Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 days ago

Has anyone watch the movie Troll? Sucks ball...don't even get me started on the sequel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

@Tulpa Every group has its black sheep, and that's not limited to things like GG. Even the more progressive groups out there have people that do far more harm than good. I don't ally myself with either because I think the entire thing has become two sides just flinging shit at each other and seeing what sticks. It's a constant series of back and forth and "Look at what GG did" "We didn't do it, look at what you did" and no one cares how things started anymore. It's why I called GG a boogeyman now because the people that use it on social media are using it as a catch-all for anyone that harasses, large or small. I supported GG back when I still thought there was a chance that video game bloggers could go legit but hahahahah that's a pipe dream if ever there was one. Of course I don't agree when people say things like "this bitch deserves to die" on comments or whatever but I also don't agree when someone goes "this fag deserves to die" or whatever. Harassment goes both ways and it sucks for anyone who is a victim of it, legitimate or otherwise. Once people start saying "lol you're a white male you can't have opinions" and "lol you're a woman what do you know" then it's just ridiculous and makes both sides of this way too long conflict seem absolutely insane.

And I again must stress that I don't engage in inflammatory things. I try to be nice to pretty much everyone here when I'm not making absolutely terrible jokes that get pity laughs from people. I'm here to RP and sometimes discuss more of my nerdier pursuits like games and yuri themed animes, not insult others or be inflammatory.

Do I support Allison Rapp's harassment? No. But I also don't support the disingenuous 'reporting' that websites did where they said it was a smear campaign that got her fired and not her moonlighting as a glamour model in direct violation of Nintendo's employment policies. I am totally fine with her doing said glamour shots, but I don't see her as the victim here. I'm not getting involved in her views on under aged sexuality because that's a can of worms that should remained closed.

As for making my points with less bile, friendo I've never made points in this discussion. I just watched from the sidelines, made a comment about my ethnicity, and now look where we are. If my second post in this chain came off as inflammatory or whatever it's because I took issue with the whole 'I've encountered you before and all you really do is say inflammatory remarks so it's not like someone could even have a reasonable discussion with you if they tried.' thing. Because until very recently all I ever did on this site was post in RP threads and hover in my sub tab and I felt I had to defend myself for something I don't do.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

This is still going on then.


Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

@Tulpa Every group has its black sheep, and that's not limited to things like GG. Even the more progressive groups out there have people that do far more harm than good. I don't ally myself with either because I think the entire thing has become two sides just flinging shit at each other and seeing what sticks. It's a constant series of back and forth and "Look at what GG did" "We didn't do it, look at what you did" and no one cares how things started anymore. It's why I called GG a boogeyman now because the people that use it on social media are using it as a catch-all for anyone that harasses, large or small.

Remember when GG was just people finally done with journalists ripping the shit out of videogamers and lack of integrity in the world of "video-game journalism"?

Yeah I don't either.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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<Snipped quote by Fabricant451>

Remember when GG was just people finally done with journalists ripping the shit out of videogamers and lack of integrity in the world of "video-game journalism"?

Yeah I don't either.

That was what I always associated it with, and it seems funny. Like, was there ever integrity in video game journalism? That's been associated with companies buying off reviews since I can remember. At least in the scandal that started that whole affair the journalist in question managed to get some puss in the bargain.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by ASTA
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I'm not going to reply to you again. Obviously you are not emotionally mature enough to have these sorts of conversations.

1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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<Snipped quote by Dinh AaronMk>

That was what I always associated it with, and it seems funny. Like, was there ever integrity in video game journalism? That's been associated with companies buying off reviews since I can remember. At least in the scandal that started that whole affair the journalist in question managed to get some puss in the bargain.

People that write about video games want to feel like they're doing something worthwhile instead of just typing up a low effort puff piece about a bit of promotional footage on Youtube. It's funny when some of them try to act like they're Woodward and Bernstein like when that Kotaku guy thought he was breaking the big story that Fallout 4 was a game being made.

