GM will post and manage the accepted characters here please do not post here if you want or need anything changed to the posted CS's let me know. :)
Main Cast CS's

Carlos Gutierrez
Werewolf Form:

Carlos is very much the extrovert when it comes to social activities or just being around people in general. He's very outgoing, friendly, funny, and loud. He's all about having fun and making sure others around him are doing the same. One of the things he's known for is to play pranks on people. Carlos thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to scare someone, make them trip and fall, prank call, mix shampoo with bleach, you name it. Nothing is too extreme for him and loves to cross the line. However, he knows his limits and doesn't put anyone in harm's way. Carlos figures that everyone is going to die one day so you have to live up the time you have on this earth. He absolutely hates Bitter Betties and Debby Downer or anyone that brings a negative feelings into a situation. It's a total buzz kill for anyone to kill his vibe and he tends to get snappy at people who do it. One of the things he's most vulnerable about is his father. He prefers to hide his insecurities behind humor and jokes. He's very loyal to those he's close with and despite his antics, he's perfectly able to have a serious conversation.
Carlos was born in Corpus Christi, Texas as an only child. He's full blooded Mexican with his mother being Mexican American and his father being an illegal immigrant. He had a bit of a rough childhood first starting off because of his father always putting him and his mother in danger. His father was part of the drug Cartel, a huge gang in Mexico. While Carlos' father was in the states doing illegal business, he met his mother and they developed a relationship. Carlos' mother knew about the things he was doing but chose to remain oblivious to it all. She loved him and was blinded by his charm. That is until one day things took a turn for the worse.
Carlos' father had gotten death threats from a rival gang for selling in his territory. Being the super machismo man that he was, he wasn't phased and continued to do his business. Carlos was only five years old when his father suddenly turned up missing. He had been gone for weeks until a mysterious package came in the mail. Carlos' mother opened the package and it was a tape that had no markings or handwriting on it. She played the tape and screamed in terror by what she saw on the screen. A rival gang member had taken her husband hostage and decapitated him right on camera, something that gangs in Mexico were known to do to their enemies. Out of fear, she packed her and her son's belongings and left Corpus to get away from everything. She made sure to grab all of her husband's drug money so no one could get their hands on it
Carlos and his mom found themselves at Red Lake, Pennsylvania after driving for days northward. She was done with driving and wanted to just settle somewhere. After a few days of staying in the small town, she fell in love and decided to stay there. It was tough transitioning into a totally different state with different people. Carlos and his mom were one of the only Mexican families in the small town so they stuck out like a sore thumb. However, she made friends with her neighbors and they fell in love with her homemade Mexican food which a lot of people there haven't had. Using the rest of her dead husband's money, she started a Panaderia which is a Mexican bakery in the town. It was their source of income and it had good business with what small amount of people lived in the town.
Carlos grew up in Red Lake like any other normal child after the events back in Texas. His mom never told him what happened and only knows that he left them for another woman, causing him to despise his dad. With the anger he had, he turned it into humor. As he got older, he became one of the most friendliest, extroverted people you could meet. He had no problems fitting in and making friends. Fast forward to the present and he just turned 18 and is a senior in high school. Carlos works with his mom in the bakery after school if he doesn't have practice or rehearsal. He's part of the Theatre Club and Basketball team. As far as his dating life is concerned, he's been with guys and girls and doesn't care who he ends up with in the future. Even though his mom is a Catholic, she's quite liberal so she supports her son through anything. Other than some minor altercations, everyone seems to be pretty open. One of his favorite things to do is go camping, however his last camping trip didn't exactly go as planned.
Misc Info:
The name of his mom's bakery is La Panadería. Churros seem to be everyone's favorite.

I have read the rules.

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kassey is a fun and outgoing young woman. She's been described as selfless, kind, and intelligent. A natural curiosity surrounds her, which has been known to get her into some trouble at times. To those she befriends, she is loyal to a fault. The trust and respect that she has for others means a great deal to her, and to put that trust in jeopardy means she will be emotionally hurt. However, she has been known to forgive too quickly those who have turned on her. She is forgiving and believes in the good in everyone. This makes her optimistic and usually very happy, tending to lean towards the side of sarcasm and laughter. Kassey is observant and detail oriented, noticing things other's might easily overlook. Truly a spirited soul, she enjoys the little things in life like the smell of rain and the sound of thunder, a good hot cup of tea and a good book, or the comfort of a warm fire with friends gathered around.
Kassey grew up in Red Lake, having a generally normal childhood. She was just like all the other small children in elementary school, participating in little league sports and putting on bake sales for whatever event happened to be going on in town. Her parents had met in college and moved to Red Lake shortly after getting married. They first had her brother, Logan, before adding Kassey to the family. The Hall's remained a family of four, with the father Garrett working at the police station and their mother Natalie working as a nurse at the local hospital.
Kassey had a somewhat uneventful life growing up thus far, experiencing no real tragedy other than a couple of deaths of distant relatives throughout the years, which could account for her unusually optimistic disposition. The toughest thing she has had to deal with is her brother leaving for the military, headed to a Marine training camp on the west coast. In conjunction with Logan's departure, Kassey had a period where she was somewhat depressed and didn't know who she really was. This was when she came to the realization that she was bisexual. Dealing with this was tough for her, and things at home weren't as straight and narrow as they had always been for a while and her brother was not home to be her support. Eventually, her family came to an understanding and everything returned back to normal.
Now, Kassey is surviving high school just like every other teenager. She is a core player on the varsity soccer team, the sport has become one of her true passions. To top it off, she manages to keep up good grades among all of her other extracurricular activities with her friends. For now, she keeps her optimistic attitude and takes every day as it is, making the most of it for everyone.
Misc Info:I have read the rules.

American born Tala is of Filipino, Native American, and Irish descent. She stands at roughly 5'1". She has dark brown eyes. Her hair is naturally black and wavy though she sometimes straightens it and has been experimenting with highlights.

But, TJ is no longer that happy and cheerful little girl. Her jokes are often blatant insults. She sings and dances for her own enjoyment, no longer taking lessons or performing for others. Within the last year she has really gotten into the study of the occult and religion. TJ is easily angered around/by her family. And, for the last several months she has been pulling away from her friends becoming less and less sociable.
Tala was the only child born to her father and mother in Roanoke, Virginia. Her father would die as a result of a car crash when she was just five years old. Two years later her mother would remarry, and the new family would pick up and move to Red Lake. Though she missed her extended family, Tala was happy in her new home and stepdad. She quickly became known by her neighbors and classmates as a beautiful raven haired girl who loved to entertain all that would look her way.
Coming into young adulthood Tala's relationship with her mother and stepfather have been strained. Both of them were religious, her stepfather deeply so. Teenage Tala was forbidden to go on solo dates. Instead she would either have to be chaperoned by an adult or go in a group of friends. Her stepfather disapproved of Tala watching horror movies, and occasionally the music she listened to. And, there was a huge blow up when she dropped out of the church youth group and choir.

