@Absolis Will do when I get home.
(description here)
{{Mooks}}: Let's see, you have... goombas, koopas, stormtroopers, mini kaiju, space marines, and many other expendable no ones.
TrappedInAnotherWorld: just about everyone. It would be easier to name the characters not in this situation.
Namely, Cyano Conablum, The Uber Ethereal, and the dark outliners.
TheMultiverse: The entire premise of the RP. Characters can use items known as terminals to jump around the multiverse.
UniformityException: Arguably the kolons. There are very few exceptions between kolons and Kolon. Namely, two kolons have wings, two are slightly larger, and all kolons but Kolon start their name with a lowercase k.
WeWillMeetAgain: The alliance of conquerors pulls this trope with Apocalypse. They leave a warning like this when they are forced to retreat after being chibified.
{{Yakuza}}: The Space Yakuza. They come from the mass effect universe, and are arguably the weakest faction in play.
What do people think of this? I still need a description.
@sgteasy I couldn't find any way to justify A Long Time Ago, in a Galaxy Far Far Away... so I removed it.
Everything's formatted to use TVtropes wikiwords and etc.