Primary Characters
@Amy - Lead vocal, drums, dance

Full name:
Mackenzie Erika James
Kenzie, when people, including her, are too lazy to say the first syllable of her name. This is what she usually goes by. Max, another variation for the lazy, but reserved for best friends. Puppy, because she is one.
Date of birth:
December, 19
Hetero… no, wait. Bisexual? Probably. She's still figuring it out.

Appearance / Notable physical features:
Those who don't know any better would think Mackenzie a pillar of elegance: slim and shapely, bearing almost regal; steps light and airy, movements deliberate but delicate. She seems to have an eye for fashion as well (really just a side-effect from religiously watching Gossip Girl when she was younger) and despite standing only at an average 5'4, she looks like she could have been a model. But in truth, this supposed elegance is superficial, something she learned during her two-year dip into the pageant scene. That is to say: she's beauty, she's grace, but only until she accidentally walks into a glass door and smashes her face. Then the magic's gone.
Her light chocolate hair is styled differently every day of the week; she can't have a repeat--that's just being lazy. She had chopped it off recently on a whim, and it now only reaches her shoulders. Part of her regrets it, because there's a bit less she can do with her hair now and she misses her crown braids. Her hazel eyes are big and expressive windows to her soul, more often than not crinkled with happiness and laughter. Mackenzie has been planning to get a tattoo for the longest time, but hasn't quite mustered the courage (needles, ugh).
Her light chocolate hair is styled differently every day of the week; she can't have a repeat--that's just being lazy. She had chopped it off recently on a whim, and it now only reaches her shoulders. Part of her regrets it, because there's a bit less she can do with her hair now and she misses her crown braids. Her hazel eyes are big and expressive windows to her soul, more often than not crinkled with happiness and laughter. Mackenzie has been planning to get a tattoo for the longest time, but hasn't quite mustered the courage (needles, ugh).
On and off stage, Mackenzie has accurately been compared to a puppy. It's not a difficult connection to make. Enthusiastic is her default state and she takes on the world with a certain joie de vivre that probably exasperates cynics to no end. She likes to laugh and smile and would shamelessly invade personal boundaries so she can playfully pounce on you. Physical affection and Mackenzie go hand in hand, and it's almost like an addiction, really. She can never seem to spend a day without once sidling up next to a friend. If you stare hard enough, you might be able to see when her tail's wagging—which turns out to be quite often. It doesn't take much to get her excited or pumped up, and she has energy to spare. Unflinching loyalty, definitely to a fault, is one of her most puppy-like qualities. She does anything and everything for friends, even more for family, no questions asked. It doesn't matter if you're in the wrong or when the going gets tough; she'll stick by you through thick and thin, and will share the blame or the burden if need be.
At first, it would seem as though Mackenzie is incapable of taking anything seriously. She's all fun and games and even more fun. But those close to her know that she considers her craft sacred. Mackenzie pours her heart and soul into her music, dedicates hours upon hours every day just perfecting her craft.
Interviews become almost like a game of Russian roulette when Mackenzie's involved. On one hand, she's nothing if not genuine, and it's become part of her charm. She's expressive and candid and you could probably get a folderful of varied reaction gifs from spending three hours with her. People seem to respond to her authenticity, think it's refreshing even. But in this line of work, being a very open book has its risks. Mackenzie is unabashedly herself, has no pretenses whatsoever, and there are times, so, so many times, when that backfires.
The general rule is: when there's controversy, keep Mackenzie out.
At first, it would seem as though Mackenzie is incapable of taking anything seriously. She's all fun and games and even more fun. But those close to her know that she considers her craft sacred. Mackenzie pours her heart and soul into her music, dedicates hours upon hours every day just perfecting her craft.
Interviews become almost like a game of Russian roulette when Mackenzie's involved. On one hand, she's nothing if not genuine, and it's become part of her charm. She's expressive and candid and you could probably get a folderful of varied reaction gifs from spending three hours with her. People seem to respond to her authenticity, think it's refreshing even. But in this line of work, being a very open book has its risks. Mackenzie is unabashedly herself, has no pretenses whatsoever, and there are times, so, so many times, when that backfires.
The general rule is: when there's controversy, keep Mackenzie out.
Mackenzie is the perfect partner-in-crime. She is literally up for anything, as long as it sounds remotely fun. 3am drive to the only open McDonalds to satisfy some craving? She's there. Need a buddy to watch that horror movie with? She's your girl (but she'll be half clinging to you for most of the movie). Going through a shit day and need someone to vent to? There's no better choice than expert cheerer-upper and problem listener Mackenzie. She's hard to frustrate or piss off, and her affable and jocular nature often helps diffuse some of the tension.
More than anything, she likes spending time with her friends. That's the thing about living with a human puppy: she needs attention and affection on a regular basis. Mackenzie is good at reading people and she knows when they need their space, but sometimes she can't help herself. When she's in one of those moods, she'll do her best not to be a bother, but she needs to be within proximity of another human being. At night, when it gets too quiet and lonely and her music doesn't help, she might ask to sleep next to you. Or at least on your floor, just as long as she has company.
Mackenzie's the sort that the more maternal types can't help but coddle. Something about her general carefreeness (actually, it may be her puppy-ness) seems to tug at and activate people's nurturing instincts.
Also, she stress bakes! It's probably safe to anticipate lots of delicious baked goods days before performances.
More than anything, she likes spending time with her friends. That's the thing about living with a human puppy: she needs attention and affection on a regular basis. Mackenzie is good at reading people and she knows when they need their space, but sometimes she can't help herself. When she's in one of those moods, she'll do her best not to be a bother, but she needs to be within proximity of another human being. At night, when it gets too quiet and lonely and her music doesn't help, she might ask to sleep next to you. Or at least on your floor, just as long as she has company.
