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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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"random crits r "skill"." -tf2 community
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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"random crits r "skill"." -tf2 community

Well, I'm really talking about turn-based games with RPG elements that have characters attack with a %chance of hitting or missing. I mean, at that point the RNG is just part of the system. That's how it works. Asking to pull out the RNG is like asking to pull out the awful character themes from a JRPG, or the boxes from a Solid Snake game. It doesn't work.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Intrepid
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Intrepid Ahm

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Already seeing all the complaints about how the season finale for Walking Dead went. Seriously. It's called a cliffhanger. Just because everything didn't get revealed when the season ended does not mean you should go crying to everyone and cussing out the makers of the show. Personally, I think it was excellent writing. Borderline genius. Props to them. Seriously, though. I can tell all the complaining is gonna get old real quick.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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Well you can't expect the average TWD fan to understand simple concepts like 'good writing' so complaints seem par for the course.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Intrepid
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Intrepid Ahm

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Well you can't expect the average TWD fan to understand simple concepts like 'good writing' so complaints seem par for the course.

Not one hundred percent sure if this was a subtle jab at the show itself or not.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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(part one (of many) of the first two season of walking dead commentary.)

*cough cough* Well...I lasted 3 seasons of the walking dead before I got bored...That's something right? :P

My day went too well to actually complain about anything in any seriousness. So I will complain that I will more than likely not have as fun of time tomorrow. :I
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Not one hundred percent sure if this was a subtle jab at the show itself or not.

Oh there was nothing subtle about it, my friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Intrepid
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<Snipped quote by Intrepid>

Oh there was nothing subtle about it, my friend.

Bah. Well, I didn't come here to argue. Merely complain and relieve whatever annoyance it may. I'll just say that I enjoy the show and opinions are opinions.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Bah. Well, I didn't come here to argue. Merely complain and relieve whatever annoyance it may. I'll just say that I enjoy the show and opinions are opinions.

That's the way to be, friendo. I'm certainly not out to say like "You're wrong to like that show" or anything. I've got no legs to stand on considering some of the awful stuff I've watched over the years. Watch what you wanna watch, like what you wanna like. Only an asshole will care enough to argue about it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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He look, we are arguing about TV now, just like the internet is supposed to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

He look, we are arguing about TV now, just like the internet is supposed to do.

That's because you're all NERDS. Real men like me watch OUTDATED TV shows which have been CANCELLED.

No, seriously. That's why I can't partake in these conversations. I'm too busy watching old superhero cartoons.

Wally West is my bae.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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I admit I watch very little TV and the only thing of immediate new interest I'm waiting for is Game of Thrones.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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I do watch TWD. One of the shows I would probably have ignored on my own, but enough people I know watch it that I sort of feel like I should. The last few seasons have been rather good though.

The cliffhanger I think was cheap, but I don't think we'll know if it was bad writing or not until we see how they start off the next season.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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I pretty much just watch Archer and assorted documentaries about the Afghan National Army.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Intrepid
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Intrepid Ahm

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@All the TV discussion

Yeah, I'll admit I watch almost no television. I watch TWD, and I plan to start Arrow back up again... Eventually. Aside from that, television just isn't my thing.

I do, however, love a good movie.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by TheEvanCat
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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Truth. When not in uniform all I have is my tight whities left over from boot camp. They still smell like ample amounts of shame and now have cigarette holes and have been marinated in gratuitous amounts of whiskey over the years.

*bows slightly and sits down quietly*

This man gets it. Let me buy you a drink (and by buy you a drink I mean I'll give you money because I'm underage and I don't want my 1SG finding out.)
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Intrepid
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Intrepid Ahm

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When people say Fallout 4 sucks, I get kinda peeved. It's an opinion, sure, but it is by no means a bad game. It's just not up to the same (really high) standard Bethesda set for itself when they made Fallout 3. IMO, and I'll probably get flak for it, but 4 is better than New Vegas by a decent margin.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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When people say Fallout 4 sucks, I get kinda peeved. It's an opinion, sure, but it is by no means a bad game. It's just not up to the same (really high) standard Bethesda set for itself when they made Fallout 3. IMO, and I'll probably get flak for it, but 4 is better than New Vegas by a decent margin.

I disagree with pretty much everything in this and it's freaking me out. Both FO4 and FO3 are bad games and New Vegas is a good game because it was made by people that know how to make good WRPGs.

