Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

Wolves of Red Lake Season One

June 10th, 2015 9:00AM

Riley slowly opened her eyes as she heard the alarm on her phone going off, it was nine o'clock in the morning groaning slightly she wanted to sleep in a bit longer however she wanted to get the RV ready for her friends. She took out her phone sending out a text to all of her friends who were going to be going on the trip, which she always looked forward to every year and spend about four days up at the lake. 'Hey everyone this is Riley, meet up at the school the RV will be waiting for you guys love you all and see you guys very soon! :)' Riley hit send and walked over towards her dresser, she had gotten her clothes and supplies ready the day before. Riley started to take off her sweat pants and tank top which she went to sleep in.

Riley grabbed a pink spaghetti strap shirt and a pair of jean shorts. Looking at herself in the mirror she started putting on a little bit of makeup, and grabbed her backpack heading downstairs. Riley closed her eyes smelling sausage and eggs being cooked, there were some people already in the dining room people who were just passing through town for the night she could see her father and her aunt there cooking and cleaning. "Good morning." Riley said with a smile looking over her shoulder seeing her mother already in a blue pair of scrubs. "Morning Riley." Riley's aunt said, she helped out every once in awhile and always brought her uncle's RV over for her to use for the trip.

"Good morning Aunt Maria." Riley said giving her aunt a loving hug as well as her mother and father. "All set for the lake?" Sarah asked looking towards Riley and smiled nodding towards her. "Yep everything is all packed up." Riley said walking over towards the cabinets and grabbed a power bar. "The keys are already in the RV, be safe okay?" Riley's aunt said and nodded. "I will and tell Uncle Larry thank you for letting us use the RV again." Riley gave her family one last hug and then headed out the front door where the RV was already waiting for her. Riley got into the driver's seat and started the RV, the drive over towards the high school was very short, parking the RV in the parking lot Riley got out leaning herself up against the side waiting for her friends to come she was excited like always just hanging out with her friends for the next few days at the lake.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Billy swiped open his smartphone and saw Riley's message, he had gotten up at seven. He smiled, it was the day to leave this town, if not forever, but four days would do. It was just what he needed, to get away from home for a bit and sort things out in his head. He had started packing for the trip two days before, so he was super ready on that beautiful morning. His parents were still asleep and he did not want to wake them. They didn't think it was a very good idea but Billy was persistent and even told them that it was later that month. He had lied but had also left a note on the kitchen table stating where he was. He opened the front door and quietly shut it as to not make a noise.

He opened his small Honda Civic, and placed his suitcase in the trunk. When that was done he got into the drivers seat, placing his backpack, which contained some important items that he wanted to bring along next to him. Those items just happened to be hard liquor that Billy had acquired through a trade of sorts. He was definitely not proud of himself but he couldn't help it and hey, maybe even his friends would get a kick out of it.

As he drove, he couldn't help but dwell on the fact that the news would be out soon. He could see the headlines now, "Penn State undergraduate mysteriously disappears from Campus- Foul play or something else?" If they paid attention to the details, they figure out that it was his sister, perhaps when they returned home but for now he had time.

As he pulled into the parking lot, the ominous windows of the high school stared down at him. He hated that place and he silently wished that they had met somewhere else but whatever. He honked his horn at Riley as he parked next to the RV, stepping out he put a smile on his face and said, "Is it just me or does this thing get smaller each year?" As he pointed to the RV.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassandra was awake early, as was her habit. She had her aunts favorite cup of tea made, ready for her aunt, as well as breakfast. Last night, she had made up meals for her aunt for lunch and dinner, figuring she could manage breakfast, and left them named in the fridge. Her aunt would have scoffed and rolled her eyes at that, yet Cassandra knew she valued that. Her Aunt wasn't as robust as she had been, even a handful of years ago. Old age had just seemed to come on her, despite her being only 62 years old. She had been her mothers sister, and her mother would have been 42 if she were still alive. A large cap, and yet, her aunt had taken her in when her parents died.

Cassandra doubted she would be here, without her aunt. As her Aunt came shuffling down the hall, Cassandra set the tea cup and breakfast plate on the table, adding the news paper. She gave her aunt a kiss on the cheek, and said "Remember to eat. I'll be heading off now, are you sure you'll be okay?"