Main Cast CS's
Name: Riley Stark
Age: 17

Werewolf Form:
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi (Leans more towards women)
Crush: None at the moment.
Personality: Riley is usually the very friendly and energetic kind of girl, she likes to always have some fun and easily will make friends with
anyone. Riley is usually the kind of girl who is more of a tomboy and enjoys hunting and shooting guns whenever she gets the chance to during hunting season. Though she does have a softer side and will always listen to her friends and whatever problems that they may have and will do whatever it takes to cheer them up.
Bio: Riley was born in Red Lake to both of her parents who run Riley's Bed and Breakfast, both of Riley's parents met while in college her father was a business major while her mother was studying to become a nurse, shortly after graduating Riley's parents got married and decided to move out into the country where they found Red Lake the most quiet and most peaceful little town. Her father always wanted to open up his own bed and breakfast, which he did. While they were constructing the building Riley's mother ended up becoming pregnant which made them both happy and decided to name it after their daughter.
Growing up Riley always enjoyed making friends which she quickly made through elementary school and throughout high school, the whole idea of going up to Red Lake was her own idea to take her friends up to the lake and spend a few days up there using the money she makes at her father's business she would pay for the RV that they always rent out as well as buying some camping equipment for their trip and meet at the high school. The trip was originally between her and Krista but they decided to start bringing their closest friends with them.
Misc Info: Daughter of Seth and Sarah Stark
Age: 17

Werewolf Form:

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bi (Leans more towards women)
Crush: None at the moment.
Personality: Riley is usually the very friendly and energetic kind of girl, she likes to always have some fun and easily will make friends with
anyone. Riley is usually the kind of girl who is more of a tomboy and enjoys hunting and shooting guns whenever she gets the chance to during hunting season. Though she does have a softer side and will always listen to her friends and whatever problems that they may have and will do whatever it takes to cheer them up.
Bio: Riley was born in Red Lake to both of her parents who run Riley's Bed and Breakfast, both of Riley's parents met while in college her father was a business major while her mother was studying to become a nurse, shortly after graduating Riley's parents got married and decided to move out into the country where they found Red Lake the most quiet and most peaceful little town. Her father always wanted to open up his own bed and breakfast, which he did. While they were constructing the building Riley's mother ended up becoming pregnant which made them both happy and decided to name it after their daughter.
Growing up Riley always enjoyed making friends which she quickly made through elementary school and throughout high school, the whole idea of going up to Red Lake was her own idea to take her friends up to the lake and spend a few days up there using the money she makes at her father's business she would pay for the RV that they always rent out as well as buying some camping equipment for their trip and meet at the high school. The trip was originally between her and Krista but they decided to start bringing their closest friends with them.
Misc Info: Daughter of Seth and Sarah Stark
Name: Kade Graham
Age: 24
Werewolf Appearance:
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Job: Jobless
Personality: back in high school he was a typical teenager, prone to bursts of male hormones that caused him to act like a typical high school kid. he was funny, popular, everything a variable king of High school could be. now however, he's more jaded, he's seen some things, experienced a lot more then most people should have to see and experiences, its left its mark on him.
Bio: Kade story didn't begin in Red Lake. his mother's side of the family had been from there, but she moved right after high school, wanting to get far away from the backwards ass place and people. she'd fallen in love with her college sweetheart, they married and began their family. Kade was with his parents right up until he turned five, then the tragic accident happened, typical Drunk driver, who didn't give two shits about them self or anyone else and got behind the wheel, and that choice took his family away from him. after that he went and lived with the only remaining family he had, his mother's mom, his grandmother.. she was strict with her raising, but she loved her grandson deeply, and he her.
after high school, at Eighteen himself Kade could have went off to college, but he went another route, and joined the Marine corps and life became one grueling adventure, but he was doing a service, making a difference. he didn't have any troubles, til he turned twenty four, entering his five years in the service. it was a standard patrol, but what began as standard, turned "not" quick, as he and his platoon was attack by..something. it was big, Kade knew that much when it came for him. and though he managed to fire at it, spraying it with semi auto fire it didn't stop. he woke in medical the next night, a full twenty four hours later. the rest of his platoon was dead, most having bled out. they claim it was some sort of animal attack, and they knew it had been wounded but they didn't find animal. (though on an unrelated note, not twenty miles away, some nobody, a drifter was found dead, no clothes and covered in bullet wounds) Kade healed up, rather quickly the doctor's had said, and he went back, but things were different, he was different...
a Month later he got the call, some small town lawyer back in Red Lake.. his Grandmother had died, and she'd left everything to him, which was good as he was being discharged or as the called it a General (under honorable conditions) Discharge. a week later, he was state side, a civilian once again, and he had only one place to go.. home.
Misc Info: Kade is keeping a secret, something happened over in Afghanistan, something that in five years of service and constant training couldn't have planned him for.
Age: 24

Werewolf Appearance:
Werewolf Form: 

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Job: Jobless
Personality: back in high school he was a typical teenager, prone to bursts of male hormones that caused him to act like a typical high school kid. he was funny, popular, everything a variable king of High school could be. now however, he's more jaded, he's seen some things, experienced a lot more then most people should have to see and experiences, its left its mark on him.
Bio: Kade story didn't begin in Red Lake. his mother's side of the family had been from there, but she moved right after high school, wanting to get far away from the backwards ass place and people. she'd fallen in love with her college sweetheart, they married and began their family. Kade was with his parents right up until he turned five, then the tragic accident happened, typical Drunk driver, who didn't give two shits about them self or anyone else and got behind the wheel, and that choice took his family away from him. after that he went and lived with the only remaining family he had, his mother's mom, his grandmother.. she was strict with her raising, but she loved her grandson deeply, and he her.
after high school, at Eighteen himself Kade could have went off to college, but he went another route, and joined the Marine corps and life became one grueling adventure, but he was doing a service, making a difference. he didn't have any troubles, til he turned twenty four, entering his five years in the service. it was a standard patrol, but what began as standard, turned "not" quick, as he and his platoon was attack by..something. it was big, Kade knew that much when it came for him. and though he managed to fire at it, spraying it with semi auto fire it didn't stop. he woke in medical the next night, a full twenty four hours later. the rest of his platoon was dead, most having bled out. they claim it was some sort of animal attack, and they knew it had been wounded but they didn't find animal. (though on an unrelated note, not twenty miles away, some nobody, a drifter was found dead, no clothes and covered in bullet wounds) Kade healed up, rather quickly the doctor's had said, and he went back, but things were different, he was different...
a Month later he got the call, some small town lawyer back in Red Lake.. his Grandmother had died, and she'd left everything to him, which was good as he was being discharged or as the called it a General (under honorable conditions) Discharge. a week later, he was state side, a civilian once again, and he had only one place to go.. home.
Misc Info: Kade is keeping a secret, something happened over in Afghanistan, something that in five years of service and constant training couldn't have planned him for.
Name: Ryan Crassus
Age: 18

