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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Legion02


Member Seen 7 mos ago


Nation name: New Engelica
Chosen Color: Light blue
People of Importance
Mage-king – Alec Bredain. Human. Is 53 but looks well over 60. He has a long white beard, rarely wears a crown and often looks like a common, if not very old Magi. But do not underestimate him. He may be kind, but they call him the “Ruin King” for a reason.

Wizard-prince – Sindar Bredain. Alec’s only son from his wife. Just like his father, Sindar has a gift for magic. But often comes over as arrogant. He is loved by the people, and sometimes acts a little too romantic near the wrong ladies. He is not a particular gifted swordfighter, but plays the harp perfectly. Most of the time he’s a charming fellow.

Sorcerer-princess – Eléane “Bredain”. She does not share blood with Alec or Sindar. Eléane is an orphaned elf due to the Mage War. When she was little, she lost her parents to the king’s army. Alec adopted her. As an elf, she had an inborn gift for magic, which was only amplified by the land they live in. With the guidance of Alec, she became a great Sorceress. Aside form that she is a formidable fighter with great charisma and status among the troops. Though sometimes a little hot headed and not suited for diplomacy.

Avatar of the Old Gods – The representative of the Druids of Old. Just like Alec, he looks very old. He is also quite old, being in his mid-60ies. He serves as link between the Old Gods and humans. Though just like most druids he may come over a little fanatic.

Head-principle of Al’Gruin – Leana Broadwalk. A gifted sorceress who watches over the mage school of Al’Gruin. She is one of Alec’s oldest friends. After Alec picked up the crown, she took his place at the school. Ensuring that it would continue to educate smart, young minds.

Human & Elves

National trait:
Magic - Your nation’s people all carry some spark inside of them, whether it is from the air or the land they call home, this spark makes them very powerful Mages. (Your nations Magi and War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Army type:
For King and Country: Your nation has proud citizenry who yearn for the chance to serve in the military. As such you have a small, well trained, and superiorly equipped army to call upon; however conscripts don’t mesh well with them. (Start army size: 200 professional units, no conscripts.)

Conscript Military Units:

Professional Military Units:
50 units of War-magi
65 units of Magi
55 units of heavy infantry
20 units of light infantry
10 units of light cavalry

Navy Type:
Navy Units:

Flight Type:
Flight Units:

Military Traits:
Wizardry - Centuries of delving into the schools of magic have granted your nation a deep understanding of how the winds of sorcery blow across the lands, and have adapted to channelling it. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat) [free because of humans]

Mithril armor - Stronger then steel, but light as a cloth shirt, Mithril armour is the best armour an army can have, but it’s rare to come by. (Your soldiers are harder to kill)

Soldiers of the Line - Your infantry is the core of your army, and you know how to work them! Your formations are flawless and their shieldwalls are effective at warding off enemy archers. (Your Infantry all have an advantage in combat)

Superior Forging -Your weapons are forged in an extraordinary manner, whether it’s attributed to dwarven craftsmanship, magical imbuements, or technological advances in blast furnaces, your weaponry is a step above the average. (Your soldiers have an advantage in combat)

Fearless - Your soldiers don’t know the meaning of fear and will charge into overwhelming odds without flinching. (Fear has no effect on your armies and they will not run till one army is wiped out unless ordered to) [racial]

Naval Traits:
Flight Traits:
Necromancy Traits:

Divine Magic Traits:
Angels whisper in your ear - Your priesthood has the power of prayer, and receives answers. The questions they ask the higher powers receive answers, even if they don’t always make sense. (You will be given information that would otherwise be unknown to you)

Divine energy - The power of Christ compels you! No seriously, you are able to channel the power of your god(s) into healing energy, buffing the natural attributes of your followers. (Your soldiers are harder to kill when your Magi/War-Magi are present)

Holy Wrath - (Requires Divine Energy) Your priesthood can not only heal with their gods magic, they can also wreak havoc with it, doling out the energy of the gods to smite your foes. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Divine Charisma - The power of the gods powers not only your arm, but your tongue. Your priesthood is able to rouse the crowds to great feats through their oratory, and are able to convince people to see your point of view with ease. Your people follow you and may even worship you as a god yourself. (Any Diplomatic action with NPC nations are more likely to succeed)

Elemental Magic Traits:
Lesser Air Magic: Your people can control the winds in minor ways, creating small barriers of air to block arrows, creating fists of solidified air, creating or diverting small breezes. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat) [free due to Elves]

