Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

PART 1: The Beginning

A long time ago, before history was recorded in scrolls and books, There had been two entities that inhabited the world. Two creators. Two destroyers. Together, they brought life and power into the world, filling it with creatures of varying appearances and abilities. The two entities watched as their creations grew across the ages.

For a while, all was fine. Then their creations discovered conflict. Though the entities had ignored the impact of their creations' first argument, they watched as it grew into the first war. The two entities, apalled at what had come to pass, sought to end it. Unfortunately, the two of them had found themselves diaagreeing with one another in how the situation should be dealt with. One felt that their creations should be allowed to see their war through to the end, and learn from their mistakes. The other felt that they should wipe clean the slate, and start anew.

The entities came to a heated argument, which resulted in one of them deciding to force their plan into action. The angered Entity took up a physical form, and created monsters that would enact his plan to wipe clean the slate. Fearing for the lives of their creations, the kind Entity created her own creatures to counter these monsters. The battle between the two forces lasted ages, but eventually ended with the violent entity's defeat. He and his monsters were sealed away, so they would not make another attempt to ddestroy all that was created.

The kind entity was saddened by what she had to do to her companion, and hoped that her decision was a wise one. Unfortunately, when she returned her focus to their creations, ahe had found that nations were formed, conflict had become a part of their lives permanently. Though there was still some goodness within the hearts of their creations, the kind entity fell to despair, and her presence began to fragment and scatter across the world. Before her presence completely scattered, the kind entity created gids and deities to watch over her creations, and hopefully bring them back to their original peaceful selves.

The gods and deities would fail in this, and fall to conflict as well.

Now we turn to the Present times. Though most nations have found themselves in times of peace, conflict is still present, and some are at war. A cult that worships the violent entity has arisen, and plan to release him and his monsters once more. Fate, however, has other plans, as several individuals gather at a festival, not knowing that they're about to go onto the adventure, the likes of which they would never expect.

PART 2: Small Info on the Setting and Other




This being a very unforgiving world, technology has been developed to make the lives of non-magic users, and people with no skill or potential in the field of magic much easier. Though most technology developed was meant to be used for a country's military, there are some tech that makes things easier for everyday civilian life, as well.

As one would expect, the technology in this world is not that advanced. Ships are still made of wood, and pistols are flintlocks, firing one somewhat unreliable shot at a time. On the bright side, however, this world has made some astounding discoveries on how to put magic and technology together. This type of technology requires the assistance of a magic-user, but are quite effective when it comes to their uses.

Notable Figures

Character Sheet

Here's the character sheet itself! I'll put in a bit of a description just in case anyone wondered about some details.

-I don't really need to explain this, do I?

-A picture is preferred, but I'll also accept detailed descriptions.

-I have no limit on age, but there has to be a good reason for how they're as old as they are, if they're

-Male, Female, both, neither. It matters not to me.

-This is the big one. I'll allow characters of any intelligent humanoid, bipedal race to be used (e.g. Human, Harpy, Elf, Dwarf, Anthropomorphic animal, etc.) with the exception of Giants.

-Though I don't need a super-detailed description, I also need one that's longer than a mere 10 words.

-I don't want, nor expect to get entire novels about their lives. However, I do want to know their upbringing, and how their current personality came to be.

-You get three weapons (ammunition such as arrows and crossbow bolts don't count). You don't need to have three weapons on your character, though. If you wish to have your character wield a single weapon, or just two, then that's fine by me.

-This is optional. Not every character needs to have magic. However, if you do want them to know, then keep in mind not to have broken magic (anything that seems too much to me I won't accept). I'm fine with a variety of magic like Cryomancy, Geomancy, Summoning (pass the summons by me first), white magic, etc.

-Also optional. If you want, you can put in some miscellaneous info on your character. Examples would be their favorite food, hobby, habits, or miscellaneous abilities like juggling or something.

-NOT optional. This will let me know of your ability to RP. This is Casual, so please don't make it a short little piece that doesn't show much.

-Yes, this one's optional. You can choose to pick out a nice theme that you think would fit your character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Avian Stormryder, Rider of the Western Winds



Female; Gender-fluid


Calm, until her temperament is sparked--then there's no telling what she'll do. Loyal to few, but loyal without fault, Avian is one of the most trustworthy creatures that one may ever meet. Although she is so loyal, if she feels as if she has been betrayed, then may their deity have mercy. She is easily corrupted by the thought of power, though, striving to accomplish whatever she can in hopes of having her name remembered for generations--as many of her kin have done. Due to the former, she is a very sore loser, but a very competitive creature.