Mackenzie's the sort that the more maternal types can't help but coddle. Something about her general carefreeness (actually, it may be her puppy-ness) seems to tug at and activate people's nurturing instincts.
Also, she stress bakes! It's probably safe to anticipate lots of delicious baked goods days before performances.
Public records / Bio:
For someone who's not just an open book, but one written in giant font, bolded and highlighted, her family life is surprisingly kept private. There's a Wikipedia article written about her after she won Miss Teen USA three years ago, and though it goes into detail about her school life and her one year reign, there's little about her family besides the listing of her parents' names. Her half-siblings aren't even mentioned, and she'd much rather keep it that way.
<Snipped quote by Excerpt from Wikipedia article>
Her stint as pageant titleholder has given Mackenzie some public exposure in the form of television guest and public speaking appearances. Before this, she used to collaborate with YouTubers and sing covers, earning her a bit of internet fame. And before that, she used to join and mostly win local singing competitions. An old video floating online called '6-year-old wows judges with her powerful voice' is as far back as Google knows about her. Mackenzie would be really surprised if anyone knows any tidbit about her that's older than that.
Although Mackenzie is active on social media, rarely can people get relevant information about her through it. Her twitter is 50% puntastic jokes, 50% excited fangirling about celebrities and movies and television shows. Her Instagram: 1% selfies and 99% cute animals she passes by. Her Facebook had the most personal information, but she hasn't updated in two years now.
<Snipped quote by Excerpt from Wikipedia article>
Her stint as pageant titleholder has given Mackenzie some public exposure in the form of television guest and public speaking appearances. Before this, she used to collaborate with YouTubers and sing covers, earning her a bit of internet fame. And before that, she used to join and mostly win local singing competitions. An old video floating online called '6-year-old wows judges with her powerful voice' is as far back as Google knows about her. Mackenzie would be really surprised if anyone knows any tidbit about her that's older than that.
Although Mackenzie is active on social media, rarely can people get relevant information about her through it. Her twitter is 50% puntastic jokes, 50% excited fangirling about celebrities and movies and television shows. Her Instagram: 1% selfies and 99% cute animals she passes by. Her Facebook had the most personal information, but she hasn't updated in two years now.
♪ During downtimes, she gets sporadic urges to binge watch shows and movies she's already watched.
♪ She easily loses track of time when's caught up in a video game; it would be the next day, when her stomach's grumbling and her eyes sting, that she realizes how much time has passed. Then she quickly amends her all-nighter by sleeping through the rest of the day.
♪ Touch, companionship. It's almost like she craves touch and physical affection. Mackenzie immediately feels upset if she goes without for more than ten hours, and the one thing she can't stand is being alone.
♪ Idealizing possible romantic partners. She wants to see the best in everyone, even if it might not be there. Mackenzie can be easily taken advantage of, and though she's experienced it before and should know better, she still desperately clings to the hope that people are inherently good. She'll give anyone who shows interest a chance, because she thinks everyone at least deserves that.
♪ She easily loses track of time when's caught up in a video game; it would be the next day, when her stomach's grumbling and her eyes sting, that she realizes how much time has passed. Then she quickly amends her all-nighter by sleeping through the rest of the day.
♪ Touch, companionship. It's almost like she craves touch and physical affection. Mackenzie immediately feels upset if she goes without for more than ten hours, and the one thing she can't stand is being alone.
♪ Idealizing possible romantic partners. She wants to see the best in everyone, even if it might not be there. Mackenzie can be easily taken advantage of, and though she's experienced it before and should know better, she still desperately clings to the hope that people are inherently good. She'll give anyone who shows interest a chance, because she thinks everyone at least deserves that.
Vocal prowess: Mackenzie has been told that she goes by raw talent more than anything. She has the power, the range, the emotions, the innate feel for tone. But she's untrained, and it shows in her lack of proper technique. She still has a long way to go in learning to control her gift.
Drums: It's the only instrument she can play well, surprisingly. She can try playing the piano and guitar, but she'll sound super rough. They just don't come as naturally to her as the drums had when she first tried it. She's only been playing for two years, but she can hold her own with it.
Dancing: Mackenzie's been dancing for as long as she's been singing, but she's not quite as passionate about the former. It's more for fun. She's good at picking up choreography, though, and has a great sense of rhythm.
Charm: A lot of it has to do with her genuineness. She's approachable and affable, and her infectious personality goes a long way.
Drums: It's the only instrument she can play well, surprisingly. She can try playing the piano and guitar, but she'll sound super rough. They just don't come as naturally to her as the drums had when she first tried it. She's only been playing for two years, but she can hold her own with it.
Dancing: Mackenzie's been dancing for as long as she's been singing, but she's not quite as passionate about the former. It's more for fun. She's good at picking up choreography, though, and has a great sense of rhythm.
Charm: A lot of it has to do with her genuineness. She's approachable and affable, and her infectious personality goes a long way.
♪ Needles and clowns scare the living hell out of her, and she doesn't even know why. She has a recurring nightmare where she's captured by a Dr. Bobo—half doctor, half clown armed with a giant syringe and size twenty blood red shoes—who keeps her locked in some dingy basement.
♪ Every end of the month, she likes to marathon sad movies for cathartic purposes. Mackenzie sees it this way: you get all the tears and sadness out of the way, and start the next month baggage-free.
♪ Hopeless romantic, hapless romantic. Loves love, but love seems to hate her.
♪ Every end of the month, she likes to marathon sad movies for cathartic purposes. Mackenzie sees it this way: you get all the tears and sadness out of the way, and start the next month baggage-free.
♪ Hopeless romantic, hapless romantic. Loves love, but love seems to hate her.

