If you have ever shot a gun indoors, you know that for the next 10 minutes everyone would be deaf. So let's skip that for the sake of the RP, shall we?
@6slyboy6 Agreed. To be honest the firing a gun indoors was a rash reaction to a bunch of excited kids. Also I hope people don't mind that I made Imogen's pop the bar owner.
@1n5tant Ar50n You forget that Ash is mentally unstable and just doesn't give a shit xD
Also since he just shot blanks it wouldn't leave any damage, maybe smoke on the ceiling. And with the short barrel the sound would probably be less concentrated, and it's not quite a 12 gauge. Maybe an ear ringing if you were right next to it, but nobody would be deaf. That and depends on how big the room is. But for RP sake we'll just say it was a very loud sound and flash.
@Desire Well it's been stated that the bar is a smaller place and crowded so there would realistically have been some collateral. Plus why would he be carrying blank shells if regular ammo is a pricey commodity?
@RhineQueen Because a blank would be extremely cheap as it would not actually be firing a projectile. Could be just a little gun powder.
But @1n5tant Ar50n is right, it's not like anybody cared but Tyra xD I just want all the cluster fuck of meeting to skip over and get on with this thing