Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Boop_Im_A_Dragon


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kingdom of Soroya

Demonym: Soroyan

POPULATION: 30,500,000 Population (4 points + Colonial pop)

-- Monarchy (0 Nation Points): The most common form of governmental power stems from the long inherited theory of divine right. Long running dynasties have often flourished. Although the modern century approaches, few monarchs are yet willing to abdicate their thrones.
* Prestigious: Begin the game with +10 Prestige.
* Status Quo: -10% Diplomatic Point Growth.

Provinces: (13 points) 1 land province | 3 coastal provinces | 2 Provinces in Faresia | 1 Province in Sarelian Islands | 2 Provinces in Serranthia

Industry: (7) 2 Major Factories | 1 Major Shipyard | 1 Minor Shipyards |

Army: (2 Points) 300,000 Regulars | 200 Light Artillery |

Navy: (15 Points) 12 Destroyers | 5 Light Cruisers | 2 Pre-Dreadnaught | 2 Armored Cruiser | 4 Submarines | 5 Trade Ships

Army Technology:(9 Points)
Bolt Action Rifle (1895) | "Burks Rifle MK III"
Bolt Action Rifle (1902) | "Burks Rifle MK IV"
Artillery (1885) | "Keizer Cannon"
Machine Guns (1901) | "Cruska Gun"
Indirect Artillery (1900)
Mass Assault (1902)
Trench Warfare (1900)

Navy Technology: (0 Points)
-- Destroyers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Light Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Armored Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Pre-Dreadnoughts: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1898)]
-- Submarines: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]

The people of Soroya originated from the Island of Soroya named after the term given to the people of Soroya, Soreans meaning "Sores" in early Sikean, used to describe the terror they caused during mainland raids in the early 9th century. The Soreans were lead by Torgjest "The Skeleton King", nicknamed after both his tall yet thin stature, as well as his love to keep the fingers of fallen enemies. Under his leadership they conquered land from Sikean region, and parts of modern day Mille-Sessau and Deltora. This empire however was short lived, as he died with no heir, and the lands soon fell out of Soroyan control.

One hundred years of chaos ensued as various men writhed for control, it wasn't until Duke Greger before the Island of Soroya was united once again. Adopting feudal political structure he claimed to be Duke of Soroya marking the first use of the word Soroya rather than Soreana as the name of the island. At the age of 46 he died due to unknown causes, however he lived to have two sons Peter and Andries, both of whom would control the duchy at some point in their lives.

After the death of Andries, he passed the duchy down to his son Peter II whose ambitions were that of the Skeleton King himself often given the same nickname by the Sikean and early Deltoran people. During his reign he saw the restoration of the Sikean land into Soroya, and claimed the western shores of the Ekon region. Though no official records claim this, it is agreed by historians that this is the official start date of the Kingdom of Soroya, rather than the Duchy.

Over the next forty years, under Peter II's son Jochem I claimed most of what is considered modern day Soroya. It was under him the official capital of Soroya moved to Sikea, in an attempt to expand influence into Soroya's mainland territory, however many Soroyan's even today consider Eania to be the cultural capital of Soroya.

A little over two hundred years ago two major events took place in Soroya. First King Roelof III officially began the parliament after an uprising by the nobles of Soroya and threat of civil war. Thus beginning Soroya's transition from a absolute monarchy to a constitutional monarchy. Second Soroyan explorer Kees Theselink discovered a land called Faresia, thus beginning what is known as the Colonial period in Soroyan history. A time of mass colonization of Faresian, Sarelian, and Serranthian lands.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Skylar
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nation Name: The Empire of Anvegad
Deononym: Anvegadians, “Anvies”, “Anvils”

Population: (4 pts)

Government: Autocracy (3pts)

1 (free) + 1= 2 Land provinces [1 pt]
4 Coastal Provinces [4 pts]
1 Colonial Province in Sarelian Islands [2 pts]

Total: 7 pts.