@Ferris - Lead vocal, bass guitar

Full name:
Samantha McGlynn
Sam, Sammy, or any other variation of her name is fine by her.
Date of birth:
March, 20
Homosexual, Closeted
Appearance / Notable physical features:
Samantha is of South African descent, thinly built, and stands at 5'7" when not wearing her usual high heeled shoes. Her hair is naturally black and wavy, and has only ever been trimmed to allow it to grow out more. Because her hair reaches down to her mid-back and only continues to grow, she sometimes pulls it all back into a high ponytail or a bun, though she generally prefers letting it hang down. Her eyes almost perfectly match the color of her hair as well, as they are such a dark brown that they almost appear black. She is almost never seen without makeup on, either, though she generally keeps it natural and simple unless she's performing or going to a party. Samantha is also incredibly girly, and as such prefers to wear skirts and dresses over pants and t-shirts.
Cheerful, bubbly, and outgoing, Samantha enjoys being around people, especially when those people let her ramble for hours on end. Ever since she was a child, she's always enjoyed making new friends, and will often go out of her way to chat up strangers. These talks are almost always platonic, though. She is most certainly not a flirt, and any attempts to flirt with her that aren't incredibly obvious are more than likely to go right over her head. While Samantha is indeed somewhat shallow and even a bit air-headed, she is a very caring person. She may not be great with giving advice, but she's always willing to lend an ear, or a shoulder, if she knows someone's in need of it.
Samantha definitely isn't one to stay in one place for long, and repetitive or "boring" tasks are bound to turn her off or cause her to become agitated. In her spare time, she likes to take trips to nearby cities or towns, spending the day exploring all sorts of shops and restaurants. This is all done spontaneously, so it's not unheard of for Samantha to suddenly disappear without telling anyone (though she thankfully keeps her phone on her at all times, along with her charger). Getting out often does wonders for her mood, but the opposite can be said for being shut indoors for too long. If Samantha isn't given anything to do that she finds entertaining, she can quickly grow restless and impatient, which leads to her becoming snappy and easily annoyed. However, she is by no means easy to anger, and she does try to keep a cool head even on her bad days.
Samantha definitely isn't one to stay in one place for long, and repetitive or "boring" tasks are bound to turn her off or cause her to become agitated. In her spare time, she likes to take trips to nearby cities or towns, spending the day exploring all sorts of shops and restaurants. This is all done spontaneously, so it's not unheard of for Samantha to suddenly disappear without telling anyone (though she thankfully keeps her phone on her at all times, along with her charger). Getting out often does wonders for her mood, but the opposite can be said for being shut indoors for too long. If Samantha isn't given anything to do that she finds entertaining, she can quickly grow restless and impatient, which leads to her becoming snappy and easily annoyed. However, she is by no means easy to anger, and she does try to keep a cool head even on her bad days.
Samantha tries to mind her own business and space, though she does have her limits. That limit being how bad something smells. She commonly keeps a pack of febreze air fresheners in her room, which she will spray around the house if something smells bad enough to her. However, she won't mess with her roomates' rooms, though she may offer them one of her air fresheners to them, or passive aggressively spray febreze around the outside of their room. Her own room is usually kept clean, if not a bit chaotic. She likes decorating the walls and surfaces of her room with all kinds of things, which can make her room look much messier than it really is.
Samantha will more than likely be the first to wake up in any household, and unfortunately isn't very good at being quiet about it. While her habits are nothing excessive, she can easily wake her roommates up from turning the television or radio up too much, singing to herself or talking too loudly, or clattering plates and pans against each other carelessly. At night, however, Samantha is very quick to fall asleep, and it can be difficult to wake her before she's gotten her eight hours in.
Samantha will more than likely be the first to wake up in any household, and unfortunately isn't very good at being quiet about it. While her habits are nothing excessive, she can easily wake her roommates up from turning the television or radio up too much, singing to herself or talking too loudly, or clattering plates and pans against each other carelessly. At night, however, Samantha is very quick to fall asleep, and it can be difficult to wake her before she's gotten her eight hours in.
Public records / Bio:
Growing up in Maryland under the care of her single mother, Samantha's personal life has always been kept private. What is known to the public is vague at best, and even some of the "facts" are only based off of rumors. She first entered the public eye at the age of 14, when she started a Youtube channel originally dedicated to makeup and skincare tutorials. Although the channel was a moderate success, her habit of randomly disappearing for weeks at a time with no explanation hurt her popularity drastically. It wasn't until she was 18 that she started gaining more of a following.
After a three month long hiatus, Samantha returned to her channel, now living in a crowded apartment with three of her friends from high school. In addition to her beauty tutorials, she also began uploading videos of her playing bass guitar and singing covers of her favorite songs. Her subscriber count shot up dramatically after her returning, gaining almost 6,000 new subscribers within the next year. Spurred on by the encouragement from her subscribers, she began performing in bars and clubs at night for tips, and eventually became a well known name not only on varying parts of the web, but within her hometown as well.
After a three month long hiatus, Samantha returned to her channel, now living in a crowded apartment with three of her friends from high school. In addition to her beauty tutorials, she also began uploading videos of her playing bass guitar and singing covers of her favorite songs. Her subscriber count shot up dramatically after her returning, gaining almost 6,000 new subscribers within the next year. Spurred on by the encouragement from her subscribers, she began performing in bars and clubs at night for tips, and eventually became a well known name not only on varying parts of the web, but within her hometown as well.
Samantha is very secretive about her personal life, political stances, or anything in particular that might cause conflict. She'll talk your ear off about anything else but those things.
She's also always had a bit of a spending problem, along with a hoarding problem. Rather than buying large, extravagant things, though, she typically spends her money on smaller items found at thrift shops or swap meets. These items are usually just decor items, though, and are often never even displayed due to having little to no room for them.
If Samantha is asked to do something she really doesn't care for, she'll put it off until she has to do it. She prefers to have fun first and worry about work later.
She's also always had a bit of a spending problem, along with a hoarding problem. Rather than buying large, extravagant things, though, she typically spends her money on smaller items found at thrift shops or swap meets. These items are usually just decor items, though, and are often never even displayed due to having little to no room for them.
If Samantha is asked to do something she really doesn't care for, she'll put it off until she has to do it. She prefers to have fun first and worry about work later.
-Singing and harmonizing (self taught throughout high school and beyond)
-Bass guitar (learned through guitar classes at her high school)
-Holding almost any conversation
-Bass guitar (learned through guitar classes at her high school)
-Holding almost any conversation
-Most of the things she cooks are sub-par at best, and she often overcooks her meals
-She's rather squeamish about... anything, really. Mice, bugs, blood, left out food, etc
-She's rather squeamish about... anything, really. Mice, bugs, blood, left out food, etc

