to look at the monster that had tore its way through the roof. Shinon was momentarily torn between going after the big one or the little ones on the stairs but figured that the most danger lay in the monster that was currently attacking them. Keeping Metosi's advice in mind he shot at the stitched together creature's head.

Actions: Aim, Shoot abomination's head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@rush99999 Daedra's Actions: Distract the abomination.
Ka-Vara's Actions: Climb onto the abomination's back and play it's head like a drum.

Deception check required: (2 green vs 3 purple) = f = Failure
Hand to Hand check required: (2 green vs 4 purple) = ft = Failure with threat

@Eklispe Actions: Aim, Shoot abomination's head.

Marksman check required: (1 yellow 2 green 1 blue vs 2 purple) = ssaa = Double success with double advantage


The Daedra tried to grab the monsters attention as Ka-Vara snuck up behind. However the monster was not fooled by the ruse and quickly repelled Ka-Vara's attempt to climb its back, knowing some wind out of him (1 strain damage). Swinging around it struck at Ka-Vara, landing a heavy blow. Fortunately the hit was absorbed by the steel-plate Ka-Vara wore, though he did feel a bit wounded. (1hp damage to Ka-Vara)

Shinon aimed at the monster and shot true, laying a direct hit to its head. The monster recoiled and roared with anger (4 damage dealt). Qa'Ra Rushed again at the monster, striking its shoulder (2 damage), then darting out of the way.

Metosi turned from the fray and put his attention to the few remaining zombies. He charged for a moment (Incantations x1) and shot a shot a bolt of electricity, dropping one, with the last 3 slowly shambling forward.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon crowed in victory as the shot slammed straight into the monster's head. Though it was somewhat diminished when he saw it was still standing, and worse, swinging. Getting somewhat angry at the creature now for not dying he quickly repeated the action, hoping he could replicate his shot. He was worried about the zombies encroaching from the stairs but guessing by the lightning bolt that had glanced by his vision Metosi had it under control. Hopefully, 'cause it would suck to have a zombie sneak attack him, unlike Ka-Vara, Shinon wasn't wearing steel plate.

Actions: Aim, Shoot abomination's head.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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Now that the abomination was looking at Ka-Vara, the argonian did everything in his power to keep it focused on him so that his daedra could attack from behind.

Ka-Vara's Actions: Distract the abomination.
Daedra's Actions: Bite through the abomination's Achilles tendons.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Aim, Shoot abomination's head.

Marksman check required: (1 yellow 2 green vs 2 purple) = sss = Triple success

@rush99999 Ka-Vara's Actions: Distract the abomination.
Daedra's Actions: Bite through the abomination's Achilles tendons.

Deception check required: (1 green vs 3 purple) = ft = Failure with threat

Hand to Hand check required: (2 green vs 2 purple) = s = Success


Another of Shinon's arrow struck the Monster, landing a hit into its neck, moaning in anger the zombie continued to track the Daedra, not falling for another Ka-Vara spawned distraction. However the Daedra managed to bite into the Monsters ankle causing a flesh wound. The Monster responded, striking at the Daedra and landing a blow. Recoiling from the hit the Daedra jumped back and took a defensive stance.

Meanwhile the zombie horde moved forward and reached towards Metosi with a slow eagerness, Moving back from the group Metosi threw another bolt of electricity. The bolt went wide and dissipated on a far wall. "I believe I require some assistance."

A yell came out as Qa'Ra responded to the call for help charging in and striking at the zombies, taking one down. Two remained.

Now a laughter can be heard from above. "Not so easy now, is it?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon growled lowly. This nasty thing was awfully tough. Still the Daedra could fend it off for now, Metosi however was in more immediate danger as the small cluster of zombies grew ever closer to him. Switching targets Shinon focused on the one closing to his ally and fired away. At least they hadn't gone for him. He hoped the necromancer didn't have any more tricks up his sleeve.

Actions: Aim, shoot zombie horde.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"This is no more difficult than fighting a cave bear and a pack of wolves" Ka-Vara told the necromancer as he set his daedric companion on the zombies attacking Metosi "It may not be as easy as what you gave is at the start, but your creations are still about as threatening as a slaughter fish. So you know what? I'm done with your creations. Prepare your skull you creepy bastard, because I'm coming up to crack it like a nut!". With that said, Ka-Vara broke off his attack and headed for the stairs leading up to the next level and hopefully the necromancer.

Daedra's Actions: Aid Metosi
Ka-Vara's Actions: Run up the stairs to confront the necromancer
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LotusWarrior
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@Eklispe Actions: Aim, shoot zombie horde.

Marksman check required: (1 yellow 2 green vs 2 purple) = ss = Double success

Daedra's Actions: Aid Metosi
Ka-Vara's Actions: Run up the stairs to confront the necromancer

Hand to Hand check required: (2 green vs 2 purple) = fb = Failure with benefit.

Athletics check required: (3 green vs 2 purple) = tt = Failure with double threat.

Ka-Vara moved toward the staircase, but was prevented from doing so by the monster, who stepped into his path and took a swing at him. The swing went wide as Ka-Vara ducked and move away from the blow (1 strain damage to Ka-Vara). Ka-Vara's deadra dove into the two reaming Zombies to assist, Though it did not make a successful blow, it did give time for Metosi to prepare a spell. Blasting a last blow of electricity, the two zombies dropped in a jerking manor then laid still.

With the threat eliminated, Qa'Ra rushed and made a blow towards the monster. Making a critical blow to the monsters leg, the horror dropped to its knees as it growled in anger. Shinon took aim at the now debilitated monsters head, Shooting straight and true the arrow logged itself deep between the monsters eyes. A sicking thud filled the room and the monsters fell to the ground. It did not raise again.

The group held for a moment for the next wave. After a few second the realised that it was over. There was no voice heard from above.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Shinon took a deep breath in the moment of silence. No more monsters? That left just the necromancer, Shinon gestured towards the stairs and ran up them. His eyes searched the next level for any sign of danger, ready to fire off at the slightest indication of it. They'd gotten through the hard part, now all was left was to take care of the necromancer. Right?

Actions: Run up the stairs and survey the room.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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"Your pets are dead, necromancer!" Ka-Vara called out as he followed Shinon up the stairs "And you're next!".

Action: Head up the stairs.
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