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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ClocktowerEchos
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<Snipped quote by ClocktowerEchos>

You will never defeat the the power of Wooden Chair love! MUAHAHAHAH!

Its a lil somethin' called fire motherfker, have ya hear of it?
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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More MRA goodness

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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

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Gaylord Hotel & Resort, National Harbor, Maryland, USA.
Top Floor, club scene
Friday 23:00
21+ years only

There was a Cervantes (Soul Calibur), Super Saiyan Goku (Dragonball Z), and a Cloud Strife (Advent Children) all dance battling! Shit was hype, and I remember screaming at the top of my lungs.

Anyway, to the subject at hand,

Now that I think of it, I should have kissed her. This one young lady. She wasn't noticeably gorgeous, but maybe it's because she wearing a kigurumi outfit, so I'm sure it didn't do her justice. However, her bronze skin, dark hair, and warm smile made me melt. So amused by her appearance that I had to stop dancing in my drunken stupor and tilt my head curiously until she matched my gaze. I wonder if she knew right then if I was actually a young man crossplaying Chiaki from Dangan Ronpa. It was rather dark, as most dance club settings were, but I invited her into my personal space by offering my hands. She took them happily, and I dared not to disappoint. Almost immediately I pointed up to the ceiling, at a holographic image with the words that I mouthed to her in order to keep up the charade. "Last Call" I said to her silently as the beat dropped. Holding hands we jumped up and down and danced. There was no tango or foxtrot, but we both demonstrated some knowledge of how to move our bodies to the beat. I know it's much easier to do after drinking, and I was so glad to have a partner. The song ended and so did the time at the club. We embraced.

"Thank you," I said to her, ignoring the fact that my damaged masculine bass was caused by screaming before I met her. "That was a lot of fun."

Her eyes widened, seemingly at the revelation of my true gender, and hopefully not because I sounded like a varsity cheerleader after homecoming. An amused smile curved upon her glossy lips. "What's your name?" she asked.

I admit, there were several aliases that I thought of. Should I give her my FB page name? My nickname? My current cosplay character's name? Hell, even my Roleplayerguild username? You know you're a roleplayer when you refuse to give your actual birth name. So, I showed her my convention badge which said "Neo." I leaned in forward, trying not to strain my voice. For a brief moment, I thought I saw her eyes close a little, something I'm use to seeing just when I am about to make out with another woman. "Watch RWBY?" She laughed and nodded. I was such a cuck.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" If eyes were truly the window to one's soul, I think I saw hope flicker in them. The kind of hope that, at least in my mind, would mean that her weekend was going to get better.

"Sure," I winked. And we parted ways to reunite with our friends.

It was the last I saw of her.

Stupid me, I'm the one who should be making others daydream about those nights!


Take it from a junior soldier who does this kind of shit, club love is fleeting at best.

Should've put up your digits, fam.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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Member Seen 9 days ago

More MRA goodness

See I think this is more the "Good Guy" syndrome dude then the MRA deal. I've heard what some of them MRA MGTOW and my goodness. *fans self with pages out of the SCUM manifesto*

All these movements are equally silly these days. At least meninism is an actual joke.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 8 days ago

Why do both of the complaining threads have the exact same thing on them. -.- I will complain that there really shouldn't be two of these. Oh and my phone speech-to-text is f*cking terrible.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

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<Snipped quote by Sombrero>

I never heard either of the remakes until now.

...Yeah, neither does justice to the original. The first remake is a little disappointing, but the second remake is just downright upsetting and has now hurt a part of me I didn't know could be hurt. Why did you do this? Why did you link this?

I do get the feeling that if I ever became an H.P. Lovecraft protagonist, I'd end up linking to the horrifying information on Facebook and being very vocally upset about it rather than going bonkers and killing myself.

On a related note: how about them song, video game, and movie remakes / rebirths in general? It's nice when someone loves the classics, but are we trying to BE the classics too much in our culture nowadays? (And missing the mark?)

