Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

The announcer looked around, sighing. Even he knew that 23 had to be at his breaking point by now. The crowd too was waiting for a reason to cheer, but they seemed interested in the acceptance of a rivalry between the sayain and namekian. The sayain had nearly killed him no more than a minute ago, and now she was afraid for his life. How odd. What was more interesting was that doru, the person who had been hurt so, was already back up and ready to fight. His ability to regenerate seemed to be beyond just bringing back limbs. The Announcer addressed these last two statements to the crowd, letting them burst out eagerly in cheer.
"Now, let the battle commence! Mizune and Panrite, the finalist!" He shouted loudly with a blasting, overzealous voice. This was very exciting, even for him.

23 smiled as he got her attention, only to stop in shock when the namek came back. As he focus turned, he fell to the ground, a groan of annoyance let out and he got up. Snapping his finger, he smiled at his enemy. He wanted to show off. Putting his hands in his pocket, the demonic ki he was given began to show.* "Alright, just for you, I'll start out at 80%, free of charge!" He replied cockily, though he was really going 100%. He thought it better to make her feel like he was stronger than she.
"Come at me with all you have, I'd like to see just how strong you are"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune went to the arena. She was happy the namekian was alive and she earned her respect. She could see his ki buding. "80% eh? Impressive this might be more fun now. The stronger the oppenent the better the fight." Excitement surged through her veins. Mizune turned Super Sayain. His power was a litte above hers. I might have to use the kaioken. I cant go past 3. Even as a super sayain my body cant take the strain The crowd was in aura as the two auras mixed. She charged at him sending a flurry of punches at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mizune went to the arena. She was happy the namekian was alive and she earned her respect. She could see his ki buding. "80% eh? Impressive this might be more fun now. The stronger the oppenent the better the fight." Excitement surged through her veins. Mizune turned Super Sayain. His power was a litte above hers. I might have to use the kaioken. I cant go past 3. Even as a super sayain my body cant take the strain The crowd was in aura as the two auras mixed. She charged at him sending a flurry of punches at him.

Laughing a bit in a soft way before he looked to her with wide eyes, his laughter became somewhat irrational. He seemed to be somewhat happy, just way too happy for an occasion such as this. keeping his hands down, his grin grew a bit more sinister. His eyes pierced at her. He had just finished the installation of the move taught to him by gor. He was beyond his average power, and he had all of her movements memorized to a short extent.
"I don't suppose you would know goku and his offspring, or a sword wielder know as trunks? Your style is practically the same as theirs, Seeing as you're a sayian, I wouldn't be surprised if you knew them at all. Topping that off, you used Vegeta's galick gun...." He said laughing a bit more. Suddenly he jumped forward, hitting the ground with the side of his foot and sending dirt up towards the sayains eyes. They would still be pretty far away. "I'm hoping you're just as strong as they are! It'd be disappointing if you showed any weakness" He said darting in, his hands in a basic thai fighterstance before he threw a jab-straight one two combo at his enemy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bluetommy
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Bluetommy Disastrous Enby

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Doru was taken aback by the speed at which 23 attacked, Doru barely being able to keep up, his eyes shooting to his next position instead of following with him as he moved like when he fought other opponents. "He's fast, faster than me at the least, the girl and I are about even in speed when she's in Super Saiyan, this looks bad for her, maybe she has a way to go faster, as I do, although hers probably involves less ripping off of her own limbs, hopefully at least." Doru watched the match intently, considering the two's strengths. "The girl focused on overwhelming me when we fought, and succeeded, mostly because my strategy had weak defense, I doubt it would work a second time, especially against someone so fast."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune cursed as her attacks missed.*Damn he is faster then me!* "Huh? What of it. Yea I know them. Im a decendant of them. My family has old footage of their fights and I studied their movements from it. Some of its also natural talent." She cursed seeing the dirt come into her eyes. "dammit! Thats a firty trick." She tried getting the dirt out of her eyes. She felt the collison of the punches. Mizune growled, the dirt out of her eyes, and said "Dont mock the sayain rrace!" Mizune jumped up in the air sending a flurry of ki blast at him."Think your so funny huh!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mizune cursed as her attacks missed.*Damn he is faster then me!* "Huh? What of it. Yea I know them. Im a decendant of them. My family has old footage of their fights and I studied their movements from it. Some of its also natural talent." She cursed seeing the dirt come into her eyes. "dammit! Thats a firty trick." She tried getting the dirt out of her eyes. She felt the collison of the punches. Mizune growled, the dirt out of her eyes, and said "Dont mock the sayain rrace!" Mizune jumped up in the air sending a flurry of ki blast at him."Think your so funny huh!"