Werewolf Form:
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Riley
Personality: Friendly, protective of friends, shy around people he doesn't know though. Affected by his mood as well, however, if he's down because of a tragedy of some sort, he may not even speak very often around the closest of friends, and the opposite is true if he's overly joyous on occasion. Slow to anger, but holds tight to a grudge like it's his own life if he's angered enough.
Bio: He's lived his entire life in the area, his family never wanted to move away, seeing how beautiful the vistas that each window displayed from their house had been since the day they got there. When Ryan was born, the thought of him being where there were too few friends to be had was on his parents' minds, but quickly passed as he began to make a few friends in the town early on. As he was raised in the small town, he saw his parents often, as they work in the school itself, his father being a teacher (if that's okay), and his mother being one of the background school officials. She would often say that she more or less ran the school, but that was only what she told herself and others as a slight joke, as others did much more work than she. As Ryan grew up, he got into very few, small fights, as he always knew his parents would be right nearby, but the ones he did fight, he fought for a friend that was hurt in any way whatsoever by a classmate. Ryan's entire early life he focused towards the protection of his friends.
Misc Info: He's a fiercely loyal friend. Even should a friend treat him like dirt, he would likely continue seeing them as a friend, only one that had gotten mad and needed some time to cool off. Even if a friend were to betray him moments before, if he needed to, he would fight to defend his friend. (this does not mean he won't give up on a friend. If that friend does something horrible to another friend, he may choose to only accept one of them as his friend from that point onward.)
Oh, and don't even question that I've read the rules.
Age: 18

Werewolf Form:

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Riley
Personality: Friendly, protective of friends, shy around people he doesn't know though. Affected by his mood as well, however, if he's down because of a tragedy of some sort, he may not even speak very often around the closest of friends, and the opposite is true if he's overly joyous on occasion. Slow to anger, but holds tight to a grudge like it's his own life if he's angered enough.
Bio: He's lived his entire life in the area, his family never wanted to move away, seeing how beautiful the vistas that each window displayed from their house had been since the day they got there. When Ryan was born, the thought of him being where there were too few friends to be had was on his parents' minds, but quickly passed as he began to make a few friends in the town early on. As he was raised in the small town, he saw his parents often, as they work in the school itself, his father being a teacher (if that's okay), and his mother being one of the background school officials. She would often say that she more or less ran the school, but that was only what she told herself and others as a slight joke, as others did much more work than she. As Ryan grew up, he got into very few, small fights, as he always knew his parents would be right nearby, but the ones he did fight, he fought for a friend that was hurt in any way whatsoever by a classmate. Ryan's entire early life he focused towards the protection of his friends.
Misc Info: He's a fiercely loyal friend. Even should a friend treat him like dirt, he would likely continue seeing them as a friend, only one that had gotten mad and needed some time to cool off. Even if a friend were to betray him moments before, if he needed to, he would fight to defend his friend. (this does not mean he won't give up on a friend. If that friend does something horrible to another friend, he may choose to only accept one of them as his friend from that point onward.)
Oh, and don't even question that I've read the rules.
Name: Billy Swanson
Age: 17

Werewolf Form:

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: No one as of now.
Personality: Billy is an easy going individual who enjoys a quite life. He is not confident whatsoever and usually freezes up if he doesn't know how to go about a situation that he isn't knowledgeable about (Example; Girls). His humor is somewhat harsh and most of the time, not well thought out. Billy is also a bit cynical but he has good reason to be and he can sometimes be depressed at the loss of someone he cared for deeply but chooses to hide that. Around his friends he is himself; funny (depending on if you see it that way), sarcastic and friendly. He secretly craves attention and loves it when his friends do anything with him and he would probably do anything for them if they asked. In summary, Billy is a shy individual who becomes sad if conflict breaks out or his feelings become hurt but he will be there for the people he cares about, most of the time.
Bio: Billy was born the youngest child to a family of four. His parents had his sister, Emily, five years before he was even thought of and they sometimes even joke that he was an accident. His parents had never been born in Red Lake but moved there after he was born at the age of three. Elementary school was a good time for him and he met a solid group of kids that he could call friends but like all kids, times can change. by the time he entered High school, his sister was going to college, leaving him alone at home. Like a majority of younger siblings he portrayed that he was excited to finally get her room and that she was leaving but deep inside he was sad. His sister frequently looked out for him and because of that Billy respected her deeply and loved her like any good brother.
High school was much different then elementary or middle school and by then he had lost some of his friends to time and differences. Middle School itself was an awkward time for him as he was a bit larger then the rest of his classmates and was sometimes made fun of for it. It also didn't help that he was smarter then others and he wore glasses. Put that together and you have a nerd. By his freshmen year he had began to grow out of his chubby phase which was thrilling, as he hoped it would change things. He was still bullied by the jocks and popular kids but he managed to get through it by the support of his friends and because of that, he owed them everything. Though that fact stood, his wasn't prepared for the tragedy that came at the end of his junior year.
Emily was 22 and enrolled at Penn State when she disappeared. One day she was there and then the next she was just, gone. Her roommate said that she was perfectly normal and nothing had been going on with her when it happened. She had gone out to get groceries and didn't return. The police couldn't find anything, it was if she simply jumped off the face of the planet. Billy was in a state of disbelief because of this, the only sister he had was gone and no one could find her. He grew depressed because of it but told everyone that he was fine and even acted so when he was around others. He got into some indulgences, anytime he could get his hand on alcohol he readily drank without thinking of the repercussions.
He needed to get away from home and when the annual camping trip loomed on the horizon he actually felt joy. He managed to acquire some alcohol for the trip but what would happen next would change him and his friends.
Misc Info:
Age: 17

Werewolf Form:

