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jordy0403 I'm the little one

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by PixelJunkie
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Name: Olivia (generally shortened to Liv) Brent.

Age: 21

Faction: She has tenuous links with The Lost, but has been known to work with just about anyone willing to pay.

Gender: Female

Appearance: At first glance, Liv does not appear physically intimidating; with a short stature (just over 5ft), her father’s slender facial structure, and white-blond flyaway hair, she looks like she’d blow away in a strong breeze. However, her tendency to wear excessively baggy hoodies hides the fact that she’s actually quite muscular, and carrying some sort of weapon.

Nationality: She has both Icelandic and English heritage.

Personality: Liv was born a fighter, and will probably die one. Her moral compass tends to skew in the direction that is most likely to help her (and possibly the few people she calls friends) survive the longest, and she’s accustomed to giving everything she’s got just to live another day. She has little patience for people she perceives to be incompetent or having given up, and doesn’t hesitate to make her grievances known, which can make her seem callous and difficult to get along with at first. However, anyone who takes the time to get to know her will soon discover a deep seated optimism that things can, and will, get better, and if she can just endure a little while longer, she’ll live to see the day that they do.

Equipment: She carries at least one knife on her at all times, that number is usually closer to five or six though, and she also has a small pistol that she is adept at concealing. She usually has a first aid kit containing a few essentials like bandages, painkillers, antiseptic, and one of those shiny foil thermal blankets. If she’s going to be away from her small bedsit for longer than a day or two, she carries a tatty old black backpack with a spare change of clothes, and sometimes supplies such as food or water, depending on what she’s doing. Due to her line of work, she sometimes also carries a small cassette recorder that she can keep in her pocket.

Skills: As a child, Liv spent a lot of time getting into scraps with opponents who were bigger, stronger, and older than she was. Of course, she spent a lot of the time getting beaten to a pulp (much to her parents’ disdain), but she also got a lot of experience. As she matured, she learnt how to fight smart, and figured out that her greatest asset was her speed and knowledge of how to hit people where it hurts. As she got older, she sought out the tutelage of more experienced combatants, and refined her skills further, also learning how to fight with melee weapons and guns. The fact that she is still relatively young, and hasn’t received any kind of steady/professional training may put her at a disadvantage, but she has a lot of potential in this area.

Liv also has fairly decent information gathering skills, something she picked up on the job. Whilst not the best (or most expensive) PI around, Liv can find information quite quickly, and has numerous connections to the criminal underbelly, mostly people who knew her growing up.

Due to her impoverished upbringing, Liv also learnt how to make resources go further. Before she died, her mother made sure to ensure her daughter had at least a rudimentary knowledge of how to cook something out of nothing, and get the most out of a pair of shoes or piece of clothing.

History: Liv’s life started out in much the same way as a lot of people in the city; her mother, heavily pregnant and completely alone, fled to one of the poorest areas to have and raise her child alone. Still baring the scars of an abusive marriage, life was tough and unforgiving, and when the baby came along, it got worse. From an early age, Liv got used to looking after herself whilst her mother worked (she had about five different jobs), and like many children in the neighbourhood, she spent more time playing outside of their cramped grotty bedsit than living in it. Liv started to work unofficially around the time she was ten, generally just relaying messages discretely, but sometimes delivering ‘packages’ and other odd jobs for the numerous shady characters who operated in her area.

By the time Liv was sixteen, she had a steady job waitressing at a local café (the owner of which was teaching her how to read and write, and a variety of other academic subjects), and several other ‘side jobs’. She was, however, the only person bringing home a decent wage, as her mother was disabled by an illness that would have been diagnosed as major depressive disorder if they’d been able to afford a doctor. They struggled, and even though there wasn’t always food on the table, they managed. That is, until tragedy struck, and Liv came home to find her mother dead, having taken her own life.

Other: Liv stayed near the area she grew up in, but she now rents a different grotty bedsit, which she operates out of. She’ll generally take any kind of job that pays well, and has worked as a mercenary, a contract killer, and a courier, but most frequently she finds herself working as a PI, finding blackmail material and whether people’s partners have cheated or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Temporary
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Temporary You See Nothing

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lord Coake
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Lord Coake The Man Who Sold the World

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by RangingWolf
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RangingWolf Lord Adorable

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Name: Lanius Miyata

Age: 27

Faction (if any): : Freelance assassin. Has worked for The Lost and as well as several resistance groups.

