Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Enapay, Huntington. USA.

November 12 2015.

A crisp morning, a dead home. Leah Novak awoke only to shower and stroll downstairs and discover each member of her family dead, bleeding onto the kitchen floor. A creature that seemed all too familiar lurked in the living room, knocking over lamps and set decorations as it shuffled through the house. Leah's footsteps didn't fail to catch the walker's attention as it looked up at her, growling at her from a mouth that was stained with the blood of her family. Her limbs seemed to go frozen, completely cold. This couldn't be happening. Could this thing be what was widely known as...zombies? But it sure did look like one. Sounded like one. And as it began to advance toward her, Leah knew she wasn't going to take her chances. The creature only growled; no words escaped it. It's eyes appeared to be clouded over with a milky white coat and it's skin was clearly rotting. Leah was surprised she hadn't smelt it all the way from upstairs. As it got closer to her, the smell almost made her gag.

Trying to think fast and effectively, she stumbled through the house and let the walker follow her out the door, in order to lead it outside. However, when she stepped out onto the front lawn, she immediately felt the instinct to rush back inside. The street was littered with walkers, sauntering slowly through the neighbour's garden, across lawns, down drive ways. What the hell was all of this?

Impatiently waiting for the walker to follow her outside, she rushed back inside once it was out of the house, taking care to not only lock the door but push pieces of furniture in front of it. She rushed to the other exits of the house to secure them as well. After this was done, she took a deep breath and re entered the kitchen to examine the corpses of her family members. Having to look at them was definitely challenging and she feared getting too close to them. As if that would somehow make this all more real. Each family member had a distinctive bite mark on their body. Leah questioned, if they were already dead, how long ago had they been bit? How long had she been asleep? It was not too long after that she discovered the remaining family member in the living room where the walker had been initially found.

What to do, what to do? Leah couldn't imagine that class could still be running if the city was in this position, could it? What was the rest of the city like? The rest of the state? The country? The world? Leah found that she felt completely isolated. Her cell, cable, and internet service were all out. The last resort was the radio. The voices that broadcasted from it only confirmed Leah's fears. The slowly worsening virus had seemingly turned the world to hell in a 10 hour period. Different radio stations told the people different things. Some stations would strongly advise people to come to the city. That a help center was set up and that they had answers, while others begged the crowds to leave the city and that they needed to distance themselves from the masses.

Letting the radio run, Leah sat on this for a while. In fact, she sat on it for two days. Each hour that went by, things seemed to worsen. The street continued to fill in with the mindless walkers and Leah was dying to know what this really was. In the evening of the second day, she realized her bitten family members could very well rise again; and so she put a knife to the back of each ones head - just lik she had seen done countless times before. In every aspect, this looked exactly like the movies. Zombies. To take over the world, eat the sane, to bring the apocalypse. If that was really what this was, was it ok to kill these creatures that so closely resemble humans? Were they really dead? Or just sick? Leah needed to know. And so, on the dawn of the third day, she gathered her supplies and any useful weapons she could find and headed into downtown Enapay.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Krystyn woke up with a jolt hearing a scream coming from her downstairs living room. She hopped out of her bed and rushed down the stairs nearly falling in the process. At the end of the stairs she stopped dead in her tracks and starred in horror as she watched her step-father eating her mother's insides. Krystyn tried to snap out of her shocked state but she couldn't, she was frozen stiff. She was a fanatic for preparing for the zombie apocalypse and so was her best friend Paige but, she never thought this would happen! Finally snapping out of it when she hears a groan from her step-dad Krystyn starts to try and make her way around her father towards the hallway that joins the kitchen to the living room. Just as she was about to pass this monster she once called family he looked up and let out a loud growl that caused Krystyn to freeze up yet again. He started to stand up and started towards her letting out a hungry growl. Krystyn backed away slowly as he came closer to her she couldn't bring herself to run, to yell or anything. She started shaking,scared tears filling her eyes while she looked at him.

"H-how?" Was all she managed only to be responded by a growl. Unknown to the 19 year old she had made it to the kitchen. Krystyn didn't realize it though until she bumped into the counter making Krystyn look a little to the left. Before she could capture all her surroundings her step-dad attacked her launching himself at Krystyn making her scream and move out of the way just in time for him to fall onto the counter. Krystyn turned panting adrenaline pumping through her veins.

"Weapon," Krystyn whispers, looking around hastily ," I need a-" She stops when she see's her step-dads large new kitchen knife. Krystyn grabs it firmly in her hand , tears streaming down her face as her step-dads once again charged at her only this time he ended up with a large sharp butcher knife through his head. Dropping the knife and with it her Zombie step-father she lets out a sob then another and soon she was crying rivers. Krystyn kneels on the ground and grips the butcher knife and glides it out of her dads skull.

"I'm sorry," Krytyn whispers still kneeling next to the now dead man," I'm so sorry Pa," Krystyn stared at her dad and noticed that the hand that he had wrapped up the day before was bloody. He was bitten and he didnt let them know? Krystyn shakes her head before bowing it mourning her lost loved ones.

