Roy found himself having a particular set of people linger close to him, which was rather odd considering how normally most people tended to avoid him. Inf act looking around at the group as a whole he could see many people start to group up, if only to generally cause conflict with one another...
Wait...do these people hate me?Roy double checked his companions once more, trying to see if there was any sort of disdain in their personas. They didn't seem too angry though, and rather than direct any sort of malicious intend towards him they mostly found themselves talking among each other. Two of them in particular seemed rather familiar, though he couldn't really quite place them. They both strangely as well were holding birdcages, though the smaller of the two found herself holding two. In fact most everyone collectively were holding bird cages as well, making Roy look at both his ax in his left hand and and his book in his right. Was he missing something yet again, or was this contributed to the idea that these people wanted to cause some sort of conflict with him?
But why would the group arguing from earlier have birdcages as well?Roy found his pace to match the girl who loved birdcages the most, blankly staring at one of the two in her hands. She seemed a little too distracted to notice his presence as Roy began to compare to two items in his hands to the cage. He would have to drop one to pick them up, though both of his carry on items were out of the question to remove. His ax was a part of his soul and his book was his map, dropping both would have serious repercussions on his mission but-
If I don't have a birdcage....wait is what why they hate me? (Didn't we just already cover this?)Roy thought of sheathing his woodcutters ax and asking the bird cage lover about this. Yet as soon as he noticed his surroundings...
...his jaw fell.
All around him was a vast and open world of trees, contrasting nicely with the dull city gates that he was waiting in. Shimmering green and gold filled his vision as Roy clutched deeper onto his carry on baggage, now shaking a little bit of the world around him. His eyes formed the shape of stars and his mouth quivered, being close to crying and drooling if he wasn't distracting himself analyzing every branch and leaf on these trees.
Most people didn't give this world a passive thought, the trees out here were the same breed as back in Enn's forest district. But they were wrong.
"These trees are different..." He murmured to himself, now not even paying attention to the group of people who might or might not hate him. Sure these trees were the same breed, however if someone even paid an even remote amount of attention they would be able to tell immediately what the difference really was. Roy found himself stepping further and further off the path, grazing his hands on the nearby bark as he walked with the group. These trees presented a presence unlike any he ever felt back inside Enn. They felt free, wild, a little more open compared to the more uniform woodcutting forest. They represented a presence of raw energy, possibly none of them ever feeling the blade of a woodcutters ax inside of them. It was then that the green haired woodcutter started to cry.
He looked over towards the group he was following, clearly placed in a very uncomfortable situation. He needed to follow them to fulfill his life goal, however he couldn't leave these trees without at the very least feeling the fresh inner wood. He clutched his book and ax even tighter now, his hands growing red with the strain of frustration that he was receiving. These tree felt special, unique, beautiful, and he was NOT going to leave them behind. Roy stood firm, look at the group preparing to shout his demands before-
But wait don't they hate me?His words caught in his throat, immediately prepared to leave confidently but now finding themselves forming a little whimper. Roy realized earlier that he should have prefaced this journey explaining his love for trees to the others, but now many of them were too distracted with their birdcages to even notice. Why did that girl have two birdcages, why couldn't they understand the beauty of the world around them, and why did that girl have TWO birdcages? Roy felt himself overloading with many different emotions, staggering to keep up with the group as he still remained close to the trees.
Yet as soon as he began grazing the bark once more his emotions found themselves soften. This world and this beauty was presented before him, and despite not being able to cut one of these trees he could at the very least appreciate the raw power of his environment. This was only the start of his journey, and along the way he would be finding trees beyond any of his wildest dreams. For his dream Roy could find the patience to wait until the group would stop, to then and only then take the time with following the proper procedures of the Woodcutters Creed. No matter what the green haired woodcutter would see the trees in his book, and no matter what he would achieve his life long goal.
Roy marched(staggered) forward, assured of his confidence but still distracted with the multitude of trees around him.
@Skittles @Diggerton