Gender: Male


For the second image take away the kneepads and shinpads as well as the backpack.

Nationality: Half French, half Japanese

Personality: no nonsense type of guy. Loves listening into people's conversations. Very charismatic and good at bartering. Morality wise he tends to be good bad guy. Good in the sense he is willing to fight for the people. But bad in the sense that he works for The Lost and various other criminal and resistance groups. If a large scale fight was coming he would whole heartedly agree to fight for them.

Equipment: working as a contract killer has allowed him to get a good selection of equipment. One of them being a submachine gun that is quite popular in the underworld. The weapon being based off of the old world kalashnikov. His main weapon of choice being a sniper rifle that he built himself made from parts of other rifles. If need be he carries a derringer as a last resort weapon.

Skills: Since he is a contract assassin some of the skills he has learned are marksmanship, lockpicking, hand to hand combat, as well as cqc, jury rigging and bartering.

History: Lanius's childhood was pretty bland. He looked up to the New Order and thought they were the coolest. He wanted to join them when he was old enough. As he got older he started to realize that the New Order wasn't all that good and they were quite corrupt. He wound up joining a small resistance cell. He lended his services for a few years till he came back one day and found that the bse had been massacred by The New Order. After waiting a few hours to make sure nobody was inside their building he decided to take a look. Inside he saw all the dead bodies of his comrades. It seemed that they had been caught at one of the worst times and were easily overwhelmed. He gathered several items and left the building. After that he made a small name for himself as a assassin for hire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Jeep Wrangler
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Banned Seen 1 day ago

Hope this isn't too crappy.

And the main Antagonist...

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Darinthus
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Darinthus The Determined

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name Catherine Caldwell


Age 20

Faction The New Order

Gender Female


Catherine is a 6 foot tall English girl who enjoys her black suited work attire. She is a fan of wearing heels, even out during field work, as she never really has to run anywhere. Her shoes represent just how effective she is when it comes to masking her signal(Though in truth she really just likes the way they look on her).

Nationality English

Personality Catherine is a strong promoter of The New Order. To her this is the life that she's been born into, and the only life that seems fitting to be a part of. To others she comes across strongly adhering to the ideas of factionalism, almost to the point of viewing anyone outside of The New Order in disgust. She isn't above the cruel tactics that The New Order uses against anyone part of the resistance, even finding happiness with the death of any resistance supporter. She especially enjoys her role in locating resistance cells and being a part of a grander vision, seeing herself as one of the many who will lead the world into a more stable future.

"The world needs order, an order that we have already given. I will not see our way of life crumble at the hands of those kicking and screaming."

From the outside looking in she's a villain, a cliched representation of what The New Order represents. To those that know her directly often see a different story. She's courteous, polite, and while sometimes arrogant when it comes to her technical skills is someone who strives to be mindful of others. She's protective of her friends as shown by the energy she puts into her work: one less resistance cell means a safer world for the people she cares about.

Aside from work Catherine is a girl who loves to laugh and take strolls in the more "presentable" parts of the city. As much as she doesn't mean it she can find herself to be judgmental of those in poorer districts, having grown up in a noble household.

Equipment Catherine doesn't have much when it comes to combat equipment, rarely(if ever) working directly in the field. She carries a handgun around with her for "self-defense" that she normally keeps concealed in her coat jacket. Normally her equipment consists of whatever food she has near her computer workstation, however during the times that she does go on field missions she'll generally be concealed with a laptop and earpiece at her disposal. She also keeps a flash bang grenade on hand for convenient escape scenarios(Though it has never been needed in the past).

Outside of fieldwork Catherine keeps an old pager on hand for when she needs to be called in off duty. She also keeps a pendant around her neck at all times, given to her by her older brother as a gift.

Skills Despite having some basic training with a firearm Catherine isn't someone you would label as a fighter. She has general knowledge to point and shoot, however in an sort of physical confrontation she would generally find herself at a disadvantage.