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: No one as of now.
Personality: Billy is an easy going individual who enjoys a quite life. He is not confident whatsoever and usually freezes up if he doesn't know how to go about a situation that he isn't knowledgeable about (Example; Girls). His humor is somewhat harsh and most of the time, not well thought out. Billy is also a bit cynical but he has good reason to be and he can sometimes be depressed at the loss of someone he cared for deeply but chooses to hide that. Around his friends he is himself; funny (depending on if you see it that way), sarcastic and friendly. He secretly craves attention and loves it when his friends do anything with him and he would probably do anything for them if they asked. In summary, Billy is a shy individual who becomes sad if conflict breaks out or his feelings become hurt but he will be there for the people he cares about, most of the time.
Bio: Billy was born the youngest child to a family of four. His parents had his sister, Emily, five years before he was even thought of and they sometimes even joke that he was an accident. His parents had never been born in Red Lake but moved there after he was born at the age of three. Elementary school was a good time for him and he met a solid group of kids that he could call friends but like all kids, times can change. by the time he entered High school, his sister was going to college, leaving him alone at home. Like a majority of younger siblings he portrayed that he was excited to finally get her room and that she was leaving but deep inside he was sad. His sister frequently looked out for him and because of that Billy respected her deeply and loved her like any good brother.
High school was much different then elementary or middle school and by then he had lost some of his friends to time and differences. Middle School itself was an awkward time for him as he was a bit larger then the rest of his classmates and was sometimes made fun of for it. It also didn't help that he was smarter then others and he wore glasses. Put that together and you have a nerd. By his freshmen year he had began to grow out of his chubby phase which was thrilling, as he hoped it would change things. He was still bullied by the jocks and popular kids but he managed to get through it by the support of his friends and because of that, he owed them everything. Though that fact stood, his wasn't prepared for the tragedy that came at the end of his junior year.
Emily was 22 and enrolled at Penn State when she disappeared. One day she was there and then the next she was just, gone. Her roommate said that she was perfectly normal and nothing had been going on with her when it happened. She had gone out to get groceries and didn't return. The police couldn't find anything, it was if she simply jumped off the face of the planet. Billy was in a state of disbelief because of this, the only sister he had was gone and no one could find her. He grew depressed because of it but told everyone that he was fine and even acted so when he was around others. He got into some indulgences, anytime he could get his hand on alcohol he readily drank without thinking of the repercussions.
He needed to get away from home and when the annual camping trip loomed on the horizon he actually felt joy. He managed to acquire some alcohol for the trip but what would happen next would change him and his friends.
Misc Info:
Name: Cassandra Spencer
Age: 17
Appearance: Cassandra stands approxametely 5 foot ten inches. She has skinned browned by the sun, freckles splattering her face, arms and chest. She has bright green eyes that show her light, amusement, and kindness. She has a scar under her left eye, quite small, from an accident when she was a child. Her hair is cut short, and is a dark, dark brown, almost, at times, black.
Werewolf Form:
Gender: female
Sexuality: Bi
Crush: Currently, no one.
Personality: Cassandra is a tough kind of girl. She is determined, stubborn, brave and, at times, foolish. She loves to make people smile, and laugh, and is always willing to cheer people up. She cares a great deal for her family and friends, and would do anything to protect them. She is a bright, bubbly individual, and typically is care free. She loves to sing and is good with music
Bio: Cassandra was five, when a car crash killed her mother and father, leaving her to be raised by her Aunt, a kind individual who nevertheless has some curious ideas about child rearing. She escaped the accident with the scar under her eye, and for a long time, she was silent, mute, and just lifeless.
And then she discovered music, and the wonder of singing. She learned to sing, to dance, to play guitar. She became happy, and enjoyed life once more. She made friends, and became good in what she did, and how she did it. She enjoyed figuring things out, and enjoyed just being with others, the only fact that took her on the camping trip.
Misc Info:
Age: 17
Appearance: Cassandra stands approxametely 5 foot ten inches. She has skinned browned by the sun, freckles splattering her face, arms and chest. She has bright green eyes that show her light, amusement, and kindness. She has a scar under her left eye, quite small, from an accident when she was a child. Her hair is cut short, and is a dark, dark brown, almost, at times, black.
Werewolf Form:

Gender: female
Sexuality: Bi
Crush: Currently, no one.
Personality: Cassandra is a tough kind of girl. She is determined, stubborn, brave and, at times, foolish. She loves to make people smile, and laugh, and is always willing to cheer people up. She cares a great deal for her family and friends, and would do anything to protect them. She is a bright, bubbly individual, and typically is care free. She loves to sing and is good with music
Bio: Cassandra was five, when a car crash killed her mother and father, leaving her to be raised by her Aunt, a kind individual who nevertheless has some curious ideas about child rearing. She escaped the accident with the scar under her eye, and for a long time, she was silent, mute, and just lifeless.
And then she discovered music, and the wonder of singing. She learned to sing, to dance, to play guitar. She became happy, and enjoyed life once more. She made friends, and became good in what she did, and how she did it. She enjoyed figuring things out, and enjoyed just being with others, the only fact that took her on the camping trip.
Misc Info:

Carlos Gutierrez
Werewolf Form:

