Name: Owari
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Profession: Commandant of Hell
Title: "Death's Embrace"

Facts: Exalted Shinigami
-Unlike lesser Shinigami, can kill anything sentient to live - not only humans.
-Youngest Supreme Commander in Hell's history
-Serves as a human warlord when unoccupied in hell.
-Believes in fighting and living honorably, despite being a shinigami.
Skills: Highly Intelligent, Strategical Genius, Immune to Conventional Weaponry
Detriments: Arrogant, Cynical, Incapable of feeling, Must kill to perpetuate life,
"The First Curse""The Last Word""True Form"
When enraged or during the time of war, Owari becomes engulfed in pure darkness, giving him the ability to raise the dead and withstand much more damage, also, he can move at a highly increased speed and much more imposing physical power.-
@Lost Angel