2x Major Factories (free)
1x Minor Factory (4 pts)
1x Major Shipyard (5 pts)
2x Minor Shipyards (4 pts)
Total: 13 pts

350,000 Regulars
20,000 Professionals
50 Light Artillery
50 Heavy Artillery

Total Line of Battle: 16 DD, 4 CL, 2 CA, 1 BB
Total cost: 10 pts

Army Technology
Bolt Action Rifle (1895) [3 pts]
Artillery (1885) [3 pts]
Heavy Artillery (1894) [3 pts]
Indirect Artillery (1900) [3 pts]

Total: 12 pts

Navy Technology
Destroyer Reliability: (1896) [1 pt]

Total: 1pt
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by LordZell
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LordZell The Zellonian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Nation Name: Empire of Zellonia
Demonym: Zellonians

POPULATION: 10,500,000

GOVERNMENT: Monarchy (0 Nation Points): The most common form of governmental power stems from the long inherited theory of divine right. Long running dynasties have often flourished. Although the modern century approaches, few monarchs are yet willing to abdicate their thrones.
* Prestigious: Begin the game with +10 Prestige.
* Status Quo: -10% Diplomatic Point Growth.

Provinces: This Island: gyazo.com/79bee5f6427b4cddf44e0930f1eb.. One Provice free. One Colonial Province in the Sarelian Islands.

Industry: 2 Major Factories, 2 Major shipyards (10 points)

Army:100,000 Regulars , 200 Light Arty(2 points)

Navy: 3 Destroyers and 1 Light Crusiers(Free) 3 Pre-Dreadnaughts (9 points) 9 more Destroyers (3 points) 6 Submarines (6 points)

Army Technology: None

Navy Technology: All destroyers move up 1 year, (4 points), All Light Cruisers move up a year (4 points), All Pre-Dreadnoughs move up one year except reliability which goes up 2 years (6 Points) All subs go up by one (4 points)
-- Destroyers: [Armor (1896)] -- [Guns (1896)] -- [Engines (1896) -- [Reliability (1896)]
-- Light Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Armored Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Pre-Dreadnoughts: [Armor (1897)] -- [Guns (1897)] -- [Engines (1897) -- [Reliability (1897)]
-- Submarines: [Armor (1897)] -- [Guns (1897)] -- [Engines (1897) -- [Reliability (1897)]
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Murtox


Member Seen 3 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AspenIvan


Member Seen 11 mos ago


Demonym: Survaekom - This is both singular and plural, as both noun and adjective.
(Major Ethnic Groupings: Khaitis, Byrnian, Messarom, Raethonite)

Decadent: A nation that has long tested the annals of time, but is now experiencing it's own twilight.
-- +25 Nation Points
-- -20% GNP
-- All Technology costs +50% more
-- -20% Unity
-- -50% Diplomatic Points.

109,000,000 (10,000,000 base + 11,000,000 from provinces + 88,000,000 for 11 points)

Monarchy (free)
-- Current Ruler: Emperor Shayaer Khaitis (36 years old)
-- Regent (if Ruler dead/incapacitated): Empress Huj-Khaitis Jalayiku (35 years old)
-- Heir: Crown Prince Vokoryn III Khaitis (14 years old)

Capital (Coastal)
10 Land Provinces in Serranthia (10 points)
9 Coastal Provinces in Serranthia (9 points)
2 Coastal Provinces in The Continent (4 points)

– 2 Major Factories (free)
– 1 Major Factory (7 points)
– 1 Minor Factory (4 points)
– 1 Major Shipyard (5 points)
– 1 Minor Shipyard (2 points)

– 1,090,000 Regulars (free)
– 200 light artillery (2 points)

– 30 Destroyers (free)
– 10 Light Cruisers (free)
– 3 Pre-Dreadnoughts (9 points)

Army Technology:

[Bolt Action Rifle (1895)] 1895 (4 points)
[Artillery (1885)] 1885 (4 points)
[Mass Assault (1899)] 1899 (4 points)

Navy Technology:
-- Destroyers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Light Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Armored Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Pre-Dreadnoughts: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Submarines: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]

The Grand Survaek Empire has a long and proud history stemming back to the Prophet-Emperor Raegar Khaitis, a nomadic lord who founded the first Survaek Empire. The current polity is the Second Grand Survaek Empire, which reached its height of power two-hundred years ago under Emperor Yvor Khaitis, who conquered most of Serranthia and even parts of the Southern coasts of the Continent. Sadly, Yvor's heirs were not up to the task of maintaining what he had established. Time saw an inevitable slide backward as the imperial bureaucracy has grown bloated and inefficient, and the military began acting more like an independent wing of the government.