Carlos is very much the extrovert when it comes to social activities or just being around people in general. He's very outgoing, friendly, funny, and loud. He's all about having fun and making sure others around him are doing the same. One of the things he's known for is to play pranks on people. Carlos thinks it's the funniest thing in the world to scare someone, make them trip and fall, prank call, mix shampoo with bleach, you name it. Nothing is too extreme for him and loves to cross the line. However, he knows his limits and doesn't put anyone in harm's way. Carlos figures that everyone is going to die one day so you have to live up the time you have on this earth. He absolutely hates Bitter Betties and Debby Downer or anyone that brings a negative feelings into a situation. It's a total buzz kill for anyone to kill his vibe and he tends to get snappy at people who do it. One of the things he's most vulnerable about is his father. He prefers to hide his insecurities behind humor and jokes. He's very loyal to those he's close with and despite his antics, he's perfectly able to have a serious conversation.
Carlos was born in Corpus Christi, Texas as an only child. He's full blooded Mexican with his mother being Mexican American and his father being an illegal immigrant. He had a bit of a rough childhood first starting off because of his father always putting him and his mother in danger. His father was part of the drug Cartel, a huge gang in Mexico. While Carlos' father was in the states doing illegal business, he met his mother and they developed a relationship. Carlos' mother knew about the things he was doing but chose to remain oblivious to it all. She loved him and was blinded by his charm. That is until one day things took a turn for the worse.
Carlos' father had gotten death threats from a rival gang for selling in his territory. Being the super machismo man that he was, he wasn't phased and continued to do his business. Carlos was only five years old when his father suddenly turned up missing. He had been gone for weeks until a mysterious package came in the mail. Carlos' mother opened the package and it was a tape that had no markings or handwriting on it. She played the tape and screamed in terror by what she saw on the screen. A rival gang member had taken her husband hostage and decapitated him right on camera, something that gangs in Mexico were known to do to their enemies. Out of fear, she packed her and her son's belongings and left Corpus to get away from everything. She made sure to grab all of her husband's drug money so no one could get their hands on it
Carlos and his mom found themselves at Red Lake, Pennsylvania after driving for days northward. She was done with driving and wanted to just settle somewhere. After a few days of staying in the small town, she fell in love and decided to stay there. It was tough transitioning into a totally different state with different people. Carlos and his mom were one of the only Mexican families in the small town so they stuck out like a sore thumb. However, she made friends with her neighbors and they fell in love with her homemade Mexican food which a lot of people there haven't had. Using the rest of her dead husband's money, she started a Panaderia which is a Mexican bakery in the town. It was their source of income and it had good business with what small amount of people lived in the town.
Carlos grew up in Red Lake like any other normal child after the events back in Texas. His mom never told him what happened and only knows that he left them for another woman, causing him to despise his dad. With the anger he had, he turned it into humor. As he got older, he became one of the most friendliest, extroverted people you could meet. He had no problems fitting in and making friends. Fast forward to the present and he just turned 18 and is a senior in high school. Carlos works with his mom in the bakery after school if he doesn't have practice or rehearsal. He's part of the Theatre Club and Basketball team. As far as his dating life is concerned, he's been with guys and girls and doesn't care who he ends up with in the future. Even though his mom is a Catholic, she's quite liberal so she supports her son through anything. Other than some minor altercations, everyone seems to be pretty open. One of his favorite things to do is go camping, however his last camping trip didn't exactly go as planned.
Misc Info:
The name of his mom's bakery is La Panadería. Churros seem to be everyone's favorite.

I have read the rules.
Name: Evan Whitman
Age: 17

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual though still in the closet
Personality: Evan is a somewhat shy and soft-spoken boy. He is nervous around new people and struggles with making new friends. Even to those that are his good friends, he still does not have a habit of speaking all that much. He never seems to open up to anyone nor does he ever let his guard down. He tends to simply take in everything that people say and seems to never get angry or upset. He is a great listener and is willing to offer advice to anyone who needs it. He prefers quiet solitude over a loud, wild party. He is often found with his notebook, either drawing or writing poems. Drawing and writing are use as his mode of escape and expression. He doesn't let anyone look in his notebook, no matter who they are.
Bio: Evan was born and raised in Red Lake for his entire life. He lived with his mom as his dad left them before he could even remember. His mother did the best she could in raising him and Evan loved her more than anything. She struggled, working two part time jobs in attempt to support them. Evan also did all he could to help and never asked for much besides food, shelter, and her love.
Evan's mother has always been a strict Catholic though, and when Evan had to admit that he was indeed gay, he hid it from her. He even had some girlfriends during his freshman and sophomore year to make sure that his mom wouldn't be suspicious. Unfortunately, no matter how much he tried to deny it, he was only attracted to other males.
Misc Info:
I read the rules
Age: 17

Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual though still in the closet
Personality: Evan is a somewhat shy and soft-spoken boy. He is nervous around new people and struggles with making new friends. Even to those that are his good friends, he still does not have a habit of speaking all that much. He never seems to open up to anyone nor does he ever let his guard down. He tends to simply take in everything that people say and seems to never get angry or upset. He is a great listener and is willing to offer advice to anyone who needs it. He prefers quiet solitude over a loud, wild party. He is often found with his notebook, either drawing or writing poems. Drawing and writing are use as his mode of escape and expression. He doesn't let anyone look in his notebook, no matter who they are.
Bio: Evan was born and raised in Red Lake for his entire life. He lived with his mom as his dad left them before he could even remember. His mother did the best she could in raising him and Evan loved her more than anything. She struggled, working two part time jobs in attempt to support them. Evan also did all he could to help and never asked for much besides food, shelter, and her love.
Evan's mother has always been a strict Catholic though, and when Evan had to admit that he was indeed gay, he hid it from her. He even had some girlfriends during his freshman and sophomore year to make sure that his mom wouldn't be suspicious. Unfortunately, no matter how much he tried to deny it, he was only attracted to other males.
Misc Info:
I read the rules
Name: Elisha Ngô
Age: 17

note: This wolf is an albino southeast Asian dingo, not a regular North American one
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (though she favors men)
Crush: Carlos
Personality: After years of being bullied, she grew shy and closed off to other people, but once they break through her walls, she becomes vibrant and ecstatic. Her humor has grown to be biting and sarcastic, but she means no real harm. She never voluntarily takes charge of unpleasant situations, but if she is forced to take leadership or responsibility, she will tackle the problem head on and leave no breathing room for her enemy. While she does have a good ear for venting, she generally isn't great at dealing with awkward scenes when her friends break down and start crying (considering whenever she did that, she always shoved her feelings down her throat and didn't let them back up), but she will still do her best to comfort her friend. While she is still generally easy to run over, lately she's been finding her voice and will not hesitate to cuss a bitch out if they go too far.
Bio: Her family history is long and brutal. It all started in the beautiful mountains of Vietnam, when her grandfather was killed after his platoon was bombed on the Ho Chi Min trail by American soldiers. When her grandmother found out, she lost faith in the communist leader and decided to escape Vietnam at all costs. After reaching America, her grandmother settled down with a South Vietnamese refugee. Her grandmother raised her mother strictly under Vietnam's culture. Though Elisha's mom was free to do many more things than she could've done if she was born in the mother country, she was still forbidden from doing one thing: Marrying anyone who was not Vietnamese. But that's exactly what she did. She fell in love with a white man and eloped with him only three months after she met him. They ran away from her mother's wrath and settled down in New York City, earning their money off odd jobs. But Elisha's mother secretly made (and lost, more than often) money from gambling. After a year of barely scraping by, out pops Elisha. Soon after the stress of having an unplanned baby, her mother drowned herself in gambling and drinking, refusing her mother's pleas to come home and let her see her only grandchild. Hector, Elisha's father, decided it was best he took his new born daughter away from her addicted mother, but it would take six years for the divorce papers to tile and the custody argument to rule in Hector's favor. In those six years, Elisha watched her mother grow rabid with addiction. It messed her up slightly, but Hector was always there to easy the pain. After fleeing New York, they settled down in Red Lake. Her father got a job at the local newspaper and enrolled Elisha into he local school system. Elisha soon found out that Red Lake was nothing like New York. Her father wanted her to keep her mother's maiden name and remember her heritage, but it soon became a plague in Red Lake. New York was populated and diverse with all different kinds of mixed kids, but Red Lake was barren of almost any mixed kids, or even non-white kids for that matter. People would tease her and make fun of her last name, and adults would stare when she walked hand in hand with her white father. She was bullied for being mixed and for her absent mother. By the age of 12, she hated herself. She hated her slanted eyes, why couldn't they be round like her father's? She hated her skin, why was it not perfectly white like her father's? Why? Why? And then, oh then, she started noticing girls in ways many people would frown upon. And it's not like she could ever say she only liked girls, no, she liked boys too! In the eyes of Red Lake, she was a mixed, girl-liking freak. But then she fund a real group of friends who accepted her for who she is. To them, it didn't matter that she was mixed and liked girls. She finally felt complete and happy. Some things she hadn't felt in a long time.
Misc: I have read the rules Also, she has the word nhà tattooed on her left shoulder blade, with permission from her father
Age: 17

