Taraatsu, Akine - The Soul Thief

Name: Taraatsu, Akine.
Nickname/Alias: The Soul Thief.
Gender: Male.
Age: 38.
Age Appearance: 30.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Village: N/A.
Birthplace: Konohagakure.
Organization: N/A.
Clan/Kekkei Genkai: Taraatsu/Anoyogan.
A now dead bloodline, Akine is the last member of the Taraatsu clan, which was formerly a rather small time clan in Konohagakure before Akine murdered his father, relatives, and a number of innocents.
Rank: S rank criminal.
Position: Missing-nin.
Chakra Nature: Yin, Yang, Fire, and Water.
Additional Appearance Details: Akine is a lanky individual, standing at 5'11 and weighing in a paltry 180 or so pounds. He doesn't carry much on his person aside from his sword and shinobi tools.
History: Revealed Icly. Just know that he has been a terror to the shinobi world for over 18 years now.
Personality: A sociopath by virtue of his father's abusive and brutal training, Akine is predictable only in his violence, though not so in his execution of such. He is what one might call a chronic murderer, having become addicted to the rush he gets from inflicting pain on anyone, and nearly everyone, he comes into contact with. He is easily provoked, but not easily angered, only tending towards anger if he is looked down upon—this not to be confused with being underestimated, which he finds to be exceptionally hilarious. Bringing us to his skewed, and exceptionally pervasive, sense of humor, Akine is a thrill seeker who tends to cover his abominable actions with an almost feral grin. All in all, Akine is the type of person that one should avoid at all costs, as few fates are worse than what he would prefer to inflict upon you.
Theme: John Debney - End Of Days.
Nickname/Alias: The Soul Thief.
Gender: Male.
Age: 38.
Age Appearance: 30.
Sexuality: Heterosexual.
Village: N/A.
Birthplace: Konohagakure.
Organization: N/A.
Clan/Kekkei Genkai: Taraatsu/Anoyogan.
A now dead bloodline, Akine is the last member of the Taraatsu clan, which was formerly a rather small time clan in Konohagakure before Akine murdered his father, relatives, and a number of innocents.
Rank: S rank criminal.
Position: Missing-nin.
Chakra Nature: Yin, Yang, Fire, and Water.
Additional Appearance Details: Akine is a lanky individual, standing at 5'11 and weighing in a paltry 180 or so pounds. He doesn't carry much on his person aside from his sword and shinobi tools.
History: Revealed Icly. Just know that he has been a terror to the shinobi world for over 18 years now.
Personality: A sociopath by virtue of his father's abusive and brutal training, Akine is predictable only in his violence, though not so in his execution of such. He is what one might call a chronic murderer, having become addicted to the rush he gets from inflicting pain on anyone, and nearly everyone, he comes into contact with. He is easily provoked, but not easily angered, only tending towards anger if he is looked down upon—this not to be confused with being underestimated, which he finds to be exceptionally hilarious. Bringing us to his skewed, and exceptionally pervasive, sense of humor, Akine is a thrill seeker who tends to cover his abominable actions with an almost feral grin. All in all, Akine is the type of person that one should avoid at all costs, as few fates are worse than what he would prefer to inflict upon you.
Theme: John Debney - End Of Days.
Base Weapons & Items:
X explosive tags.
X smoke bombs.
X kunai
X shuriken
X wire
Specialized Weapons & Items:
Name of Weapon: Gōyokuna-sai(強欲な-際 'Rapacious-edge').
Description: An infamous weapon Gōyokuna-sai has existed for around two-hundred years and is surrounded by bloody myths. It is said that the weapon was forged by a man who went by the name Muramasa. It is one of many weapons that he forged in his day, but it is certainly one of the more notable ones. Having taken the lives of many a man, woman, and child, Gōyokuna-sai is a weapon that one might think possesses a mind of its own. Its dark influence capable of tainting the spirit of even the purest of men, it has gained its name due to the fact that anyone killed by its edge, or within a 40 meter radius can be trapped within it forever. As such the blade can be thought of as a repository of souls, thus revealing the reason for its corruptive influence as those who wield it are subconsciously exposed to the countless voices of the suffering damned trapped therein.