But Survaek was not an empire that would easily slide into the history books. The fourth son of the last monarch, Shayaer Khaitis, reestablished a strong monarchy through a bloody coup thirteen years ago. The rest of the imperial family, as well as the highest echelons of the imperial bureaucracy and military, were butchered upon his ascension to the crown in what is referred to as “Shayaer’s Purge.” Since then the emperor has sought to restore Survaek's place as the foremost empire in the region. He has pushed through social and bureaucratic reforms, promoted a new generation of young scholars and bureaucrats to the highest ranks of administration, and re-energized Survaek's lagging industry.

The Grand Survaek Empire, even after its decline, is a truly enormous realm in geographic span and (especially) population. It is sometimes referred to as the “prison-house of nations,” host to countless ethnicities. The ruling nation of formerly-nomadic inland peoples is the Khaitis, from the stock of Raegar. Their privileged partners in the Northeast are the Byrnians, traditional allies of the Survaek Emperors and nation of the Empress. In the far West are the Messarans, historic source of Aedak, the monotheistic religion of the Empire since its earliest days. The Crown's relationship with its other subjects, dozens of groups around the Audejjai Sea broadly categorized as “Raethonites,” is much more checkered. To maintain order throughout the realm, the Crown relies on two pillars: (1) The support of the Messarom Vaekir, official head of the Aedakom faith, and (2) the Aspect of Raegar, a special mandate proven through just rulership and military prowess worthy of the Prophet's legacy.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Lone Wanderer
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Lone Wanderer

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

The Republic of Deltora

Demonym: Deltoran

Population: 85,500,000 (10 Nation Points)

A democracy in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. In this case, Prime Minister Eduoard Geiger after a victory in the elections of 1899.

4 Land provinces. Generating 2 Billion GNP (3 Nation points)
3 Coastal provinces. Allows 9 Trade ships (3 Nation points)
1 Colonial province in Serranthia. (2 Nation points)

2 Major factories. Generating $30,000,000,000 in Evemont.
1 Minor factory. Generating $8,000,000,000 in Evemont (4 Nation points)
1 Major shipyard. (5 Nation points)
1 Minor shipyard (2 Nation points)

850,000 Regulars (Population)
400 Light Artillery (4 Nation points)

1 Pre-Dreadnought (3 Nation points)
1 Armoured Cruiser (Under construction)
4 Light Cruisers (Coastal provinces + 1 Nation point)
11 Destroyers (Coastal provinces)
2 Submarines (1 Nation point)
5 Trade ships (1 Nation point)

Army Technology:
[Bolt Action Rifle (1895) "Vulcain A95"] (3 Nation points)
[Artillery (1885) "A05 Auguste Field Gun"] (3 Nation points)
[Hand Grenade (1901)]
[Indirect Fire (1900)]
[Trench Warfare (1900)] (3 Nation points)

Navy Technology:
-- Destroyers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1900)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Light Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Armored Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Pre-Dreadnoughts: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Submarines: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]

-- Regional Alliance with the Kingdom of Soroya.
-- Defensive Alliance with Murenheidt.
-- Trade Agreements with Soroya, Murenheidt and Luckland.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TommyToledo
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TommyToledo Professional Sheeple

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Deo dante, firma stabit."

Nation Name: Vatanno-Galvia

Demonym: Vatannian, Galvian.

Population: 62, 000, 000 (8 points). Vatanno-Galvia enjoys a high population and a steady increase in its population rate. There seems to be no indication that this will change in the coming years to come.

Army Technology: (9 points)

[Bolt Action Rifle (1895)] - Mannicher Model 65


[Mass Assault (1899)]


[Trench Warfare (1900)]

Navy Technology: This is the naval technology for your nation. All stats begin at the first tech in each category. Moving up one costs 1 Nation Point, the next costs 2 Nation Points, et cetera.
-- Destroyers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Light Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chairman Stein
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Chairman Stein Some Sorta Seminarian

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The Xian Clique

Demonym: Xianese

Population: 98,000,000 (11 Nation Points)

Autocracy (3 Nation Points):
* Authoritative: No Unity Modifier Drops
* Warmongering: When at Peace, -10% GDP.