As a broken idealist who's been burned by poor quality one too many times, I feel like there's a more cynical answer to the question, in that no one at all is really trying to remake the classics so much as they are trying to get money from fans who're foolish enough to have hope left in them. I mean, sure, that may have been the intent of a lot of developers involved, I'm sure, but the corporations that own them measure their success in money, not fun. I can say that's the deal with the new Mortal Kombat, Syndicate, and virtually everything Konami's ever made since it was bought out. Other times, the devs try to do too much, and then the reboot arrives 100 years late and it's a shittier version of its past selves. (A-la Duke Nukem, Fallout 4 kind of, most of the Sonic games, though I'm more willing to blame that on the fact that Team Sonic are mostly idiots.) Sometimes, quality pushes through, and something fun happens, like the new Wolfenstein, or the new King's Quest, or the new Tomb Raider, but they (Or at least the two M-rated titles) miss the original tone.

Wolfenstein becomes a grayish brown war movie about a burly, soft-spoken everyman fighting the kraut menace, just like every archetypal World War Soldier movie ever, rather than the comically "edgy" shooter with scifi involved because its additions made the game awesome, not because it's a gritty, alternate-history game. Tomb Raider ceases to be a tale of adventure and asskicking and instead decides to be... I dunno, it just feels like a bizarre "apology" on behalf of the series for creating a sex symbol. She's no longer a femme fatale with jugs you could drown in, but rather a more realistic-looking character. There's nothing wrong with that, I'm all for it, but I still like the first version better, because she was a video game protagonist and not a squeaking, quivering waif. Way back then, she developed her character like the other protagonists, through adventure and charming conversation. She got new equipment by killing a bad guy and looting him, or finding it somewhere on her mighty quest for ancient treasure. In this game, she does the same thing, but not without 10 minutes of "tension" and "grittiness" before that show you just how much she has to struggle to do it. In the older games, sure, she was unrealistic-looking, but she held her own with all the other game protagonists. I think they're sending a much more poisonous "message" by saying, "look, guys! We just made a realistic girl!" and then having her progress through the game by getting the crap beat out of her at every turn. I mean, goddamn, the rich kid from Far Cry was even less qualified to screw around in the wild with guns and terrorists, but he only got in-cutscene bruises as a diabolus-ex-machina, and he sure as hell wasn't making scared moans and squeaky noises the entire time... Kinda got sidetracked there, nevermind.

Anyway, yeah, it's very difficult to properly pay homage to or revive the original, but it has been done before, and I doubt that's the motivation behind most reboots. Personally, I blame the fact that we live in a world where Hollywood writers and other powerful creatives in the entertainment and music industries are indoctrinated with the belief that humans don't spontaneously come up with completely independent thoughts means that nothing remotely original will ever be produced for all the sequels, reboots, and adaptations we're getting these days. Well, that, and the fact that it's a lot cheaper to hire writers to edit and adapt a pre-existing work, (and programmers to edit and adapt pre-existing gameplay/animations, artists to edit and adapt pre-existing artwork, etc.) than it is to create something entirely new.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

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I wish more people thought like Sargon of Akkaid

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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

I dunno, Rise of the Tomb Raider was pretty adventure-y and had Lara not pausing to say how terrible everything was. Granted it became less "Oh wow I'm gonna find a lost city" and more "Oh shit I gotta clean up my mess, whoops!" but on the whole it felt like a complete reversal of the Lara from the first reboot. The entire backhalf of that game is her just kicking all the ass before stopping to go diving in a leper colony.

Personally I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with reboots. It's just that they have a bad track record because people correctly assume that they can slap the name of a popular old thing and phone it in. Like the best reboots are the ones that know how to pay homage while also doing its own thing, like the Planet of the Apes reboot.

Also Sonic was always shit and the new ones just make that painfully obvious
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Weird Tales
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Weird Tales A Stranger from A Strange Outer Dimension

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

More MRA goodness

I have never seen an MRA do that, meninists maybe, but they are satire.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Sombrero
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Sombrero Master of the 9 Drunken Styles

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I dunno, Rise of the Tomb Raider was pretty adventure-y and had Lara not pausing to say how terrible everything was. Granted it became less "Oh wow I'm gonna find a lost city" and more "Oh shit I gotta clean up my mess, whoops!" but on the whole it felt like a complete reversal of the Lara from the first reboot. The entire backhalf of that game is her just kicking all the ass before stopping to go diving in a leper colony.