There are no standards in video game journalism because video game journalism is a joke field and I say this as someone who has written way too many stories/essays about dumb video games over the years which makes me about as qualified as any given video game journalist.

they're all fucking bloggers
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

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<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

they're all fucking bloggers

Yea, I think that's something folk need to understand too. They're not big entertainment journalists working for the likes of CNN or ABC or BBC. At the most they're individuals who write in the same blog field who've rallied into an organization that calls itself news. But as a post I read back when GG was just beginning to unfold many - or all of these glorified blogs - could not meet any professional journalistic criteria, and therefore could not associate themselves with the formal real news and media sites.

Shit, the show that shit-talks celebrities and goes on about their daily lives I think has more journalistic integrity than these types.

But as I said earlier the internet does allow for a level of democratic control or ability of choice on what sort of information to produce or consume according to what you want or think is lacking. "Videogame journalism" as it stands is one of the side-effects of the personally curated world of media consumption. Ignore it or read it or view it, do whatever.

The shame of course I'll pepper this with though is that the likes of Kotaku or IGN don't nearly take it as seriously as they could as leaders in their respective fields. If more people flexed their democratic powers as media consumers then maybe they'll be forced to fix themselves, but tbh I don't know if enough people realize this.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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There isn't really a way to make it into a legit journalistic field because it's pretty much just an industry about personal opinions. Even movie reviews, which are considered respectable, are hard to call journalism. Roger Ebert was a cool guy and all, but he wasn't a hard-hitting journalist, he was a dude who was good at watching movies and telling you his opinion about them. When you double back and figure that places like Kotaku and IGN don't have the sort of patronage that movie reviewers have, but rather rely on prostituting for clicks, their behaviors is completely what you would expect.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Dinh AaronMk Are you saying that's not what happened? :P

@Vilageidiotx Well if they are being paid, sure that's fine. But does it really hurt to mention that in the review? Say its paid promotion, is it really that hard? It's some very simple things that they wanted.


they're all fucking bloggers

Sometimes being paid an decent chunk of change. To write those opinions. And just because something is bad for a while it doesn't mean it can't be fixed, with some honestly rather easy things that require not much extra effort. :P
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

There isn't really a way to make it into a legit journalistic field because it's pretty much just an industry about personal opinions. Even movie reviews, which are considered respectable, are hard to call journalism. Roger Ebert was a cool guy and all, but he wasn't a hard-hitting journalist, he was a dude who was good at watching movies and telling you his opinion about them. When you double back and figure that places like Kotaku and IGN don't have the sort of patronage that movie reviewers have, but rather rely on prostituting for clicks, their behaviors is completely what you would expect.

When clicks bring ad revenue too there's not much that can be done except for totally avoiding them all together.

But at least with movie reviews I don't know if there's any cases - at least that I've heard - where film reviewers get paid off by MGM. But if Batman vs Superman is to suggest anything than a movie that can absolutely bomb in the reviews can still get picked up by the people who'll buy tickets.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Vilageidiotx
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Vilageidiotx Jacobin of All Trades

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@Vilageidiotx Well if they are being paid, sure that's fine. But does it really hurt to mention that in the review? Say its paid promotion, is it really that hard? It's some very simple things that they wanted.

Because we don't seem to like that sort of thing culturally. Paid promotions to us are commercials, so less people will pay attention (in theory at least). Paid advertisement websites aren't going to be looked at the same way that a review website is. It's just the nature of the platform really, and I don't see that changing.

<Snipped quote by Vilageidiotx>

When clicks bring ad revenue too there's not much that can be done except for totally avoiding them all together.

But at least with movie reviews I don't know if there's any cases - at least that I've heard - where film reviewers get paid off by MGM. But if Batman vs Superman is to suggest anything than a movie that can absolutely bomb in the reviews can still get picked up by the people who'll buy tickets.

I've never heard of bribed movie reviews either. But I did allude to those guys having patronage from newspapers, putting them in what would be an all together more respectable place then the over-blown blogs that constitute most video game websites.

Another thing too, which I think makes the GG entirely unnecessary as far as subjects go, is that there are plenty of youtube vidja reviewers who do a way better job at cultivating a relationship with their viewers. Which is to say, IGN and Kotoku are kind of outmoded anyway really.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by SleepingSilence
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SleepingSilence OC, Plz No Stealz.

