Sorry I posted before seeing this! :P I wanted to create a daughter of the knight of the judicial division. I thought it might be interesting to see how her character responds to characters who's loved ones have been banished or killed, etc. However, she wouldn't follow in his or her footsteps but would rather favor toward fighting and the military. I don't think I would make her a rebel. Also. sorry for not responding quickly. I'm on my phone so it takes forever to type out things :P
It would be very interesting to see how your and my characters react to each other, considering both of his parents were banished. I think I'm going to have it in his back story that either they were banished while his mother was pregnant, or they had him while they lived in Exilia so he grew up there.
Oooor they were banished when he was young and he got put into some sort of foster care. Point being, he's going to be a little angry about his parents being banished.
I guess it might depend on how benevolent the government is.