Yet behind any computer she is a monster hacker. Being able to disrupt, activate, and locate many pieces technological equipment/information she has been considered a great asset to The New Order. Going by the code name BLACK DEATH she has been known to locate and send resistance cell information to either Order military or hired mercenary's, orchestrating many of the designated kill orders against certain resistance targets and locations. She has gained quite a bit of notoriety among the resistance community due to her elusive and villainous nature, often times being arrogant enough to challenge any to stop her. For the time being BLACK DEATH's identity remains a guarded secret.

She also has a nice singing voice, however this is something she finds embarrassing to perform in front of others.

History Catherine found herself born into a luxurious lifestyle, never having to worry about the poorer districts that many citizens experienced under The New Order's rule. To her the idea of nationalism stemmed from her way of life, and anyone fighting against that could only ever be seen as treasonous. Any issues she had with her lifestyle stemmed from the social customs she was forced through at a young age: being forced through all kinds of obscene "torture" for the benefits of her family. Her brother really saved her from her resistance sympathetic tantrums at the hands of another manner class, providing a friend and role model for her to look up to.

The countless amount of technological equipment he would bring back from his "scouting" runs kept Catherine occupied from the mundane family lifestyle. Times that he would be away she would tinker, even branching out to the computer equipment around the house. The two siblings played and challenged each other consistently, and from the amount of times that "big bro" would defend her from their parents Catherine knew that she found a best friend.

It was The New Order militarizing more against the resistance that ultimately pulled her brother away from her, yet because of this Catherine was determined as ever to follow in his footsteps. She wasn't built for the military lifestyle but she wished to serve, doing everything in her power to find the education she needed to sign up. She wouldn't be anyone's wife, from her childhood memories that her brother gave her she would find the person that she wanted to be. If she couldn't do that through athletics then she would do it through intelligence.

She was proud of her brother fighting the good fight. She was proud of him participating in the fall of Utopia eight years ago, him and countless other computer experts using their power to track down those dirty traitors. She was proud to follow in his footsteps by being just as skilled when it came to a computer, and proud most of all when she began to participate in the killings of resistance supporters. BLACK DEATH is the name she began to be called, only ever considered a text based name on a computer screen. But it was her, it was the girl that her brother believed in all those years ago.

That's why she didn't cry when her brother disappeared. She believed in him, and she believed that she would see him again.

She had to.

Other Catherine enjoys the idea of making new friends(At least friends with the "right" people) however all forms of romantic interest have always comically been lost on her. From her family life and how serious she takes her work she hasn't even kissed anyone before(Much to the teasing of the people closest to her who know).

"Who in the world honestly even has time for that?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Roundabout
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Name: Abitha ”Abby” Mahabir

Age: 20
Faction: New Order military

Gender: Female

Appearance: Dark skin with big brown eyes, framed by long lashes. Chin length black hair that's a bit shorter at the front, brushed behind her ears. 5,5 ft tall.

Nationality: Indian

Personality: Friendly and outgoing. Eager to prove herself. Stubborn to a point where it's sometimes more of a hindrance than help. Idealistic. Sometimes blind of the faults of people she looks up to.

Equipment: Standard military hand gun. Uniform. Combat knife. Small med kit.

Skills: Has completed military training, so has basic knowledge of shooting firearms and hand to hand combat. Excelled in close combat, preferably with a knife, but isn't far above average. Her biggest asset if that she simply won't give up. Take away her gun and she'll attempt to cut you. Take her knife and she'll try to punch you. Cut of her hands and she'll bite your ankle. However, she has little to no real life combat experience.

History: Born to a wealthy family in a well off neighborhood. She had a sheltered upbringing where the greatness of the New Order where taught and praised. Her parents expected a lot from her, and she did her best to comply even though she often felt caged. Finishing her education at the age of eighteen, her parents pushed for her to find a suiting occupation. They weren't overly pleased when she choose the military, but for once in her life, she strongly insisted. For her, she told her parents, the military was a chance to serve and protect the New Order. In reality, she saw it as a chance to get away from her overbearing parents without openly disobeying them. After much convincing, they finally agreed. For the first time in her life, she was on her own and she loved it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Hillbilly12
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Name: Anita Silva

Age: 28

Faction: The Lost

Gender: Female


Clothes: Anita's clothes vary depending on the situation, but for casual wear usually black cargo pants, dark red leather jacket, sunglasses, black T shirt and sneakers. When on a job or dealing with higher ups in 'The Lost' she tends to wear a suit to look more professional.

