Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Age of Imperialism

Welcome! The Age of Imperialism is a geopolitical simulator where you represent a nation in the vestiges of the early 20th century. This RP is intended to go until the year of 1950. This is a game as well as a role play. Story is paramount, as if the game itself. A mixture of two will see you the most successful.

The Earth, instead called the Known World is reminiscent of ours technologically, but not culturally or geographically.

Here are a few mechanics that you can expect to see.

  • A Time of Ideologies: While the 19th century saw the Great Powers rise and fall, nations here have found the comfort of similar ideology to create an intricate web of alliances. You will not stand alone when the enemy comes knocking.
  • Modernization: Costing time and money, balancing between building and modernizing may be the difference between victory and defeat.
  • Technological Innovation: The right technology at the right time is everything.
  • Imperialism: While the Continent is important, colonies grant abundant resources, which may be the difference between being a paper tiger and a true threat.
  • Political Crises: Become the greatest nation in the world by having the most Prestige, accrue prestige by savvy political maneuvers.

    -- The Continent: The cradle of civilization, the Continent has long been the home for the most of the known world. These nations are the premier powers in the world.
    -- Faresia: Often called the Far Lands, Faresia is a muggy, tropical land that is home to the orients.
    -- Sarelian Islands: Mostly uninhabited, it has been modestly explored and is known to be extremely rich in resources.
    -- Serranthia: The Serranthian subcontinent is huge, desolate and home to uncivilized tribes people.
    -- Vakellia: A rocky, wind-swept continent with a mild and pleasant climate moderated by ocean currents.


I. Technology
II. Design Companies
III. Colonies
IV. Army
V. Navy
VI. Tension


Technology is essential for maintaining an up to date army and navy.
-- Research: Each turn, you may allocate any amount of money to researching new technology.

Army Technology (These are the techs for your Army).
-- Researh Army Technology: Costs $10,000,000,000 + $1,000,000,000 for every Year behind the current Year it is. (Example: Researching Bolt-Action Rifle from 1895 to 1905 would be $10 Billion + 10 Billion. 1 For every year it's behind. So thus $20,000,000,000.)

  • Weaponry
    [Bolt Action Rifle (1895)]
    [Hand Grenade (1901)]
    [Machine Gun (1901)]
    [Artillery (1885)]
    [Heavy Artillery (1905)]
  • Firepower
    [Indirect Artillery (1900)]
    [Heavy Barrage (1905)]
    [Counter Battery (1908)]
    [Concentration Fire (1910)]
    Saturation Fire (1912)]
  • Tactics
    [Mass Assault (1899)]
    [Infiltration (1908)]
    [Flanking (1912)]
  • Developments
    [Trench Warfare (1900)]
    [Deep Defense (1906)]

Naval Technology
-- Research Navy Technology: Costs $5,000,000,000 + $1,000,000,000 for every Year behind the current Year it is. (Example: Researching Destroyers from 1895 to 1905 would be $5 Billion + 10 Billion. 1 For every year it's behind. So thus $15,000,000,000.)

  • [Submarines (1895)]
  • [Destroyers (1895)]
  • [Light Cruiser (1895)]
  • [Armored Cruisers (1895)]
  • [Pre-Dreadnought (1895)]
  • [Dreadnought (1905)]
  • [Battlecruiser (1905)]

National Technology
-- Research National Technology: Costs $20,000,000,000 + $2,000,000,000 for every year after 1905.

  • Agricultural Expansion (1905): +1 Manpower/Year


Design Companies are companies that your nation receives designs from so that they may craft newer, better weapons of war.
-- Start: Every nation begins with 1 Naval Company and 1 Arms Company. These two companies can never be lost. You also begin with 4 Focus Points that can also never be lost.
-- Focus Growth: Every +5% Education you have above 20% you gain 1 Focus Point.
-- Additional Companies: Every +10% Education you have above 20% you gain 1 Design Company.
-- Request Design: This is the ability you use AFTER you have unlocked a technology. You select the company you wish to generate the design and it will do so.

* Example: You research Light Cruisers -- 1904 in 1904. In 1905 you receive the tech and use Request Design. You will then receive a design for Light Cruiser (1904) with the modifiers of the company you choose to design it.