@vFear - Lead guitar

Full name:
Levi Astrauckas.
"Ruckus" and it's variations, such as "Big Ruckus" and "Lev Ruckus". The nickname "Ruckus" was Levi's nickname through high school, being an affectionate bastardization of his last name Astrauckas which came up simply for the sake of having a nickname in his peer group.
Male ♂.
Date of birth:
June, 20.
Heterosexual. Public knowledge.
Appearance / Notable physical features:
Levi stands at 5 feet and 11 inches with an average and somewhat toned build and light, clear complexion. His hair is a very dark drown which is kept mainatined on the back and sides with a swept top and fringe and accented by a stubble - which serves a double to hide his chin, which he's not happy with the shape of. Both his ear lobes are pierced and stretched to a considerable but not extreme extent and he has a collection of tattoos: including a right arm sleeve, a more minimal left-arm sleeve, and a tattoo across the upper back connecting the two; he plans on adding to his collection in the future, if he can source the money.
The staple-mark of his wardrobe is his glasses: He wears a pair of black, borderline hipster-esque prescription glasses, being significantly short-sighted; the glasses 'complete' his face, and he normally seems a little odd without them. As far as clothing goes, he rotates between themed crew-necks, button-up tops which are normally worn with the sleeves rolled up and the top button open, jeans, slim-fitting tan slacks, brown lace-up quarter brogue cap toe shoes, and black converse canvas shoes.
The staple-mark of his wardrobe is his glasses: He wears a pair of black, borderline hipster-esque prescription glasses, being significantly short-sighted; the glasses 'complete' his face, and he normally seems a little odd without them. As far as clothing goes, he rotates between themed crew-necks, button-up tops which are normally worn with the sleeves rolled up and the top button open, jeans, slim-fitting tan slacks, brown lace-up quarter brogue cap toe shoes, and black converse canvas shoes.
The shortest way to describe Levi would be "reasonably chilled" - he's all about staying calm and happy, taking it easy, and living day-by-day, but not using it as an excuse to get up to no good; he'll often get up needlessly early if he needs to be somewhere in the morning so that he can get himself ready at a slow and steady pace without having to rush. He prefers to get up and work hard to get any work out the way so it's off his plate and he can relax again. He's fairly patient and, reflecting his "chill" nature, doesn't pay mind to a lot of things - only a few things really gets to him. Even in stressful situations and the heat of the moment he's slow to stress, but when he finally boils over he becomes very highly strung and takes a long time to calm down again, even to the length of days or even weeks after it's all over. His primary interests include music, skating, tattoos, and socializing.
He's something of a social butterfly and prefers to spend his spare time in the company of others, preferably in pursuit of interests such as music, skating, and picturesque activities such as swimming at a pretty local river or camping at the top of a hill with a view. He's pretty socially versatile and is open to making friends with a broad array of personality types and tropes; even then, the few who annoy him he has the patience to tolerate in smaller doses. Ironically enough, for someone who prefers to spend his time in the company of others, he's not too fond of parties; by all means, he enjoys a party every now and them, but they're normally a bit too fast-paced for his chilled nature, and his sense of reason often conspires against participation in a lot of party festivities.
When intimacy is involved, his personality changes to some extent. He's unfamiliar with intimacy and doesn't really have his bearings about him when it's involved; he becomes a lot more impulsive, highly strung, and caring in moments of intimacy, but otherwise tries to stay as chill as possible.
He's something of a social butterfly and prefers to spend his spare time in the company of others, preferably in pursuit of interests such as music, skating, and picturesque activities such as swimming at a pretty local river or camping at the top of a hill with a view. He's pretty socially versatile and is open to making friends with a broad array of personality types and tropes; even then, the few who annoy him he has the patience to tolerate in smaller doses. Ironically enough, for someone who prefers to spend his time in the company of others, he's not too fond of parties; by all means, he enjoys a party every now and them, but they're normally a bit too fast-paced for his chilled nature, and his sense of reason often conspires against participation in a lot of party festivities.
When intimacy is involved, his personality changes to some extent. He's unfamiliar with intimacy and doesn't really have his bearings about him when it's involved; he becomes a lot more impulsive, highly strung, and caring in moments of intimacy, but otherwise tries to stay as chill as possible.
Much as would be expected based off his personality, Levi is arguably a good roommate; he's easygoing and low-profile, often sleeping in, spending a fair amount of his time off outside with friends or just skating, and just going about his own thing; he enjoys spending time with his roommates indoors on the couch or in the spa, but prefers hanging out outdoors - unless it's jamming, in which case he's happy to sit in the garage studio all day. In his pursuit of aesthetics he's a bit of a neat freak, and whilst he has a habit of cleaning up after himself he also has a habit of cleaning up after everybody else, whether they like it or not; a sewing project might end up moving from a lounge chair to the coffee table, or a pair of shoes taken off on the dining room might end up moving to just by the front door. He also has a habit of doing th dishes or laundry on impulse if it's untidy enough, which can be both a blessing and a curse.
Levi considers his own room to be something of a personal retreat for moments of stress, spending time alone or in privacy however rare it may be, and otherwise doing his own thing and as such, his room is often given the care of a shrine and is kept in nigh-immaculate condition. If the door is closed the unwritten message is 'don't come in', whether he's in there or not; coming in when the door is closed without knocking or otherwise calling forward in advance is a fast way to annoy him, whether he hides it or not. It also drives him up the wall when people mess up his room. If someone where to both intrude and mess up his room, even the easy-going Levi would get upset.
Levi considers his own room to be something of a personal retreat for moments of stress, spending time alone or in privacy however rare it may be, and otherwise doing his own thing and as such, his room is often given the care of a shrine and is kept in nigh-immaculate condition. If the door is closed the unwritten message is 'don't come in', whether he's in there or not; coming in when the door is closed without knocking or otherwise calling forward in advance is a fast way to annoy him, whether he hides it or not. It also drives him up the wall when people mess up his room. If someone where to both intrude and mess up his room, even the easy-going Levi would get upset.
Public records / Bio:
Levi always has been fairly active on social media but was chilled as he is in all things, so there's a fair amount of information hidden away. It wouldn't be hard to find out that he was born on the US West Coast near Bainbridge Island, Washington State. He attended local public education through to earlier on in middle school, where he moved to the location of setting and finished his education. There'd be a lot of photos with him and his guitar set from late elementary school through to present day as he continued to develop his passion.
Towards the end of his time in middle school, he put together his first band that ran through until half way through high school, with some gigs here and there around the local community. The band eventually fell apart when a few of the moments got swamped in their school work and efforts to replace them were unsuccessful. Until the formation of a new band he's made himself available as a session musician, for which he has a personal website and YouTube channel showcasing some of his works for potential clients. It's public information on his website that he plays guitar as music is his passion, and for that same reason he pursues membership in another band. His website also shows that he's familiar with a wide array of styles and genres and is fairly versatile in that regard. Levi has pursued no further education at this point and is currently working part time at a grocery store and as a session musician.
Towards the end of his time in middle school, he put together his first band that ran through until half way through high school, with some gigs here and there around the local community. The band eventually fell apart when a few of the moments got swamped in their school work and efforts to replace them were unsuccessful. Until the formation of a new band he's made himself available as a session musician, for which he has a personal website and YouTube channel showcasing some of his works for potential clients. It's public information on his website that he plays guitar as music is his passion, and for that same reason he pursues membership in another band. His website also shows that he's familiar with a wide array of styles and genres and is fairly versatile in that regard. Levi has pursued no further education at this point and is currently working part time at a grocery store and as a session musician.
• Levi dabbled into smoking whilst he was in high school, although he's seem to have kicked the habit within the past 3 months.
• Whilst Levi is slow to stress, when he does finally boil over he gets quite badly stressed, and takes a long time to come back down - days to weeks, even.
• Whilst Levi is slow to stress, when he does finally boil over he gets quite badly stressed, and takes a long time to come back down - days to weeks, even.
• Guitar. Levi has played guitar since elementary school and stuck to it, only briefly dabbling in piano in early middle school to drop it to focus entirely on guitar; as such, he's a quite talented guitarist.
• Music Theory. Levi has spent most of his life reading tabs, but is capable of understanding traditional sheet music and music theory elements given a bit of paper to work it out on.
• Driving. Levi is a good driver, and often drives a van around to carry all of his gear.
• Supportive. Levi's passive and relaxed nature naturally help him support others in positions of trouble, and on top of that he has a bit of a knack for it.
• Music Theory. Levi has spent most of his life reading tabs, but is capable of understanding traditional sheet music and music theory elements given a bit of paper to work it out on.
• Driving. Levi is a good driver, and often drives a van around to carry all of his gear.
• Supportive. Levi's passive and relaxed nature naturally help him support others in positions of trouble, and on top of that he has a bit of a knack for it.
• Levi owns an American Vintage '58 Telecaster, a Joe Satriani Ibanez JS2400, and an Epiphone EJ-200CE. The first two are electric with a primary white secondary black finish and the latter is a primary black accented white electric-acoustic which was also his first guitar he bought for himself. He also owns a nondescript 20W Vox amplifier and an array of pedals, although he normally uses the venues amps at gigs.
• Levi also owns a white second-hand 1997 Mitsubishi Express, which he uses to cart around his gear. He often carries some gear for other he's hired to work for as a session musician.
• Levi also owns a white second-hand 1997 Mitsubishi Express, which he uses to cart around his gear. He often carries some gear for other he's hired to work for as a session musician.