After gathering her baring's Krystyn stood and made her way toward her moms corpse. If Krystyn, Movies, the internet, and Tv shows are correct; her mom should be reanimating. Coming out of the hallway she saw her moms hand moving, and her head start to twitch.

"Sorry momma," Krystyn whispers kneeling down and ending her mothers misery. Krystyns head snapped up when growls up stairs caught her attention and the reality of the situation caught up to her, She was alone.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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Member Seen 10 mos ago

It was late in the evening, and Destiny was eating dinner alone in their living room when the first news article showed up on her Facebook page. A town nearby had identified someone as having a "zombie-like" virus. It was a story she had seen on her feed several times in the previous years, so she had assumed it to be fake and continued scarfing down her chicken-fried steak TV dinner. With her husband currently at work, she figured that she would watch a few episodes of Durarara and then head off to bed. Their darling puppy had already curled into his kennel and fallen asleep, so after awhile she did the same. The morning provided quite a shock, though, as she woke up to find that her husband had never returned home from his shift.

In an immediate panic, she stumbled out of bed in her blue nightgown and unplugged her cellphone from the foot of the bed, calling him. There was an immediate dial tone. Thinking she could call their manager, she dialed the number for the office and waited. Once again, an immediate dial tone. This is strange... Is my phone broken? Destiny looked at the screen and noticed it not only had no bars, but no internet, either. So she made her way out of the bedroom to try and contact him through the computer. Had he gotten in an accident? Was he in the hospital? All her mind could focus on was Dustin. She did not even notice her puppy whimpering in the corner, having sensed the impending doom that had fallen on Enapay overnight.

Once she realized that the computer had no internet, she began to really worry. What was going on? It seemed strange for all of their electronics to stop working at the same time. Her tablet, Dustin's laptop, they all had no service. Things were only beginning in this town, and Destiny was completely oblivious. All she wanted was to know where her husband was. Decidedly, she put on a fresh pair of clothes and brushed her hair. It would be best just to go down to the store and see what had happened. After all, he might have been mugged or something and the manager wouldn't even have any idea. The worst images of him laying in an alley somewhere treaded through her mind.

Locking the puppy in the kennel, she pet his head, assuming he was whimpering because she was leaving. "It's okay. I'll be home soon!" She gave him a half-hearted smile before darting toward the door. She opened it wide, only to be greeted with the worst smell she had ever encountered, and a bloody face with hands reaching out toward where the door had once been. It took her a second to process what was in front of her. This man, with brown hair falling from his head, reeked and was covered in what Destiny had immediately identified as blood. Her eyes glanced over his peeling, decaying skin for only a moment before she let out a blood-curdling shriek that echoed throughout the apartment building, and then promptly slammed the door in its face.

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Wake up Justine. It's 6:05, time to start your day."
Ah, the same words she heard every morning from her Grandpa. Justine reached around her bed looking for her phone and finally found it right next to her head. The screen lit up, partially blinding her until her eyes got used to the artificial light. Her boyfriend had texted her, like he always did when he got off working the night shift. She loved waking up to his sweet messages. She got up and went into the bathroom to take a shower. The rest of the morning went as it always did. Makeup, clothes change 3 different times, blow dry and straighten her hair and pack her backpack. The same thing she did every day. As she grabbed her cup of coffee before she walked out the door to Grandpa's barely working truck, her little grey kitten cried at her feet. Odette never wanted her to leave. She bent down and touched her cat's nose with her finger and said "I'll be home later tiny one." Odette gave her a look as if to say she was satisfied with the little touch she got and Justine walked out the door.
The drive into town was quiet. Justine drove this road so many times in her life that she could watch the drive in her head like a movie. As they finally pulled onto main street, Justine noticed that there weren't very many cars on the road. There was usually just the few adults driving to work, the same cars every morning. Then they noticed one car going VERY fast right down the middle of main street followed by a police car and the wailing of sirens.They pulled off to the side of the road and watched the pedal-happy driver cascade past them onto the far off highway with the police car in hot pursuit.
"What the hell was that about?" Justine asked her grandpa in confusion.
"I have no idea," said her grandpa looking in his rearview mirror on the lookout for anymore reckless drivers.
As they continued down main street, it was silent as death. Getting a little uneasy, Justine clutched her half of the best friend necklace she shared with Lexi. Her best friend had moved to Wisconsin after she graduated but they still stayed in touch very well and both wore the necklaces every day. That never failed to calm her.
They arrived at the school and she stepped out of the truck and swung her backpack over her shoulder. She said bye to her grandpa and walked up to the front doors of the schoool. As she opened the doors, she noticed that there was no one in the hallways. Just as she was about to turn around and walk out, one of her best friends ran up to her and screamed at her to run. Without another word, Michelle took off as fast as she could. Confused and overwhelmed, she looked down the left end of the hallway and suddenly understood why she was running. Coming down the hallway in a horde were at least 20 of the students she knew very well stumbling blind towards her. She stood in shock for a minute before realizing that she would become one of them if she didn't run. She kicked off her boots, which she couldn't run in and threw them at the first zommbie leading the horde and pegged him right in the face. As she ran down the hallway the same way that Michelle had gone, she heard the groan of pain and the hiss of confusion from the other stumbling beasts. What a good way to start a Monday.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thewhitewolf
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Natasha slowly awoke into the bright world of her bedroom. The sunlight bore through her thin curtains. Squinting at the rays of light that were streaming in, she grumbled at the rude awakening of the morning. Or whatever time of day it was. Either way she grabbed her covers and snuggled up in bed once again.
Natasha laid there for a moment before she started to toss and turn but the nagging feeling at the back of her mind was telling that something was wrong.