She got the customary grumble and "Yes, yes, I'll be fine. GO on, have fun with your friends" Cassandra smiled, and gave her a hug, running up the stairs and grabbed backpack, with changes of clothes, as well as other small bits and pieces. the campus and pocket knife that had been her fathers being one. It was probably foolish to take them, but she wanted to.

She hesitated, and then grabbed her guitar. If anyone objected, she could always bring it back home. Sling it over her back, and putting one strap of her backpack over her shoulder, she started out the house, waving goodbye to her aunt, and jogging down the street. She wasn't too far from the school, and Cassandra was looking forward to this, so it took no time at all to arrive there.

She could see the RV, Riley and billy and she gave a call, a wave and slowed to a walk, coming up to them with a smile. "Hey!" She said brightly, her smile wide and cheerful.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Evan Whitman

Evan had been looking forward to the trip, kind of. He enjoyed hanging out with his friends but he was not sure if he could handle socially active for four days straight. Thankfully they were usually very understanding about the fact that he enjoyed his alone time. He was awake early as usual and was ready to go. He had packed the night before and even his mother gave him her permission. She said it was good for a young man like him to "get out there". He did not tell her that there were going to be girls on the trip though. He did not want to give her any reasons to lecture him. It's not like he lied to her though, he just never bothered to tell her who was actually going.

He was just finishing up his breakfast when he got the text from Riley. He smiled softly and then took a deep breath. "This is going to be a lot of fun," he thought to himself, almost as if he was still trying to convince himself of the fact. He kissed his mother goodbye and then made his way to the school on his bike.

When he had arrived about ten minutes of biking later, he saw that Riley, Cass, and Billy were the only ones there so far. He waved politely at them after getting off his bike. "C-can I put my bike in the RV somewhere? Sorry if that's inconvenient..." he said softly, with his head down.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Kraken
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The Kraken Sea Beast Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Kassey had risen early, all too eager to begin the little mini-vacation that she looked forward to each year with her friends. In attempts to get her excitement under control, she went for an early morning run around her neighborhood. The rising sun painted a warm glow over the slowly waking town, setting the scenery for what she hoped would be an incredible four days out on the lake. Kassey had to keep herself from running up and banging on doors as she passed several of her friend's homes. The urge to toss pebbles at their windows and yell at them to wake up already pulled at her, but she figured she might as well let them sleep because they might not be getting much of that on their adventure.

Kassey returned home and showered, and much to her delight she was met with a text from Riley as she exited the bathroom. A grin played across her face as she dried off and got dressed. She let her hair fall into its natural wave, still slightly damp as she made her way downstairs with her bags to meet her dad at the kitchen table. "Good morning, sweetie. Off so soon?" He greeted her, dressed in his police uniform with a mug of black coffee in his hands. "Yep, gotta get an early start on the partying." That earned her a lowered brow from her father. "Kidding. Kind of. Love ya Dad!" He mumbled a 'love you too' as Kassey wrapped him in a hug, then reminded her to text her mother. She gave him a thumbs up as she walked out the door to her car and threw her bags in.

It wasn't a long drive to the school, though in Red Lake it wasn't a long drive to anywhere in town. As she pulled into the parking lot of the high school, she was met by a handful of the gang gathering around the RV. The car was quickly put into park and Kassey retrieved her bags, locking the car after her. Eagerly, she practically skipped over to her friends by the RV and met them with a large grin plastered on her face. "Hey guys! Who's ready for a kick ass trip? You already know I am." A small laugh escaped her as she set her bags down and joined the pow-wow circle to wait for the rest of the group to arrive. "We totally have to top last year's trip, it'll be tough but who better to raise the bar than us?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Elisha woke bright and early, excitement bubbling in her chest. Today was the big day. It was her first camping trip with the Red Lake Squad.

Just jumped out of bed to comb her erratic hair and climbed downstairs to eat a bite of toast before saying goodbye to her father.

While he never really asked if she made friends or not, he could easily tell when she first joined the squad that she had finally found happiness. "Don't get attacked by bears," her father called out to her as she said her goodbyes walking out the door. Elisha rolled her eyes before climbing into her blue bug and driving to school. She was nervous, more than nervous. This was her first trip, having only been in the squad for a couple months. She was their newest member.

