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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mok looked at gio as he mumbled something, and went into the kitchen, which made Mok sigh as he pulled two people up and brought them into the kitchen then grabbed Gio and dragged him outside, where Mok looked at him and then held up his hand. "I suppose I can teach you something, its simple but hey its a skill none the less. So hold out your hand. Its a kido hakuda hybrid move, you might understand what it is, and no its not shunko. Mok's palm then began emitting a blue light which slowly began to cover his hand, then Mok went over to a tree and slammed his palm against it, which shatter the tree with blue light going everywhere. "So can you guess what it possibly is?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Ragnarok was caught off guard, expecting to see a flying Aya but instead seeing his own fist. He punched himself, sending himself flying through a large number of trees and into the dirt, forming a large crater.. Lahel was caught off guard, seeing Ragnarok taken down. Suddenly, Aya shunpoed behind her. Without thinking, Lahel jumped away, dodging the sword but the pieces of wood sent flying at her. She landed by Ragnarok, her face filled with anger "You dare try to kill me!" She yelled, looking down as blood dripped from her cheek. She touched it with her finger tips and brought it to her eyes, looking at her own blood as she gritted her teeth "RAGNAROK! I SHATTER YOUR HELLISH CHAINS!" Not even a second after, a massive tower of crimson spiritual pressure rose from the hole which Ragnarok was sent in. The sky turned from a sky blue to a blood red as dark clouds began to form. Ragnarok jumped out of the hole, landing in front of Lahel. His eyes were pitch black as his skin began to darken quickly, his hands transforming into black, scale like claws.Before he could finish transforming, he slashed at Aya with his claws, sending 5 waves of highly condensed crimson energy. Following up immediately after, he appeared behind Aya and swung his other hand, sending 5 more waves from behind as well. The gates of Hell opened more, the shadow which covered them began tearing [i]"Shit, Ragnarok has gone loose! Screw this, there's no point of covering this up! I wanna have my own fun!!" The shadows all collected to one spot and fired towards Kenji, multiple shadow needles at the end of the stream. Meanwhile, the gates of Hell sprung open and released black chains and a powerful vortex, attempting to suck in both Ragnarok and Aya, due to their demon blood. As the chains approached, the massive finger tips of the Kushanada began to emerge from the gates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Lahel dodged her attack, Aya simply smirked and watched her freak out a bit and then told Ragnarok to do something, and that's when he went through this change, yet he didn't even let it finish before sending five waves of energy at her which she countered with five arc of metal, however he went behind her and did the same thing which hit her back causing five cut marks to appear on her back, but due to her amazingly high defense it didn't go very deep bit it did bleed. Aya turned around grinning and laughing despite chains approaching her, she was having to much fun with this Enough Fun that she held a metal top in her hand which she tossed in the air which spun and shot metal needles all over the area. Sadly that was all she was able to get off before feeling a chain wrap around her left arm then both her legs, which swept her off her feet and began dragging her towards the door. "Stupid Door, me fighty you!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Zane620 said
Mok looked at gio as he mumbled something, and went into the kitchen, which made Mok sigh as he pulled two people up and brought them into the kitchen then grabbed Gio and dragged him outside, where Mok looked at him and then held up his hand. "I suppose I can teach you something, its simple but hey its a skill none the less. So hold out your hand. Its a kido hakuda hybrid move, you might understand what it is, and no its not shunko. Mok's palm then began emitting a blue light which slowly began to cover his hand, then Mok went over to a tree and slammed his palm against it, which shatter the tree with blue light going everywhere. "So can you guess what it possibly is?"

Gio wasnt exactly fond of being man handled. once outside he simply listed and watched. as with most things kido related he payed close attention to the mans spiritual pressure. As his hand lit up in a blue light gio tried to figure it out. upon slamming it into a tree gio had a decent guess. "you said a kido hakuda hybrid move. A palm strike and a blue light. there are several ways to do similar things. its a stronger twist on a low skill move." since the tree simply shattered under the force and there was no fire or explosion of anykind he wagered a guess " im just guessing but does it involve Bakudo 8. Seki ? the blue hue and resulting force make me think of it"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Miwa kept her face away from Kurisu as she pouted, feeling a little upset that she wouldn't be able to surprise Kurisa, however she understood the importance of his job since he was a Captain after all.... Therefore she completely dismissed her plan to see him. Turning back to her son, Miwa replaced her pout with a smile to cover it up. Miwa's tone of voice was soft as she spoke while still smiling until she gained a shocked expression when Kurisu suddenly yelled at Shinigami outside before chuckling a little. She didn't say anything about it however, she just returned to reading Kurisu's work. Miwa grinned before gently placing the piece of work back down onto the desk and turning her body towards Kurisu. [b]"Well, I think I've stayed for long enough so I'll let you get on with your work. Don't forget to make sure your father eats the box I made him and make sure you eat up too, you don't want it to get cold ducky heheheh~ I'll see you both at home" Miwa smiled before placing her hand on her lap and giving Kurisu a little bow out of respect to treat him more like a grown up than a child before walking over to the door.