Had the house always been this silent? Natasha wondered. She sleepily sat up in her bed and unwillingly slid out of it to fully standing up in the middle of her bedroom. Yawning, she ran her fingers through her short hair.
To be fairly honest, she shouldn't be surprised if the house was empty, they usually were in the morning. That reminded her, was it even morning? With that question in mind Natasha turned to her bed, her eyes searching the bottom end of it looking for her phone. It was no longer in the same place as it was last night.

Lazily, she fell onto the bed face first. She pushed herself up so she was now kneeling on the bed and began to search for her dear mobile device.

After along search of pulling on 'n' off bed sheets and blankets she found the little device dangling from its charger, the phone inches away from the ground. She carefully took the phone off charge and pressed a button to make it show the time. 13:14. She'd slept till around quarter past one.

Natasha sighed at her phone before groggily opening her wardrobe and choosing her clothes for the day. She picked out her favourite skinny jeans, a random top and found her favourite wolf jacket to shove on. She shoved her slippers onto her feet before walking to her door and opening it inward slowly revealing her view of the landing.

In front of her, a mangled corpse of her brother was sprawled across the floor. Bits of flesh was stripped away, blood slowly oozed out onto the now rusty coloured carpet. Natasha shocked at the first sight, then looked at the corpse with disgust. "good riddance you lair. Betcha' can't lie yourself out of this situation, Now can you." It was clear something had happened, be it a serial killer or an animal, it made Natasha wary and cautious. She turned around and walked back to her room, opening up her bakery tool set on her bed, to find her sharpest knife as she did not want to be unarmed. It made her feel slightly more confident and more in control of the situation. Walking back onto the landing she nudged her brothers corpse with her foot before stepping over it.

Now strangely calm over the dark situation, she carefully tip toed down the stairs with the knife securely in her dominant left hand. Making sure she missed the top two and the 6th along with the 11th & 12th steps as the floor boards creaked when stepped on.

The hallway and stairs were clear of any carnage or intruders, letting Natasha smoothly cling to the walls and lean to her left to see if anyone or anything was in the living room. Well lo and behold, a couple of bodies littered the living room floor. The smell that they gave off was revolting. Or was that coming off the thing that was stumbling around the living room.

Natasha squinted in order to see the stumbling figuring in the middle of the room, she just couldn't seem to able to work out what it was. It was just too fuzzy.

She tilted her head to try and get a better angle on the thing, then her eyes grew wide with realization. she had forgotten glasses. She grimaced at the thought of the journey. Back up the stairs and past the corpse. well, beggars can't be choosers she thought to herself as she chewed the inside of her cheek, while peering up the stairs.

Hoping the thing hadn't noticed her yet, Natasha turned on her heels and quickly crept up the stairs, stretching across the squeaky stairs, stepping over the corpse left on the floor and into her bedroom, softly closing her door behind her.

With some distance between the thing and her, Natasha flopped onto her bed in aftershock. Her objective of finding her glasses temporarily forgotten. She just sat there, staring at her cream coloured wall.

A couple of hours must of past as the next thing she hears makes her jump out of her skin. It was her tummy calling for food. The sudden noise of it startled her. It was as if reality had slapped her in the face. Tears fell down her face. For all she knew her parents were dead and her brother was definitely dead. No doubt about that one. She wanted to scream and wail out for her loss of family, but the fear of what was down stairs scared her into silent tears.

Natasha fell back onto her bed so she was looking at the ceiling, she felt drained of all emotions. The thought of sleeping it off and dealing with the situation crossed her mind when her tummy let out another gurgle. Clutching her tummy she sat up again, deciding that she couldn't ignore her basic need; she began to form a plan in her head.

Her left hand was loosely gripping the sharp knife as she carefully thought-out a plan.

First objective was to find her glasses, she needed to see of course. The next course of action was to use some of her collected junk as a future distraction. She would proceed downstairs and try to distract the thing long enough to get by or enough so she could engage it in battle or just a simple fight. She'd eat some food, then gather supplies around the area.

Switching the knife to a more comfortable position to wield, Natasha picked up her glasses from her dresser and adjusted them onto her face, pushing them up her nose. Grabbing a few junk pieces she owned like a worn out car break, a light bulb and a bunch of screws/nails/pins, she readied herself for what was to come.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Krystyn's hand twitched as she starred at her white closed front door. Since the morning Krystyn has changed from her PJ's to black combat boots, blue jeans with duck tape at where they cut off to the boots so they don't trip her, a black T-shirt and a leather jacket. She has done everything to prepare to leave knowing she cant stay in the house unless she wants to lose her sanity but she was terrified to go out there. The plan was to go down town,find her best-friend then get the hell out. Sounded realistic then but now that it was actually happening Krystyn wasn't so sure. Yes she has her brothers metal baseball bat and her dads kitchen knife as well as the hidden machete her mom kept.