She parked near the RV and walked up towards the group. "Morning," she greeted.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Carlos Gutierrez

Carlos had been up at 5 o'clock in the morning, to his dismay, to help out his mother with prepping at La Panaderia. It was the summer; he was supposed to be sleeping in late and staying up all night like a normal teenager. But of course with a business only run by two people, these were sacrifices he had to make. Since school was out, there wasn't anything left to do than to work at the bakery or hang out with his friends. After all it was Red Lake. There was literally nothing to do. With Carlos being easily bored, it prompted him to get into trouble which included playing pranks on people or just doing mischievous behavior. Even though he was technically an adult as of last month, he was still a kid at heart and no one was safe from his wrath.

Carlos and his mother Angie were in the back kitchens kneading and baking bread like their lives depended on it. The young Hispanic boy was covered in flower as he took freshly baked cookies and sweat bread to the front of the shop, placing them in their respective shelves. The smell of freshly baked sweets filled the entire bakery, an aroma that never got old with the many years this shop had been open. Carlos wiped the sweat off of his forehead with his arm as he glanced at a few customers already waiting outside the doors for them to open. They had their usual everyday early birds who loved to be the first ones to get their sweets fresh out of the oven with their coffee. Carlos headed back into the kitchen to finish helping his mother when he grabbed a handful of flower and blew it in his mom's face. She froze and closed her eyes as the white flour landed on her face, finally opening her eyes and glaring at her son. Carlos puckered his lips together to keep himself from laughing.

"Carlos Enrique you are not too old for a butt whooping. Don't make me take off my chancla and beat you with it, pendejo," Angie said assertively. None of them had Hispanic accents since they were both born in the states. But they both knew Spanish fluently despite their use of Spanglish. Carlos couldn't help but bust out laughing. His mother always had a thing for empty threats and it made it that much fun to mess with her. He almost felt sorry for his mother since she was the one that was the victim of most of his pranks. But it was all in love and she secretly loved it. "Now get back to work, there's a lot that we have to do."

"Our usuals are already waiting outside. And plus I told you I was going on a trip for a few days with my friends. So you're gonna have to bust your ass by yourself in the meantime," Carlos said while doing a little dance.

"Watch your mouth," Angie said with pursed lips while whacking him with a towel. "Dios mio I totally forgot about that. What am I supposed to do, there's so much work. Ugggghhh!" Angie banged her head lightly against the wall in frustration.

"Mom, there's always a lot of work no matter what time of the day it is. You seem to handle it just fine when I'm at school. I think you're just spoiled having me home now so you've gotten lazy," he said teasingly.

"Watch it boy," his mother said trying to hold back a smirk. She put her hand through her apron and pulled out her phone to check the time. "Well if you're gonna leave, do it now. You still need to take a shower and change your clothes unless you wanna leave looking like that," she said pointing at Carlos' flour ridden apron and clothes.

"Oh you don't have to worry about me. I always look good." Carlos smiled and leaned in to kiss his mother on the cheek. "I'll call you when we're on the road."

"You better! The last time you went on one of your little trips, I barely heard from you. Casi me da un ataque al corazón," she said clutching her heart, saying she almost had a heart attack.

"Aye ma you're so dramatic. I promise I'll call you," Carlos said as he took off his apron and headed out the back. "See you soon madre, te amo!"

"I love you too honey, stay safe. AND YOU BETTER NOT TAKE ANYTHING FROM MY LIQUOR CABINET, MUGROSO," his mother called out as he left out the back. Carlos snickered and grabbed his skateboard, riding down the sidewalk until he got to his house. They only lived a block from their business. Living in a small town, it didn't take long at all to get anywhere.

He finally made his way home and wasted no time hopping in the shower and putting on fresh clothes. He had packed his bag the night before so he could just grab it and head out. He wore a black tank top with some skinny jeans cut off at the knee and some converse. He threw on his cap backwards on his wet hair and put on his sunglasses before grabbing his bag to head downstairs. In just the nick of time, he received the text message from Riley saying she was already at the school waiting with her RV. Why she decided to meet at the school was beyond him, but it didn't matter. This was going to be a kick ass trip. Right before he headed out the door, a devilish grin appeared on his face. He dropped his bag at the door and headed to his kitchen to the liquor cabinet. He knew someone from the crew was probably bringing some already but you could never have enough alcohol. Carlos opened the cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Patron Tequila that hadn't been opened yet.