note: This wolf is an albino southeast Asian dingo, not a regular North American one
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual (though she favors men)
Crush: Carlos
Personality: After years of being bullied, she grew shy and closed off to other people, but once they break through her walls, she becomes vibrant and ecstatic. Her humor has grown to be biting and sarcastic, but she means no real harm. She never voluntarily takes charge of unpleasant situations, but if she is forced to take leadership or responsibility, she will tackle the problem head on and leave no breathing room for her enemy. While she does have a good ear for venting, she generally isn't great at dealing with awkward scenes when her friends break down and start crying (considering whenever she did that, she always shoved her feelings down her throat and didn't let them back up), but she will still do her best to comfort her friend. While she is still generally easy to run over, lately she's been finding her voice and will not hesitate to cuss a bitch out if they go too far.
Bio: Her family history is long and brutal. It all started in the beautiful mountains of Vietnam, when her grandfather was killed after his platoon was bombed on the Ho Chi Min trail by American soldiers. When her grandmother found out, she lost faith in the communist leader and decided to escape Vietnam at all costs. After reaching America, her grandmother settled down with a South Vietnamese refugee. Her grandmother raised her mother strictly under Vietnam's culture. Though Elisha's mom was free to do many more things than she could've done if she was born in the mother country, she was still forbidden from doing one thing: Marrying anyone who was not Vietnamese. But that's exactly what she did. She fell in love with a white man and eloped with him only three months after she met him. They ran away from her mother's wrath and settled down in New York City, earning their money off odd jobs. But Elisha's mother secretly made (and lost, more than often) money from gambling. After a year of barely scraping by, out pops Elisha. Soon after the stress of having an unplanned baby, her mother drowned herself in gambling and drinking, refusing her mother's pleas to come home and let her see her only grandchild. Hector, Elisha's father, decided it was best he took his new born daughter away from her addicted mother, but it would take six years for the divorce papers to tile and the custody argument to rule in Hector's favor. In those six years, Elisha watched her mother grow rabid with addiction. It messed her up slightly, but Hector was always there to easy the pain. After fleeing New York, they settled down in Red Lake. Her father got a job at the local newspaper and enrolled Elisha into he local school system. Elisha soon found out that Red Lake was nothing like New York. Her father wanted her to keep her mother's maiden name and remember her heritage, but it soon became a plague in Red Lake. New York was populated and diverse with all different kinds of mixed kids, but Red Lake was barren of almost any mixed kids, or even non-white kids for that matter. People would tease her and make fun of her last name, and adults would stare when she walked hand in hand with her white father. She was bullied for being mixed and for her absent mother. By the age of 12, she hated herself. She hated her slanted eyes, why couldn't they be round like her father's? She hated her skin, why was it not perfectly white like her father's? Why? Why? And then, oh then, she started noticing girls in ways many people would frown upon. And it's not like she could ever say she only liked girls, no, she liked boys too! In the eyes of Red Lake, she was a mixed, girl-liking freak. But then she fund a real group of friends who accepted her for who she is. To them, it didn't matter that she was mixed and liked girls. She finally felt complete and happy. Some things she hadn't felt in a long time.
Misc: I have read the rules Also, she has the word nhà tattooed on her left shoulder blade, with permission from her father
Name: Aaliyah Taplin.
Age: 18

Aaliyah has long wavy Red hair which fall to shoulder length draping over her shoulders which she prefers to wear freely or may at times tie it up into a ponytail. Aaliyah stands roughly at 5''10 with a figure of 34-24-34, She has small cheeks, a medium size nose, hands, and ears with delicate average size lips with blue eyes and a Olive skin complexion with freckles that pretty much only cover her face. She likes to keep herself in good condition but she is by no means under or overweight, Aaliyah is a attractive individual depending on ones personal taste but has a good feminine figure, She’s toned to the point of lightly muscled yet there’s no mistaking she’s a teen with some curves in the right places.