"Theses can take me only so far,"Krystyn thinks to herself,she take in a deep breath and brings up the keys to the 2012 white Dodge Durango just outside and most likely her main way of getting out of town without dying. Letting out a breath she starts walking forward toward the door one hand gripping the keys hand gripping the door nob.

"To the truck only don' stop," Krystyn whispers her country voice coming out, she twists the door knob before opening the door quickly and running out not even bothering to close it. The sound of moans made her heart start pumping and her adrenaline start racing through her veins. Just as she puts the keys into the truck to unlock it she hears a soft whine. Krystyn sighs stomping her foot," Damn it," She whispers before running to the neighbor's yard next to her town house where a small German Shepard pup is was its owner crawls towards it. Krytyn brings out her kitchen knife and slices into the older mans head. Dropping the knife and the man she grabs the pup and runs to her car. The puppy whines as she gets to the truck and another neighbor an old lady named Miss. Jenn jumped at her making her fall dropping the puppy and her pack.

"SHIT!!" Krystyn growls holding the old woman up with her arms as the old lady clawed at them. Her arms started to shake and tears brim her eye's as her arms got lower. "This is it," Krystyn thinks to her self,"I'm gonna die,". A shot rang out and Miss. Jenna fell dead again pushing the old lady off Krystyn rose and saw the pup hiding under the car not caring to look for the shooter she waves her hand in thanks grabbing her backpack and running out toward the door twisting the lock and opening it she got in. Krystyn reaches to close the door the German Shepard pup hops in just in time before she shuts the car door. Plunging the key into the ignition turning it on.

"Let's get the hell outta this hell hole," She says to the Pup who barks as she pulls the truck out of park and backs out of the drive way hitting a zombie making it go flying across the rode. She turns the wheel to leave her neighborhood and steps on the gas racing down the rode. Letting out a sigh of relief thinking about the close call Krystyn had with Miss.Jenn. She looks over at the pup," Ya better been worth it dog. A'most had my guts ripped out by a damn zombie for ya,"

The puppy barked and wagged its tail panting,"Glad ta see yer happy ya lil' monster," Krystn grumbles eyes turning back to the rode
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by czechmate46
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Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Getting to downtown seemed like a simple solution but to actually get there was a trick. Both of her parents had vehicles but Leah had never gotten her licence. Her high school and college both had been close by and she resorted to taking the bus instead of learning how to drive. It was a rather foolish decision, now that she thought about it, but at the time it seemed to make more sense to just buy a bus pass instead of going through the hassle of getting a licence. She had obviously driven before, on off roads, but she knew it still was going to be challenging to get to the downtown in her parent's van.

She grabbed the keys from the laundry room and gathered all her belongings that she was taking with her into two bags. There was an increasing number of walkers on the street and Leah knew she would have to be swift with getting the supplies to the van and getting it started. There seemed to be just two walkers in her front yard. She could sneak around them if she was really careful. Carrying one bag on each shoulder, she stepped out onto the porch, making sure to close the door gently to make as little as noise possible. Half way to the van and she was doing good so far. The mindless zombies only growled to themselves, not taking note of her. However, when she opened the door to the van, they snapped their heads up and their distorted noises rose in volume, as they now began to stagger in her direction. Now, with her hands almost trembling, Leah raced to toss the bags to the back of the van, hop in the front seat and shut the door. With the keys in her hands, she stared down at the wheel and what was in front of her and tried to remember how to work the van. With the walkers coming her way, she was forced to start it up, put it into gear, and push her foot down on the peddle.

She made it downtown, driving at a slow pace. She peered around as she drove on the streets, the downtown having far more walkers than her suburban neighbourhood. Walkers clawed at the side of the van, making Leah nervous. She wasn't sure if they could be able to stop the van or damage it. As she drove through the downtown streets, she saw no sign of any help tents or informers. There was nothing but devastation. What was she supposed to do now?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Aintitfun1997 Hiatus

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Sitting on the side of the rode in her truck, being closer to downtown Krystyn had decide that it ma\ight be the start to try and find her bestfriend. A bark came from beside her making her look at the pup that she nearly died to save. It looked about 3-4 months old and was already huge, its floppy ears fluffy ears bounced as it tilts it head and whines.

"Well I can't keep calling you pup," The nineteen year old says shifting in her seat," Imma have ta name ya if yer gonna survive," She says thinking, she reaches over grabs the pups tail and lifts it," Male, 'kay then," She whispers pulling back. She looks at the pup," How 'bout Buddy?" She asked the pups ears lifted,"A'ight buddy it is then!"

Buddy barks as the car started the truck," This is goin' against so many o' my rules," She whispers as she drove slowly towards down town. As they got closer Krystyn began to realize this is possibly the worst idea ever. She stops when she sees a familiar woman walking around on the sidewalk. Her best-friend's mom Traci.