One of its most notable traits, Gōyokuna-sai, upon chakra being channeled through it, will begin to form purplish crystals within the small holes of the blade. The chakra will build up within these crystalline forms for 1 minute before gradually beginning to leak over the surface of the blade, bathing it in a sickly purple light. The released chakra is a manifestation of the torment of the souls that dwell within the blade, and as such causes similar torment to any who make contact with it. While actually incapable of harming anyone without the influence of a true chakra affinity, this purple fire causes immense mental anguish to anyone, except for the user, coming into contact with it for any period of time longer than 3 seconds. The fire is composed primarily of yin chakra and so its pain inducing effects can be likened to an A rank genjutsu that is activated via the sense of touch.
Name of Item: Pain pills and Adrenaline.
Description: A series of pills that largely numb pain and cause a significant boost in adrenaline thus allowing the user to fight for an additional 5 minutes per pill. Taking more than 4 pills within a 48 hour period will cause a heart attack or stroke. Akine carries 30 of these pills and resupplies them every so often.
Name of Weapon: Snare Kunai.
Description: Effectively normal kunai with sealing paper wrapped around the handle, Snare kunai have a set of seals written on the tag on the handle. This seal links the kunai to the user's chakra allowing them to preform jutsu within the bounds of the kunai or from the kunai themselves.
Name of Weapon: Koibito(可憐 'Sweetheart').
Description: Their name a reminder of better days, the Koibito are a series of wicked daggers infused with the souls of Akine's loved ones. There are eight blades in total and in addition to having some rather wicked techniques tied to them, they double as a unique form of snare kunai. While they can be utilized to create an area of effect genjutsu just like snare kunai, the Koibito can additionally trap people in genjutsu once they have wounded them, specifically if they are stabbed into someone or made to cut their flesh, and are then held within it. Despite their bizarre shape, the daggers can be thrown with great precision, something that tends to astound his many enemies before they are promptly cut down.
X explosive tags.
X smoke bombs.
X kunai
X shuriken
X wire
Specialized Weapons & Items:
Name of Weapon: Gōyokuna-sai(強欲な-際 'Rapacious-edge').
Description: An infamous weapon Gōyokuna-sai has existed for around two-hundred years and is surrounded by bloody myths. It is said that the weapon was forged by a man who went by the name Muramasa. It is one of many weapons that he forged in his day, but it is certainly one of the more notable ones. Having taken the lives of many a man, woman, and child, Gōyokuna-sai is a weapon that one might think possesses a mind of its own. Its dark influence capable of tainting the spirit of even the purest of men, it has gained its name due to the fact that anyone killed by its edge, or within a 40 meter radius can be trapped within it forever. As such the blade can be thought of as a repository of souls, thus revealing the reason for its corruptive influence as those who wield it are subconsciously exposed to the countless voices of the suffering damned trapped therein.
One of its most notable traits, Gōyokuna-sai, upon chakra being channeled through it, will begin to form purplish crystals within the small holes of the blade. The chakra will build up within these crystalline forms for 1 minute before gradually beginning to leak over the surface of the blade, bathing it in a sickly purple light. The released chakra is a manifestation of the torment of the souls that dwell within the blade, and as such causes similar torment to any who make contact with it. While actually incapable of harming anyone without the influence of a true chakra affinity, this purple fire causes immense mental anguish to anyone, except for the user, coming into contact with it for any period of time longer than 3 seconds. The fire is composed primarily of yin chakra and so its pain inducing effects can be likened to an A rank genjutsu that is activated via the sense of touch.
Name of Item: Pain pills and Adrenaline.
Description: A series of pills that largely numb pain and cause a significant boost in adrenaline thus allowing the user to fight for an additional 5 minutes per pill. Taking more than 4 pills within a 48 hour period will cause a heart attack or stroke. Akine carries 30 of these pills and resupplies them every so often.
