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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@The ghost in black
Meruin fell on the bed right next to Aleksandra's, still passed out. She mumbled a bit, with her arms flailing about - somehow, she managed to draw an energy rune, which created a none lethal but blinding flash of light. All the while, Meruin was sporting a little, seemingly eager, smile on her face.

"Heh . . heh heh," she muttered softly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Aleksandra was maybe sitting on her bed for a solid minute before another girl was dropped through a hole in the ceiling onto the bed next to hers. "Uuumm... hel-" was all she was able to get out before she saw the rune and quickly ducked behind the bed; When the flash went off and went away Aleksa peeked up over the bed and just stared at her roommate for a moment before she began to causously make her way over to her. In a moment Aleksandra was next to Meruin lightly shaking her in an attempt to wake her up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran headed out to the dorm room he'd been assigned shortly after the announcement from the speaker. He took a few minutes to explore it a bit, getting an idea of the layout and what it had, before finding the bedroom and sitting on one of the beds. His schedule was there but he didn't look at it, instead he was waiting for his roommate, whoever it was. He wanted to at least meet them before he passed out again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 10 mos ago

Sandra listened to the intercoms announcement carefully "Sol... thats the guy who is fighting." She muttered outloud watching the fight with renewed interest once more. "I will just wait for his fight to finish and ill head back to the room with him, he probably knows where he is going since I was late." The girl thought and took a final sip of her glass finishing it off and sliding it back down the bar towards the barkeeper only to have overshot it off the bar and smashing into the ground "Ahhh shoot." She mumbled wondering if she was going to have to clean that up.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@The ghost in black

Meruin snorted inelegantly as she floundered about, startled by the sudden attempts to wake her. "Whu - buh - huh?" she babbled, looking around her. "Huh . . . so the exam's over. A pity."

Sighing with a disappointed air, she took stock of the room around her. It was rather nice, really. She assumed they would be brought to the entrance of the school itself, but judging from the fact that her luggage was just laying in the corner over there, it seemed that they had opted to deliver her straight to her dormitory room. The bed was also fluffy, she noticed.

Thinking back on her previous battle, Meruin shivered a little, suddenly eager to do it again . . . but no, not right now; her body felt like lead. There was no way she would be able to enjoy 'battle' so-called if this was the state she was in. It would also be rude to her opponent; if battle needed two or more people to commence, such that it was impossible to achieve alone, then the logic followed that it was a social construct that required that all participants be reciprocal of each others strength and ability, if they were to enjoy it.

At least, that was her current hypothesis on why she had found it so suprisingly enjoyable.

Then she noticed she wasn't alone.

". . . Excuse me, but this is my room. You're currently trespassing, so unless you have business with me, please vacate the premises," said Meruin to the only other occupant in the room. She had no idea how she got here, but she would honestly like to rest without having to be wary of intruders.

@Dash375 & @floodtalon

As the glass shattered, the bartender snapped her fingers. Slowly, as if a video moving played in reverse, the glass righted itself on top of the table. Picking it up, she deposited the now clean glass back in its casing.

"No problem, no problem," she said airily. "Broken glasses happen all the time here, what with the bar fights. I'd say you'd still have to pay for it though, but seeing as the money Mr. Chen gave out still covers it, you're safe for now; speaking of which, I think he's talking to you."

She gave Chen a wink. "Don't mind it so, she's pretty engrossed in the battle; can't win all the women's favor with a charming smile and wads of cash, after all. Sometimes they just like strong men," said the bartender in a purely joking manner.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


Member Seen 10 mos ago

"oh." Sandra spoke embarrassed when she realized she had completely ignored Chen before in favor of the battle which had taken over her mind for the past minute "Nice to meet you, Chen." She spoke still having somehow picked up his name without even listening though it may of been because she heard the bartender say it.
"I am Sandra Blight, I am new to all this magical stuff so I get pretty interested when I see something new and it kinda distracts me." She bowed her head in an apology "And thank you for paying for my drink, I will return the favor when you wish." The girl offered and raised her head glancing an eye at the person she was talking to while keeping the fight in her vision as well in an attempt to multitask both.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Flood
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Flood Cyber-Phantasy Knight

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Chen waved Sandra off and continued watching the fight with Sol. "I get the feeling. A new concept always captures my attention, so I understand completely. In regards to the money, I don't particularly care." He turned his head to Sandra and smiled sweetly. "The only thing you owe me..." The smile turned vicious as a thirst for battle entered his eyes. "Is an amazing battle. You think you can do that?" A second passed and his charming smile and kind eyes reappeared. Chen turned his attention back to the bartender. "I can respect strength."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha woke up in a room in complete surprise. The last thing she remembered she was hanging in another room but it was very foggy in her mind. She heard the announcement but did not quite comprehend it. She got up and walked out the door to see a bedroom with two beds. As Agatha looked around the room she noticed someone else in the room. She smiled as she spoke.

"Hello. My name is Agatha Pendragon."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dash375


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"Oooh what a menacing look to give a fair lady." Sandra grinned and matched it with a glare "When the time comes I will look forward to cutting you up and then you can buy me another drink." She dropped the looked and laughed "Though I might need a bit of training before I try anything as extreme as taking on someone who seems as strong as you, especially before I know what kind of magic you use. I will watch next time you fight with great interest so show me everything you have got!"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran was waiting a bit anxiously and almost started when Agatha entered the room and said hello. He stood up from the bed and faced her so that he could introduce himself, taking only a moment to look her over.

