Has anyone watch the movie Troll? Sucks ball...don't even get me started on the sequel.
@Tulpa Every group has its black sheep, and that's not limited to things like GG. Even the more progressive groups out there have people that do far more harm than good. I don't ally myself with either because I think the entire thing has become two sides just flinging shit at each other and seeing what sticks. It's a constant series of back and forth and "Look at what GG did" "We didn't do it, look at what you did" and no one cares how things started anymore. It's why I called GG a boogeyman now because the people that use it on social media are using it as a catch-all for anyone that harasses, large or small.
<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>
Remember when GG was just people finally done with journalists ripping the shit out of videogamers and lack of integrity in the world of "video-game journalism"?
Yeah I don't either.
I'm not going to reply to you again. Obviously you are not emotionally mature enough to have these sorts of conversations.
<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>
That was what I always associated it with, and it seems funny. Like, was there ever integrity in video game journalism? That's been associated with companies buying off reviews since I can remember. At least in the scandal that started that whole affair the journalist in question managed to get some puss in the bargain.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>
they're all fucking bloggers
they're all fucking bloggers
There isn't really a way to make it into a legit journalistic field because it's pretty much just an industry about personal opinions. Even movie reviews, which are considered respectable, are hard to call journalism. Roger Ebert was a cool guy and all, but he wasn't a hard-hitting journalist, he was a dude who was good at watching movies and telling you his opinion about them. When you double back and figure that places like Kotaku and IGN don't have the sort of patronage that movie reviewers have, but rather rely on prostituting for clicks, their behaviors is completely what you would expect.
@Vilageidiotx Well if they are being paid, sure that's fine. But does it really hurt to mention that in the review? Say its paid promotion, is it really that hard? It's some very simple things that they wanted.
<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>
When clicks bring ad revenue too there's not much that can be done except for totally avoiding them all together.
But at least with movie reviews I don't know if there's any cases - at least that I've heard - where film reviewers get paid off by MGM. But if Batman vs Superman is to suggest anything than a movie that can absolutely bomb in the reviews can still get picked up by the people who'll buy tickets.
Gamergate is for pale, badly dressed virgins who want to belong to something other than an obesity epedemic.
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>
This photo is inaccurate because real gamers have no need for clothes other than their Cheeto stained tighty whities.
Another thing too, which I think makes the GG entirely unnecessary as far as subjects go, is that there are plenty of youtube vidja reviewers who do a way better job at cultivating a relationship with their viewers. Which is to say, IGN and Kotoku are kind of outmoded anyway really.
<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>
This photo is inaccurate because real gamers have no need for clothes other than their Cheeto stained tighty whities.