Greater Air Magic: (Requires Lesser Air Magic) You can hurl bolts of lightning or create/redirect gale force winds. All the fury of the storm is at your beck and call. (Your Dirigibles all have an advantage in combat when your Magi/War-Magi are present and your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Lesser Water Magic: You can create water from nothing, freeze it to create a shield of ice or create spears of ice to cast at your foes. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Greater Water Magic: (Requires Lesser Water Magic) The tides obey your call; you can raise and lower the levels of water in any area with ease. Ice storms can be conjured from thin air to pelt your foes and walls of ice can be raised upon even a desert floor, though it’s not likely to last long unless you sustain it. (Your Navy has an advantage in combat when your Magi/War-Magi are present and your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Lesser Earth Magic: The ground beneath your feet lends strength to you, you can reshape rock faces to a form more pleasing to you, raise small juts of earth in front of you to form small defensive emplacements or pick up and hurl a small rock and have it grow to a boulder in the course of its flight. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Greater Earth Magic: (Requires Lesser Earth Magic) The forest speaks to you, the ground beneath your feet informs you when someone treads upon it. You can rip asunder stone walls like it was made of paper, and can create earthquakes that sunder the homes of your foes. (Your soldiers all have an advantage in combat when your Magi/War-Magi are present and your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Lesser Fire Magic: You can start even wet wood on fire and can propel jets of flame from your hands. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have an advantage in combat)

Greater Fire Magic: (Requires Lesser Fire Magic) Great balls of fire, that’s right, you sunder the earth and fill the air with the smell of burnt flesh. You make walls of flame to cordon off your foes and make people spontaneously combust. (Your Magi/War-Magi all have a large advantage in combat)

Illusion Magic Traits:

Technology Traits:

Racial Traits:
Humans - Valour: Some basic human instinct, deep within each man and woman’s heart, the simple refusal to accept defeat. In battle, this leaves your soldiers refusing to take a step back. (You gain the “Fearless” Trait for free)

Elves - Elven High Mages: Your Magi are exceedingly powerful, having studied for hundreds of years the arcane lore they have accumulated. They can weave powerful defensive enchantments over your lands, creating defences that will dazzle foes with their intricacies. (Your Magi/War-Magi all gain an advantage in combat)

Nation History:
New Engelica spawned forth from Engelica, or Old Engelica. In Old Engelica, the king and his nobles ruled supreme. Each village had its own mage, sorcerer, witch or wizard. Though these people were often ill trained (by the previous magic user of the village). They were also little respected. Called upon to heal their children of bring forth water for the crops but after that scorned and shunned. Many died early because of exhaustion and bad use of magic which rebounded back to them. Even when the land held many gifts for mages. Alec Bredain was one such mage, but one who had the fortune of having met a beautiful witch who gave him a son, Sindar. She was called upon by another village one day. She never returned. Later, Alec learned that she was unable to heal the local noble’s son. Incidentally, several cows got sick too and died. She was branded a Dark Witch and hung without trial. In his sadness, Alec retreated to on old castle ruin he found. He dubbed it Al’Gruin and cleaned it up together with his young son. To the nobles he swore he would pay his taxes, but he’d only make money through services conducted by him inside the castle. So the nearby villagers were forced to visit him there. Soon other magic users got word of it. Starting to fear for their own lives, they too went to Al’Gruin. Where Alec greeted them as his own brothers & sisters. Together they learned more about magic then either one in a lifetime would have. But as more mages joined his little “order”, less were to be found near villages. Townspeople began to see how much they depended on their magic users, and began to beg Alec and his group to return. They refused, stating that the nobles became increasingly willing to brand magic users Dark Magic Users. So the town people began to urge their nobles to go easier on the mages. Which they refused. On orders from the king who though he lost his favorite bastard son (he loved the bastard more than his own blood) to a witch.

Eventually, a province declared itself independent. The king, in blind fury, send the royal army to deal with the insurgence. They did not count on the fact that Alec Bredain would come to the peasant’s aid. The king’s army, unexperienced in fighting magic users, was whipped out with the many spells they could cast. This caught the eye of the forest dwelling Elven, who too were oppressed by the king. They pledged their service to Alec too. Thus began a bloody 3 years named the Mage Wars. Villages aligned themselves with the mages, while more nobles tried to destroy the increasing treat. Eventually Alec and his army of veteran magi & war-magi came upon Car Uldain. The king’s retreat. The castle was built upon an island in the middle of a river with a devastating current. Taking it would take many lives. One night, he gathered all magi & war-magi and prepared a ritual. After long hours of complex chanting, Alec managed to summon a Pray-Spell. The earth began to rumble, a storm formed up above Car Uldain, the hearths burned savagely within and the river became stronger than ever. After a while large chunks of hail fell from the skies. Lightning and crushing gales began to rip on the roofs. Chimneys were spitting fire from the flames burning beneath. Walls began to collapse. Soon a full blown earthquake shattered the outer walls. The river lifted itself and smashed against the fortress. Fire began to consume everything inside the keep. Lightning and gusts of wind ripped apart stone. At dawn, everyone could see the devastation Alec and his magi had brought down upon the fortress.

