Jackson Miller
'Boy-Wonder of the Roadie World'
Taking a sip of the coffee in his hand, Jackson tapped his fingers against his phone to the rhythm of the opening band's set. "Yes, mum, i'm sure about moving out, i'll get some other place soon, and Alex never pays his fucking ren- I meant freaking, mum." Letting out a sigh, he lowered the phone away from his mouth, keeping the speaker to his ear as he took another sip of coffee, listening to his mother's nightly advice and speeches, still trying to give him some guidance half-way across the world. Hearing the cheers of the crowd as the Opening band began to finish up their set, Jackson cut in to his mother's speech. "Alright mu- mum, mum! I've got to go, work's calling. Yes, i'll call you tomorrow, promise. Love you too." He said in a hurried manner as he tossed his coffee aside, hanging up his phone and moving inside as he tucked it into the pocket of his cargo pants, placing his headset back on.
The Australian man tapped his fingers idly against his belt as he walked back inside toward the backstage area, he'd had a rough day so far and this was adding to his overall stress, nothing had particularly gone wrong yet, but he generally held a deep-seeded fear of Murphy's law on gigs like this. The fact that everything had gone well so far, only served to work the Roadie up more, making him hankering for a smoke, though for the time being, he'd held off remarkably well. Getting back with the crew, he let out a breath, clearing his throat as he called out.
"Alright, get the setup reconfigured for the Headline, make sure we've got the keyboard out there and working." He clapped his hands together, making sure those around him were paying attention and doing what they were supposed to. Having helped to put the night together, Jackson had been put in charge of the crew for the evening, it was a stressful situation for him, a nobody band at an important gig, it could've made or broken his career just as it could theirs, tensions were high, but he was keeping it cool. For now. There was a break between both the acts, and he knew the Headlining band was still probably in the green room waiting for their call, but the break just meant more work for Jackson, making sure everything was perfect and set up for the act to go perfectly. "Did we set up those extra amps and make sure they're working? They were funky during sound check so I don't want them fucking up now." Letting out a sigh, Jackson scratched at his bearded cheek, just another night at work.