Name of Weapon: Snare Kunai.
Description: Effectively normal kunai with sealing paper wrapped around the handle, Snare kunai have a set of seals written on the tag on the handle. This seal links the kunai to the user's chakra allowing them to preform jutsu within the bounds of the kunai or from the kunai themselves.
Name of Weapon: Koibito(可憐 'Sweetheart').
Description: Their name a reminder of better days, the Koibito are a series of wicked daggers infused with the souls of Akine's loved ones. There are eight blades in total and in addition to having some rather wicked techniques tied to them, they double as a unique form of snare kunai. While they can be utilized to create an area of effect genjutsu just like snare kunai, the Koibito can additionally trap people in genjutsu once they have wounded them, specifically if they are stabbed into someone or made to cut their flesh, and are then held within it. Despite their bizarre shape, the daggers can be thrown with great precision, something that tends to astound his many enemies before they are promptly cut down.
Due to the tortured souls of Akine's loved ones, in addition to his own chakra, which he has sealed within them the Koibito will send those who become trapped in their genjutsu to a hellish world unique to each blade.
One blade is linked to Akine's first, and only lover. The genjutsu tied to it causes heart wrenching despair tied to the loss of the person that one cares about most.
There is a blade linked to Akine's Father, and as such is tied to a genjutsu that involves the torture of those who the afflicted considers family.
Another of the blades is linked to Akine's once best friend, and so those struck by it are subjected to the tormented screams, and begging wails of their closest friends.
The fourth of the blades is tied to every one of Akine's allies, which he has betrayed. This dagger creates an illusion depicting a scenario in which one's allies betray or forsake them for a variety of reasons.
The fifth dagger, in which resides some of his twin's essence, mixed with his own chakra. Those wounded by the blade experience an intense self-loathing always caused by illusionary failures, all of which are based on the fears of their mind's own making.
The sixth dagger is linked to the soul which, so far, was subjected to as much pain and suffering as was possible before his death. As such the genjutsu associated with being wounded by the weapon is one which, the longer it goes on, convinces the victim that they wish to die, as the influence of the poor soul seeps into their mind.
The seventh dagger is linked to the souls of a mother, father, and their youngest child, which have been twisted into a one. The result is a genjutsu that can, with prolonged exposure create Thanatophobia(the fear of death) in the afflicted. During the genjutsu, the person's perception of death is warped, making it appear as a looming barely avoidable presence. As such, people are almost universally compelled to run from it. However, in truth the only way to conquer it is to do exactly the opposite.
Finally, the eighth dagger has no soul sealed within it. Instead, it is linked to his sword and his own body. Those who are wounded by it are subjected to a mind numbing instinctual terror, and an anguish that is not their own, but is nonetheless overwhelming. This dagger is black, unlike the others, and is seldom used for combat.
One blade is linked to Akine's first, and only lover. The genjutsu tied to it causes heart wrenching despair tied to the loss of the person that one cares about most.
There is a blade linked to Akine's Father, and as such is tied to a genjutsu that involves the torture of those who the afflicted considers family.
Another of the blades is linked to Akine's once best friend, and so those struck by it are subjected to the tormented screams, and begging wails of their closest friends.
The fourth of the blades is tied to every one of Akine's allies, which he has betrayed. This dagger creates an illusion depicting a scenario in which one's allies betray or forsake them for a variety of reasons.
The fifth dagger, in which resides some of his twin's essence, mixed with his own chakra. Those wounded by the blade experience an intense self-loathing always caused by illusionary failures, all of which are based on the fears of their mind's own making.
The sixth dagger is linked to the soul which, so far, was subjected to as much pain and suffering as was possible before his death. As such the genjutsu associated with being wounded by the weapon is one which, the longer it goes on, convinces the victim that they wish to die, as the influence of the poor soul seeps into their mind.