Kurisu listened to his mother speak and watched her look over his work, her visit was unexpected but it was nice still. "I'll make sure he gets it, don't worry and I will, it's no good when it gets cold anyway" Kurisu then watched as his mother walked over to the door "Do you want me to request that Captain Kuchiki returns home when he gets back? I feel he's been focusing to much on training and has been neglecting you recently...it's not right, Captain or not he still has a wife to care for...something I could only wish for"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mok shook his head at his guess. "Well I guess if you consider the color and kido that's blue then a lot would work, but Bakudos are more so to stop enemies or halt them. What I did would have halted an enemy for good. Its Byakurai and Tessho, both fairly common among just about everyone in the Seireitei. You may think that it was simply the force that did it, but it wasn't, what I did was slam my palm against the tree and instead of shooting it, I transferred it into the object, which resulted in them blowing up from the inside. Of course you could shoot it out but then its just a regular Byakurai."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio walked into Kaizo's office after he held the door open for her, reminding herself of the important points that she needed to bring up during the conversation. She stood in front of her Captain's desk and waited for him to take a seat and speak before speaking up herself. Rio cleared her throat before continuing. Rio bowed after speaking, raising while patiently waiting for the Captain's verdict. She had said all that she could, now it was up to the Captain on what to do next. Whether Rio agreed with him or not, she'd follow whatever the Captain decided.

Kaizo listened to Rio speak, giving a detailed report of what she had done and how this new person was, they seemed to act rather dangerously around males which would be an issue but this woman would have to get used to this, Kaizo wouldn't allow any harm to come to his Squad members and he knew Rio wouldn't either. Kaizo thought about this for a few seconds then spoke "Thank you for the detailed report Lieutenant. It would seem you did a great job of testing this new recruit however it is a concern that this new recruit has a bit of an issue working with males or seemingly being around them...this we will have to work on changing, I believe you working closely with this woman is a good idea, however I myself will be putting a great deal of input into her training...I may even accompany her on missions...this male problem of hers will change...if it cannot then we will have to take the matter to the Head Captain and he will then decided weather it's safe if she continues on as a Shinigami or if she should be dismissed and put into an observation program...it appears she is a danger and as she gets stronger this danger will only become greater...So...as the leading figures of Squad 2 we will do our best to train this woman and correct her attitude towards working with males...we will take her on but as I said...we will both be working closely with her.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zane620 said
When the Hollows did nothing, Kagiko explained why, she stared at the tablet and smirked. Squad twelve truly was impressive, able to create such devices that are beyond simple to use and have wonderful uses, uses that benefit the Seireitei as a whole. with the tablet they did indeed cut the hollow count to make it more balanced. However, now that her idea was pretty much finished she would have to begin thinking of another idea that could be interesting and a benefit to the Soul society. When Kagiko suggested they go back she nodded. "Might as well, not really sure where we are, so staying here might be somewhat stupid for me to do."

Kagiko nodded as he heard Nene speak, he then flicked his right arm out as white bandages flew out from his sleeve and wrapped around them both in the form of a dome, then a bright flash emitted and the next thing they'd see, is the white bandages retracting into Kagiko's right sleeve then they'd see the large SRDI buildings "Well here we are, time for a nap. Don't you think? that's what I call hard work" Kagiko then put his hands behind his head as he began walking towards the SRDI. What Nene did now was up to her...but he knew this wouldn't be the last time he saw her...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kurisu listened to his mother speak and watched her look over his work, her visit was unexpected but it was nice still. "I'll make sure he gets it, don't worry and I will, it's no good when it gets cold anyway" Kurisu then watched as his mother walked over to the door "Do you want me to request that Captain Kuchiki returns home when he gets back? I feel he's been focusing to much on training and has been neglecting you recently...it's not right, Captain or not he still has a wife to care for...something I could only wish for"