"SHIT!" Krystyn curses hitting the wheel knowing what that meant. Buddy lets out a whine as Krystyn slumps into her seat. He crawls over and sits on her lap and lays there while she pets him," Wha' now Bud?" She says as Zombies started coming towards her truck. Krystyn sighs sitting up moving the dog out of the way and with tap of her foot on the gas and drove away from the crowding zombies,"Let's go see if there is anyone still 'ere," She says
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Savannah ran as fast as she could down the hallway and got to the end doors before realizing she would probably need her backpack. Not the things in it, just the bag itself. Being extremely thankful that she carried her pocket knife every day to school, she took it out and flipped the blade out. One of the creatures had a hold of her backpack so she sliced it across its face and he dropped it. One of the beasts reached for her and she punched it's hand away and ran with her backpack clutched in her shaking hands. As she ran, she began taking things out and throwing them at the horde. The one and only time she was thankful her binder weighed 30 pounds in itself. She threw it as hard as she could and was actually able to take off one of their heads. "Well that went better than expected!" she said laughing. When she finally made it out onto the street, she decided to run in the opposite direction from which she came. She decided to keep her heavy textbook in case she needed to use it as a weapon. She ran down the long stretch of main street until she came to The Bottle Shop. She went inside quietly expecting there to be people there but there wasn't. The soda machine was tipped over and cans were spilled everywhere. "Oh, good. At least I have something to drink now." she said as she picked up cans and began to shove them in her backpack. She scanned the place to make sure there was nothing and no one around. Maybe she could make this her safe zone... Just then, she heard a loud bang and saw a creature pressed against the door. "Shit," she said. "I guess I'm gonna have to handle this."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Thewhitewolf
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Natasha slowly opened her door, she had transitioned into a crouching position in case the thing had somehow made its way upstairs. Staying low hopefully meant she was out of its line of sight. She poked her head round the door to check for any sign of movement.

A few minutes pass before she was sure nothing was moving; now she could see her 'dear' brother sprawled dead out on the floor in high definition. The sight of it almost made her want to hurl. Her foot had touched That. The grey skin on his face had a dent where she had placed pressure on it momentarily with her foot.

Shivers ran throughout her body at the thought of her foot touching the thing on the ground that she quickly stepped over it, she stared at the wall ahead to force herself from looking back at the corpse.

So once again she made her way down, missing the appropriate steps and upon reaching the bottom step, she resumed her crouching position. The smell of rotting corpse wafted out if the room greeting her at the bottom of the stairs. The stench was making her eyes water, as a solution to deal with the smell for now she pulled the hood of the wolf jacket over her head and pulled the strings till the hood closed around her face enough to cover her nose and mouth. She put the knife down for the next part; she tied the two strings together to hold the hood in place, afterwards she picked up her knife and decide now would be the best time to look at what was in the living room.

A zombie. A bloody zombie. What.

Suddenly the many tv / gaming zombie tropes flashed through her head. Natasha grimaced and decided that it would be best to kill the zombie in the living room first and re-kill the corpses on the living room floor as a safety measure.

In her crouch position, Natasha reached into her jacket pocked to take out a screw. She attempted to lob it over the zombies head to hit the wall beside it to distract it. As Natasha was never a good shot with many throwing objects, the screw did not reach the desired location.

Instead it had hit the coffee table by full force, making a clattering sound as it bounced off and finally landing on the soft carpet near her feet with a thud.

Well darn it.

The zombie spun around at the noise, walking towards it. Walking towards her. Well, less walking and more stumbling and hobbling.

Natasha didn't have long till it would reach her, the options raced through her mind. Her heart could be heard in her ears, the adrenaline started to rush through her veins and she went into auto-pilot mode.
She dashed at the zombie, quickly, closing the distance before she swung the knife upwards into the jaw of the zombie, pulling the knife away quickly. The motion caused the jaw to come away with the knife.
She glanced at the pierced jaw on her knife and took a few steps back till she was in the doorway, she slammed the back of the knife into the wooden frame, splintering the wood and the jaw. She took a couple of second to get her breath back.

The adrenaline was slowly wearing off. The short burst of full blown energy gave her a slight advantage as well as the fact the zombie could no longer bite her. With less energy than the first time, she dashed again, with the split second decision to aim to cut off its head. She poised the knife so it was aiming at the jugular as she entered her second dash.

She was not as accurate as the first time, she was able to get the knife in the base of the neck and using the momentum of the dash she pushed the zombie backwards, making him fall to the ground.

The zombies arms flailed as Natasha dug the knife deeper and tried -quickly as possible - to cut off the zombies head.
It took a good few minutes but after a while the deed was done and she was able to wipe the sweat of her forehead, before she proceeded to do the same with the other two corpses laying on the ground which she could now identify as her mother and father.

She felt like an empty shell. She had cried all the way through of cutting the heads off her parent's corpses. It took way longer than the living zombie. Her face was smeared with zombie/human blood and tears. The mixture only came to be as she tried to wipe her tears through the process. The threat of bile ebbed in the back of her throat.