The seventh dagger is linked to the souls of a mother, father, and their youngest child, which have been twisted into a one. The result is a genjutsu that can, with prolonged exposure create Thanatophobia(the fear of death) in the afflicted. During the genjutsu, the person's perception of death is warped, making it appear as a looming barely avoidable presence. As such, people are almost universally compelled to run from it. However, in truth the only way to conquer it is to do exactly the opposite.
Finally, the eighth dagger has no soul sealed within it. Instead, it is linked to his sword and his own body. Those who are wounded by it are subjected to a mind numbing instinctual terror, and an anguish that is not their own, but is nonetheless overwhelming. This dagger is black, unlike the others, and is seldom used for combat.
Special Traits
Kenjutsu and supplementary Taijutsu.
Low durability, high pain tolerance.
Use of Ninjutsu and genjutsu.
Creative, but not strategic.
Akine is a Jack of Trades.
Decent Chakra control.
Fast, but not strong.
Large chakra pool.
Average tactics.
Canon Jutsu All Academy jutsu.
Jibakugan(Self-Bondage Eye)
Chakra Ghost Technique
Genjutsu: Hanasaka(Illusion Technique: Flower hill)
Genjutsu: Hanabira Tōhi(Illusion Technique: Flower Petal Escape)
Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu(Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique)
Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu(Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique)
Magen: Nijū Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique)
Mōrō Genjutsu(Hazy Illusion Technique)
Suiton: Hahonryū(Water Release: Tearing Torrent)
Suirō no Jutsu(Water Prison Technique)
Suiton: Suiten hōfutsu
Kirigakure no Jutsu(Hiding in Mist Technique)
Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)
Katon: Hibashiri(Fire Release: Running Fire)
Katon: Hi-inpei no jutsu(Fire Release: Hiding in Fire Technique)
Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu(Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)
Katon: Hōsenka Tsumabeni(Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson)
Reika no Jutsu(Spirit Transformation Technique): A technique that Akine was told existed and taught by his father, Akine is unskilled in its use and is still mastering this. As such he can only travel within visual range when disembodied.
Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique: Tamashī no kessatsu(魂の結紮 'Ligation of souls').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: B-S.
Range: 100 meter radius.
Nature Type: Yin and Yang.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: A guidance technique, Tamashī no kessatsu allows an inheritor of the Anoyogan to guide and manipulate souls unbound by physical vessels. So as to make these spirits more useful, the inheritor may imbue into them their own chakra, so that they may carry it in the form of jutsu, effectively making the spirits, or their own chakra, a vessel. The applications of this technique are, as such, quite numerous.
Weakness: Their eyes, destroy them and they lose this ability. Additionally, the technique requires focus and chakra to maintain, more focus than chakra. Its drain is a small constant amount, or a solid amount that allows for the given spirits to be utilized for a set amount of time.
Name of Technique: Kenzen'na karada to kenkō kokoro(健全な身体と健康心 'Sound mind with sound body').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu/Shape-manipulation.
Rank: B-A.
Range: 100 meter radius.
Nature Type: Yin and yang.
Handseals: 3.
Description: The utilization of the initial handseal accesses the spirit body, or spirit bodies, that the user wishes to effect, whereas the second handseal dictates the form, and the third causes the solidification. Essentially, this technique allows the user to alter the shape of spirits under their sway, thus allowing them to create constructs by giving them the shape of an idea with yin chakra and solidifying them with yang chakra. The constructs can usually be dispersed by a technique of equal or greater rank. Conversely they can be countered due to structural weaknesses. A spirit that appears to be destroyed by another technique is in actuality sent back to the Pure world, thus ousting them from the user's control.
Weakness: Seen above.
Name of Technique: Sōshō no nankaina karada(創傷の難解な体 'Wounding of the esoteric body').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: S.
Range: 15 meter radius.
Nature Type: Yin and yang.
Handseals: 10.