Miwa Ringo-Kuchiki

Miwa stopped walking, standing right in front of the door and placing a hand over her heart after Kurisu finished talking. The face of Kurisu's fiancee flashed in her mind, causing her to frown and look down. Throughout the whole time she was there, she tried so hard not to think of her but that was proving difficult. After a short moment of silence, Miwa spoke up after sighing. "Your father's just doing what he thinks is best... As Captain and as a man carrying the Kuchiki Clan's name... As well as a man with great honour and pride... Your father has a lot of titles to uphold, he has many duties which he must attend to, even if that means being unable to come home for a while... And as his wife, I understand that" Looking back over her shoulder, Miwa smiled a little at her son. "It may seem as though he's neglecting me but I assure you he most certainly is not. He's doing his very best to keep up his titles and be the man that everyone can look up to and be lead by. The man that everyone can trust to put everything on the line to protect everyone and carry out his roles. Your father has alot on his plate Kurisu, I just... wish I could be of more use to him... I want to be able to loosen the load on his shoulders when I can see they're effecting him too much... but unfortunately I don't posses the strength to do so. I'm not suitable for what he does... One couldn't even imagine the strain it puts on his soul... No one else may be able to notice, but I know your father well, I can see when it effects him but all I can do is try my best to be as helpful as possible. Your father's a stronger man than everyone thinks heh, so don't worry about us, just worry about yourself" Realising she may of talked for too long, Miwa decided to say one last thing to Kurisu before she left. "And son... I'm deeply sorry about what happened... But you mustn't hold on to the past, that won't do you any good... We tried our best but it wasn't good enough... However, you know that all she wanted was for you to be Okay and alive... From what I see, you are those things and even more... She would of been happy to know that.... Just don't let yourself be consumed by the past son... I'm speaking from experience and although my situation may of been different, in the end, that doesn't matter, all that matters is that you don't let yourself be controlled by it and just try to live on... not just for yourself, but for her also... You know that she'll always love you Kurisu and just wants the best for you" Miwa gave him one last soft smile before exiting the room and sighing once more. 'Now, what to do... I guess I'll just go home but it's boring without anyone else there... hmm'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo listened to Rio speak, giving a detailed report of what she had done and how this new person was, they seemed to act rather dangerously around males which would be an issue but this woman would have to get used to this, Kaizo wouldn't allow any harm to come to his Squad members and he knew Rio wouldn't either. Kaizo thought about this for a few seconds then spoke "Thank you for the detailed report Lieutenant. It would seem you did a great job of testing this new recruit however it is a concern that this new recruit has a bit of an issue working with males or seemingly being around them...this we will have to work on changing, I believe you working closely with this woman is a good idea, however I myself will be putting a great deal of input into her training...I may even accompany her on missions...this male problem of hers will change...if it cannot then we will have to take the matter to the Head Captain and he will then decided weather it's safe if she continues on as a Shinigami or if she should be dismissed and put into an observation program...it appears she is a danger and as she gets stronger this danger will only become greater...So...as the leading figures of Squad 2 we will do our best to train this woman and correct her attitude towards working with males...we will take her on but as I said...we will both be working closely with her.."

Rio Okotaru Darishimo

Rio nodded and bowed after her Captain came to a conclusion. Raising, Rio looked back at her Captain, still holding the same straight facial expression as she usually would. "As you wish Captain. I will relay the news to Nohime and let her know of the next step in her training. I agree with your decision fully and will speak to her as soon as I can, however I will finish my report on improvements that could be made to the Squad's training to make it more effective first. Thank you for your time Captain." Rio bowed once more before walking to the door and letting herself out, closing the door behind her gently.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Sui floated inside the second squads barracks and went down the hallway and was going to knock on the door when a girl came out of it, which made Sui shrug and then stand in front of her looking down. "Hey, Sui Sanda fourth seat of squad nine. Came by to tell you, that your member Takara, believe she was also fourth seat. Will most likely not be returning, you see its involves some clan stuff, these tattoos that give us powers and ya kill a member of the clan you get that power. Well she tried to kill me, and well..... I blew her down a cliff, all I know is she is alive, since I don't have her little tricks, but yeah..... She did lose an arm though. Thought I should report that since you know, she was in this squad." Sui said with a little wave as she then began walking away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Zane620 said
Mok shook his head at his guess. "Well I guess if you consider the color and kido that's blue then a lot would work, but Bakudos are more so to stop enemies or halt them. What I did would have halted an enemy for good. Its Byakurai and Tessho, both fairly common among just about everyone in the Seireitei. You may think that it was simply the force that did it, but it wasn't, what I did was slam my palm against the tree and instead of shooting it, I transferred it into the object, which resulted in them blowing up from the inside. Of course you could shoot it out but then its just a regular Byakurai."