After that, he picked up the crown to seal the power gap. New laws were instated, and a golden age for magic users was ushered forth. Magi returned to their lands and created schools of magic. Al’Gruin became a top university for magic study. The few nobles that remained pledged that they would protect the local mage users, while other magi joined the ranks of nobles.

The military principle these days was made by a lost Arch-Magi by the name of Allister Orelion. He stated that a mage should not encumber himself with weapons or armor. Indeed, a mage should focus only on his spells, and their devastating effects. A band of mages must always strive to annihilate the enemy before they can react. Thus sacrificing defense for pure destructive power.

These days, one could say that New Engelica is a country that lives in the past. Counting on old things like prayers and magic. Alec would laugh and tell these people that for too long, the world ignored the power of Old.

50 war-magi
1300 magi
1375 heavy infantry
2000 light infantry
500 light cavalry

Territory claims: 58, 59, 60

Okay so I hope this is all okay. Let me know if I made a mistake somewhere.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Legion02 It all looks good to me! I'm glad we've got our first heavily magically based nation, feel free to post your nation over in the characters tab and I'll put you on the map as soon as I get round to it
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 11 mos ago

numbers don't mean everything *hints at the battle of Thermopylae*

Refer to the final battle of Boudicca for a more accurate example. 50,000 tribesman vs 8-9 thousand Romans.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Right, that's us up to 5 accepted nations, I'm going to leave the door open a little longer for anyone that's working on a sheet or really interested to join, but unless anyone expresses interest, I'll start the IC tomorrow with you guys.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 day ago

@Legion02 It all looks good to me! I'm glad we've got our first heavily magically based nation, feel free to post your nation over in the characters tab and I'll put you on the map as soon as I get round to it

What do you mean the first? Tushienia is a magic heavy nation; We just decided to improve life for none magical people as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@Bright_Ops It's a fair point, but his is more exclusively magic-orientated.

Good mix of magic and tech so far!
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Bright_Ops
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Bright_Ops The Insane Scholar

Member Seen 1 day ago


Indeed. I'm curious but out of the five nations, who would you believe to be the strongest on paper? I know that tactics and all that would decide who would still be standing at the end of the day, but if New Gobolia was to work out betting odds who would they put the smart money on?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

That's a very good question. Certainly, in terms of the strongest army on the field, the sheer number of Military Traits that @Aristo has could give him the edge. But then both you and @Legion02 have the magical strength that could tip it. And then you can't write off @Lauder or @Hipster as they have their airforces as support.

Overall, there's no clear strongest nation. There are a couple of power builds that I can think of, and none of you have taken them, so it should be a fairly balanced fight! You all have a chance of surviving and winning it, so there's no safe bet.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lauder
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Lauder The Tired One

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Air Force will bomb the crap out of you, 1v1 me m8. 360 no scope git wrcked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Something like that
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I might join, if you'd have me.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

I'd definitely welcome you aboard! Just get a sheet up in the next day or so, and you'll be able to jump in with he others when this starts.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Do you want it pm'd?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

You can just post it in this thread, and then once I've accepted it, post it in the Characters tab.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I have a few questions.

1) is this a narrative? By what perspective?

2) so this is strictly turn based?

3) is there going to be any character oriented posts?
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Romero
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Romero Prince of Darkness

Member Seen 1 yr ago

1) Definetly a narrative in that it tells a story, as for perspective, can you repeat the question?

2) It works off a turn based system yes, to represent the passing of time and to allow nations to have equal opportunities and actually need to have strategy.

3) You can write your IC posts any way you want, as long as you tell me the important stuff, so they can all be character orientated if you so desire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Perspective as in, from what view is the story being told? I think you answered that question in number three though :)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Isotope
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Isotope I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

I'm watching you @Goldeagle1221
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Goldeagle1221
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Goldeagle1221 I am Spartacus!

Member Seen 11 mos ago

I'm watching you @Goldeagle1221

Shhh, I'm here spying on @Aristo
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Slamurai
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Isotope>

Shhh, I'm here spying on @Aristo

Who is not, in fact, a Russian agent. Honest!
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