Now at least 10-15 minutes later; she sat there at the dining room table, feeling of nothing. A cold meat sandwich sat in front of her at the table. Her tummy was rumbling still yet she had not taken a single bite, it was the feeling of something soft and furry against her legs made her jump.

Looking down at her legs, she sees the family cat just causally rubbing up against her. "Rocco..." She whispered as that was all she could muster up to do. She reached a hand down to stroke the male tabby cat.

She smiled sadly down at the purring ball of fur. "Rocco, darling. Why are you still here?" She questioned the non-speaking animal. She picked him up and placed him on her lap. He turned from her to sniff what was on the table in front of him. Her meat sandwich. He eagerly sniffed at the meat, slowly Natasha caught on. "No Rocco!" laughing at the cat; falling back into a time before everything went down hill. "You can't have that, its mine." smiling at the ball of fur, she took him off her lap and decided to take a bite from the sandwich - claiming it as hers in front of the cat- before getting up to feed him.

She opened the door to the kitchen, Rocco shot in and she followed shortly after. Remembering to close the door after her, semi conscious of her current situation. Opening the fridge she got out a tin of unopened cat food and opened it to scoop out the contents in the cat bowl. She refilled the other side of the cat bowl with the biscuits he liked so much and went into the conservatory to open the back door so the cat could exit anytime.

With that out the way and the traumatic event deeply hidden in her mind and temporarily forgotten, Natasha started to collect supplies that she could find in the house. Keeping in mind to loot the surrounding houses; if nobody is alive inside, or in case of zombies? Fight her way in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Justine searched the pathetic convenience store for another door to escape through, but found nothing. The creature continued to press its rotting body into the dirty glass door and she had nothing to defend herself with. "Let's have some fun you dumb creature," she laughed. She approached the door with a rather heavy liter of Pepsi in her hand to use as a potential weapon and slightly pulled on the door. The creature leaned forward with the sway of the door and she slammed the door against his body. He reeled backwards at the hit and fell off the sidewalk. She then rushed to bash it over the head with the liter of Pepsi and it died instantly.
"Well that went nicely," she sighed. She went back inside and thought she should bar the door. The table people used to ditch class and eat soggy sandwiches at looked like a good solution. She stood it up on its tallest end and it worked like a charm. She then snooped behind the counter looking for a roll of duct tape to cover the windows with. She didn’t find much but she found some so she used what she had to cover the higher parts of the windows. As she started shoving bottles of water and tea into her backpack along with energy bars and muffins, she remembered that she should probably find someone to pal around with through this whole thing. She wondered what happened to her grandpa.
He’s pretty smart, she thought. He may not be very physically fit but he knows what’s going on around him. She decided she would search for him and if she couldn’t find him, she would come back here and try to contact one of her friends. She always worried about her friends more than her actual family, which most people found immature and unethical of her but she didn’t care. When you have a family that treats you like her's did, you would love your friends more too.
Who would be around? She thought. She decided she would look for her friend Michelle and stick with her as long as she could. There were no weapons in this sorry shack people used to call a convenience store so she decided to go next-door and raid the hair dye and piercing shop. There was bound to be sharp objects and chemicals in there.
She carefully crept outside looking in every direction multiple times and ran to the door which was less than ten feet away from her and opened the door slowly. She called out to make sure there was no one laying in wait. There was no one. The smell of chemicals was overpowering and she gagged with repulsion. She pulled her shirt over her nose to search the place. She finally came across a ear piercing gun and grabbed some studs to fire out of them.
If I’m gonna shoot someone, they’re gonna die with some pretty studs in their face, she thought. Grabbing her backpack carefully, she slipped out the door and walked quietly down the empty street wielding her weapon lazily. Hopefully she would stumble upon someone she knew.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by DestinyStar
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By now, the puppy had continued his incessant barking. Destiny began to pace back and forth in the living room, out of panic. "Oh god, oh god, oh god... What do I do? Should I try to call for help? Should I just wait here? A zombie... A fucking zombie!" Laughing almost hysterically, she collapsed onto the couch, trying hard to settle her swirling thoughts and calm the oncoming panic attack. Okay... So what was going on? There was no internet or cell service. Half-dead corpses were walking the streets. Last night had been normal enough... She was here alone; Dustin had been at work. Dustin... Oh my god! He was at work! Is he okay? How do I get ahold of him? What if he's...

She stopped her thought by standing and rushing to grab her backpack. No, that wasn't something she could think about. Dustin was everything, to her. They had met in high school and been best friends for nearly half of their lives. She refused to even consider the possibility that he was dead, or worse, one of those disgusting monsters. He had to be alive, right? If anyone ever came through for her, it was him. She knew he was probably fighting his way home, at this very moment. However, if he wasn't already home, then this must have all started last night after that news report. Had Dustin been out fighting on his own, all night? Something in Destiny's heart ached as she thought about this.

I can't just sit here and wait for him to save me... If he's not home yet, he's probably stuck out there. I have to go find him! Feeling a bit more determined, she quickly rushed to change into comfortable high-waisted jeans and her green quarter-sleeve button-down, which were comfortable, easy to move in, and out-of the way. She also chose to wear a pair of sneakers to run in, which she figured she would be doing a lot of. Destiny had never been able to stomach zombie movies, and she was pretty terrible at video games, so this whole scenario had her a bit worried. Highschool of the Dead was about the only information she really knew about zombies, and that show was mostly about fanservice. It wouldn't really be any help, here.