gio simply nodded attentively. energy transferal, byakurai, tessho. it was nice, but barely impressive. Gio didnt agree with the whole 'bakudo are only for stopping and halting' but its probably because he's seen and done some interesting things with kido himself. What Gio would admit to being impressive is the captains level of control. Blending the two techniques isnt the hard part, dulling them down to such a small level of power was. "thats nice but, i have to ask. would you say you need both the kido and the hakuda to be the same level. like tessho and byakurai are common. so would a hybrid move using raikoho, be usable with tessho or would you need a higher level skill to compensate for the power?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mok was ready to go back in when suddenly Gio asked a question if Byakurai could be substituted for something more powerful like Raikoho. " I don't see why not, truly its all about creativity when you combine moves. I just wouldn't do something like Tessho and Haien. Have to have some common sense now. Just make sure you can control it though, I'm not taking responsibility if you blow something important up. Besides if you thought that was nice you should see some of the other Kido I can do, it'd make you shit your pants. Now go ahead and carry on." Mok said heading back inside, heading to his office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 2 days ago

Gio took note of the 'advice' and went inside to get some food. He didnt ask anyone about the captains training, or about the hollow clean up. After all it didnt matter, the way he saw things now, he would have more time to work on bankai but less time to get to his district friends. It was an acceptable trade off in his mind so long as he wasn't stuck cooking every evening. He just had to wait for everything to smooth out into a routine again, like it always did. Then he could focus on other relevant things, and what ever the Captain wanted squad wise. This would be fun, and interesting to see how everything would turn out now that they had a captain. and more importantly that Gio didnt have to do most of the work on his own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
As Lahel dodged her attack, Aya simply smirked and watched her freak out a bit and then told Ragnarok to do something, and that's when he went through this change, yet he didn't even let it finish before sending five waves of energy at her which she countered with five arc of metal, however he went behind her and did the same thing which hit her back causing five cut marks to appear on her back, but due to her amazingly high defense it didn't go very deep bit it did bleed. Aya turned around grinning and laughing despite chains approaching her, she was having to much fun with this Enough Fun that she held a metal top in her hand which she tossed in the air which spun and shot metal needles all over the area. Sadly that was all she was able to get off before feeling a chain wrap around her left arm then both her legs, which swept her off her feet and began dragging her towards the door. "Stupid Door, me fighty you!"

The metal needles all bounced off his skin as he ran at Aya, jumping to claw at her again. While midair, multiple chains came from behind and covered his entire body. He struggled, the chains cracking as he roared and released a massive amount of crimson energy. Before he could continue, a massive blade came from behind and pierced through his entire torso. He screamed in pain as flames spewed out of his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. He was then pulled into gates of Hell, his reiatsu vanished. Midattack, Abyss vanished and appeared next to Lahel, picking her up. He looked at Kenji, with a grin "We'll be back the two vanished, leaving no traces behind. Meanwhile, more chains came out and wrapped around Aya's other limbs. The fingertips continued forward, a massive hand coming out of the gate and hovering over Aya. A massive blade came out of its palm, coming down to punish and take Aya to Hell. But suddenly, Aya would feel an energy that brought back nostalgia. The feeling would bring happiness to any mother. "GET YOUR HANDS AWAY FROM MY MOTHER!!!!" On the other side was Hozumi, now with the body of a 15 year old. He had a giant odachi in his hands. He swung it down with all his might, slicing through the Kushanada's arm. He grinned "Finally, I cut you bastards" He said as he landed on its arm. The chains which covered Aya shattered as the arm began to sink back into the gates. The Kushanada was falling from the cut. However, around Hozumi was dozens and dozens of Kushanada, all moving towards the gates. Luckily, he wasn't alone. Both the Old Man and Lucy were holding off the Kushanada the best they could. Lucy turned back to Hozumi "HOZUMI!! DO IT!!" He nodded looking at them "Thank you" He said as he turned around and ran towards the gates, up the Kushanadas arm. Lucy smiled "No thank you" She said as a giant Kushanada approached her. She grinned "You won't be gettting past me!! "The universe, born under 2 sides. Light and Darkness. Sun and Moon. Good and evil. Apart, chaos rises as the world tries to find balance. Together, in unision, let their lights radiate on our world!" Hado 93 Sotokama!" Two lights formed in each of Lucy's hand, one black and the other white. She fired them off in opposite directions and began to form intricate hand signs as she swiftly waved her hands around. The two giant beams light followed the patterns, growing as they continued to work their way. She then clasped her hands together, the two now massive beams of closing in on the Kushanada from both sides. The two beam hit it, causing an explosion of catastrophic proportions. Despite still being fine, the Kushanada had slowed down

