Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Alright everyone, we are a go! I hope all of you are as excited for this as I am! I'd just like to make a couple announcements before the posts start flying:

First off, let me say to anyone that would still like to join, we will still be accepting! Even after the IC has gotten going we will continue to do our best to work new characters in. KEEP IN MIND, however, that if you join during a Mission, you may have to wait until that mission is wrapped up before we can fit you in.


This RP will be split into two distinct sections: Missions and Downtime. Posting order and the structure of the RP will differ in these two sections. In the future we may make changes to this set up, but at the moment this is what you need to know-

Missions are going to be the centerpiece of this RP and where the bulk of plot development will take place. Now, this is a BIG RP! 13 people (and more pending!) would be a lot of people to wait on, so for most missions, you will be split up into two or more teams. This is important not only from a plot perspective, but from a posting perspective as well.

When on a mission, you will follow a specific posting order (to see the posting order for the first mission, look in the first IC post. The order goes from top to bottom for each team roster). Each team will post independently. For example, say you're Phoenix Valentine. When the Mission starts, you'd make your post first. Once everyone in your team has posted, you can then make your second post. This is important because you will be COMPLETELY IGNORING the posts of the other team when it comes to posting order. When figuring out whether or not you're up to post, only take into account your team. We're operating like this in the hopes that missions will move along at a steady pace, even with such a large crew; instead of having to wait for 12 other people to post, now you only have to wait for 5!

Downtime will occur in between missions. This is where slice-of-life, Beacon classes, dates, silliness, and character development will come in (not to say character dev can't happen in missions). After each mission, there will be THREE DAYS (REAL TIME) OF DOWNTIME. Additionally, during downtime, there is no posting order. What this means is, outside of missions, you may post to your heart's content without having to wait on anyone else. You can have a conversation with your friend or loved one spanning a dozen posts without having to wait days at a time for people not involved to post. You can even make a series of posts with your character interacting with the world rather than other characters. We want to grant you all some freedom. Just know that, at the end of the three day period, we'll be back on a mission; make sure to wrap up personal matters in time so that we don't have to cut anyone short. Finally, there are two rules regarding downtime:

1. Do not machine gun post during downtime. What this means is posting more than 2-3 times in a row in a short period of time without any other people's posts in between. We understand that you may be excited to develop your character with some solo time: bundle it into one post or spread it out over a couple days.

2. If you plan to do something that will directly affect the plot of the RP, you must get the GMs' approval.

As a concluding note, Vrad and I may sometimes break this structure to deliver important plot points to you all. Just because missions are where the bulk of plot progression will lie doesn't mean that the plot can't have a twist or two during downtime.


Whew! I hope I didn't scare anyone away with that monster post. It's not as intimidating as it looks, I promise! If you have any questions, please send Vrad or me a PM. Other than that...

Let's have some fun, Huntsmen!


I'm very very bad with Time Zones so I'm just trying to figure out when that will be for me.

Or I could be lazy and just wait until someone posts. That sounds better.

I believe -4 GMT is 10:00 AM East Coast time. So, for example, I'm in California, so it'd be 7:00 AM for me. But I'm a CO-GM, so la-di-da. If you're in America, this should give you an idea of your posting timeframe. Not to mention, you're first to post in my team (after myself), so promptness would be appreciated! (:
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago


Love the character! I really want her on my team, haha. Unfortunately I'm not exactly sure how Vrad wants to handle this. You're accepted, that's for sure, so feel free to copy your template to the Characters Tab. As for where you're going to be in the RP itself, you'll be on either Vrad or Nix's team, but I'm not sure which yet. We'll let you know ASAP and put you at the bottom of the posting order to make sure you don't get skipped over.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Aish! I'm so excited! <3

Aish! Were dealing with timezones?! @_@ Should've took that class....fudge. D:
I think my timezone is... (UTC-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada).
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

I'm in Western Australia GMT +8. I believe that puts me many hours ahead of you guys. Regardless, I will do my best to be prompt with my posts. However I'm not sure how my work schedule will effect things. Naturally it will always be a priority, and because I'm a casual staff member I can be called in to work at any day. So if it feels like I'm not responding as quick as I could, it's probably safe to assume I was asked to work that day.

Where I can though, I will inform you guys of my schedule. For instance, I've been given Monday and Thursday this week to work. At the moment no other days have been booked but if they are I'll let you know.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm in Western Australia GMT +8. I believe that puts me many hours ahead of you guys. Regardless, I will do my best to be prompt with my posts. However I'm not sure how my work schedule will effect things. Naturally it will always be a priority, and because I'm a casual staff member I can be called in to work at any day. So if it feels like I'm not responding as quick as I could, it's probably safe to assume I was asked to work that day.

Where I can though, I will inform you guys of my schedule. For instance, I've been given Monday and Thursday this week to work. At the moment no other days have been booked but if they are I'll let you know.


LESLIE?! OMFG YOU WATCH NORAGAMI?! My favorite character is Hikaru Ike. ( I think that's her name. )

Also I updated my weapon's description. @Kurai
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

You're in my timezone @Kurai!