"Sorry ma, you're just gonna have to be mad," he said to himself. He grabbed some freshly made churros that he made early and carried his things to his bag, leaving his house and riding on his skateboard to school. When he arrived, a good amount of his friends had already arrived. Damn that was quick, he thought to himself. He rode up to the RV and flipped his skateboard up to catch it.

"Just to let you gringos know, none of you are safe," he said mischievously. Carlos knew they knew what he meant. None of them were safe from his pranks and he knew they were probably plotting to get his ass in the near future. But he was too good to fall for any of it. He was the king of pranks. "So I hope y'all learned to sleep with your eyes open. But until then...churros and tequila anyone?" He said waving the items in front of everyone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by rusty4297
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rusty4297 The Midnight Mastermind

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Ryan stretched a bit as he sat down. His just finished bag of clothing and snacks laying, still open, on his bed. "Only thing left should be..." He looked to the door to his room, stood up, and went over it in his mind. I just need to get some food to cook over the fire... If we have too much leftover when we get back then we can have a barbecue or something to finish it off. He exited his room, heading downstairs as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. I'll check it when I put this food in a cooler... He opened the fridge, getting a few packs of hot dogs out and closing the door. He set the packs of hot dogs on the counter while he opened the freezer and grabbed the bag of ice that he got the other day, walking over to the cooler he intended to put the hot dogs and some drinks into. After pouring the ice into the cooler along with putting in the food and a few sodas inside, he made sure he had everything. He knew others would have a few other drinks, so dropping a few sodas in for the drive there and the drive back wasn't a bad idea, he thought.

Ryan went to sit down before remembering the text he had gotten on his way down. He got out his phone, checking it, and nodded. He rushed upstairs, grabbing his bag, then downstairs, grabbing his cooler, and went outside, putting them in the car. He smiled as he got into the driver's seat and started the car. It won't be too long out there, but it'll be fun with my friends. His mind flashed to Riley for a second, but he decided to focus on getting there before he ended up later than he already was. He began his drive from his home to the school, which wouldn't take long, only to remember about halfway there that he needed to text his dad to tell him he was leaving. His dad had been asleep upstairs when he left, and Ryan didn't want to wake him up just to say he was leaving.

As Ryan pulled into the school's parking lot and stopped the car, he got out his phone and texted his dad, telling him he just left a few minutes ago, and was already at the school, before getting out, and grabbing his things. He waved to those that had already arrived as he took hold of the cooler. "If you brought anything that you want cold, put it in this." He said as he raised up the cooler and walked closer to the group. "Oh, and I brought some hot dogs to cook over the fire." He said this, then motioned his head towards the cooler that he had brought with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

As Riley stood there looking over her phone to see if she got any texts from her friends or family, that's when she heard a car driving down the street and coming to a stop right next to her. Riley smiled and waved at Billy as he got out of the car and laughed slightly shaking her head towards him. "No it's the same RV I've been using for so long now, you need to get your eyes checked." Riley said walking over towards him and playfully punched his shoulder before walking over towards the side compartment taking the RV keys she opened it up. "You can put your things in there." Riley said then she saw Cassandra walking over and waved over towards her friend smiling brightly. "Welcome to the party!" Riley called out she was excited to see her friends starting to gather one by one.

Then Evan riding over on his bike as he got closer towards them Riley nodded as she motioned for him towards the back of the RV where there was a rack there for storing bikes. "Just lock it in there it will be safe there, great to have you by the way!" Riley started to walk over towards the other side compartments and opened them out "Hey guys! Who's ready for a kick ass trip? You already know I am. We totally have to top last year's trip, it'll be tough but who better to raise the bar than us?" Riley turned and smiled giving Kassey a hug and nodded. "You know it i'm ready to party all night long!" Riley said happily.