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Crush: Riley Stark
Personality: Aaliyah is a pretty confident individual, She is a very outgoing person who can be a bit careless at times, She is also pretty fearless individual who enjoys being with her friends. Aaliyah thoroughly enjoys the outdoors Especially the rain and swimming in the nearby lake. She is friendly and Sympathetic to others and is one to give second chances but is not completely naive, though she seems to know more than she lets on. Aaliyah prefers to avoid confrontation, but can handle it, Of course she can get angered when pushed enough which can show a much more passionate fiery side.
Underneath this fiery side though, Aaliyah is not without compassion as she is the type of friend to give you a should to cry on or simply listen. She can get distressed when others that are close. Especially her friends or family argue or fight with one another. Aaliyah is the type however that is completely loyal to those who do right by her, and she can become highly protective over those she deems closest to her but is not clingy. She loves music, enjoy's dancing, Using her violin and doing various types of Fire and Sparkle dancing.
Bio: Aaliyah was born and raised in Red Lake into a pretty normal family, Her father John did a lot of odd jobs where he could while trying to get better work in a city finding the town life of Red Lake not to his liking, While her mother Yasmin was stable working in the local bar, She like her daughter Aaliyah, Loved the more peaceful way of life but she would become frustrated with the feeling of not doing enough for her children. She grew up under the watchful eye of her brother where she took a 'tough girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers and bullies at a safe distance, It was actually quite funny and cute. Life was pretty normal for the most part although her brother was getting in trouble causing arguments within the household which was compounded by the fact the father was hardly home because of his work, She was enrolled into the girl scouts, Enjoying camping trips in the locals woods while enjoying making friends throughout her school years that would continue.
From this moment on the rest of Aaliyah's childhood was plagued with some family troubles, Her brother Michael got his life on track while her father buried himself further into his work leaving the young feeling more and more disconnected when she wanted family most, Aaliyah ended up spending more time away from home, thoroughly enjoying the outdoors Especially the rain and swimming in the nearby lake. Michael didn't get into trouble and kept his nose clean, He made something of his life and got himself some work, It was him that kept Aaliyah safe, tried to channel her new found aggression and fiery temper she got from her parent's in fighting. Soon enough though Michael had married and moved away, He left her with money to help Aaliyah stay on her feet, He was always a phone call or a couple of hours drive away if she needed him but it still tore her up inside, Aaliyah was spending a lot more time with her close friends.
When Aaliyah came out of education and old enough to work, She took it into her own hands to get a job in the local Lamb's Market and rented a place of her own when her parents had a third child, A baby brother. Aaliyah remembered when Her father had taken them to the city a few times when she was younger but she preferred life in Red lake and would probably never change, She is a pretty fearless individual, quite sociable due to being in a small town of under a thousand. Eventually her family moved away but the red head decided to stay in Red Lake, it is her home after all. Although this left Aaliyah no immediate family as they moved so far away, It is because of her fathers new job they had to go so far.
Although it hurts Aaliyah from time to time as she misses her family so much, She is forever thankful to have such great friends around her. Not so long ago Aaliyah had a scare when she was almost diagnosed with diabetes from the local doctors, This scared the crap out of her as it was something she never thought of or looked into, Riley was there for her throughout the whole ordeal, Fortunately is was only a scare but was enough for her to change her eating habits, She started eating healthier and keeping a more active lifestyle but didn't fully stop from enjoying some delights and beverages.
Misc Info:
Age: 18

Aaliyah has long wavy Red hair which fall to shoulder length draping over her shoulders which she prefers to wear freely or may at times tie it up into a ponytail. Aaliyah stands roughly at 5''10 with a figure of 34-24-34, She has small cheeks, a medium size nose, hands, and ears with delicate average size lips with blue eyes and a Olive skin complexion with freckles that pretty much only cover her face. She likes to keep herself in good condition but she is by no means under or overweight, Aaliyah is a attractive individual depending on ones personal taste but has a good feminine figure, She’s toned to the point of lightly muscled yet there’s no mistaking she’s a teen with some curves in the right places.

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual.
Crush: Riley Stark
Personality: Aaliyah is a pretty confident individual, She is a very outgoing person who can be a bit careless at times, She is also pretty fearless individual who enjoys being with her friends. Aaliyah thoroughly enjoys the outdoors Especially the rain and swimming in the nearby lake. She is friendly and Sympathetic to others and is one to give second chances but is not completely naive, though she seems to know more than she lets on. Aaliyah prefers to avoid confrontation, but can handle it, Of course she can get angered when pushed enough which can show a much more passionate fiery side.
Underneath this fiery side though, Aaliyah is not without compassion as she is the type of friend to give you a should to cry on or simply listen. She can get distressed when others that are close. Especially her friends or family argue or fight with one another. Aaliyah is the type however that is completely loyal to those who do right by her, and she can become highly protective over those she deems closest to her but is not clingy. She loves music, enjoy's dancing, Using her violin and doing various types of Fire and Sparkle dancing.
Bio: Aaliyah was born and raised in Red Lake into a pretty normal family, Her father John did a lot of odd jobs where he could while trying to get better work in a city finding the town life of Red Lake not to his liking, While her mother Yasmin was stable working in the local bar, She like her daughter Aaliyah, Loved the more peaceful way of life but she would become frustrated with the feeling of not doing enough for her children. She grew up under the watchful eye of her brother where she took a 'tough girl' persona as a defensive tool to keep strangers and bullies at a safe distance, It was actually quite funny and cute. Life was pretty normal for the most part although her brother was getting in trouble causing arguments within the household which was compounded by the fact the father was hardly home because of his work, She was enrolled into the girl scouts, Enjoying camping trips in the locals woods while enjoying making friends throughout her school years that would continue.
From this moment on the rest of Aaliyah's childhood was plagued with some family troubles, Her brother Michael got his life on track while her father buried himself further into his work leaving the young feeling more and more disconnected when she wanted family most, Aaliyah ended up spending more time away from home, thoroughly enjoying the outdoors Especially the rain and swimming in the nearby lake. Michael didn't get into trouble and kept his nose clean, He made something of his life and got himself some work, It was him that kept Aaliyah safe, tried to channel her new found aggression and fiery temper she got from her parent's in fighting. Soon enough though Michael had married and moved away, He left her with money to help Aaliyah stay on her feet, He was always a phone call or a couple of hours drive away if she needed him but it still tore her up inside, Aaliyah was spending a lot more time with her close friends.
When Aaliyah came out of education and old enough to work, She took it into her own hands to get a job in the local Lamb's Market and rented a place of her own when her parents had a third child, A baby brother. Aaliyah remembered when Her father had taken them to the city a few times when she was younger but she preferred life in Red lake and would probably never change, She is a pretty fearless individual, quite sociable due to being in a small town of under a thousand. Eventually her family moved away but the red head decided to stay in Red Lake, it is her home after all. Although this left Aaliyah no immediate family as they moved so far away, It is because of her fathers new job they had to go so far.
Although it hurts Aaliyah from time to time as she misses her family so much, She is forever thankful to have such great friends around her. Not so long ago Aaliyah had a scare when she was almost diagnosed with diabetes from the local doctors, This scared the crap out of her as it was something she never thought of or looked into, Riley was there for her throughout the whole ordeal, Fortunately is was only a scare but was enough for her to change her eating habits, She started eating healthier and keeping a more active lifestyle but didn't fully stop from enjoying some delights and beverages.
Misc Info:
Kassey Hall | 18

Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Kassey is a fun and outgoing young woman. She's been described as selfless, kind, and intelligent. A natural curiosity surrounds her, which has been known to get her into some trouble at times. To those she befriends, she is loyal to a fault. The trust and respect that she has for others means a great deal to her, and to put that trust in jeopardy means she will be emotionally hurt. However, she has been known to forgive too quickly those who have turned on her. She is forgiving and believes in the good in everyone. This makes her optimistic and usually very happy, tending to lean towards the side of sarcasm and laughter. Kassey is observant and detail oriented, noticing things other's might easily overlook. Truly a spirited soul, she enjoys the little things in life like the smell of rain and the sound of thunder, a good hot cup of tea and a good book, or the comfort of a warm fire with friends gathered around.
Kassey grew up in Red Lake, having a generally normal childhood. She was just like all the other small children in elementary school, participating in little league sports and putting on bake sales for whatever event happened to be going on in town. Her parents had met in college and moved to Red Lake shortly after getting married. They first had her brother, Logan, before adding Kassey to the family. The Hall's remained a family of four, with the father Garrett working at the police station and their mother Natalie working as a nurse at the local hospital.
Kassey had a somewhat uneventful life growing up thus far, experiencing no real tragedy other than a couple of deaths of distant relatives throughout the years, which could account for her unusually optimistic disposition. The toughest thing she has had to deal with is her brother leaving for the military, headed to a Marine training camp on the west coast. In conjunction with Logan's departure, Kassey had a period where she was somewhat depressed and didn't know who she really was. This was when she came to the realization that she was bisexual. Dealing with this was tough for her, and things at home weren't as straight and narrow as they had always been for a while and her brother was not home to be her support. Eventually, her family came to an understanding and everything returned back to normal.
Now, Kassey is surviving high school just like every other teenager. She is a core player on the varsity soccer team, the sport has become one of her true passions. To top it off, she manages to keep up good grades among all of her other extracurricular activities with her friends. For now, she keeps her optimistic attitude and takes every day as it is, making the most of it for everyone.
Misc Info:I have read the rules.
Name: Vanessa von Strong
Age: 22 years old
Werewolf Form:
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Kade Graham (already since they met in the summer vacations. )
Vanessa is a nice girl which will always stand up for others. She has a few very dear friend and doesn't mind to get dirty or work hard to help her friend.. Yet she won't be nice when you treat her or her friends like shit, then she turns into a 'bull dog', or so some friends called her that after they met that side of her.
Vanessa's grandparents lived their whole life in Red Lake, her mother grew up there but moved away for college. After college, V's mom met her dad and soon they married and her mother traded her life a sous-chef for that of a mother. Vanessa was born and raised in a big city but loved the visits in the summer vacation.
Vanessa walked into the steps of her mother and became a chef, working hard in the kitchen and learning everything she could from her mother. After college Vanessa traveled trough the world, mostly Europe and a part of Asia to learn more about their kitchens. During one of those travels, she got attacked by a group guys. She was hurt badly and when the full moon found her way to the sky, one of the guys changed into a wolf and he bit her. That was when she was 20 years old.
After that happening, she went back to her parents. There she lived for a while and when she had heard that her grandmother had passed way shortly after her grandfather had left this world, she had asked if she could buy the house. This had not been needed as her grandmother had passed it down to her.
Misc Info: Vanessa is probably the longest a Werewolf in Red Lake yet she is also the one who is still not in complete control. Since she had been hurt a lot before the guy had changed her, her wolf side and her human side seem not to be able to find piece with each other.
Age: 22 years old

Werewolf Form:
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Crush: Kade Graham (already since they met in the summer vacations. )
Vanessa is a nice girl which will always stand up for others. She has a few very dear friend and doesn't mind to get dirty or work hard to help her friend.. Yet she won't be nice when you treat her or her friends like shit, then she turns into a 'bull dog', or so some friends called her that after they met that side of her.
Vanessa's grandparents lived their whole life in Red Lake, her mother grew up there but moved away for college. After college, V's mom met her dad and soon they married and her mother traded her life a sous-chef for that of a mother. Vanessa was born and raised in a big city but loved the visits in the summer vacation.
Vanessa walked into the steps of her mother and became a chef, working hard in the kitchen and learning everything she could from her mother. After college Vanessa traveled trough the world, mostly Europe and a part of Asia to learn more about their kitchens. During one of those travels, she got attacked by a group guys. She was hurt badly and when the full moon found her way to the sky, one of the guys changed into a wolf and he bit her. That was when she was 20 years old.
After that happening, she went back to her parents. There she lived for a while and when she had heard that her grandmother had passed way shortly after her grandfather had left this world, she had asked if she could buy the house. This had not been needed as her grandmother had passed it down to her.
Misc Info: Vanessa is probably the longest a Werewolf in Red Lake yet she is also the one who is still not in complete control. Since she had been hurt a lot before the guy had changed her, her wolf side and her human side seem not to be able to find piece with each other.

Tala "TJ" Jiménez
17yo / FemaleAppearance
American born Tala is of Filipino, Native American, and Irish descent. She stands at roughly 5'1". She has dark brown eyes. Her hair is naturally black and wavy though she sometimes straightens it and has been experimenting with highlights.

Sexuality: Homoromantic
Tala may have no crushes or she may have many. As far as she is concerned it's really none of your business.
As a child Tala was a extremely outgoing and cheerful girl. She loved to joke and to entertain and play with anyone and everyone. She loves to dance and swim. She is gifted singer. She enjoys watching horror movies alone in the dark.Crush:
Tala may have no crushes or she may have many. As far as she is concerned it's really none of your business.
But, TJ is no longer that happy and cheerful little girl. Her jokes are often blatant insults. She sings and dances for her own enjoyment, no longer taking lessons or performing for others. Within the last year she has really gotten into the study of the occult and religion. TJ is easily angered around/by her family. And, for the last several months she has been pulling away from her friends becoming less and less sociable.
Coming into young adulthood Tala's relationship with her mother and stepfather have been strained. Both of them were religious, her stepfather deeply so. Teenage Tala was forbidden to go on solo dates. Instead she would either have to be chaperoned by an adult or go in a group of friends. Her stepfather disapproved of Tala watching horror movies, and occasionally the music she listened to. And, there was a huge blow up when she dropped out of the church youth group and choir.

Misc Info
I have read the rules
TJ's fave songs include: "Here" by Alessa Cara, "Monster" by Paramore, "All the Things She Said" by t.A.T.u., "American Idiot" by Green Day and "Love Song" by The Cure.
At the start of the game TJ has yet to admit to her family that she is attracted to other girls.
At the beginning of the game TJ is undiagnosed with schizophrenia.
I have read the rules
TJ's fave songs include: "Here" by Alessa Cara, "Monster" by Paramore, "All the Things She Said" by t.A.T.u., "American Idiot" by Green Day and "Love Song" by The Cure.
At the start of the game TJ has yet to admit to her family that she is attracted to other girls.
At the beginning of the game TJ is undiagnosed with schizophrenia.