Description: By channeling yin chakra filled with negative intention and killing intent into a spirit under the sway of Tamashī no kessatsu and then giving those intentions tangible effects with yang chakra, Akine can send a spirit through a person in a variety of shapes so as to deal damage directly to an individual's chakra system. Notably, if all tenketsu are destroyed, the technique can actually be utilized to extract a person's soul from their body due to it no longer being tethered to such.
Weakness: Well, you know, dodge or block it with chakra based shields/techniques.
Name of Technique: Enkakushi(遠隔視 'Remote Viewing').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu/Sensory.
Rank: A.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Yin and yang.
Handseals: 3.
Description: Infusing a spirit under his control with yin and yang chakra, with a focus on yin, Akine links its perception to his own allowing him to see, hear, smell, feel, and even taste through the spirit. Additionally, as he is using the spirit's senses, he can faintly detect chakra, though he will have difficulty discerning one person's chakra from another. At least, he would if the spirit was incapable of also seeing the souls of the living--not to mention the dead.
Weakness: Not terribly useful in combat as it dulls his normally much sharper perceptual capabilities as he must close his eyes to access the perception of the spirit, or spirits he has utilized this technique on. Additionally he can only use this technique on a maximum of three spirits at once though it is not particularly chakra taxing.
Name of Technique: Kinō-hō(帰納法 'Induction').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei-ningenjutsu.
Rank: D-S.
Range: 10 meter radius (max).
Nature Type: Yin.
Handseals: 6.
Description: Weaving the necessary handseals, the inheritor exudes a mist of yin chakra so fine that it becomes too thin to be visible upon release. This programmed yin chakra can induce genjutsu if breathed in, but its purpose is far more dangerous as a holder of the Anoyogan is capable of not only perceiving through it, but also guiding the chakra straight to a person. In addition to this, the chakra can be focused into a maximum of three seperate points wherein the genjutsu-inducing effects of the Anoyogan will be active. The act of focusing the chakra is however, quite visible as it causes a purple glow to pervade the area in which the effect is present.
Weakness: The glow is visible. The technique's use can be detected by anything that allows an individual to detect chakra.
Name of Technique: Jinkō no sekai(人工の世界 'Artificial world').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei-genjutsu.
Rank: A-S.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Yin.
Handseals: 8-10.
Description: Only useable once Kinō-hō is successful, this technique allows the user to mold a unique world from a mixture of the victim's subconscious and the user's conscious ideas. While this world will initially resemble how the victim perceives the real world, it will gradually change around them if left be. This form of the technique does not limit the victim's movement however, if the user intentionally imposes elements into the illusion that too drastically effect the victim's psyche, the victim will be rendered paralyzed till the technique's cessation or the removal of the drastic elements slowly over time. This illusion, at its strongest, is so powerful that it can actually last even once the user has ceased to focus on it, becoming almost like a parasite as it saps miniscule amounts of chakra from the host, amounts that very gradually rise over time. The resulting decline in the victim's health tends to take years to majorly incapacitate them, and slightly longer for it to result in their death. However, due to the long-term nature of the jutsu, its victims often come to develop a form of extreme paranoia and hallucination almost congruent with the effects of paranoid schizophrenia. However, the long term effects of this technique can be dictated by the user, allowing them to vary greatly between victims.
Lastly, it should be noted that the user can continuously create drastic differences between reality and the user's perceived reality, but must remain stationary whilst doing so. Additionally, these drastic changes are more likely to break the victim's forced suspension of disbelief.
Weakness: If you don't see them, then I really can't help you.
Name of Technique: Jinkō no kangae(人工の考え 'Artificial thought').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei-genjutsu.
Rank: C-A.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Yin.
Handseals: 4-8.