Riley saw Elisha walking over and waved towards her. "Good morning! Are you excited for the trip?" Riley spotted Carlos coming over with his skate board, knowing he will be pranking everyone the whole time she did have a prank in mind for him already. "You aren't safe either you know Carlos." Riley said sticking her tongue out towards him. "Hows your mom doing?" Riley asked and watched as Ryan started to drive over into the parkinglot with his own car and waved towards him she brought some burgers of her own as well as marshmallows and chocolate and graham crackers to make smores tonight. "Glad that you brought us some more food." Riley said with a smile, there were two more people that were coming remembering that Vanessa a good friend of her mother's was coming also and Aaliyah to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Pretty short after Riley had left, a new person walked into the bed and breakfast. Yet in stead of walking to the counter where she could eventually check in, she walked straight into the kitchen and smiled. ''Do you also have a cup of tea for a non-guest of the bed and breakfast?'' Vanessa asked and looked at Sarah, her best friend which she hadn't seen in four years or so.

Last time they had seen each other, Vanessa's hair had been dyed blond with blue on the ends of it. Now, she had her own hair color again which was the darkest brown, close to black. ''How are you all? Oh.. And is Riley at home?'' she asked and looked around. Riley had always been like a niece or little sister for Vanessa who only had a older brother. She took of her sunglasses and shove them into her hair with a smile.


Mia had woken up an hour or so ago now and was already dressed and now sipping her tea as she walked towards the door of her appartment which was connected with her shop. She put on her sneakers and then opened the door, directly turning of the alarm before the police would think someone was breaking and entering. She walked over to the counter, putting her mug down and looked in her agenda. ''Only two pick ups today.. Hmmm.. Business is going rough'' she mumbled to herself and then walked over to the front door.

She unlocked it and opened it. Taking the OPEN sign outside and placing it on the street just outside her shop. She looked around, waved to the boy that drove by every Monday morning with the papers. Smiling she walked back inside and sat down behind her sewing machine, she putted the thing on and started on the dress she was making. She was trying to start up something new for her shop, next to the normal bought in clothes, also some self made stuff as that seemed to be something that was liked very much around the little towns but also in the bigger city's. She liked the summer, a lot of tourists came to the lake and sometimes they also came to her shop for some extra summer clothes or a little souvenir which she had started a week ago to sell too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

As everyone began to gather, Cassandra greeted them all, happy to simply be out, to be enjoying a weekend out with friends, and to not feel guilty for doing so. She wanted to be able to form tight ties, wanted to say in ten years she was still friends with these people, still enjoyed hanging out with them. She knew it wasn't likely, given how lunch changed things, how life changed, but she wanted to be able to say she was still who she wanted to be. And her friends were apart of that.

Everyone just seemed to arrive within moments of each other, and that was good. She counted them off, and saw a problem. While they could travel easily enough to the camp site in the RV, it was doubtful they would all fit when sleeping, unless they were all happy cuddling up together. Which wasn't a bad idea, to Cassie. Amused at herself, she supposed it was a good thing she had remembered a tent, even if it was an unstable sort, squashed in the bottom of her bag.

She was also glad that she had brought her guitar, knowing that music choice's might be limited at the camp site, but also just wanting to share some of her work. Ready to go, she looked about at the others, for now, staying silent.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Irisity
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Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Elisha gladly accepted a churro from Carlos. She thanked him as she grinned before taking a bite, the flavor flooding her mouth. "Oh, wow," she mumbled through the churro, forgetting her manners. She swallowed, remembering her etiquette mistake. She blushed before praising, "These are actually really good." She had never had much legit foreign food. Her mom always promised to make some traditional Vietnamese dishes, but she never went along with it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

Member Seen 31 min ago

Riley stood there looking over her friends seeing all of them getting along since the trip will be four days long she had brought some tents out with her for just in case some of them forgot to bring their own tents, she looked towards Carlos as he offered some churros to the group. She always liked going to Carlos' bakery and she always bought them. "I'll take one." Riley said with a bright smile as she approached her friend taking one from his hand and closed her eyes as she started to enjoy the taste of it. "Great as always Carlos." Riley said walking over towards her friend Kassey and Cassandra giving the two of them a loving hug. "We are going to have a lot of fun." Riley said looking over towards the boys and whispered towards the two of them. "I have a prank for Carlos later if you guys want to help out." She said looking over to them once again. "We could prank them all." There was just one more person to join them Riley waiting patiently for Aaliyah.

