@supertinykingTbh its just 5 minutes, and if he uses it, after the time is up, then he will pass out for 3 days.
Also, He's at super sayian level anyways. Something Mizune can do, but her going super sayian has no after effects unlike mine which has the same after effects of a Kaio Ken.
Talking about unfair, Isnt Super Sayian for Mizune a bit unfair as well since it dosent have a time limit, and it dosent have any after effects. I'm just leveling the playing field. The time will be up after 5 minutes in other words 3 posts of mine. Plus with all the abilities he busting out, trust me his Ki is going to run out quickly. For example, if he uses Spirit Cannon, Kienzan, Scarlet Combo at the same time, after he finishes using it hes going to get KO'ed.
Also this is more like half the power of the REAL super kaio ken. IN Kaio Ken level, X30 for him would be x250 or something like that. Its still pretty weak, since its only 5 minutes anyways.