Description: The twin to Jinkō no sekai, this technique also requires that Kinō-hō is utilized successfully. Once this prerequisite is met, Jinkō no kangae can be utilized as long as the victim does not become aware it is in effect. While the thoughts and ideas created by this technique can continue to persist within the victim's mind after they become aware, they no longer feel the need to follow through with them and they gradually become more immune to the technique's effect. As such, those who have broken the influence of this technique before gain a greater awareness of it and thus resistance to it. Essentially, this technique allows the user to input thoughts, emotions, and ideas into the victim through making them highly suggestible. This technique is often utilized alongside Jinkō no sekai and vice versa so as to reinforce the effects of both. The effects of this technique, as with its twin, can be extremely long lasting, but in the case of Jinkō no kangae the reason is due to the fact that the technique can alter how the victim thinks.
Weakness: Complex ideas, emotions, or thoughts are far more difficult to impress upon the victim and it takes a master of the technique to make the thoughts sound like the internal voice of the victim in question. Akine is not a master of this technique.
Kenjutsu and supplementary Taijutsu.
Low durability, high pain tolerance.
Use of Ninjutsu and genjutsu.
Creative, but not strategic.
Akine is a Jack of Trades.
Decent Chakra control.
Fast, but not strong.
Large chakra pool.
Average tactics.
Kekkei Genkai

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Anoyogan('Other World Eye').
One of the last of its kind the Anoyogan is the once existence Kekkei genkai of the now long gone Goryoue clan. Its legacy having lived on in the form of two separate doujutsu in two clans that split from the original bloodline. Now brought back together in one body via gene splicing, the Anoyogan is a doujutsu that allows the user to visualize the spirit and its many aspects through the amplification of the inheritor's yin chakra in all its forms. On the other hand,the user's yang chakra is partially melded with their yin allowing them to create apparitions that are partialy illusionary and partially material. This additionally tends to enhance the possessor's mind, either overwhelming it with information, or making them exceptionally intelligent...or both.
Moving on to its overall capabilities, the Anoyogan is a constantly active doujutsu, which can detect and observe souls of all kinds. This allows the user to differentiate between individuals with exceptional precision as well as track them via anything or anyone they have associated as long as they remain within the bounds of the material or spiritual realms. As such individuals who have been resurrected or bound by the dead demon seal cannot be detected by this kekkei genkai.
It should be noted that living souls shine brighter than those of the spirit realm. Natural energy is plainly visible to the Anoyogan and the user is additionally capable of guiding any spirits via a series of techniques. Due to their constant view of souls, genjutsu are easily pierced by this Kekkei genkai unless they compensate for their perceptual abilities. Their amplified yin chakra allows exceptionally strong genjutsu especially due to its ability to delve into the past of those whom the inheritor looks upon.

Name of Kekkei Genkai:
Anoyogan('Other World Eye').
One of the last of its kind the Anoyogan is the once existence Kekkei genkai of the now long gone Goryoue clan. Its legacy having lived on in the form of two separate doujutsu in two clans that split from the original bloodline. Now brought back together in one body via gene splicing, the Anoyogan is a doujutsu that allows the user to visualize the spirit and its many aspects through the amplification of the inheritor's yin chakra in all its forms. On the other hand,the user's yang chakra is partially melded with their yin allowing them to create apparitions that are partialy illusionary and partially material. This additionally tends to enhance the possessor's mind, either overwhelming it with information, or making them exceptionally intelligent...or both.
Moving on to its overall capabilities, the Anoyogan is a constantly active doujutsu, which can detect and observe souls of all kinds. This allows the user to differentiate between individuals with exceptional precision as well as track them via anything or anyone they have associated as long as they remain within the bounds of the material or spiritual realms. As such individuals who have been resurrected or bound by the dead demon seal cannot be detected by this kekkei genkai.
It should be noted that living souls shine brighter than those of the spirit realm. Natural energy is plainly visible to the Anoyogan and the user is additionally capable of guiding any spirits via a series of techniques. Due to their constant view of souls, genjutsu are easily pierced by this Kekkei genkai unless they compensate for their perceptual abilities. Their amplified yin chakra allows exceptionally strong genjutsu especially due to its ability to delve into the past of those whom the inheritor looks upon.
Canon Jutsu All Academy jutsu.