As Sarah was eating her breakfast Seth was finishing up the dishes as Sarah ate she heard the door open and instantly spotted her friend Vanessa coming in and quickly got up and gave her old friend a hug. At first she didn't recognize her when Vanessa went back to her natural hair color looking over towards Seth. "You know your meals are always on the house." Seth said as he went to start making some breakfast for Vanessa, Sarah went back to sitting down at the counter. "Riley is out by the school right now getting ready for her trip, if you hurry you can probably catch her now. She knew you were coming home this week, and wanted you to come along on her trip up to the lake this year." Sarah said as she drank from her coffee, Vanessa was like an older sister to Riley which she appreciated a lot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by BeautifulSnow
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BeautifulSnow Your friendly she-wolf

Member Seen 3 yrs ago


Vanessa hugged Sarah tight and smiled. ''I've missed you too Sarah'' she said and looked up at Seth. ''Seth, you are amazing.. Thank you'' she said. ''I am gonna repay you with something you might like a lot, and then I mean a real lot.'' she said and poured herself some coffee. She just sipped from it, after she added too much sugar and thought of what Sarah said. But then she remembered something and shook her head.

''No, I am not just gonna drop in without knowing for the others'' she said with a smile. ''Btw, I am gonna have it way to busy with eating Seth's famous breakfast and giving him his present'' she said and placed her mug on the counter and grabbed her backpack. She opened it and took out a book. ''A new recipe book'' she said and laid on the counter for Seth. ''It's the newest from Jamie Oliver.. Actually it will be out in the stores in 3 months'' she said and grinned. Vanessa then sat down and took another sip of her coffee. ''Oh.. And I have some extra news..'' Vanessa said and looked at Sarah rather serious. When she saw the curious face of her friend she couldn't help but start grinning. ''I am here to stay, not just this summer... But for ever'' Vanessa said.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Cassasndra smiled at riley, returning her hug, and looking to Carlos when she said about pranking him, pranking the others. "Sure, I'd be willing to help" She said, with amusement, "What sort of prank?" perhaps they were getting a little bit too old for pranks, but if you couldn't have fun with friends, who could you have fun with? She smiled again, looking over everyone, "I"m sure we can make this camp out better then last years, by far!" She said, looking back to Riley
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Zee
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Lord Zee I lost the game

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

"You know, maybe you're right Riley," Billy said as he got punched in the shoulder playfully, "But no need for physical violence now!" he said with a smirk on his face. He then took his stuff out of his car and followed her instructions on where to put it. All the while more of his friends started to show up.

Billy waited around by the RV and gave everyone a wave when they turned his way. When Carlos showed up he let out a low sigh, Billy wasn't always happy with Carlos. Sometimes he goes a bit to far with his pranks but by now, he's learned to deal with it. Though he did admire him in a way, as he was someone he yearned to be and he always liked it when he showed up with alcohol. He looked directly at Riley when she said something about pranking Carlos, and he simply gave a nod

He then turned his attention to Carlos, walking over to him, "Carlos buddy! Tequila this early in the morning? So tempting but I think I'll wait until later, when were also away from the high school I will however, take this churro." Billy said while chuckling. He had to admit, the churro was good.

He finished his churro in haste, licking his fingers clean he cleared his throat, trying to get everyone's attention. He took on a sad tone, looking at the ground and spoke, "I have something to say and its important," he lifted his head up to reveal a smile, "I call shotgun."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by The Kraken
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The Kraken Sea Beast Extraordinaire

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"A prank, you say?" A large mischievous grin played across Kassey's face as she looked past Riley and Cassandra towards Carlos, who seemed all to confident to be expecting anything. Kassey looked back to her two friends and nodded eagerly, "Girl, you know you don't have to ask me twice. I'm totally in." She chuckled at the thought of pulling one over on the prankster himself as she walked over to accept a churro.

"These don't have some sort of hidden spice in em, eh? No cayenne pepper surprise beneath that cinnamon facade?" She smirked and took a bite before patting Carlos on the shoulder. "One thing to trust for sure is your baking skills. And choice in liquor of course, but I'm with Billy on that one, maybe once the sun is going down instead of coming up." She gave him a thumbs up before turning towards Billy with a concerned expression after noticing the tone he took on.