Design Company #1 (Naval)
Naval Arms
[Engine: 0]
[Guns: 0]
[Armor: 0]
[Reliability: 0]

Design Company #2 (Arms)
[Firepower: 0]
[Effectiveness: 0]
[Simplicity: 0]
[Reliability: 0]

Subsequent companies may be either Arms (which can produce Army weapons) or Naval (which can produce Ships).

Industry is important for building weapons of war.
-- Build Major Factory: Costs $28,000,000,000, 4 Steel and 2 Rare Materials to produce. Will generate $15,000,000,000 per year or 2 Steel, 2 Rare Materials or 20 Oil (will not generate GNP).
-- Build Minor Factory: Costs $15,000,000,000, 2 Steel and 1 Rare Materials to produce. Will generate $8,000,000,000 per year or 2 Steel, 1 Rare Materials or 15 Oil (will not generate GNP).

Major Shipyards can produce any warship (Limit 1 in any Coastal Province)
Minor Shipyards can produce any warship except Pre-Dreadnoughts and other capital ships (Limit 2 in any Coastal Province)
Railroads allow swift movement of soldiers and supplies in a Province.


* There are four resources: Steel, Oil, Precious Metals and Rare Materials.
* Resources do not stack. Instead, like budget they are simply slotted.
* Example: If you have 2 Steel Resources in your nation, every Turn you have 6 Steel Available.
* Trading Resources: You can trade Resources for other Resources, or GNP for Resource Use.
* Example: Etellia trades 1 Available Steel to Murenheidt for 1 Available Precious Metals. This requires a Trade Agreement!
* Deficiency: If you don't have enough resources to build a unit or building, it builds at -50% speed.

- Steel is required to build Factories, Railroads and Ships.
- Represented by a Mining Cart on the map.
- Generates 3 Steel per Turn.

- Oil: Oil is a fuel required to move your naval ships. This however does not take place until an unspecified year.
- Represented by a Pumpjack on the map.
- Generates 30 Oil per Turn.

- Luxuries are rare, expensive products like diamonds or tea that generate a huge profit.
- Represented by a Diamond on the map.
- Generates $12,000,000,000 per turn.

- Rare Materials are hard to come by resources like rubber, tungsten, chromium and aluminum used in building Ships, Artillery and Factories.
- Represented by Pyramid Bricks on the map.
- Generates 2 Rare Materials per turn.


Provinces provide the following benefits:
* Land Provinces generate 0.5 Billion GNP.
* Coastal Provinces allow 3 Trade Ships.
* Colonial Land Provinces $5 Billion/year
* Colonial Coastal Provinces $2 Billion/year

National Unity

* National Unity represents your nation's unity and loyalty.
* Hidden statistic recorded on a scale of 0%-100%
* Low unity allows the formation of independence movements, mutinies, rebellions, etc.
* High unity prevents dissent


The amount of able bodied men available for military service in your nation.
* National Manpower: The amount of able bodied men available in your national territories. They may become Conscripts, Regulars or Professionals.
* Colonial Manpower: The amount of able bodied colonials available in your colonies. They may only become Conscripts. They are created in your colonies, though may be shipped anywhere.
* Every 1,000 soldiers you recruit, costs 1 Manpower
* Every year, you gain 10 National Manpower
* Every year, you gain 1 Colonial Manpower if you control any colonies

World Tension

* Represents how tense and close to war the world is
* Goes on a scale of 0%-100%
* Every nation can perform 2 Tension Actions per Turn/Year.

- All unaligned nations have +5% National Unity.
- All unaligned nations have +10% GNP boost.
- All Status Quo nations have +20% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have +10% National Unity.

- All unaligned nations have +0% National Unity.
- All Status Quo nations have +10% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have +5% National Unity.

- All unaligned nations have -5% National Unity.
- Status Quo nations have +0% National Unity.
- Expansionist nations have +5% National Unity.
- Expansionist Nations receive one time use of $8,000,000,000.

- All unaligned nations have -10% National Unity.
- All Expansionist nations have +10% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have -10% National Unity.
- Expansionist nations have +10% National Unity.

