"Being dead as long as I have you learn to appreciate the little things."
Alexander Rigamortis
Alexander is rather average in the terms of looks, well as average as a Mordesh can be. He has deathly pale skin and is a lanky fellow, standing at about 6'7". He has a number of tubes connecting to his head that he uses to inject fresh supplies of the Vitalus Serum into himself. Like many other Mordesh Alexander had many parts of his body wither away do to the Contagion, most noticeably the lower half of his face which he had to patch up with a cyber-alchemical face guards. Likewise Alexander had to replace his eyes with cyber-alchemical implants, which constantly give off a faint eerie green glow. As for his clothes Alexander usually dawns a wide brim hat, an armored duster with a bandolier wrapped across his chest, and a pair of steel toed boots, all of which are dark grey with a green trim.
Sheriff- "Alexander is the head of security in Sanctuary. People getting too rowdy, wildlife causing trouble, or someone just needs some sense kicked into them Alexander is your man."
"Not to throw stereotypes around about the Mordesh or anything but... Alexander is down right scary. Everything about him screams dead person, and quite frankly I think he likes it that way. Most of the time the guy is dead silent and when he isn't he is saying something grim or ominous, gives me chills just thinking about him sometimes. Not to say he is a bad guy, but he takes his job as sheriff really seriously, little too serious if you ask me though."
"You want to know about the sheriff? Don't we all! Guy is a real mystery to us all, doesn't help none that the bag o' bones barely talks. But rumor is that before he showed up here that he was a Reaper. You know about the Reapers right? Them's that lot of Mordesh that go around and kill the Mordesh that go full zombie when they stop taking their medicine, nasty business that sounds like. But that could be complete and utter crap for all I know, all I can say is that the bastard gives me the willies.
Alexander has managed to wrangle himself quite the interesting steed. No one is quite sure what it is but Alexander has taken to calling it Victoria