After hearing his declaration of shotgun, however, she narrowed her eyes at him and playfully thumped him on the arm with a smile. "Dammit, Billy. You should really take up acting." She picked up her bags and put them in the compartment with everyone else's things, turning back towards her group of friends to wait until they departed. It seemed like they would have a good spread this year, everyone contributing something just like always.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Heathen
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Heathen Astrologist Know-It-All

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Carlos Gutierrez

Carlos held out the bag of Mexican pastries as a few of his friends helped themselves to one. Of course they loved them as with anything him and his mom baked. They put their heart and soul into all the delicious food they made and wanted others to enjoy a part of their culture they had brought over from down south. He gave a warm smile to Elisha as she complimented his churros.

"Of course they're good. I made them," he said winking at her. He rubbed her shoulder gently as he looked over at the girls as they were whispering to each other. It seemed rather fishy especially when Cassandra had quickly glanced in his direction. With a smirk, he slid over to them and butted his head in between their conversation. "I don't know what you guys are talking about. But whatever it is, it won't work and I'm always one step ahead." He chuckled and gave Billy a handshake. Carlos always felt a little bad whenever he played his jokes on him, but he couldn't help it. He was so easy. At times he would have to lay off because it seemed he wasn't always in the mood.

"I'm Mexican, Billy. There's no certain time that we start drinking." Carlos went over to the RV and stashed his things into the compartment, only holding a small backpack with him to take inside. He let out a laugh as he heard Kassey's skepticism of his churros. He had to admit she was a smart gringa. She was one of the hardest people to get so she was always a special case.

"You know me all to well there girlie. But don't worry. I'll make sure I get you good. And all of you my little pretties," he said in a weird witchy voice. He gave a handsome smile and made his way inside of the RV. "Let's get this show on the rode folks!" The inside of the RV was as he remembered it last year. Nice furnishings and everything was clean and functional. Carlos made his way to his usual spot at the booth table that was by one of the RV windows and made himself comfortable, pulling out an iPad from his small backpack to keep himself occupied when he wasn't talking with the rest of his friends.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by karamonnom
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karamonnom Sleepy Girl

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Evan Whitman

Evan nodded and gave Riley a small smile. He went to go lock his bike in, so he wouldn't have to worry about it anymore during the trip. Besides, he had a lot of other things to worry about as well. And he remembered one of those things as Carlos Gutierrez rolled in. He began to pale slightly. Evan was not very good at handling pranks nor did he enjoy them very much. He shivered at the thought of Carlos' previous pranks on him, none of which Evan found very amusing. He liked Carlos very much, but Evan could live without his pranks. Evan never expressed his distaste for the pranks though and gave no reason for Carlos to stop, especially since he was such an easy target.

He quietly took a churro as well, mumbling a soft "Thank you," to Carlos. He had an enormous sweet tooth and even though he already had a large breakfast, was willing to sneak in a churro... or maybe two if Carlos allows it.

More and more people have started to show up, though there was still one more person who was not here yet to Evan's understanding. He watched as his friends chattered cheerfully, enjoying their happiness. He admired all of his friends for being so outgoing and fun-loving, and hoped that maybe they would rub off on him. Maybe this trip will really help him get out of his shell.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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Riley smiled when Kassy said that she would be in on the prank that she had planned, then Carlos butted in she simply smirked and shook her head towards him. "Just so you know this prank could happen at any time, and you wont even know it." Riley said with a laugh watching as Carlos turned around and headed into the RV. "Alright so while I was spending some time with my uncle about two weeks ago I went to the mall and bought some fake blood as well as a Freddy Krueger costume. All that stuff is in my backpack, I just need someone willing to get drenched in the fake blood." Riley whispered so that only Kassy and Cassandra would hear her speak. Riley looked towards the rest of her friends still she was waiting on her last friend to show up and took out her phone to text Aaliyah. "Hey we are just waiting on you to get here. Where are you want us to pick you up?" Riley hit send and started to make sure things were secured in the outside compartments.

Sarah quickly lit up when Vanessa said that she was actually going to be moving into town. "That's great to hear i'm really happy to hear that your moving back in." Sarah said looking over her shoulder as the guests renting out some of the rooms got up and paid for their breakfast and left some tips and then headed out of the front door. Seth was curious as to what Vanessa was pulling out and saw her taking out a new cook book, and he did love to make great meals for both his family, friends and the guests who were staying. "How Vanessa how did you get it out so early? I've only seen a few pages online and that's it." Seth said as he went to give Vanessa a hug and opened up the book looking it through. "I'll have something cooked up tonight if you are going to be eating here that is."
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