- All unaligned nations have -50% National Unity.
- All Expansionist nations have +20% GNP boost.
- Status Quo nations have -15% National Unity.

The World

(At the beginning of every year, you budget for the next 1 turn)

  • Supply Army (1$ Billion GNP): Pays for and feeds 50,000 troops. (If you have troops and do not pay/feed them, they will decrease by 50% per turn until they are gone).
  • Conscription ($1 Billion GNP): Creates 10,000 Conscripts, Requires 10 Manpower
  • Train Regulars: ($3 Billion GNP): Creates 10,000 Regulars, Requires 10 Manpower
  • Train Professionals: ($6 Billion GNP): Creates 10,000 Professionals, Requires 10 Manpower
  • Produce Rifles: ($2 Billion GNP, 1 Steel): Produces 10,000 Rifles
  • Produce Light Artillery: ($5 Billion GNP, 1 Rare Materials): Produces 50 Light Artillery
  • Produce Heavy Artillery: ($8 Billion GNP, 1 Steel, 1 Rare Materials): Produces 50 Heavy Artillery
  • Build Naval Class: ($X Billion GNP): (Submarine is $1 Billion GNP/1 Turn, Destroyer is $2 Billion GNP/1 Turn, Light Cruiser is $4 Billion GNP/1.5 Turns, Armored Cruiser is $8 Billion GNP/2 Turns, Pre-Dreadnought is $12 Billion GNP/2 Turns). Use following form to designate class:
    Ship Type: (Submarine, Destroyer, Light Cruiser, Armored Cruiser, Pre-Dreadnought)
    Ship Class: (You name your ship classes. For example, Fubuki-class, Ticonderoga-class, etc)
    Ship Stats: (Built to specification of the year they're ordered. List here)
    Order Amount: For every amount you order, two things occur: The subsequent cost decreases, the speed of construction increases.
    Ship Names: (Names of the Ships to be Completed)
    * 1 Ship: No discount.
    * 2 Ships: 10% Discount / 2 Months off Construction Time
    * 3 Ships: 20% Discount / 3 Months off Construction Time
    * 4 Ships: 25% Discount / 5 Months off Construction Time
    * 5 Ships: 30% Discount / 6 Months off Construction Time
    Build Status:
    * Serial: Build one after the other at the same shipyard.
    * Parallel: Build as many at one time as possible, shipyards permitting.

  • Colonize: (Costs $20 Billion GNP for Island Colony = Island Colonies generate $2 Billion a year.) (Costs $30 Billion GNP for Landmass Colony = Landmass Colonies generate $5 Billion a year.)
  • Establish Naval Base (Cost $10 Billion GNP. Costs $5 Billion to maintain). A naval base on a small island will provide us a presence in an area and a refueling point for our fleets.
  • Build Industry ($X Billion GNP): (Minor Factory is $15 Billion) (Major Factory is $28 Billion) (Minor Shipyard is $15 Billion) (Major Shipyard is $25 Billion). Minor's take 1 year. Major's take 2.
  • Modernize: ($X Billion GNP): Naval vessels can be modernized. Base price is $2 Billion GNP per category (Guns, Reliability, Engine, Armor), plus $1 Billion for every year. (So if you're updating 1895 Guns to 1900 it's $2+$5).
  • Build Railroad: ($4 Billion GNP): Creates railroad in selected Province. Price is doubled in Colonial Provinces. Takes 1 Year to build.
  • Research Army: (X$ Billion GNP): ($10 Billion GNP + Years Ahead) = Research Price. You cannot research beyond UPCOMING YEAR.
  • Research Navy: (X$ Billion GNP): ($5 Billion GNP + Years Ahead) = Research Price. You cannot research beyond UPCOMING YEAR.

  • Build Great Work ($10 Billion GNP): For every extra $2 Billion GNP on top of the initial build cost, Unity increases by 1%.
  • Appoint Commander ($5 Billion GNP): This will randomly generate a commander for your nation. That commander can then be assigned to a Fleet or an Army. They will be maintained in your dossier. You may have a limit of 10 Commanders. (PLEASE NAME THE COMMANDER).
  • Build Monument ($X Billion GNP): For every $10 Billion GNP, this gives 1 Prestige.