But that's just my opinion.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Intrepid
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Intrepid Ahm

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<Snipped quote by Intrepid>

I disagree with pretty much everything in this and it's freaking me out. Both FO4 and FO3 are bad games and New Vegas is a good game because it was made by people that know how to make good WRPGs.

I can agree with your opinion about it being better in the sense that it adheres more closely to a wRPG style. Heck, even just RPGs in general. I just couldn't get around how dull the characters from New Vegas were. I don't feel as though New Vegas put any effort whatsoever into building an attachment to any character aside from the Courier him/herself. Even companions felt blech, with the exception of dark-backstory Boone. I think one could argue for Veronica and Cass too, but still.

Fallout 3 did a better job in this department, but that really isn't saying a lot, considering it is pretty poor as well. Fallout 4, however, certainly builds up the emotion behind the story and attachment to the characters far more than the others. Companions have legit personalities, backstories that actually give you a reaction that's more than a "huh, interesting." and, realistic, non-robotic reactions to your actions in the game.

That's probably the biggest reason I rate the games in the order that I do. I'm not the kind of guy to get into an RPG just for the sake of it being an RPG. I simply take the whole package and rate it for what it is instead if breaking it down into its constituent parts. I just happen to like the overall result of 4 best... I will say, though, that despite NV being my least favorite, it was still really fun.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Fallout 4, however, certainly builds up the emotion behind the story and attachment to the characters far more than the others. Companions have legit personalities, backstories that actually give you a reaction that's more than a "huh, interesting." and, realistic, non-robotic reactions to your actions in the game.

I mean, it builds up an emotion of anger, sure, which then turns into apathy when you realize that the story in the game makes no sense when held up to even the tiniest bit of scrutiny. And it starts with the protagonist.

I don't know how you mess up a fish out of water story but Bethesda found a way and I blame it on the voiced protagonist. The four option dialog 'wheel' is terrible and a step in the wrong direction for a game like Fallout. Having an option labeled 'Sarcasm' tells you nothing. I had no attachment to my character because I always felt like I wasn't playing the character Bethesda wanted me to play because I played as Lawyer Wife instead of Soldier Dad and I had to keep asking myself "Why is my character totally okay with everything that is going on? Why does she not ask about literally any of the things she's coming across? Why is she totally fine with and good at killing raiders like five minutes after she just got out of a freezer?" I know the answer is as easy as "because it's a video game" but I'm the person that gets too serious about games and their worlds and narratives. As flimsy as it is in, say, FO3 and NV they at least have a part where your character learns how to shoot a gun and then in NV's case go on to put those skills to a quick test in the field.

But even then the main plot is incredibly poor and squanders its potentially interesting concept regarding synths.

As far as companions go...that's a whole other thing. I didn't find the majority of them interesting at all. I liked Piper because I just pretended she was Hildy Johnson but she had one exchange where she talked about her sister and that was it. Cait was just a rude Irish person and then after her quest she was still a rude Irish person, but now would disapprove if you did drugs. Preston was...no one likes Preston. The most interesting thing about Deacon was his appearances before actually meeting him. The companion I liked the most was Curie because with her I felt like I was actually making a change that mattered. She did more for the whole synth aspect of the plot than Valentine, the Railroad, and the Institute ever did. Curie was my favorite thing in Fallout 4 by a large margin, and on a smaller scale the minor subplot with Miss Edna and the teacher hit those same beats.

And yet even still, Curie would always say the same things whenever I looted a guy or entered/exited combat. It was cute hearing her say "That belongs in little baggies for the police, no?" the first time. But then she said it every single time.

I have a lot of problems with Fallout 4 even before the technical side of things enters the picture. And I think my problems aren't specific to Fallout 4 but rather to Bethesda as a whole. I don't think Bethesda makes good games at all. I think Bethesda makes mildly interesting landmasses and stretches a minimum effort main plot over it in the hopes that players will just go off and make their own fun. Which is fine I guess if that's your thing, but it's noticeably way worse in FO4 because the entire point of that game is "I have to find my son oh my god this is the entire reason I'm even doing anything" but then the player can just spend five hours building a house or whatever.

I don't think Fallout 4 is this terrible thing that some of the more vocal detractors say, I just think that it should've played to its strengths rather than be a really, really bad RPG. Fallout 4 is fine if you want to walk around and maybe have a cool moment. Fallout 4 is a terrible RPG.

You like it and that's cool. I wish I did too. I really, really do.

I think I just hate video games now.
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