When the Clone Wars began, all was shrouded in mystery. The Sith Lord and his apprentice had set in motion a chain of events which were to unfold over years of war, and in the end, the Sith would rise to power over the weakened Jedi. The Sith Lord however underestimated the hatred spread throughout the galaxy, and as the war began, others rose up against the Jedi. Others, who wished to crush the Republic and the Jedi ways. At long last, the rule of two was broken, and the Sith Empire was reborn. However, distracted by the empowered Dark Side, the Sith Lord who had earned a place of power within the republic was unable to silence a disturbance within the Clone army. When a faulty limiter in a clone malfunctioned, it was investigated and the secret plot was revealed. The chips were destroyed meant to enforce loyalty were uncovered and quickly destroyed, and the corruption within Kamino dealt with swiftly. The plan was shattered in an instant it seemed... the clones were free, and order 66 was nothing more than a failed plan that was never to be put into action. The Sith had delivered a real army directly into the hands of the Republic, and as a result, the Jedi.
A new war was beginning however. The powers shifted, and the victory of the Sith now relied ultimately on the Confederacy legitimately winning the war. And so the Sith became their leaders, guiding droids into battle against Jedi and clones alike. After all... droids were no match for a Jedi, but a Sith could act as their equal on the battlefield. A direct counter. No longer held back by the mystery of the Dark Side's plot, all was now known. The Sith plot had failed before it even began, and yet they had more power than ever. But so to did the Jedi, now with their clone army.
Sith against Jedi, Droid against Clone, Confederacy against Republic. Begun, the Clone Wars had.
A new war was beginning however. The powers shifted, and the victory of the Sith now relied ultimately on the Confederacy legitimately winning the war. And so the Sith became their leaders, guiding droids into battle against Jedi and clones alike. After all... droids were no match for a Jedi, but a Sith could act as their equal on the battlefield. A direct counter. No longer held back by the mystery of the Dark Side's plot, all was now known. The Sith plot had failed before it even began, and yet they had more power than ever. But so to did the Jedi, now with their clone army.
Sith against Jedi, Droid against Clone, Confederacy against Republic. Begun, the Clone Wars had.
Character Sheet:
Character Name:
Alignment: (Jedi or Sith)
Description: (Can include physical description and personality)
Reference: (If you wish to use a picture reference do so here)
Home System: (Pick one system which your fleet will begin in and will act as your personal system to do with as you wish. Be smart about it. Don't be a Sith and pick a moon orbiting Coruscant FOR EXAMPLE.)
Fleet: (Use the point system below. Ground forces are implied. Use Wookiepedia and other sources of information for referance for the general carrying capacity of ships and such. However, ground forces will often be won or lost based on the individual actions of leaders. That's not to say a larger force won't overpower the smaller though.)
Any extra information is allowed. If you wish to add your own sections to the character sheet then feel free to do so. However, please do not alter or remove and of the sections that are already there. The only exception is Reference. If you do not wish to use a reference picture then simply leave out that section.
Points: Everyone gets 10 points to start with. Throughout the RP, different events will contribute to your points. Victories, commerce, and politics will all factor into earning you points. Points are used to earn ships. Each ship is given a point value based on its power. You may disagree with my view of what ships are worth what points, but this is all based off of my general understanding of the ships and their power. I don't want people buying ten Providences for the cost of ten acclimators obviously, but I don't want the larger more powerful ships to feel like they are out of reach either.
NOTICE: Some ships will not be available until later in the RP. Some ships may not be available at all for purchase and must be acquired through special events. The Malevolence is one such example, so if you're saving up hoping that a big name ship will come up for purchase, don't hold your breath. If you see a ship missing that you would like to have in your fleet, just suggest it to me and I will look into it, and if it's fitting the RP I will give it a point value and add it to the list.
NOTICE 2: The ships I'm adding from the start will be pretty simple. As in I'm probably not going to go through the list of ships and just name a ton. Remember this is currently the beginning of the RP. So your beginning choices will be limited.
NOTICE 3: It won't always be balanced. I will do my best to balance through point value, but for example the CiS will have access to the Lukrahulk ships from the beginning while the biggest ship the Republic will have access to is the Venator which is more on par with a Providence. It's just something we'll have to live with.
NOTICE 4: Not all ships will strictly follow lore. I'm going to consider a Lukrahulk Droid Control Ship a 6 point ship for example, while in lore it may have been worth quite a bit less or more, depending on how many guns were on it. I will also be giving them short descriptions and specifications so that they are more focused ships. For example, the Droid Control Ship has a ton of fighters, but not many guns.
Lukrahulk Droid Control Ship - 6 Points (Lacks gun emplacements, but makes up for that with a massive fighter/bomber capacity. May be upgraded to Battleships later for 2 points.)
Lukrahilk Battleship Refit - 10 Points (Has the fighter/bomber capacity of a Droid Control Ship but the gun emplacements of a battle station)
Providence Class Destroyer - 3 Points (Basic CiS destroyer. This is separate from the larger Dreadnought Variant)
Munificent Frigate - 1 Point (A cheap Frigate)
Victory I-class Star Destroyer - 4 Points (A more powerful destroyer than the Venator with less focus on fighter/bomber support.)
Venator-Class Star Destroyer - 3 Points (A general Destroyer)
Acclimator Assault Carrier - 1 Point (A cheap landing craft able to hold its own in space conflicts)
Galaxy Map: