@Dynamo Frokane Strawman argument the video much? xP
Also pretty sure posting something to a similar effect would've gotten me bitched out by like at least one person already. :P
I wasnt being literal, I'm saying he acts like a cult leader, and hes over dramatic and self absorbed like a lot of megalomaniacal leaders are, luckily hes just a bombastic youtube guy with a slightly more than average following, so he has no really influence where it matters.
Hes literally saying to his listeners if they have people in their family or friend group that aren't his brand of Anarcho-Capatilist then they should cut them out of their lives. Distancing from family members and painting a exaggerated cynical picture of the present world to create urgency are cult leader tactics.
I could literally list the crazy shit he says and does, and based on how silence is reacting to criticism of him, I'll probably have to.