@Kaalee - Violin, guitar, viola, cello

Full name: Adalaide Jessamine Laroche
Nickname(s): Addy, by most everyone because Adalaide is a lot to say
Gender: Female
Date of birth: June 17, 1995
Sexuality: Pansexual, she's not announcing it but it's pretty public knowledge
Appearance / Notable physical features: Addy stands at 5'7 with a fit build. She has two ear piercings, a tongue piercing although she rarely wears that one, a tattoo of a treble clef sign on the back of her left ear, and an intricate fleur de lis on her right shoulder blade.
Personality: To the public and even most of her friends Adalaide seems the definition of an extrovert; loud, brash, and a flirt and she is all of those, but she's also manipulative. She doesn't really like people to really know her, so she'll lie, cheat, persuade, in order to keep people away from what she thinks is her true self.
Roommate-ness: Addy is mostly a good roommate but she gets distracted easily, this means that she'll leave what ever she's doing behind quite often but later as she's walking past it she's usually pretty good about picking it up.
Public records / Bio: Adalaide was one of five children, although none of them whole siblings. She has one older sister, one older adopted brother, and two younger brothers. Her father is a police chief in a small town about twenty minutes east of Raleigh, and her mother is an IT business Analyst in the much bigger city of Minneapolis.
Her sister is currently one of the more successful environmental lawyers that exist, and her older brother is in the Army. Her two younger brothers are still in elementary school.
Adalaide graduated high school early, but never went to college for an official degree. She got her EMT license and worked full time as an EMT and part time at a computer repair shop that was in this small college town far away from where she was from.
The violin was something Adalaide had been playing since she was big enough to pick up one. Forced on her by her mother, she excelled at it but she hated playing classical music unless it was Mahler and unfortunately there wasn't enough Mahler in the world to keep her occupied in Classical. She liked composing her own though, something more interesting than the typical part for the violin. She also taught herself how to play piano, viola, cello, and guitar.
Adalaide joined the band because she thought it would be fun for awhile, she didn't think it would actually go anywhere but it's fun and for right now it entertains her.
Adalaide claims she's a Buddhist and she's really good at the whole forgiving part and not judging but she's not so good at the pacifist part. She's a black belt in karate(her mother was into that whole overachiever thing) and she's not afraid to punch people. In fact she's actually pretty happy to punch people especiallyMostly people trying to get lucky with her when she's clearly stated she's uninterested or when other people are harassing people who can't defend themselves. Trying to feel her up is an automatic punch to the nose, trying to feel someone else up is a kick to the nuts for a guy, or a punch in the solar plexus for a woman. She's working on it.
Vices: She may have a slight drinking problem, but really it's more a drain on her bank account than a drain on society. She's never gotten thrown in the drunk tank and she's never driven drunk(most likely because she doesn't have a car at the moment) and the most she's done was punch this asshat who was trying to feel her up at the bar near her house. Otherwise she just gets louder and happier and occasionally in someone else's bed.
Skills: Violin, Guitar, Viola, Cello, Tae Kwan Do, Drinking people twice her size under the table.

@SouffleGirl123 - The Manager

Full name:
Anita Carla Jones
Date of birth:
23rd April, 1990 (making her 25)
Heterosexual, known information
Appearance / Notable physical features:
Anita stands at 173cm (approx. 5'8") and possesses quite a slim build. She generally prefers to keep a professional look to fit her job description therefore is not one to dye her hair random bright colours or get tattoos except on the inside of her left wrist where she has a small tattoo reading "Music Saved My Life" (bit of an explanation in bio). She has both of her earlobes and the middle of her right nostril pierced. She only wears a small stud in her nostril piercing. She's never been a heavy make-up wearer and has naturally tanned skin. Her attire is often kept professional, however, at the end of the day she prefers casual clothing
Sensible and caring, Anita is generally confident in herself until it comes to performing. That's the main reason why she took the management route in the music industry. She can confidently stand up and give a speech in front of hundreds but she develops stage-fright if she's to perform in front of a group of only 20. She comfortable in her own skin and won't change who she is for anyone no matter what. She would never ask anyone to do so either except in the name of improvement.
She's a very headstrong woman and can become quite stubborn when it comes to a topic that she is very passionate about. When she has a goal she will stop at nothing to achieve it whether it'd be to take a band to fame or to have the entire house clean as a whistle. When she believes in something it's hard for her to look the other way. She almost always has a backup witty or sarcastic comment up her sleeve. She makes it very clear if you get on her nerves, which some do, and finds it hard to ignore people trying to annoy her and wind her up. For all those she cares about she cares for deeply but quite often shows tough love towards those people. She is very organised and likes to keep things that way. She is quite on top of everything and is ready to make counter-claims to rumours about her clients.
She's a very headstrong woman and can become quite stubborn when it comes to a topic that she is very passionate about. When she has a goal she will stop at nothing to achieve it whether it'd be to take a band to fame or to have the entire house clean as a whistle. When she believes in something it's hard for her to look the other way. She almost always has a backup witty or sarcastic comment up her sleeve. She makes it very clear if you get on her nerves, which some do, and finds it hard to ignore people trying to annoy her and wind her up. For all those she cares about she cares for deeply but quite often shows tough love towards those people. She is very organised and likes to keep things that way. She is quite on top of everything and is ready to make counter-claims to rumours about her clients.
As long as it's not her stuff and it's not in her room she can live with mess, however, if something it must be put away properly and orderly. Forks and knives must go away in their spot, DVD's must be put away in alphabetically order and so on. If it's not on the floor it's in its place and Anita will keep on top of this. As orderly as she is her room is usually a shocker, paper, files and other bits and bobs to be rearranged can be found scattered on the floor. You know how her wardrobe had item placed randomly? Well now they're all on that chair in her room waiting to be reordered by what items they are and colour. That stack of CDs that went missing? They're in a pile over there waiting to be put away in alphabetical order by artist in chronological order of the CD's release.
As far as household duties go she'll usually be the one cleaning out the pantry and the fridge or folding the washing and putting it away, however, she'll settle for almost anything except cleaning other people's things from the floor or wishing the dishes.
As far as household duties go she'll usually be the one cleaning out the pantry and the fridge or folding the washing and putting it away, however, she'll settle for almost anything except cleaning other people's things from the floor or wishing the dishes.
Public records / Bio:
When she was 12 Anita developed cancer. During her time in hospital music seemed to be the only thing that gave her hope (hence the tattoo). By the time she was 14 the last of the cancer was removed through chemotherapy and a few surgeries and she became officially cancer-free as her family hadn't spread too widely before it was detected it early she it couldn't spread too far. No signs of cancer has returned since. As music gave her so much hope during all the medication and surgery Anita had wanted to give back to the music industry but, as much as she enjoyed playing keyboard and singing, she could never perform in front of people due to stage-fright,that's when she decided she wanted to become a manager to a band and help them in their career in music in hopes of it touching someone as it did her.
When she completed school she continued on to do 4 years of studying to achieve a Bachelor of music management coming in the top 5 in her class. She brags about assisting managers of multiple bands in their rise to fame during her internships while she studied and says to have managed a small group of big-time and up-and-coming artists for sorter periods of time with one of Platinum Record's rival companies Rebel Records in her 3 years of being a qualified music manager.
She discovered the main band through a friend of the group. She had met one of the member's before on a couple of occasions and they did mention that they were in a band but she didn't pay much notice until she was taken to one of their local gigs, she quickly came to believe that the band could achieve great things and worked at getting her record company to sign them. A few days later she was no longer working at the company, insisting she left as she they were being to harsh and quickly applied for a job at Platinum Records. After 9 weeks and 4 interviews she finally got a job there and worked on signing the band to Platinum Records.
When she completed school she continued on to do 4 years of studying to achieve a Bachelor of music management coming in the top 5 in her class. She brags about assisting managers of multiple bands in their rise to fame during her internships while she studied and says to have managed a small group of big-time and up-and-coming artists for sorter periods of time with one of Platinum Record's rival companies Rebel Records in her 3 years of being a qualified music manager.
She discovered the main band through a friend of the group. She had met one of the member's before on a couple of occasions and they did mention that they were in a band but she didn't pay much notice until she was taken to one of their local gigs, she quickly came to believe that the band could achieve great things and worked at getting her record company to sign them. A few days later she was no longer working at the company, insisting she left as she they were being to harsh and quickly applied for a job at Platinum Records. After 9 weeks and 4 interviews she finally got a job there and worked on signing the band to Platinum Records.
- Coffee, she practically cannot live without the stuff
- She can be quite bias and stubborn at times.
- She'll stop at nothing to achieve her goal, even if it involves lying
- She can be quite bias and stubborn at times.
- She'll stop at nothing to achieve her goal, even if it involves lying
- Singing and playing piano/keyboard (however her stage-fright keeps her from performing)
- Speeches
- Organisation and keeping everyone in line
- Persuading others
- Speeches
- Organisation and keeping everyone in line
- Persuading others

