Will YOU Survive?

We've all been a part of those roleplays where there is an insane amount of overpowering characters who kick ass left, right and centre, are detached from all emotions and are seemingly immune to injury or weakness. Watching The Walking Dead the other night had me thinking, would I survive in a zombie apocalypse? Not a character I created but me, at this very moment. If I were to awake tomorrow and find the world in such a state, how long would I survive with the skills and provisions that I have right now? Needless to say, the thought led to the idea of this roleplay. You will play as yourself in the event of a zombie apocalypse. Age and name can be changed if you prefer to keep such things private but the rest is all raw and honest. Think about your physical abilities and endurance. How long would you be able to run for? How well would you be able to take a beating? If you were to get in a physical skirmish with someone or with a walker, how would you be able to handle it? Think about your defensive and offensive skills as well as the weapons you currently possess. What are your firearm skills if you have any? How well can you use a melee weapon like a hammer or a crow bar? Do you currently own a gun? Knives? Any other weapons that you own? Personality and back story would also be yours, although you may chose to change/leave out a few details in your backstory for security reasons. Your actions in the RP will be accurate to what you really think you'd do in real life and even your social skills will be based on your own.
So there's my idea. Basically put, a zombie apocalypse that you personally are put into, seeing how long you will survive. I have not personally seen this approach before so it should be interesting to see how it will play out if this idea takes off.
So...any biters? (no pun intended. Just kidding, pun always intended.)