Personally I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with reboots. It's just that they have a bad track record because people correctly assume that they can slap the name of a popular old thing and phone it in. Like the best reboots are the ones that know how to pay homage while also doing its own thing, like the Planet of the Apes reboot.

Also Sonic was always shit and the new ones just make that painfully obvious

Yeah, but she had to have the shit kicked out of her in order to get that far. I mean damn, Jackie Chan didn't have to put up with half that shit, nor has any video game protagonist had to struggle as much as she did in order to become badass. (I.E. For most of an entire game) Hell, the very forces of nature worked against her, even before she was weighed down by implants! The radio tower's ladder buckles, the temple thing almost crashes to the ground, the pilot falls off the cliff, etc. And then there has to be deer-hunting scenes and 'spiritual' stuff to show how righteous she is for taking all the required gut-punches of adventurer training. My point is, I'm against the reboot because I don't want the female video game action hero to become the Black College-Movie-Guy...

Well, yeah, but now there are circles of people that mod the games in order to make it not shit, apparently?... Although really, I'm not sure I'd trust the tastes of an un-ironic sonic fan.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ex girlfriend posted pictures with her new boyfriend. They're so happy.

Back to Tinderin'.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 8 days ago

My brother may or may not be the living embodiment of Scrooge McDuck. Hope everyone's Easter turned out well. Mine was spent with my brother and a Chinese Buffet trying to poison us and forcing my mother to pay the money anyway. Will never go there again. >.>
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

In general you're probably better off not going to a Chinese buffet. I'm sure there's one out there that is, like, decent but...I've never found one so that means it doesn't exist.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 8 days ago

In general you're probably better off not going to a Chinese buffet. I'm sure there's one out there that is, like, decent but...I've never found one so that means it doesn't exist.

Haha. Well my family said a new one opened that was pretty good. (never been there, so don't know) If my parent's kitchen wasn't being redone, we'd of just eaten in for the holiday. But, I know how you feel there.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

I dunno, Rise of the Tomb Raider was pretty adventure-y and had Lara not pausing to say how terrible everything was. Granted it became less "Oh wow I'm gonna find a lost city" and more "Oh shit I gotta clean up my mess, whoops!" but on the whole it felt like a complete reversal of the Lara from the first reboot. The entire backhalf of that game is her just kicking all the ass before stopping to go diving in a leper colony.

Personally I don't think there's anything inherently wrong with reboots. It's just that they have a bad track record because people correctly assume that they can slap the name of a popular old thing and phone it in. Like the best reboots are the ones that know how to pay homage while also doing its own thing, like the Planet of the Apes reboot.

Also Sonic was always shit and the new ones just make that painfully obvious

It was really more of a prequel.

unless you are talking about the dog shit awful....

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

It was really more of a prequel.

unless you are talking about the dog shit awful....

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is very much a reboot.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Dolerman Chrysalis Form

Member Seen 9 mos ago

<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

Rise of the Planet of the Apes is very much a reboot.

Its set before the original movie, so its a prequel. Its not a re-telling of the same story.

Its like when people say Mad Max: Fury Road is a Reboot, its a sequel.

EDIT: but the tim burton directed pictured one above IS a reboot. Its a re-telling and it was crap.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Dynamo Frokane It's not a prequel to the original movie. It's an entire new set of movies that aren't directly related to the old ones. The screenwriter even called it as such. Rise, Dawn, and War are their own series.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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TheEvanCat Your Cool Alcoholic Uncle

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ex girlfriend posted pictures with her new boyfriend. They're so happy.

Back to Tinderin'.

I'm out of likes and maybe drunk.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

In general you're probably better off not going to a Chinese buffet. I'm sure there's one out there that is, like, decent but...I've never found one so that means it doesn't exist.

I've been to a few decent ones. There is even one around here that is consistently great. You do have to watch out though, since most are pretty meh. I think the surest warning sign your Chinese buffet is shit is when they serve corn. All the shitty ones serve corn somewhere off to the side of the traditional stuff for inexplicable reason.
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