...We should hang
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

@Chronothesis Yah I really like Noragami. I didn't expect to, but it ended up being a very well made show.

Yukine is my favorite. He's so precious and cute and I love him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm in Western Australia GMT +8. I believe that puts me many hours ahead of you guys. Regardless, I will do my best to be prompt with my posts. However I'm not sure how my work schedule will effect things. Naturally it will always be a priority, and because I'm a casual staff member I can be called in to work at any day. So if it feels like I'm not responding as quick as I could, it's probably safe to assume I was asked to work that day.

Where I can though, I will inform you guys of my schedule. For instance, I've been given Monday and Thursday this week to work. At the moment no other days have been booked but if they are I'll let you know.


That would put you 12 hours ahead, I think? So 10 PM Sunday?

Also I updated my weapon's description. @Kurai

Looks fine ^_^

You're in my timezone @Kurai!

...We should hang

Whereabouts are you? I'm in northern California, near Sacramento.

Also @Zugzwang. I see you added a laundry list of weapons to your character sheet. That's fine, of course, but it seems as if it would be difficult to carry all of those into every single battle. At the start of each mission, please briefly outline the weapons you'll be taking with you.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Shoulda gotten a hammerspace Semblance for your military dude, Zug. Next time a boss-Grimm shows up, just drag a Metal Gear out of hammer space.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

What time am I able to post? .-.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Kurai
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Looks like 8:00 AM Sunday at the earliest for you, @Chronothesis.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Looks like 8:00 AM Sunday at the earliest for you, @Chronothesis.

Thank you!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Zetsuko
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Member Seen 4 mos ago

@Kurai I'm down south. In San Diego
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Ashifili
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Ashifili Always There

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Age: 16 and a half
Gender/Sex: Male
Appearance: A slender, androgynous individual, Celeste stands at the height of 5’3, though his slender frame and his childish face makes him look much shorter than he is. His hair is slate gray with a tinge of brown, occasionally tied back into a small ponytail, but generally just left to hang at neck length. Celeste has large eyes as well, of a brilliant silver color. They remind people of the moon, perhaps, or of a storm, shining with an eerie light. There is little muscle on his body, giving off the impression of a bird, and clothes hang loosely off his limbs, unless they’re specifically tailored for him. It is for that reason that Celeste rarely wears anything outside of his Beacon Academy uniform.

Weapon: The Cane
Celeste uses a gentleman’s weapon, and little more than that. He has no pretentious names for it, nor does he really need one, because it’s really just a cane with a gem encrusted on top as a pommel. Made of the same material that most other weapons are made out of, and thus, being literally unbreakable regardless of what horrendous impact it would face, the cane appears to be of lacquered wood, and doesn’t really have anything too special about it. If he exerts himself, however, Celeste can still bash a few heads in.

And if he desires to end someone rightly, the gem pommel can be unscrewed and tossed at a person. Unsurprisingly, said gem is made of crystalline dust, designed to explode upon impact after being removed from the ‘pin’.

Semblance: Phantasmal Verisimilitude
Celeste’s Semblance is Astral Projection, the ability to separate his Aura, his soul, from his body, and to act without physical restraint. In exchange, however, he loses the ability to physically interact with the world as well, outside of simply…talking. Great for scouting, his Phantasmal Verisimilitude can nevertheless be dispersed with a powerful Aura-based attack, or a physical attack on his body. His range is limitless, and he can fly around as well, so it’s a fair trade, probably.

Corruption: Orchestrated Empathy
Celeste’s Corruption is Mind Control, a powerful ability that was gained from a sample of a Mammoth Grimm, one of the ‘ancients’ that roam outside of humanity’s borders. With this power, he can bend the wills of lesser beings, from Grimm to animals, create illusions by hijacking the five senses of another, send off telepathic messages to those whom he has digested the blood, hair, or nails of, as well as wipe or tamper with someone’s memories.

Though Memory Manipulation, Mind Control of Intelligent Beings, and Sensory Hiijack are all things that take no little effort on Celeste’s part to do perfectly…in a combat situation, he can always just telepathically yell in their mind and drown out their thoughts with his voice. Who said mental kids had to be subtle anyways?
1x Thank Thank
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

If anyone get's the " Nora's Revenge " name...I'll love you for lyfe. <3 (It's from an anime...)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

@Kurai Are you sure 10pm Sunday? Cause that's in like 2 hours away for me. If that's the case, I can get a post up tonight before I head off to bed. Just so I don't keep anyone waiting until I get home tomorrow evening.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Chronothesis
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Chronothesis The Star Gaze

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hmm. This waifu #$@ shall be dealt with harshly. - Say's Osen.
(Not to be roode. DX )
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

I'm a bit confused, does that mean 4AM today for people in Britain or the 4AM that has passed?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cello
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Cello Rainbow 2.0

Member Seen 18 hrs ago

Well I'm going to write a post. I apologise if I've mistaken the time, but as far as my clock is concerned; it is 10pm on the 25th at this moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mr_pink
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Mr_pink Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Got a post up, I hope I wasn't wrong in my assumption of when to post.
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