Weapons(Primary, Secondary, Tertiary):
Primary: Crystalline Dagger
Secondary: Whip

Magic (optional):
Animal Shapeshifting - Can shift into any animal form that is deemed fit for the situation, but the shape must have been fully "studied" or somewhat understood by the shifter.

Minor Elemental Shapeshifting (Air): - Can shift into many minor Air Elemental forms. These techniques have been passed down to every leader of the Storm Tribe, as their origins are believed to have come from Verrix. Due to her lack of training, these forms typically show when she is in a blind rage and are uncontrollable by her at the current time.

Other (optional):
To be added later; possibly.

Post Example:

Theme Song (optional):
In the Air Tonight - Kelly Sweet
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@Mad ScarletLooks good!

She's accepted! I'll post her in the character tab myself!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Mad Scarlet
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Mad Scarlet Friend of Griffins

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

@Mad ScarletLooks good!

She's accepted! I'll post her in the character tab myself!

Awww shucks! Thank you! I'm super pumped for this RP! ^_^
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWildBunnii
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TheWildBunnii The Obsessed Latina

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I'm feeling a little under the weather, I'll come back and finish up the CS.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@TheWildBunniiLooks good, but I have a few things that I need to address.

Firstly, do you mind explaining the specific limits of the wish magic? Something like the most she can do, and the least?

Secondly, was the sample post meant to represent her character? I was pretty vague about it, and I didn't specifically asking for a post involving the character, so I'm guessing she technically granted my wish? XD
Either way, that post still shows me that you can write, so I guess that'll work. I just hope I don't see a car appear out of nowhere in the RP.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 5 days ago

So thinking of joining.

How long you want that sample to be?

Casual minimum is one paragraph according to rules.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@JerkchickenIt's been a while! I haven't seen you since the Invocation of Divoria!

Yeah, a minimum of one paragraph's good, though I prefer a bit more.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jerkchicken
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Member Seen 5 days ago

Sup. Yeah it's been a while since I did anything after trying to do notMirrors of Fate 2 after GM went AWOL and the game died.

Anyway I'm see if I can make a character.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWildBunnii
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TheWildBunnii The Obsessed Latina

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@OtomostheCrazy I explained the wishes limitations which will be the following;

Every wish comes with a price
They may not come out the way they wished for
Dependent on granter, wishes may have loopholes and twists

And for the rp post, no that is just an sample of one of ongoing rps at the moment. Lol, wouldn't that be nice. A day without the annoying teachs.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@TheWildBunniiAh, so she can't use it for herself? Or she can, but the rules apply to herself as well?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by OfficerHeadbutt
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OfficerHeadbutt Child of the Fence

Member Seen 2 mos ago

I'm thinking of joining, I'm wondering how far has technology advanced in Lyrem? Would flintlock pistols be out of the question? I've always wanted to play a gun mage.

EDIT: Okay, I'll admit I didn't quite read the full first post before I posted. Though to be fair I'm just skimming through quickly right now because I'm getting ready for work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Just to let you all know, I'm also making my characters' character sheets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Cubix
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Cubix A Hooded Writer

Member Seen 13 days ago

~ If you'll have me, here's my CS XD ~

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

It's taking longer than expected but I'm trucking along. I've gone through like, four characters before settling on this guy. I should be done sometime tomorrow.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by OtomostheCrazy
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OtomostheCrazy The Impatient Patience of Fulfilled Nothingness

Member Seen 6 mos ago

@TheWildBunnii Accepted, I'll put her in the characters tab later.

@PathfinderLooks good so far, though the magic does leave a bit of concern, you did put up something that restricts and limits its usage. Though I have to wonder how much that "manipulate iron in all living things" thing would take. Is it a last resort that may or may not take his life is cast?
In any case, keep it up!

@CubixIt's acceptable, but how exactly will he stick with the main group? I say this, because it's mainly focused a bunch of heroes. I mean, I can create some more notable and/or important figures in the cult, but how will yours be all that active with the group?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Pathfinder
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Pathfinder A walking disaster

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

I guess manipulating isn't the right word, more like heating it up until you basically have molten iron in your veins. It's one of those things were you have to REALLY piss him off for Wilhelm to use it, in his fourty years he's only used it twice. Since his whole arsenal is pretty traumatic in use anyway I don't see much reason to use the spell unless absolutely necessary.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheWildBunnii
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TheWildBunnii The Obsessed Latina

Member Seen 5 mos ago

@OtomostheCrazy Thank you
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