@Mivuli - Social media, Internet guru

Full name:

Mikachu (her older sister used to be a huge Pokémon nerd, but she hasn't called Mikayla by that pet name in ages)
Date of birth:
October, 19
Homosexual (but still closeted, except to select friends)
Appearance / Notable physical features:
Standing at 165cm (5’4”), slim and fine-boned, Mikayla is easily dwarfed in a crowd. Her russet hair is cropped, with a wave of fringe that habitually falls into blue-silver eyes. From her fair complexion, it’s pretty obvious to any average observer that Mikayla doesn’t get out often. She owns spectacles, but her degree isn’t high enough for her to have to wear down twenty-four-seven. Her attire is frequently tragically casual – with baggy shirts and jeans, sometimes topped with hats and a leather jacket thrown on.
Down-to-earth and mellow, Mikayla is by nature a recluse. As much as humans can fascinate her with their individual quirks and habits, she much prefers the company of animals and mobile devices. The Internet is her kingdom, as far as she is concerned, and films and photography are fields that most capture her interest. She may be a little stubborn, and she will stand up for what she believes (William Shakespeare might have been a great landmark in literature [debatable], but that doesn’t make his work enjoyable) and for her friends. Teachers have labeled her ‘mature, level-headed, able to keep from being frazzled under pressing situations’, but they have never seen her fight her case in an argument over LGBTQIA-rights before. Additionally, she is innately impulsive, and since she is so enraptured by the phenomenonal workings of popular culture, she can also be just a little obsessive when it comes to fandoms. Just never in public.
When it comes to interpersonal skills however, Mikayla isn’t all bad. She cracks jokes, ribs herself and others, and is quite lively in general. She loves to laugh, and it’s boisterous enough that people have jestingly made fun of her for it before. Her brand of humour and sarcasm is snappish. If you have her hackles raised you will know only backhanded compliments from her; if she is endeared to you, she will place your happiness above her own. Mikayla is, by and large, a frank person, but the prickly barbs of this honesty lie beneath layers of subtlety.
When it comes to interpersonal skills however, Mikayla isn’t all bad. She cracks jokes, ribs herself and others, and is quite lively in general. She loves to laugh, and it’s boisterous enough that people have jestingly made fun of her for it before. Her brand of humour and sarcasm is snappish. If you have her hackles raised you will know only backhanded compliments from her; if she is endeared to you, she will place your happiness above her own. Mikayla is, by and large, a frank person, but the prickly barbs of this honesty lie beneath layers of subtlety.
Roughly independent and self-sufficient, Mikayla is quiet, to say the least. More often than not she will be found plugged into her laptop, with headphones curled over her. She used to have a YouTube channel, where she had a decent following thanks to a passable marketing strategy, before she shelved that away for college, so roommates need not fear walking by her door and hearing Mikayla talking to herself. An introvert, after a day of speaking to professors or students on campus, she would like nothing more than to retreat to her own corner with only herself and her laptop for company. But if her roommate would like to go out for a night and have someone accompany her, then Mikayla would oblige and tail her to the club – just so she can pick up the drunk mess after closing hours and bring her home. She’s a lightweight against alcohol herself, and doesn’t drink.
There’s a maternal side to Mikayla that rears its head when it seems domestic duties must befall her. She will frequent the grocery market, buy milk, ensure the rent is paid on time, and cook dinners. Although she will draw the line at laundry and dirty dishes – those, her roommates will have to settle themselves. Mikayla is all about organisation...except spatially.
Perhaps one drawback of living with Mikayla would be the way she tends to make like Great Britannia, and colonise. It is rather like she has tentacles for arms, and extends them to whatever empty spaces there might be in the apartment. That table heaped with files and reports and assignments? All Mikayla’s. The chair that was put in the corner for decorative purposes and in the interest of space conservation? Don’t bother sitting there; Mikayla left the needles and thread from her last sewing endeavour on it. However, if you push all of Mikayla’s right buttons and guilt-trip her enough, she will pick up her stuff. With very, very audible groaning.
There’s a maternal side to Mikayla that rears its head when it seems domestic duties must befall her. She will frequent the grocery market, buy milk, ensure the rent is paid on time, and cook dinners. Although she will draw the line at laundry and dirty dishes – those, her roommates will have to settle themselves. Mikayla is all about organisation...except spatially.
Perhaps one drawback of living with Mikayla would be the way she tends to make like Great Britannia, and colonise. It is rather like she has tentacles for arms, and extends them to whatever empty spaces there might be in the apartment. That table heaped with files and reports and assignments? All Mikayla’s. The chair that was put in the corner for decorative purposes and in the interest of space conservation? Don’t bother sitting there; Mikayla left the needles and thread from her last sewing endeavour on it. However, if you push all of Mikayla’s right buttons and guilt-trip her enough, she will pick up her stuff. With very, very audible groaning.
Public records / Bio:
Mikayla used to vlog on YouTube for a little supplementary income, and so there’s a portion of her life left indelibly on the Internet – including her opinions and a little of her history. But she kept her family and very private life away from the online window.
Mikayla does engage in social media however, so it would only take a swift Google search away to learn that she is currently studying Business & Marketing Strategy in a local university with decent ranking, and to stalk the photos of café windows, essays verging on completion, campus grounds and libraries that depict the vague storyline of her present life, as well as friends she has made.
If a journalist were very, very good – and not to mention: very, very free with his/her time – he/she might be able to trace Mikayla back to her hometown, where she was born a younger daughter to Jeffrey and Augustus Campbell, with an older sister called Fiona (now a raging success in the biochemistry field). The public eye would also be able to scout out her old YouTube channel, on which she discussed subjects such as agnosticism, and the right to love freely. However, she keeps her sexuality under wraps, and would appear to the audience as a straight ally.
Mikayla does engage in social media however, so it would only take a swift Google search away to learn that she is currently studying Business & Marketing Strategy in a local university with decent ranking, and to stalk the photos of café windows, essays verging on completion, campus grounds and libraries that depict the vague storyline of her present life, as well as friends she has made.
If a journalist were very, very good – and not to mention: very, very free with his/her time – he/she might be able to trace Mikayla back to her hometown, where she was born a younger daughter to Jeffrey and Augustus Campbell, with an older sister called Fiona (now a raging success in the biochemistry field). The public eye would also be able to scout out her old YouTube channel, on which she discussed subjects such as agnosticism, and the right to love freely. However, she keeps her sexuality under wraps, and would appear to the audience as a straight ally.
- Hot drinks and classical films on a cold night
- (Not so much a vice as a severe weakness but) Severe romantic; wants to find someone who can sweep her off her feet, and whom she can settle down with
- Slash-ships. She thinks Johnlock was life even in the Victorian era
- Driving a social media campaign – Mikayla studied marketing – and she was good at it. When it comes to statistics, viewership, and the like, she’s a whiz with numbers and inflating them. Pair that up with her beloved Internet and she could work until she drops and never be happier.
- Faking it until she makes it – There are a few things Mikayla is insecure about, but she focuses on what she has some confidence in, and siphons out esteem from there.
- Mikayla labels herself agnostic
- She can’t take alcohol
- Major geek
- Hates that she’s compact-sized, but figures its an ideal height if she needs to punch a guy’s nuts