Nationality: Brazillian

Personality: Anita could possibly be one of the most friendly enforcers The Lost have at their disposal. She's very polite and capable of getting a long with many people. Even when killing another she takes little pleasure in murder, but instead gets more of a thrill out of the pursuit. However, for many it still calls into question why she is an enforcer for this particular group and not any other.

One of the most important aspects of her personality is her loyalty. For The Lost she is a very trustworthy member which is significant all on its own. They have little to hold over her which makes it even more surprising. Its the same for anyone. If she owes you a favor Anita will make sure to repay you in someway she sees fit.

Equipment: Anita receives a hefty sum for many of the jobs she's taken and has been able to build up a decent arsenal. Her contacts in the blackmarket helps greatly. She only takes two weapons at a time at best. The rest generally stays at home for use later.

Assault Rifle- This is one of Anita's most expensive weapons. Its military grade and only sees use when she expects a hard fight.

Pistol- One of her more commonly used weapons. Great for taking down the random thug if need be. This is close to a family heirloom. Her grandfather used to claim that his Granfather used to hunt demons with it. She felt it was a dumb little lie but didn't mind using the nice looking pistol.

Shotgun- She uses this when she cares about being loud and scaring her targets.

Combat Knife
Brass Knuckles
Body Armor


Boxer/HTH Combat Training- Anita came from a family of fighters. Her mother was a boxer and her father enjoyed streetfighting. Eventually they both trained her very well when it came to self defense. They lived in poor and very violent areas which made her training often vital. As she grew up and got involved in more criminal activities Anita quite often got the chance to gain experience in fighting multiple armed enemies with just her fists.

Gunslinger- While not one of the best shooters Anita was called a gunslinger by many of her pears. She practiced with guns when young and was surprisingly proficient at the use of firearms. This combined with live fire experience grew her into a formidable foe with a gun. Anita personally gives her self little credit knowing there are many better than her in that area.

Free running- Her brothers were the very definition of delinquents, but one thing that made them good at stealing and painting property in hard to each areas were their free running skills they shared with their sister. Anita learned through a lot of failures but became rather decent at the skill. She's very fast and nimble which helps when chasing down her targets.

History: Anita grew up in one of the poorer and more dangerous districts. Her family was large and parents very strict, but they were never truly malicious no matter how bad she acted out. Her life in many ways wasn't abnormal in that part of the city. Witnessing the occasional robbery, carbomb, police brutality etc. was surprisingly normal. It was why the older members of her family pushed their children into school and hopefully out of the district. Anita didn't care about leaving because this normal was always exciting and never ended. It was also a place her family called home. She enjoyed it, but never revealed that to anyone.

In Highschool Anita continued to try and do well in school, while also getting involved with criminals. During this time terrorist attacks were getting far more frequent in their area of the district. One day at their highschool graduation the whole family was there to see her brothers graduate. A carbomb went off near the ceremony with enough explosives to kill nearly everyone there including most of Anita's family. At this point she was 15 with only her barely alive mother as her only family. The money she got from selling drugs and stealing for her friend in The Lost was the only revenue she could earn. This was how a hobby of hers became her profession. Everyday survival was necessary for her and her mother who was still in a coma.

Now over 10 years later Anita hasn't left her career in crime and doesn't plan on it.

Other: Anita's loyalty to The Lost is dependent on the man who brought her into the syndicate and gave her the most help. He calls himself Danny and simply thinks he found a girl with talent and cultivated it. No more no less.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtlasRedfox
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AtlasRedfox Temporarily lost.....

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by PixelJunkie
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Posted in wrong section, sorry!
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by AtomicNut
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AtomicNut Abusive Contractor

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