In the backpack, she placed four or five of her best kitchen knives, a few cans of corn, peaches, and green beans, a loaf of bread slices, and a can opener. She also grabbed the few granola bars and small bags of chips they had around the apartment. Destiny had every intention of returning here as soon as she found her husband, so she only grabbed what she really needed. There were also her glasses, eye drops, ibproufen, gauze, bandaids, burn/cut cream, chapstick, pads (being a girl is fun, right?), and a couple bottles of water. It was going to weight her down already, carrying this much, since she wasn't exactly in shape, but she wanted to be prepared for whatever state Dustin might be in. He might need immediate medical attention; at the gross thought, she had even packed a needle and thread from her sewing kit.

The last thing she grabbed was her red and blue wooden cosplay sword from Sword Art Online. It was the closest thing they had to a baseball bat, and she honestly didn't think she'd be able to control the heavy weight of Dustin's prop swords. This would be the best thing for her to use for protection, until they could get to a store with better swords. Although she was in a panic, Destiny knew that this would be an emergency situation. She knew that the town may not even really be out there, anymore... It would be total chaos. And she had to be ready for it.

Taking a deep breath, Destiny grabbed her keys and headed into the outside world. Honestly, their puppy would be safer locked up here. She had managed to move some furniture in front of the windows, and the door would be locked. She knew that taking him with her would be more dangerous, as he was not well-trained to stay by her side; no doubt he would get scared and run off. It was in his nature as part-chihuahua. So, she did what she could to keep the place locked up as a safe area for them to come back to. From what she understood, zombies were too slow and dumb to get inside. As soon as she was outside, she quickly locked the door and made a mad dash for the car. They really were very slow, so she managed to slip past most of them with ease.

However, her tiny little car was swarmed with the hideous creatures, as they filled the parking lot. It reeked like a cemetery, out there, and she did her best to hold her breath. I knew this would happen... I'm not going to get to my car without swinging at them. But... But they're people, aren't they...? Hesitating, she took a step back toward the apartment building, only to feel something brush up against her back. Her arms immediately swung around to bash the sword against the creature's head, spewing blood everywhere as it crushed through her skull. Destiny let out a loud scream, stumbling back as the tears began to fall. Her eyes stared widely at the blood on her hands and arms and clothes, belonging to the lady from the apartment front office. Melissa. She was the nicest woman, who always gave their dog a treat when they came to visit. Such a sweet lady... and Destiny had just bashed her head in.

Her hands gripped the sword tighter as she shook, violently. Death wasn't something that Destiny was well-accustomed to, so she felt a bit traumatized by the fact that she had just taken one. Not only that, but it had to be one of the few faces she recognized in this community. Whimpering, she collapsed against the wall and stared wide-eyed at the walkers surrounding her. She was never going to get to her car, this way. It was too much. She didn't want to hurt anyone else. But there were too many walkers back toward the apartment, too. Without thinking, she turned and began to sprint down the street.

There weren't a lot of people out here, so maybe she would be okay without a car, for a minute. It was always there to come back to, right? Were the walkers strong enough to destroy it? Whatever the case, there were less of them out in the street (because it was away from the buildings), so she began to run as fast as she could. Her legs were weak with fear and a lack of exercise, so she found herself completely out of breath by the time she made it to the end of the street. By the time she got there, her legs buckled underneath her and she ate pavement. Hard.

It was no time to stop. There was a convenience store, nearby... Near the old tattoo parlor her sister loved. That had to be a safe place, right? Even the tattoo place. Anywhere indoors should be okay, as long as she wasn't stuck out here in the open. Immediately, she leapt to her feet and stumbled toward the door, doing all that she could to jump out of the way when a walker would lunge at her. Her jeans were ripped from where she had landed on the pavement. All she could think of was running. Fear clouded every thought and judgement in her mind, and she just pushed forward with blind motions. Her hands reached toward the door of the convenience store, about to open it when a walker jumped out in front of her. Destiny let out another loud scream and began to swing her weapon wildly, unsure of what she was doing, anymore. Tears ran down her cheeks in broken sobs of terror. "G-Get away from me!" She had never been very good in a crisis. D-Dustin...
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Coming down almost empty rode Krystyn's truck started to stutter before coming to a complete stop. Krystyn lets out a low groan and tried to start the truck again,"C'mon! Don't do this to me!" She whine's before letting out a sigh and leaning her head against the wheel," Damn," Buddy whined looking at Krystyn with begging eyes. Letting out yet another sigh Krystyn sits up pulling a bag out from the back and her weapons," C'mon Bud, lets go see if there's any gas stations near by," She says getting out of the truck Buddy jumping over the middle and out the door after her.

Walking out into the open Krystyn can't help but feel vulnerable and exposed. Staying on edge she kept her baseball bat at the ready incase of any surprises. Just as they got about a mile away from the truck Krystyn spotted a person, they looked alive but she didn't know if they were bit or not. Buddy didn't seem to care as he ran towards the person tail waging and barking causing Krystyn to panic.