@Pundii - Roadie

Full name:
Jackson William Miller
Friends have a habit of calling him 'Jax', a name he usually begrudgingly responds to. Those close to him, including his significant others, usually give him a more affectionate 'Jackie' - Unless you're pretty close with him, calling Jackson this is a pretty sure-fire way to upset him.
Male ♂.
Date of birth:
November, 22.
Heterosexual. Public knowledge.
Appearance / Notable physical features:
Jackson is a little over 6 feet and 2 inches, with a fairly average build. He exercises regularly enough to have somewhat of a muscular build, but he's certainly no body builder, if anything, he'd only be a little above average in terms of muscle mass. His skin is partially tanned, hinting to his European heritage. He keeps a thin beard, neatly trimmed and groomed to be just a little more than stubble, apart from his hair, it exists as the major focus of his style choices. His hair is generally kept short, but long enough to be styled every which-way. His jawline is reasonably sharp, and apart from a few, very small and light moles on his face, he has no real marks on his face.
The entirety of Jackson's arms up to the wrists are covered in long sleeve tattoos, which connect to a large tattoo on his back, running down to the middle of his spine. The tattoos themselves have little connection or meaning, ranging from images of Dragons and Skeletons to notable video game characters. Jackson's wardrobe varies significantly depending on whether he's working or relaxing. At work, he generally wears a pair of cargo pants, generally tucked over his large black combat boots, and somewhat of a tight black t-shirt, along with two hoodies when it's cold, one from the University of Sydney, Australia, and another he wears more frequently styled from the game Starcraft. Otherwise, he usually sticks to collared shirts and jeans.
The entirety of Jackson's arms up to the wrists are covered in long sleeve tattoos, which connect to a large tattoo on his back, running down to the middle of his spine. The tattoos themselves have little connection or meaning, ranging from images of Dragons and Skeletons to notable video game characters. Jackson's wardrobe varies significantly depending on whether he's working or relaxing. At work, he generally wears a pair of cargo pants, generally tucked over his large black combat boots, and somewhat of a tight black t-shirt, along with two hoodies when it's cold, one from the University of Sydney, Australia, and another he wears more frequently styled from the game Starcraft. Otherwise, he usually sticks to collared shirts and jeans.
To sum up Jackson's general personality, one would probably use the term 'Joker' - he's sarcastic, witty and generally finds a way to laugh off any situation. Unfortunately, his timing isn't the best as a result, and he has some difficulty taking total responsibility in a serious situation, when it's easier for him to make some joke or laugh about it. He always means well though, and generally attempts to use his sense of humour to make others happy or to cheer them up if they've been having a bad day. Overall he's a very friendly, helpful guy, he's often happy to lend a hand in whatever way he can and has somewhat of a habit of handing out far more favours than he calls for, always without any form of complaint. Generally, Jackson is a fairly charismatic individual, and is pretty easy to get on with, Jackson's enemies are essentially nonexistent, and usually becomes friends with anyone he spends enough time around, usually able to see the good sides of anyone.
Considering his capability to get along with others, Jackson is almost impossible to anger. He maintains that he has not been properly angry since 2007, although there are a few specific things one can do to piss him off. When he's upset, generally Jackson will avoid making an issue out of it as long as he can avoid it, generally preferring to stay quiet and wait things out as opposed to risking the issue being made worse. He is no coward however, and can and will take the initiative to deal with an issue head-on, if there is no other alternative. Despite being fairly charismatic, Jackson's somewhat of an introvert, and prefers to avoid being at the center of attention in a party, he never holds parties or get-togethers of his own, but will usually go along to them without incident, as long as he can stick around his closer friends.
When it comes to relationships, Jackson usually is of a one-track mind. Usually, Jackson avoids intimacy to a significant degree, due to a fear of commitment. Many of Jackson's past relationships have lasted a few months, a couple of sexual encounters, and then a fairly dull breakup, apart from a few more dramatic instances.
Considering his capability to get along with others, Jackson is almost impossible to anger. He maintains that he has not been properly angry since 2007, although there are a few specific things one can do to piss him off. When he's upset, generally Jackson will avoid making an issue out of it as long as he can avoid it, generally preferring to stay quiet and wait things out as opposed to risking the issue being made worse. He is no coward however, and can and will take the initiative to deal with an issue head-on, if there is no other alternative. Despite being fairly charismatic, Jackson's somewhat of an introvert, and prefers to avoid being at the center of attention in a party, he never holds parties or get-togethers of his own, but will usually go along to them without incident, as long as he can stick around his closer friends.
When it comes to relationships, Jackson usually is of a one-track mind. Usually, Jackson avoids intimacy to a significant degree, due to a fear of commitment. Many of Jackson's past relationships have lasted a few months, a couple of sexual encounters, and then a fairly dull breakup, apart from a few more dramatic instances.
Jackson is not the best roommate, to put it bluntly. He is committed enough to keeping communal spaces, like the living room and kitchen, fairly clean, though he doesn't really have much of a problem with leaving out last night's Chinese takeout until it starts to stink. When it comes to his own room, it's a much different story with Jackson, his mother continues to describe his bedroom as a 'hive of scum and villainy', usually a total sty, with clothes and empty bottles and cans scattered all over the place. The only area of his room that is kept clean is the area of his desk where his computer is, kept in almost impeccable condition so that he can work and play at it much easier. Jackson usually needs a little push from his roommates in remembering more important things, like when the rent is due, and when there might be an inspection, as he usually has no initiative in the more administrative aspects of living.