* Building Ships For Other Nations: If a nation wants a ship built, and you offer your shipyards, they pay for the cost in GNP to you for the ship to be built, plus whatever additional price is negotiated.

Example: NATION A requests an Armored Cruiser be built in NATION B's shipyard. NATION A pays Nation B $8 Billion GNP for Armored Cruiser's GNP cost to NATION B, and NATION B on top of that requests an additional $2 Billion GNP for the service.

* Building a Ship: If you budget for a ship that takes more than 2 Turns, that price will be deducted for all budgets for all the years that ship is being constructed.

-- Demobilize
* Our troops are ordered to stand down and return to their garrison and training duties. (-2% World Tension)
* We have returned to normalcy and the threat of war has passed us. (Factories, Shipyards and Railroads return to normal cost).
-- Denounce:
* The militant actions of a nation are deplorable. (-5% World Tension)
* The villainous won't enjoy being criticized for their actions. (Targeted Nation gets CB against you)
-- Guarantee
* We must guarantee a nation's sovereignty, lest it be overtaken. (-5% World Tension, If a nation declares war on selected nation, we are called to war.)
* We must be careful in which nations we promise to keep safe. (Limit 1 Nation).
-- Embargo
* Trading with this country would only support their villainous endeavors. (-4% World Tension, Removes 1 of Targeted Nations Trade Agreement Bonuses).
-- Defensive Alliance
* Allying with a smaller power will help preserve the existing balance of power. (-5% World Tension, Limit 1 Nation).
-- Puppet Nation
* Following a war we can install a government friendly to us in the territory we have conquered, so they remain some autonomy. (-4% World Tension, Conquered Provinces Become Puppet).
-- Release Nation
* A nation that has long sought independence in our nation will have it. (-5% World Tension, +15% National Unity, +5% more per additional province. Select a province to become new nation.)
-- Restore Status Quo
* We must intervene in a war to ensure the balance of power is maintained. Intervene in defenders side. (-10% World Tension. If failure, +15% World Tension).
-- Trade Agreement
* Free trade will mellow the waters. Select a Nation. (-3% World Tension, +10% GNP for Home Nation & Selected Nation). (MAX 1 PLAYER NATION. 2 NPC NATIONS).
-- Arms Treaty (Gives +1 Tension Point by all Signatories)
* Weapons of war must be reduced if there is to be peace.
* Choose 2 Naval or 1 Army Type.
* Signatories may discuss Limitations in quantity or quality of selected types.
* Treaty last 5 Years.
* Breaking Treaty means losing 1 Tension Point slot for 3 Years.
-- Join FACTION: Status Quo
* We must maintain the empires at all cost. (+5% National Unity, +2 Prestige). (THIS REQUIRES BOTH TENSION ACTIONS)

-- Border Tension: Stationing troops on their border will very well show them our intention. (+3% World Tension, Targeted Nation grants CB against you).
-- Mobilize: Our troops have been ordered to standby. If we give them the order, it's time. (+2% World Tension).
-- Incite Unrest: We must help liberate the oppressed among our enemies. (+5% World Tension, -10% National Unity for a target nation)
-- Fabricate Claims: Our propaganda machines will give us a good reason to go to war. (+5% World Tension). Grants CB on selected nation.
-- Regional Alliance: Allying with another great power will aid us. (+8% World Tension, +5% National Unity).
-- Annex Region: This land has always belonged to us, and now we take it back. (+10% World Tension). Peacefully reclaims region bordering yours.
-- Colonial War: Over land that's distant and foreign, we will take what we have long desired. (+12% World Tension). Declares War for Colonial Land. Requires a Colonial CB
-- Conquest: We will take the land we have sought after. (+15% World Tension). Declares War for National Land on your home continent. Requires a Conquest CB.
-- Join FACTION: Expansionist: The old ways must be destroyed. (+7% World Tension, +10% National Unity, Permanent +5,000,000,000 GNP). (THIS REQUIRES BOTH TENSION ACTIONS)