"Kieran Altaaya" He bowed lightly "you're my roommate then? hmm, A pleasure" He held out a hand. He probably came off a little awkward as he tried to follow human formalities.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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Agatha held out her hand as she tried to hide her surprise.
"I am happy to meet you as well. I didn't realize that this is a co-ed academy. Not that it really matters."
Agatha blushed deeply as she spoke. She became a bit nervous knowing that she would be rooming with a male. She also noticed that he was good looking in her eyes.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran gave a smile as he shook Agatha's hand, but he tilted his head curiously as she blushed, he didn't quite understand it's meaning. regardless, the friendly smile returned to his face and he gestured at the beds "pick whichever you would like, I'll take the other" he wondered whether the classes started immediately or the next morning, his thoughts were punctuated by a long yawn.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aisling
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Aisling The Creator of RPs and creating things for them!

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"If you don't mind, I'll take the one by the window. I tend to wake early and do meditations as the sun rises." Agatha spoke as she looked for her belongings. She wondered what her new roommate will think about her aura problems for there was a definite increase of temperature surrounding her body. If one would hold a thermometer close to her body, it would register around 80 degrees.
"I see that the folder with our class schedule have arrived. I hope that I got all of the classes I wanted. What classes did you choose?" she finished speaking as she started to unpack her belongings.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Kieran found himself getting strangely warmer, the feeling wasn't unpleasant and he soon found that the heat was coming from his new roommate. He unconsciously took a step closer to her as he picked up his schedule to look it over. "I've got: artifacts, rituals, general education, then a free period followed by combat training, summoning, enchanting, and finally sealing" he looked from his schedule to Agatha "what classes have you picked?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The ghost in black
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The ghost in black Totally Not Here

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Aleksandra had to take a small breath before responding after hearing Meruin call her a trespasser. "*sigh*... First off your the one who dropped in on me," she started and stood up "Second hi nice to meet you I'm your roommate Aleksandra so this is my room too". Aleksandra gave a small smile before walking over to her closet and grabbing a skirt and shirt similar to her clothing that she was currently wearing. "If you don't mind I'm going to go take a shower because my test left me dusty, sweaty, and tired" she said and gestured to her skirt that was a bit torn and her shirt was dirty before she walked over to her bathroom and turned on the hot water after marveling at how clean and pristine it was. After letting the water run for a second Aleksandra stepped into it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheHangedMan
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TheHangedMan One Week Wizard

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@floodtalon & @Dash375

"A mishap at a bar, a charming, rich young man to pay for it, and bonding over mutual lust . . . of battle! Oh I can see the sparks flying already!" swooned the bartender suddenly. With a playful grin, she pulled out a glass of wine - suspiciously branded 'Amore~' and emptied its contents into a fine crystal wineglass.

"Love is in the air~" With an exaggerated sigh, raised the glass of wine in the air and downed it with a large amount of theatrics. "I swear ya battle aficionado's take this attitude of 'fight me for fun and friendship!' everywhere you go, up to and especially the bedroom," she added with a fox-like snicker, completely unabashed by the implications she was making.

Her snickers settling down, she said in a more serious - though that was not much more serious, by any means - tone: "In any case, strength is strength - I doubt people find it hard to respect it. Kinda separates people, let's 'em know who's more important - on a social level, anyway."

@The ghost in black

Meruin took a moment to process what Aleksandra had said. Huh, so it appears that she had to share the room with her. Not quite something she had envisioned doing, but okay.

"Oh, then apologize for the misunderstanding, and it's good to meet you, Aleksandra," said Meruin conversationally. "I'm Meruin, your roommate, in case you needed confirmation."

Nodding in understanding, Meruin watched as Aleksandra stepped into the bath; it was true, she was fairly dirty. She wondered how she had reached that filthy state of dress. Shrugging, she concluded it must have been something to do with her exam. Speaking of which . . .

Meruin looked down on her own attire, which wasn't much cleaner itself. It had holes where she was stabbed, slight burns from where her shields hadn't reached, and was covered in soot, gravel and just earth in general. Deciding it would be best if she got herself cleaned as well, Meruin took of her clothing and dumped them on top of her bags, reminding herself to get them mended and cleaned later.

Having yet to notice that there were, in fact, two bathrooms Meruin stepped into the shower right after Aleksanrda.

"Hm, looks like I forgot to bring out my soap and shampoo. Are there any spare ones there, Aleksandra?" said Meruin, nonchalantly using a tub to wash herself next to the girl.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Eklispe
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by olcharlieboi
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olcharlieboi Master Mind of the Swarm

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Charles looked around to notice to his knowledge he was still alone, he shrugs and puts his bag on a bed humming slightly to himself as he begun to unpack his books, he would look to find his schedule and looked at it "...looks nice..." he says looking at it, then puts it away so he knows where to go when it becomes time for class. he would stretch and sit on his bed now picking up one of his books and looking at the mythical creatures in it. "So many creatures.... to think I could turn into any of them.. as soon as I get use to the strain from shapeshifting.." he says to himself "...and that's just one part.." he says as he looks to his hand as a finger changes color to a metallic color before changing back "...to think something unnatural like that is a lot easier than turning into a creature." he sighs. "a lot of work ahead of me.. not that matters to much for my family though means more to me..." he lays back looking at his hand as he practices some, changing his hand into claws then back to normal.
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