Generally, Jackson tries to make as little trouble for his roommates as he can, and with a little pushing and prodding, he will happily clean up any mess he's made, however he does have a habit of staying up to ungodly hours of the night playing video games and commentating on e-sports games, which is a habit he's taken up as somewhat of a second job. He doesn't really care about people coming in and out of his room, provided they knock first, after a few awkward incidents with an old roommate. He's very relaxed when it comes to his own room, and never really thinks anyone could make it worse than he already has.
Generally, Jackson tries to make as little trouble for his roommates as he can, and with a little pushing and prodding, he will happily clean up any mess he's made, however he does have a habit of staying up to ungodly hours of the night playing video games and commentating on e-sports games, which is a habit he's taken up as somewhat of a second job. He doesn't really care about people coming in and out of his room, provided they knock first, after a few awkward incidents with an old roommate. He's very relaxed when it comes to his own room, and never really thinks anyone could make it worse than he already has.
Public records / Bio:
Born in Sydney, Australia, Jackson spent much of his young life as somewhat of a miscreant, his father a police officer, and so an authority figure he always liked to defy. He regularly got himself into trouble at school and with the police, and much of his childhood at school was spent in detention, or the principals office. After 8th grade, his behaviour and grades began to improve significantly, and Jackson eventually was awarded dux of his class in 11th Grade, doing well enough in the final year of his high schooling to go to the illustrious University of Sydney. Having always held a love for music, but too much stage fright to really perform himself, he took a course in audio-engineering and musical theory. Completing the course, he began to contact people he'd met during the course and online, searching for work, eventually managing to secure work at a fairly big venue in Los Angeles.
Moving over to the US, Jackson struggled at first to find somewhere to live, and for the first few weeks in LA he lived in a rental van outside his work, eventually managing to get an apartment with some co-workers. In the two years he's lived in LA, Jackson's had a number of different relationships, the longest lasting roughly five months, and he's begun to involve himself in the scene of professional gaming. Jackson has a Youtube Channel for gameplay and commentary on shooters, and works every now and then as a commentator of esports events.
<Snipped quote by Excerpt from Liquipedia article>
Moving over to the US, Jackson struggled at first to find somewhere to live, and for the first few weeks in LA he lived in a rental van outside his work, eventually managing to get an apartment with some co-workers. In the two years he's lived in LA, Jackson's had a number of different relationships, the longest lasting roughly five months, and he's begun to involve himself in the scene of professional gaming. Jackson has a Youtube Channel for gameplay and commentary on shooters, and works every now and then as a commentator of esports events.
<Snipped quote by Excerpt from Liquipedia article>
• Jackson is a casual smoker, generally he'll only smoke at parties or when he's had a particularly rough day, but he almost always carries a pack of cigarettes on him, usually he'll be fairly antsy if he doesn't have it with him.
• Jackson has what some would consider a mild drinking problem, he regularly has one or two beers with dinner, and spends a reasonable amount of his salary on beer and whisky, though he tries to avoid getting drunk when he does drink.
• Jackson has what some would consider a mild drinking problem, he regularly has one or two beers with dinner, and spends a reasonable amount of his salary on beer and whisky, though he tries to avoid getting drunk when he does drink.
• Bass Guitar. Jackson has been playing the instrument since he was young, though he mostly does it as a hobby, being far too much of an introvert to actually consider performing with it, despite any skill he really has with the instrument.
• Mechanics/Tech. Jackson knows his way away around most aspects of the musical trade, generally able to fix most if not all problems with most instruments and peripherals. He also has this skill in relation to cars, having spent some of his time during University working at a Car Repair company.
• Resourceful. Jackson's charismatic attitude and his ability to make connections has allowed him to meet with some fairly important figures in the scene, and makes him a definite 'in' for any aspiring band looking to make it big, he's good for helping to get people together, particularly managers and venue-owners.
• Mechanics/Tech. Jackson knows his way away around most aspects of the musical trade, generally able to fix most if not all problems with most instruments and peripherals. He also has this skill in relation to cars, having spent some of his time during University working at a Car Repair company.
• Resourceful. Jackson's charismatic attitude and his ability to make connections has allowed him to meet with some fairly important figures in the scene, and makes him a definite 'in' for any aspiring band looking to make it big, he's good for helping to get people together, particularly managers and venue-owners.
• Half of Jackson's bedroom is essentially a workshop, usually scattered with parts of amps, guitars and microphones which he works on modifying, fixing and just generally screwing around with.
• Jackson won a 1967 Chevrolet Impala in a random draw a few months after coming to the US, and he treats it especially well. It is his main way of getting around, and he never lets anyone drive it but himself.
• Jackson is also a huge momma's boy, and generally tries to call his mother every night he is able, usually, he'll be fairly upset if he is unable to.
• Jackson won a 1967 Chevrolet Impala in a random draw a few months after coming to the US, and he treats it especially well. It is his main way of getting around, and he never lets anyone drive it but himself.
• Jackson is also a huge momma's boy, and generally tries to call his mother every night he is able, usually, he'll be fairly upset if he is unable to.