@The Darklight ProjectOh, Demons have entered the picture, have they? Interesting. . . and damn, I didn't figure Christopher was going to be our red shirt for this fight.
@RaijinslayerYep, it was my intention from the very beginning to introduce them within the first arc, hence why I included information about them in the OOC.
And yeah, Christopher's shirt is very, very red now.
@The Darklight ProjectIs it bad that Shadar would probably give the twitchy (possibly demon) lady a pat on the back for cursing the Divines? Also, does someone else have to take her down now because Christopher failed epically?
@RaijinslayerShe's not a demon surprisingly enough, but that'll be got into with my next post. However, don't worry about her. I know who it's necessary for me to contact for her to get taken down properly, so I'll be acting on that now.
Is the lesson to never read anything you say in the OOC? Because that's my new policy!
Actually, I'm now just more stoked to catch up on the IC. I'll probably do that later tonight if I don't just end up playing Stardew Valley forever instead.
I am workin on that shit now btw. if you can throw anything information about Barcea at me. like geography, how likely are there to be bandits, or anything like that It would make this go faster