Using his ability to absorb Ki, 23 grabbed two of the blast and jumped back, letting the miss. He absorbed the two ki blast, but had hurt his hands a bit. Still, this would make him strong, and even out this evil energy in him. "Quit whinning, I wasn't talking bad of your people, gah! Every single contestant here was so annoying! I can't keep my calm with such biligerant fools!" He screamed, clutching his head in pain before looking to her with a single blood shot eye, a powerful aura. "Fight me! I want this over!" He shouted charging forward with a spinning reserve side kick.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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She saw he can absorb ki attacks. She had to catch him off guard when he did it. She then had a idea. She could rush at him, while firing attacks. Something wasnt right with this guy. Mizune remembered seeing him before the matches and he wasnt like this. Mizune saw him coming at her with a kick and charged at him colliding her own kick with his. The impact sent her back. "Guess I have no choice. Kaioken!" Her body became engulfed in a red aura. Mizune flew fast behind him sending a flurry of punches at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"...They will hear my name...and they will know fear...."
"I will be their freeza...their Cell....their Buu........."
"Such potential, but it must be brought out with pain, suffering. I will cause this, and more.."

Gor, having reached Buu's house, or, where it should of been, finds a housing complex to be built over where the clay house once stood. Gor growls, seeing it as defacing history, ignorant of the wish to allow those on earth, save for the Z fighters, to forget about the rampage of Majin Buu. Gor charged his energy into the palm of his hand, and formed a ki blast..and obliterated the building, along with all inside, leaving only a scorched spot of earth. Those near by would most likely flee, running, driving away. Why wouldn't they, the demon who defeated the world martial arts champion in a single strike just blew up and entire building....
"..Perfect, a nice clear place to train. I'd best get started, Mizune may sense that...." Gor says, as he in fact, does start training, doing one arm push ups, sit ups, and practicing his fighting moves. As he did, he quickly learned of an attack, memories of the chubby Majin Buu filling his mind....an attack common among demons, but not one Gor had learned in his youth, due to being a lesser demon. A beam, able to transmute anything..however, it's main use by Majin Buu was to turn people into candy, allowing him to absorb them, and their power. Quickly, he began to test this ability, firing it at near by street lamps, cars, and what else. He found, after a few tries, he could easily preform this ability.
Grinning, Gor knew just how to speed up his training so he could, in fact, surpass Mizune, or anyone for that matter. He flies off, into a new city, turning the citizens of the city into candy, and consuming them, turning them into small power boosts for the demon. While each was a small boost, he quickly, moving as fast as he could, devoured ten, twenty, fifty, a hundred people, each one adding onto his power bit by bit. Oddly, as his power grows, his helmet starts to crack, as if his growing power threatens to shatter it. Lucky for him, even devouring so many people, the large number of death was lucky far enough away not to blip up on anyone's sensing radar.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

She saw he can absorb ki attacks. She had to catch him off guard when he did it. She then had a idea. She could rush at him, while firing attacks. Something wasnt right with this guy. Mizune remembered seeing him before the matches and he wasnt like this. Mizune saw him coming at her with a kick and charged at him colliding her own kick with his. The impact sent her back. "Guess I have no choice. Kaioken!" Her body became engulfed in a red aura. Mizune flew fast behind him sending a flurry of punches at him.