Jibakugan(Self-Bondage Eye)
Chakra Ghost Technique
Genjutsu: Hanasaka(Illusion Technique: Flower hill)
Genjutsu: Hanabira Tōhi(Illusion Technique: Flower Petal Escape)
Magen: Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu(Demonic Illusion: False Surroundings Technique)
Magen: Narakumi no Jutsu(Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique)
Magen: Nijū Kokoni Arazu no Jutsu (Demonic Illusion: Double False Surroundings Technique)
Mōrō Genjutsu(Hazy Illusion Technique)
Suiton: Hahonryū(Water Release: Tearing Torrent)
Suirō no Jutsu(Water Prison Technique)
Suiton: Suiten hōfutsu
Kirigakure no Jutsu(Hiding in Mist Technique)
Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique)
Katon: Hibashiri(Fire Release: Running Fire)
Katon: Hi-inpei no jutsu(Fire Release: Hiding in Fire Technique)
Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu(Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique)
Katon: Hōsenka Tsumabeni(Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Flower Nail Crimson)
Reika no Jutsu(Spirit Transformation Technique): A technique that Akine was told existed and taught by his father, Akine is unskilled in its use and is still mastering this. As such he can only travel within visual range when disembodied.
Custom Jutsu
Name of Technique: Tamashī no kessatsu(魂の結紮 'Ligation of souls').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: B-S.
Range: 100 meter radius.
Nature Type: Yin and Yang.
Handseals: N/A.
Description: A guidance technique, Tamashī no kessatsu allows an inheritor of the Anoyogan to guide and manipulate souls unbound by physical vessels. So as to make these spirits more useful, the inheritor may imbue into them their own chakra, so that they may carry it in the form of jutsu, effectively making the spirits, or their own chakra, a vessel. The applications of this technique are, as such, quite numerous.
Weakness: Their eyes, destroy them and they lose this ability. Additionally, the technique requires focus and chakra to maintain, more focus than chakra. Its drain is a small constant amount, or a solid amount that allows for the given spirits to be utilized for a set amount of time.
Name of Technique: Kenzen'na karada to kenkō kokoro(健全な身体と健康心 'Sound mind with sound body').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu/Shape-manipulation.
Rank: B-A.
Range: 100 meter radius.
Nature Type: Yin and yang.
Handseals: 3.
Description: The utilization of the initial handseal accesses the spirit body, or spirit bodies, that the user wishes to effect, whereas the second handseal dictates the form, and the third causes the solidification. Essentially, this technique allows the user to alter the shape of spirits under their sway, thus allowing them to create constructs by giving them the shape of an idea with yin chakra and solidifying them with yang chakra. The constructs can usually be dispersed by a technique of equal or greater rank. Conversely they can be countered due to structural weaknesses. A spirit that appears to be destroyed by another technique is in actuality sent back to the Pure world, thus ousting them from the user's control.
Weakness: Seen above.
Name of Technique: Sōshō no nankaina karada(創傷の難解な体 'Wounding of the esoteric body').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu.
Rank: S.
Range: 15 meter radius.
Nature Type: Yin and yang.
Handseals: 10.
Description: By channeling yin chakra filled with negative intention and killing intent into a spirit under the sway of Tamashī no kessatsu and then giving those intentions tangible effects with yang chakra, Akine can send a spirit through a person in a variety of shapes so as to deal damage directly to an individual's chakra system. Notably, if all tenketsu are destroyed, the technique can actually be utilized to extract a person's soul from their body due to it no longer being tethered to such.
Weakness: Well, you know, dodge or block it with chakra based shields/techniques.
Name of Technique: Enkakushi(遠隔視 'Remote Viewing').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei ninjutsu/Sensory.
Rank: A.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Yin and yang.
Handseals: 3.
Description: Infusing a spirit under his control with yin and yang chakra, with a focus on yin, Akine links its perception to his own allowing him to see, hear, smell, feel, and even taste through the spirit. Additionally, as he is using the spirit's senses, he can faintly detect chakra, though he will have difficulty discerning one person's chakra from another. At least, he would if the spirit was incapable of also seeing the souls of the living--not to mention the dead.