-- Call a Conference (2 TENSION ACTIONS: Calling a conference of nations together to discuss a certain event. An outcome must be reached! (X Tension Rating, Depending on Outcome).
-- Varius (Must own Varian Provinces)
-- Serranthia (Must own Serranthian Provinces)
-- Faresia (Must own Faresian Provinces)
-- Sarelia (Must own Sarelian Provinces)

* Create a New Province: If agreed upon, two provinces can be generated from a single province, splitting ownership.
* Provincial Ownership: Discuss who owns a province based on geopolitical factors.
* Partitioning: A state may be partitioned by larger, more powerful states.
* Peace: With war either on the horizon or already breaking out, we must send a delegation to negotiate a ceasefire.
* Discuss Disarmament: The continued accumulation of weapons of war must be addressed.
* Discuss Trade: To discuss trade in a region in a manner befitting our nations.
* Trade Pact: Discuss the creation of a trade pact featuring multiple nations.
* Discuss Future Colonization: Uninhabited lands may be claimed for the future. (May be used by any nation with Colonies).
* Discuss Colonial Ownership: Discuss who owns a province based on geopolitical factors.
* Discuss Decolonization: To provide for the eventual independence of future colonial nations.



Ethnicities are divided into three categories:
Respected- Ethnicity is respected and generally preferred in certain specialized areas, but still closed off from some areas of power
Accepted - Accepted Ethnicity are tolerated, but not endorsed.
Oppressed - Ethnicity is oppressed and considered inferior to official groups.

Nations start out with one "Core" ethnicity that is considered National. Others are automatically oppressed unless upgraded or bought at nation start.

Effects (Per 10%. That means each modifier occurs every 10% of the population that ethnicity occupies).
-- Respected: +5% GNP. -2 Manpower/Year.
-- Accepted: -2% National Unity. +1% Tension, +2 Manpower/Year.
-- Oppressed: -3% National Unity, +2% Tension, +4 Manpower/Year. Oppressed Ethnicity are also likely to rebel or join attackers if they think they have a chance at a better situation.

-- Recognize Ethnicity (2 Tension Points): Recognize a people as a distinct and official ethnicity within the nation.
* Creates a New Accepted Ethnicity within your nation that begins with 10% population.
* One time +50 Manpower Boost.

-- Award Autonomy (1 Tension Point): Give an Ethnicity the right to self-govern itself within the nation.
* -5% National Unity. (one time unity drop in that year)
* Selected Ethnicity becomes Respected and increases by 10%.

-- Assimilation Campaign (1 Tension Point): Forcefully assimilate an ethnicity into the dominant culture!
* +5% World Tension.
* Decrease Oppressed by 10%.
* Other Nations where selected Ethnicity is Respected or Accepted get a CB against you.
* -1 Liberty Desire

-- Strip Rights (1 Tension Point): Strip rights from an ethnicity and confiscate their wealth, lowering their ranking in your nation.
* +4% Tension.
* +10,000,000,000 GNP Per rank selected Ethnicity is reduced by.
* Selected Ethnicity becomes Oppressed.
* Other Nations where selected Ethnicity is Accepted or Respected get a CB against you.
* * +1 Liberty Desire

-- Grant Rights (1 Tension Point): Grant new rights and privileges to an ethnicity, bringing them up the social ladder.
* -10% National Unity (one time unity drop in that year)
* -15,000,000,000 GNP.
* -5% World Tension.
* Raises selected Ethnicity up one rank.
* -1 Liberty Desire

WAR FORM: When at war, you may fill out this form at any time and PM it to Theo.