As soon as she began to fly, 23 three smirked. Curling up he suddenly spaced out, sending electric pulses around them until they grabbed the girl in which had smacked him in the face a few times. While he visibly hurt, she could feel the cold metal inside him, and he slowly muscled to turn his head with her fist still on it, taunting her with a smile before the electricity was gone. He was now at about half of his power, he needed to catch her and grab her now. Better yet, he decided to bluff some more.
"hehehehe, face it, I'm unbeatable! If you attack me with your ki, I can steal it and become stronger, and if you come anywhere near me, I'll, I'll just zap you again!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune growled at him and had to find a way to take him down but then stopped a great power was near. A familiar power. It was that Gor guy. Wait...this was a diversion. "You idiot! That demon guy is using us fighting as a distraction. Dont you feel his power?!" She asked breaking free from his hold. "I dont have time for a moron who is being used. I have to protect earth." She flew fast to where Gor was and froze seeing what he did. "So your the brains of the operations. Im guessing you were using that moron as a distraction." Mizune knew she might have to break the kai-ken limit just to match his power right now. But this poiwer he had..it was exciting.She was going to love fighting him. She saw a piece of candy and realized what he did "You bastard! They were innocent! What you did is unforgivable!" She turned super syain and knew right now she was breaking her kaioken limit. "KAIOKEN x10!" A erutption of ki aura came from her and she charged at him with a flurry of punches and attacks.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mizune growled at him and had to find a way to take him down but then stopped a great power was near. A familiar power. It was that Gor guy. Wait...this was a diversion. "You idiot! That demon guy is using us fighting as a distraction. Dont you feel his power?!" She asked breaking free from his hold. "I dont have time for a moron who is being used. I have to protect earth." She flew fast to where Gor was and froze seeing what he did. "So your the brains of the operations. Im guessing you were using that moron as a distraction." Mizune knew she might have to break the kai-ken limit just to match his power right now. But this poiwer he had..it was exciting.She was going to love fighting him. She saw a piece of candy and realized what he did "You bastard! They were innocent! What you did is unforgivable!" She turned super syain and knew right now she was breaking her kaioken limit. "KAIOKEN x10!" A erutption of ki aura came from her and she charged at him with a flurry of punches and attacks.

Watching her fly away, he sighed, accepting the winnings before flying off. He stopped at a store, bought a few batteries and kept on, swallowing three before he met up with her. To his amazement, she was already in kaio-ken x10. He wanted this technique, but more study was required. More than that, he wanted this sayain, and he wanted her alive. Rushing to stop her, she was too fast for him, and he did not manage to catch her. Sighing, he thought perhaps reasoning would work. It was his best option up to now. He couldn't stop her, and he wasn't about to waste the energy in case he was attacked or seen as a threat next. Growling, his 3-d gear clicked on to the candy. It played back footage of buu, and in fear, he stuffed it in his pocket. Perhaps he could change them back at the lab. While they where fighting, he would look for more. "stop! You can't beat him, we need to train, please!" He begged, knowing it wouldn't work. In all truth, he hoped she was beaten, the zenkai boost would help.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

@manapool1 @Zerofighter
"Hehehe, silly girl, my power ha-"

"Kioken, X10!"

This was the last words Gor said, before, most likely to everyone's amazement, Mizune punches though Gor's chest, his demon dark red blood, darker than normal blood, splatters all over the surrounding area, a bowling ball sized hole where his chest used to be. Along side his blood, about, a hundred or so jaw breakers of varying colors are lodged in with the gore, from Gor.
".....D-damn...it.....Damn....it..all...." Gor says, barely able to breath, as he staggers back, off of Mizune's arm. The demon has blood running from under his mask, and it is obvious. He's beaten, and bloodied, and nearly dying. ".......Kioken...plus..super....Damn it all, that's insane! How, how did you reach such power?!" Gor asks the Sayian that just literally almost ripped him in two, with a single strike.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Mizune panted and said "Natural talent I guess.." Her muscles looked strained now, and it was clear that she was strugling with all her might to stay as a super sayain. She cursed and held her arm, which was now limp. "Dammit it all! Times 10 was to much, my body couldnt take the strain...Im gonna have to retreat." She looked at Gor. "Listen death breath, your all banged up and Imnot in a good shape either. So a year and a half we train. We train and afterword were going to have a rematch." SHe panted and the super sayain form was gone now and she looked to be struggling to stand now. *Damn I think I have enough ki to go home. Maybe mom can make something to help me train..* "Do we havea deal?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

"...Deal......but, before you go..a present....GRAAA!" Gor says, yelling as he turns around, and blasts behind him with a strange lighting attack, turning all the candy...back into the people they were. "Consider that, my gift to you...for giving me a chance to live...." Gor says, before thinking. "...You're power is almost..entirely gone...here..." He says, before, giving her a small amount of ki. Just enough for her to be able to return home. "..A year, and a half....I'll see you here, then..." Gor says, as he starts to walk away, already the hole punched in him begins to close, his flesh oddly acting like a taffy, stretching and such to reform his destroyed tissues.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"...Deal......but, before you go..a present....GRAAA!" Gor says, yelling as he turns around, and blasts behind him with a strange lighting attack, turning all the candy...back into the people they were. "Consider that, my gift to you...for giving me a chance to live...." Gor says, before thinking. "...You're power is almost..entirely gone...here..." He says, before, giving her a small amount of ki. Just enough for her to be able to return home. "..A year, and a half....I'll see you here, then..." Gor says, as he starts to walk away, already the hole punched in him begins to close, his flesh oddly acting like a taffy, stretching and such to reform his destroyed tissues.

