All she had is a backpack full of school stuff which might have just enough cash for lunch and a phone in her front jeans pocket but most likely has her pocket safety pinned shut. Reason for that is in Nova's past, along with why she knows how to pick locks and why she ditched school a lot before she moved to Chronos View. She does have a very serious past that shall be revealed later....
We can always say she bumped into two people. Daniel and then Jack as she went to go around the corner from him that she bumped into another person or well more that person bumped into her this time, though she would be just frustrated at two times in a row.
Nova: What is with me and bumping into strange men today? I am just asking to get in trouble it seems
XD poor poor Daniel. A horrible shock has befallen him and can't even ask Nova questions because she is fast and his manager isn't going to let go of his leash