* Please note that 1 War Form is for 1 Operation. Multiple War Forms may need to be filled out. *

[b]ARMY CAMPAIGN[/b] (This is an operation consisting of soldiers in a land campaign)
[b]Army Name[/b]: (Example: 15th Army, 2nd Army, etc)
[b]Commander[/b]: (Name and Stats (X/X/X)
[b]Order of Battle[/b]: (Units attached)
-- DIVISION: [Division Name] | [Men/Units] | [Training] | [Technology]
[b]Strategy[/b]: (Select one)
-- [Minor Offensive]: This is intended to move the front lines and will end within a shorter amount of time, often lasting around a week or two. Casualties are moderate.
-- [Campaign]: This is intended to take the initiative and assault the enemy positions across their lines. This will put the enemy on their heels. Casualties may be moderate to heavy.
-- [Breakthrough]: We will shell their positions and at the right moment force a spearhead at their weakest point. We will break them. Casualties are heavy.
-- [Tactical Withdrawal]: We will fall back, not completely deserting the line but protecting our retreat to a more defensive position.
-- [Hold the Line]: We must not allow them to push us from our defensive positions.
[b]Objective[/b]: What is the goal of this campaign?


[b]NAVAL CAMPAIGN[/b] (This is an operation consisting of ships in a naval campaign)
[b]Fleet Name[/b]: (Example: 7th Fleet, 5th Fleet, etc)
[b]Commander[/b]: (Name and Stats (X/X/X)
[b]Order of Battle[/b]: (Units attached)
-- SHIP: [Ship Name] | [Ship Type] | [Class (if applicable)] | [Technology]
[b]Strategy[/b]: (Select one)
-- [Patrol]: This will spread out the fleet to increase chances of catching hostile fleets, but it is a high risk of the fleet not all being present for an engagement. Once an engagement is started, the other ships will attempt to vector in on the battle. This is something you’d use to catch a single enemy battleship trying to create havoc.
-- [Search & Destroy]: This does not spread out the fleet over the region, keeping it intact to be an efficient fighting group when engaging an hostile fleet. Main battlefleet trying to catch another fleet.
-- [Convoy Raiding]: Will attempt avoid engagements with other fleets, and just focus on sinking enemy convoys.
-- [Convoy Escort]: Will not engage hostile fleets, but will be very likely to be protecting convoys in the region when attacked.
[b]Objective[/b]: What is the goal of this campaign?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Former Oslad guy reporting in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Think this time I'll go for a Republic, a cup of liberalism perhaps.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Any comments/questions/suggestions so far, fellas?

A few notes. The Vicarri and Sokkon Oceans are huge. Literally the size of the Atlantic and Pacific.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Anvegad returns. Thinking either a Communist or fascist state. So much FUN to be had.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Theodorable Is this set in the same world that Age of Nations took place?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

What do you mean?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Is Age of Imperialism a follow up of Age of Nations? Are we playing in the future from the events of Age of Nations, or is this a different world entirely?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Anvegad returns. Thinking either a Communist or fascist state. So much FUN to be had.

Communist State was my plan, and I doubt anyone was thinking I'd do otherwise going by my profile and signature.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

New world. Give me a few days to get the mechanics down. Start eyeing your spot on the map!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Yey , count on me
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

England shall prevail, correction Zellonia.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Still need to add swamps, lakes and rivers to the map as well.

But the "shipbuilding" mechanic I have for you guys is going to be so awesome. Hahahaha.

Also. 1 turn = 6 months, unless at war.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

@Theodorable If the size of the oceans in reality is of similar size to the Atlantic and Pacific, can we assume that each piece of land is of somewhat equal size in comparison? So the Continents would be something like Europe etc. If so, what sort of sizes would our nations be on the map?
I hope that makes sense. ;)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nation size is up to you. It'll be reflected in the nation application. But I'm going to use these cool dotted lines to create "provinces", you'll see!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Nation size is up to you. It'll be reflected in the nation application. But I'm going to use these cool dotted lines to create "provinces", you'll see!

I think he is asking how big are the continents relative to real life ones, rather than how big we can make our country.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Continent would span from the western tip of Portugal to the western tip of India.

Faresia is probably as big as Australia. Serranthia is probably half as big as Australia. I'll put up a moderate size NPC nation and give you guys a comparison.

This will be a political map only.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 2 mos ago

@Theodorable Is there anymore government types? I only see Confederation and Federation in the OP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Theodorable
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Theodorable NRP Entrepreneur

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Working on it. Much more to come. Give me 24 hours?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TommyToledo
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TommyToledo Professional Sheeple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

A ultraconservative theocratic vatannia joins the party.
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