3 Land provinces. Generating 1.5 Billion GNP (2 Nation points)
2 Coastal provinces. Allows 6 Trade ships (2 Nation points)

2 Major factories. Generating $30,000,000,000.
1 Minor factory. Generating $8,000,000,000 (4 Nation points)
1 Major shipyard. (5 Nation points)
1 Minor shipyard (2 Nation points)

Oil | [Beiqling province]
Oil | [Ta-meng province
Steel | [Ta-meng province]:

916,723 Regulars (Population + 2 Points)
13,458 Professionals
4,000 Machine Guns
700,824 Rifles
186 Light Artillery (2 Nation Points)

7 Destroyers (Coastal Provinces)
3 Light Cruisers (Coastal Provinces + 1 Point)
2 Armored Cruisers (4 Points)

Army Technology:
[Bolt Action Rifle (1895)] (3 Nation Points)
[Artillery (1885)] (3 Nation points)
[Machine Gun (1901)]

[Trench Warfare (1900)] (3 Nation points)

[Mass Assault (1899)] (3 Points)

Navy Technology:
-- Destroyers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Light Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Armored Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Pre-Dreadnoughts: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
-- Submarines: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by The Nexerus
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The Nexerus Sui generis

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Talis


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

[hider=Sumayan Malikate]

Demonym: Sumayan
(Major Ethnic Groupings: Sumayan, Expat)

23,500,000 (10,000,000 base + 1,500,000 from provinces + 12,000,000 for 3 points)


Monarchy (free)
-- Current Ruler: Queen Sinta
-- Regent King Cahya
-- Heir: Princess Ratu II

Capital (Suma)(Coastal)
2 Coastal Provinces in Sarelia (Purnama, Susilo)(2 points)

Suma (Capital)

2 Major Factories (free)(Suma)
2 Minor Factories (8 points)(Suma)
1 Major Shipyard (5 points)(Suma)
2 Minor Shipyards (4 points)(Purnama, Susilo)

- 230,000 Regulars (free)

– 9 Destroyers (free)
– 3 Light Cruisers (free)
- 1 Armored Cruiser (2 points)
- 2 pre-dreadnoughts (6 points)

Army Technology:
Bolt Action Rifles (3 points)
Mass Assault (3 points)
Artillery (3 points)

Navy Technology:
Destroyers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
Light Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
Armored Cruisers: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
Pre-Dreadnoughts: [Armor (1895)] -- [Guns (1895)] -- [Engines (1895) -- [Reliability (1895)]
Submarines: [Armor (1896)] -- [Guns (1898)] -- [Engines (1896) -- [Reliability (1897)]

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zurajai
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Zurajai Unintentional Never-Poster

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Denonym: Akir
(Major Ethnic Groupings: Akir, Rakka, Yeab’Sra, Iyasu, Habtamu)

61,000,000 (10,000,000 base + 5,000,000 from provinces + 46,000,000 for 8 points)

Monarchy (free)
-- Current Ruler: Tarik Aman Melku Seydonkal (42 years old)
-- Regent (if Ruler dead/incapacitated): Tarik-Consort Aida Admas Petrokkal (37 years old)
-- Heir: Prince Noab Nazwari Seydonkal (13 years old)

Capital (Land)
3 Land Provinces in Serranthia (3 points)
6 Coastal Provinces in Serranthia (6 points)

– 2 Major Factories (free)
– 1 Major Factory (7 points)
– 1 Minor Factory (4 points)
– 1 Minor Shipyard (2 points)

– 610,000 Regulars ((free))
– 200 Light Artillery ((2 points))

– 18 Destroyers (free)
– 6 Light Cruisers (free)
– 3 Armored Cruisers (6 points)

Army Technology:

[Bolt Action Rifle (1895)] 1895 (4 points)
[Artillery (1885)] 1885 (4 points)
[Indirect Artillery (1900)] 1900 (4 points)

The modern state of the Tarikhate has its roots in the ethnic group of Akir found originally in the lands currently incorporated into the Grand Survaek Empire; indeed, minorities with genetic and cultural connections to the Akir of the Tarikhate are still live in the Empire. Following a syncretistic, mystic form of Survaekom Aedak that combines the old pagan religions of the Akir and the beliefs and morals of Aedak, the Akir are organized into clan-like, patrilineal, Kabals founded by semi-legendary, possibly apocryphal founders. In the early 1750’s, during the Grand Empire’s decline under Waentaer, the Tarik (Warlord) Benyam Aurbu Seydonkal was designated the Chief Tarik of the Akir Kabals and given the freedom to conquer the Raethonite peoples outside the reach of the Empire. (Rest of description WIP but wanted to post up so as to not be left behind)

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Grey Warden
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The Grey Warden Commander Shepard

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

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