Member Seen 7 days ago

@Vilageidiotx Well considering the things GG actually did, made many sites change their policies on their sites, various charity work. Reject the media's bullshit and show off and prove quite well of their corruption, a long time problem, is still a problem. I wouldn't exactly call them useless or unnecessary. It became a bit of a circus, granted. The only problem with it, like all generic internet groups, like anonymous. Anyone could pretend to be them, and the minority of trolls ruin the internet for everyone.

And honestly, it doesn't make a big of a difference as you think, people can actually appreciate honest and transparency. It's also something that really shouldn't be too hard to do and in some cases, is starting to become part of the law.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dolerman
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Gamergate is for pale, badly dressed virgins who want to belong to something other than an obesity epedemic.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

Member Seen 11 days ago

Gamergate is for pale, badly dressed virgins who want to belong to something other than an obesity epedemic.

This photo is inaccurate because real gamers have no need for clothes other than their Cheeto stained tighty whities.
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by StrangerDanger
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<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

This photo is inaccurate because real gamers have no need for clothes other than their Cheeto stained tighty whities.

Truth. When not in uniform all I have is my tight whities left over from boot camp. They still smell like ample amounts of shame and now have cigarette holes and have been marinated in gratuitous amounts of whiskey over the years.

*bows slightly and sits down quietly*
Hidden 9 yrs ago 8 yrs ago Post by Tulpa
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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Fabricant451
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Fabricant451 Queen of Hearts

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@Tulpa Do you mean my comment about gamers and their underwear? Because if so that's a joke. If it's my post about video games journalism being a joke, well that's just how I feel and if that's inflammatory then you and I have different definitions of the word.

The Law and Order episode you mentioned (I think that's what you meant? The only CSI episode about games I remember is a Second Life one and hahahahaha that was bad) was the rare instance of GG and SJWs (oh how I loathe both those terms but whatever) coming together and agreeing that it was godawful to both sides of the argument. It made gamers out to be like radical terrorists while in the end the woman was left a crying emotionally broken wreck blaming herself for getting involved in games in the first place. Which is like...what the hell is that. The general public doesn't really care about gamers, though, and Law and Order prides itself on being an opportunistic show that embellishes things for the sake of melodrama.

As a woman that enjoys video games sometimes, when I talk games with people I don't really see the need to be like "Hey guys, before we talk about how excited we are for Dark Souls 3, how do you feel about women?" But I also don't really talk about games with people outside of the internet anyway. Gaming still has a long way to go if they want to be held up to the same pedestal as cinema or high art and really that shouldn't be the end goal for game developers or gamers anyway.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Dinh AaronMk
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Dinh AaronMk my beloved (french coded)

Member Seen 11 hrs ago

Another thing too, which I think makes the GG entirely unnecessary as far as subjects go, is that there are plenty of youtube vidja reviewers who do a way better job at cultivating a relationship with their viewers. Which is to say, IGN and Kotoku are kind of outmoded anyway really.

LP'ers are perhaps the better and more entertaining option if for what you said about them being more personable and having a closer relationship with their audiences (they are after all a voice to put to the words, or a face and voice as opposed to words on a screen). Though still not all together perfect. Depending on league of LP'er you can still be bought off, though perhaps in a more obvious manner.

Like Game Grumps getting their copy of Dark Souls III earlier than anyone here in the states. From Software expects them - and they did - play the game early to get America hype and then the game is released and everyone buys it because "Arin played that game!"

Lack of overall YoutTube and AdSense transparency prevents me from saying anything else about their funds. But safe to say on that one case they can be bribed.

In any such case I do fucking adore Chip and Ironicus.

<Snipped quote by Dynamo Frokane>

This photo is inaccurate because real gamers have no need for clothes other than their Cheeto stained tighty whities.

>Not playing video games naked
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Shorticus
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Shorticus Filthy Trickster

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Different video game topic:

When you're discussing a video game whose core system involves random number elements with plenty of warnings about this and people playing the game want to get rid of the RNG elements because they believe the RNG is murdering them when in all reality the game is well balanced and is all about finding ways to not depend on the RNG to do your job for you... uh, yeah, those people are annoying.
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