"BUDDY!!" Krystyn whisper-yells as she ran after him towards the girl trying to stop him before he or she gets hurt.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

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Continuing down the street with her ear piercing weapon and her backpack full of liquids, she began to wonder where all of her friends were and how they were faring with all this, or if they were even aware of it yet. Michelle looked so panicked when she ran away and Justine didn't think even she knew where she was going at the time. Everyone involved in this was obviously going to have some trauma issues after this was over, if it ever was going to be over.
Suddenly, she heard a barking coming from a distance and looked around hopefully. A dog would be a WONDERFUL thing to have in this circumstance. Having a dog means you have a weapon and a companion at the same time. She had always liked cats better but she would have to admit that a cat wouldn't really serve her any sort of purpose right now. She had always had a weak spot for animals. She would almost be content to say that she would kill a human before she would kill an animal. When the animal finally came into sight, her spirits lifted. It was one of her favorite kind of dogs; a German Shepard. As it ran towards her, tail wagging at the possibility of attention from a new person, Justine fell to her knees to greet the beautiful creature. It jumped up on it's back legs and gave her a hug by putting it's legs around her shoulders just like her dog used to do. Looking past the smiling face in front of her, she then saw a girl running towards her shouting what she assumed to be the name of the dog.
She must be his owner. Maybe I can ask her for help and maybe stick with her for protection for a little while. Justine thought.
She stood up keeping one hand on the dog's head so he wouldn't run away. "Is this yours? she called out as the girl came closer panting from her run after her fleeing canine.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Krystyn smiled nodded putting her hands on her knees trying to catch her breath glaring playfully at her pup," Yeah, This is Buddy and I'm Krystyn," She says swallowing and standing up straight and walking over to Buddy picking the excited pup up," Who are you?" She asked looking at the girl offering a friendly smile.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"My name is Justine. Do you have ANY idea what's going on? I just smashed in 3 of these creature's heads and I'm trying to find SOMEONE I know. This is the only weapon I have at the moment and I'm pretty worried about it!" Justine said gesturing to her ear piercing gun and pocket full of sharp studs.
She looked down at the dog who must have gotten bored as he had laid down and was looking around interestingly as if he too was trying to figure out a solution to the problem the humans were facing.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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" Ever seen the walking dead?" Krystyn says," It's basically the Apocalypse and these creature's are Zombies," She says looking at Justines weapon," 'ere," Krystyns says handing her Machete over to her," Its a real one, Military grade," Krystyn says
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

@Aintitfun1997 Justine couldn't believe this girl was nice enough to just hand over her weapon to a complete stranger. Maybe she was as trusting as Justine was. She looked at the incredibly deadly weapon that was just handed to her and gave it a test swing. It was light and easy to maneuver. Chopping off heads would be a piece of cake with this thing. Or should she say a piece of flesh?
"You don't have to give this to me! Is this your only weapon? It's every man for himself out here now and my safety is really not your responsibility. I would feel terrible taking your only weapon." Justine said in shock.
She remembered when her and Dad used to play around with these when she was little. He taught her everything she knew about swords and machetes. She got pretty good with them but it had been such a long time that she would have to practice for a couple hours before she could fight anything off with it.
Justine looked around and decided that standing in the middle of the street while the Walking Dead was going on was probably not a good idea. She had set out to find someone she knew but maybe this was better. Maybe Krystyn would come back to the convenience store with her and help decide what she should do. Maybe they could stick together. Stop with the maybe's and move it! Justine thought decisively. "Do you want to come back to my hideout with me and figure out something to do? I'm not with anyone else and I have no idea what happened to any of my friends. I haven't even seen any of them yet today. I got set up in The Bottle Shop down the road. We should be safe there for now. What do you say?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Aintitfun1997
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Krystyn chuckle's," I have a baseball bat," She says pulling it out from behind her," And it maybe but I'm not goin' to leave ya with somethin' that doesn't even spike of head well," Krystyn said before starring at her for a moment. Thinking back to all the video games she has played and movies/shows Krystyn has seen in the Zombie Apocalypse its better to be with one other person. Krystyn looks down at Buddy who is looking up at her with pleading eyes. Fine Krystyn thinks looking back at Justine," That sounds good," She says pulling up and adjusting her straps of her backpack," Lead the way,"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Alina13
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Alina13 The Intellectual

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Justine turned back the way she had came and turned around every five seconds it seemed like to make sure the dog was following them. She wanted him to stay with them at all costs. They walked in silence for a couple of minutes and Justine disposed of her pathetic excuse for a weapon in a nearby dumpster. When she dropped it in without looking, she heard the moan of something from inside the bin. Cautiously raising her machete and peeking over the edge, she saw a decomposing creature laying in pieces at the bottom of a heap of trash. "Krystyn! Look at this!" Jusitne whispered the loudest she could without letting the thing know she was there. It appeared to be dying but you never know what these things are capable of. She advised Krystyn to look slowly and not to say anything.
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