Weakness: Not terribly useful in combat as it dulls his normally much sharper perceptual capabilities as he must close his eyes to access the perception of the spirit, or spirits he has utilized this technique on. Additionally he can only use this technique on a maximum of three spirits at once though it is not particularly chakra taxing.
Name of Technique: Kinō-hō(帰納法 'Induction').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei-ningenjutsu.
Rank: D-S.
Range: 10 meter radius (max).
Nature Type: Yin.
Handseals: 6.
Description: Weaving the necessary handseals, the inheritor exudes a mist of yin chakra so fine that it becomes too thin to be visible upon release. This programmed yin chakra can induce genjutsu if breathed in, but its purpose is far more dangerous as a holder of the Anoyogan is capable of not only perceiving through it, but also guiding the chakra straight to a person. In addition to this, the chakra can be focused into a maximum of three seperate points wherein the genjutsu-inducing effects of the Anoyogan will be active. The act of focusing the chakra is however, quite visible as it causes a purple glow to pervade the area in which the effect is present.
Weakness: The glow is visible. The technique's use can be detected by anything that allows an individual to detect chakra.
Name of Technique: Jinkō no sekai(人工の世界 'Artificial world').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei-genjutsu.
Rank: A-S.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Yin.
Handseals: 8-10.
Description: Only useable once Kinō-hō is successful, this technique allows the user to mold a unique world from a mixture of the victim's subconscious and the user's conscious ideas. While this world will initially resemble how the victim perceives the real world, it will gradually change around them if left be. This form of the technique does not limit the victim's movement however, if the user intentionally imposes elements into the illusion that too drastically effect the victim's psyche, the victim will be rendered paralyzed till the technique's cessation or the removal of the drastic elements slowly over time. This illusion, at its strongest, is so powerful that it can actually last even once the user has ceased to focus on it, becoming almost like a parasite as it saps miniscule amounts of chakra from the host, amounts that very gradually rise over time. The resulting decline in the victim's health tends to take years to majorly incapacitate them, and slightly longer for it to result in their death. However, due to the long-term nature of the jutsu, its victims often come to develop a form of extreme paranoia and hallucination almost congruent with the effects of paranoid schizophrenia. However, the long term effects of this technique can be dictated by the user, allowing them to vary greatly between victims.
Lastly, it should be noted that the user can continuously create drastic differences between reality and the user's perceived reality, but must remain stationary whilst doing so. Additionally, these drastic changes are more likely to break the victim's forced suspension of disbelief.
Weakness: If you don't see them, then I really can't help you.
Name of Technique: Jinkō no kangae(人工の考え 'Artificial thought').
Type of Jutsu: Kekkei-genjutsu.
Rank: C-A.
Range: N/A.
Nature Type: Yin.
Handseals: 4-8.
Description: The twin to Jinkō no sekai, this technique also requires that Kinō-hō is utilized successfully. Once this prerequisite is met, Jinkō no kangae can be utilized as long as the victim does not become aware it is in effect. While the thoughts and ideas created by this technique can continue to persist within the victim's mind after they become aware, they no longer feel the need to follow through with them and they gradually become more immune to the technique's effect. As such, those who have broken the influence of this technique before gain a greater awareness of it and thus resistance to it. Essentially, this technique allows the user to input thoughts, emotions, and ideas into the victim through making them highly suggestible. This technique is often utilized alongside Jinkō no sekai and vice versa so as to reinforce the effects of both. The effects of this technique, as with its twin, can be extremely long lasting, but in the case of Jinkō no kangae the reason is due to the fact that the technique can alter how the victim thinks.
Weakness: Complex ideas, emotions, or thoughts are far more difficult to impress upon the victim and it takes a master of the technique to make the thoughts sound like the internal voice of the victim in question. Akine is not a master of this technique.