"The pain you felt or the pain you caused, the people you lost or the people you took, even who you were before is forgotten here. All that truly matters here is the life you are trying to build for yourself. Any past alliances you once held are left at the door, any bad blood is washed away, and any vendetta vowed is forgiven no matter how justified. We are here to escape the hardships of our pasts and try and build lives away from that damn war. So if you are looking for a fresh start you have found it my friend. You have found Sanctuary."
Greetings fellow space adventures! Welcome to my attempt at a Roleplay, feel free to make yourselves at home. As you can guess this is a RP based on the online game Wildstar, what may have been missed is what exactly we would be doing. The plan is that we would be playing as the citizens of the city of Sanctuary (A name I am open to change). Sanctuary was started by a group of multiple races from both the Exiles and the Dominion who wanted nothing more to do with the war so they split off from their respective factions and came together to form a community unaffected by the war. You will have the freedom to play as anything within reason, you want to be a fast talking human con-artist no problem or maybe you are more of a soft hearted Aurin eco warrior? Feel free to go crazy, just don't you know write up a alien god of slime and destruction or something... Anywho time for the fun part. Yes that's right kids its *pause for dramatic effect* DA RULEZ!!!
1. First off the time honored one for all RPs, no godmodding or powerplaying. If there are fights in the IC, and I hope there are, just try not to be like the kid on the play ground that says "You didn't hit me because of my super-duper-nothing-can-break shield was on!"
2. This one goes hand in hand with the first rule. When you are making a character don't go over board, as in being a crazy space cowboy is one thing but being the long lost princess of a super powerful race of alien gods that burp rainbows is a whole other thing. Trust me it has happened before.
3. I don't mind drama in the IC, it's suppose to be there, but let's keep it out of the OOC, good vibes only dudes and dudettes
4. PG-13 guys, that goes for romance and fighting. No all out bloods baths in the IC and keep the serious romance in the PMs
5. Let us know if you're going to be gone for more than a day or so, I don't mind it just keeps people from being stuck in post lock
6. Put It's a wild thing somewhere in your CS to show you read the rules
7. My Co-GM spot for this RP is currently open
8. Feel free to shoot any of your ideas at me at any time I don't mind at all :)
9. Have fun!
Character Sheet:
(What are you called?)
(How long have you been alive or in some cases undead)
(Are you a dude or a dudette?)
(What are you? A undead alien zombie, a giant talking rock, or a cute and cuddly psychopath?)
(What does your beautiful mug look like?)
(Are you a mind blasting Esper, A stealthy Stalker, or maybe a bone crushing Warrior)
(What do you do to put clothes on your back and food in your belly?)
(Are you the strong silent type or more of the shoot first ask questions never?"
(We all got a story of how we got here? You feel like sharing?)
(Anything else you want us to know?)
(What are you called?)
(How long have you been alive or in some cases undead)
(Are you a dude or a dudette?)
(What are you? A undead alien zombie, a giant talking rock, or a cute and cuddly psychopath?)
(What does your beautiful mug look like?)
(Are you a mind blasting Esper, A stealthy Stalker, or maybe a bone crushing Warrior)
(What do you do to put clothes on your back and food in your belly?)
(Are you the strong silent type or more of the shoot first ask questions never?"
(We all got a story of how we got here? You feel like sharing?)
(Anything else you want us to know?)