The emence amount of candy that had been collected by 23 was suddenly transformed in his hands, and he put it to the side. He was seriously about to finish off his enemy, gor, but the fact he managed to give her ki surprised him. He Growled, grabbing for mizune and flying off. He was clearly concerned. There was a healing chamber at his base, but a weak one at that. it might be just enough to heal the strain she had gotten. This had gone south bad, that damn gor came too soon. He needed more time. 'Listen, Mizune, I suppose I owe you an explanation before I do this. I'm not a human, I'm more machine than anything really" he began as he flew, hoping Gor kept away from those people. "But I'm not against you or anything in this world... infact I wish to be like those made by nature, free and real. That is why I protect these people, and I was hoping if, well" He continue before turning to her with an unfit and odd smile. "I was wondering if you'd like to help me save it this time"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

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Miune watched him leave and cursed as the guyshe fought earlier carried her. "let me go I can fly by myself." She followed him back to some base. She collasped on a chair, her left arm limp, and her muscles swollen from using the kaioken x10. "Damn..i went way passed my normal limit. Anything more and my bones would be all broken now." She sat there listening to what the boy had to say. She smiles and Mizune said "I already promised to save this world...so yea why not. I need to call my mom, she can make a place for me to train for the year..." She checked her phone which was destroyed "Oh no its broken.." She dropped the broken phone and passed out
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Miune watched him leave and cursed as the guyshe fought earlier carried her. "let me go I can fly by myself." She followed him back to some base. She collasped on a chair, her left arm limp, and her muscles swollen from using the kaioken x10. "Damn..i went way passed my normal limit. Anything more and my bones would be all broken now." She sat there listening to what the boy had to say. She smiles and Mizune said "I already promised to save this world...so yea why not. I need to call my mom, she can make a place for me to train for the year..." She checked her phone which was destroyed "Oh no its broken.." She dropped the broken phone and passed out

"eh, well, um, er, I have a ham radio... Could that work?" 23 began, pressing buttons on a board, a small, confined coffin looking this behind her opening. he turned to her. He seemed very calm but looked between her and the spot. He sighed at her injuries. "Listen, get into that, it's a healing chamber... If I'm right, you must have torn almost every muscle you own, but this is a good thing. You are a sayain, I know this. Your kind has a unique ability to get strong the worse you are injured so this is good" He said with a smile. 'here, give me the address of your mother and I will tell her the situation while you heal"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

Mizune looked up at him as he began talking about calling her mom. She nodded about the radio working. She nodded again about the healing chamber and her inuries. Mizune sighed as she was in the healing chamber and managed to mumble out just her mother's last name. "Briefs.." She said before apssing out and the healing machine began to heal her.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Surprised she so willingly accepted to come into the small coffin like device, he took no time to work on setting it up. It was, in fact, a healing chamber. With the machine closing, preparing to do it's job, he suddenly heard her say the words of her mother's maiden name. To think, he had in his hands one of the daughters of the richest people in the world? It was unbelievable to think such a thing was happening. Regardless, he had to keep his word. Flying off after it had put her in stasis for about an hour, he used his database to locate where 18 had once found her way into the capsule corps industry and followed to there. The guards seemed somewhat afraid as he flew down to them, a big, cheerful smile as he landed.
"Hey, uh, do the breifs live here? I was just wondering because I have there daughter and I thought they might want her back" He spoke quickly, realizing after he had said such that he had made a terrible first impression.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zerofighter
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Zerofighter Writer of Story and Smut We all love both

Member Seen 2 mos ago

A black hard woman with a blue and purple strands in her hair walked down the steps. She asked "May I ask why you have my daughter?" She then looked at him closer "Wait...your the boy she was fighting, then she just left the arena. The announcer said her leaving is a forfeit. Is she ok? A friend said she was in a city fighting some guy." Her mother then said "My name is Grail Breifs. Now are you going to tell me if my daughter is ok?"
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