Meanwhile, Hozumi was running up the Kushanada's arm, approaching the gates of Hell. In the Soul Society, its hand had already fallen out and the gates began to close, this time releasing a typhoon and pushing everything back. Hozumi gritted his teeth "Shit, I'm running out of arm" He ran, up until he got to the edge of its fist. With one last leap, he jumped from its fist towards the gates. He extended his hand outward, hoping his hand would pass through the gate. But instead, his body was covered and filled with a black lightning. There was a barrier at the gates, preventing him from going any further He screamed in pain, but kept on moving his hand forward. Trying to pass through and trying to go home "RAAAAH!!!!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Aya was being dragged Ragnarok tried to attack only for the chains to grab him, yet then he got stabbed through the chest and brought back to hell, while Aya was being slowly dragged in, with a hand hovering over her. "Stupid hand I fighty you to!" Yet suddenly she heard a voice which made her look around and watch as the arm was cut by none other than her son, which made a grin appear on her face as the chains vanished, not really caring that she was just getting pulled towards it, Aya took off in a sprint towards the gate not caring about all the explosions. she saw Hozumi leap but wasn't able to fully get through, but truthfully Aya wasn't having any of this shit. Despite the wind trying to blow her back, she pushed forward like it what nothing, if anything her eyes were even more red than ever, her will was going strong enough that she was even able to sprint during this wind, arriving at the gate and making a huge Steel pillar holding the doors open, but who knows for how long. Aya then slammed her fist at the barrier, hitting it several times, before coating her fist in steel and ramming her hand through. She looked at Hozumi and pushed her arm through and tried to reach him. "Mommy here, Hozumi." Aya then grabbed His arm and couldn't help but smile at him. Granted about ten percent was cause she loved the pain she was going through, but it was mostly cause of Hozumi, and it would take more then hell to make her let go now.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Hozumi was about to he propelled back, he felt a cold hand grab his arm. Despite it's coldness, he felt some warmth from it. Warmth he longed for from his mother "Mom" He said with a smile, ignoring the pain of the electricity. Then he heard a voice in his head Hozumi...you can't...look at her arm Hozumi looked at his mothers arm. Rather than him getting pulled out, she was getting pulled into Hell. He looked at his Sensei, who shook his head once You have to let go Hozumi. Or your mom will also be stuck in Hell and she may never be herself again. You know what happens to those with demon blood in them...you know what to do Hozunmi turned back to his mother, his eyes watering up. His arm passed through the barrier, the skin on his arms disintegrating. His arms kept on disintegrating, however he moved his arm forward and wrapped then around his mother. Hozumi stared into his moms eyes, his crimson eyes spiraling.Suddenly, the two would find themselves in the middle of space. Nothing around them but the night sky. Hozumi was hugging Aya, a smile on his face. He had forgotten the feeling if a mothers warmth. "I remember you being so tall before, what happened mom?" He said, now with about a heads length between their height.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aya kept trying to pull Hozumi out yet somehow found herself being hugged and the floating in space, where Aya was being hugged by Hozumi, which made her sniff and revert to her human form. "What do you mean how? You went with some strange lady! And then you went to hell, and then and then." Aya said sniffing as her grip increased on Hozumi. "You realize that as soon as you get home, that you are beyond grounded! You will be an old man before you are let off the hook! Aya said looking at him. " Yet I would assume you are taller, cause of whatever was in Viole's genes........ You are going to go away again aren't you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Ayashi walked down the hall with Lelouch beside her, they had spent most of the day training. Of course she told Yu she was going to be training to make up for the past few months she hadn't since he agreed to watch Amaya for the day. Once to Yu's room she slowly opened the door stepping inside, her breathing a bit heavy with her Shihakusho top down wearing bandages around her chest and torso (To cover up her lady meat of course). She was sweating a little too, walking up to Yu she planted a kiss on his cheek, "Hi!" she said before looking up at Amaya who looked as if she just downed a whole pie in one bite, "She has more of an appetite than most Shinigami...." she commented.

Lelouch stood in the doorway, sweating too with his Shihakusho down though nothing to cover his toned body. He gave a small smile sticking his hand up, "Hey Yu, how are you?" she asked before his eyes drifted to Amaya. "She's so adorable! Just like the first time I saw her!" Lelouch said. The first time he saw her, of course, being when he helped Ayashi out in that fight. Which Ayashi told Yu about, and about how how she found him a bit off....But they had seemed to grow a bit close throughout their time knowing each other, mostly as Ayashi felt he was a bit familiar....She had introduced Lelouch and Yu once before but didn't know how their relationship was like, probably just only spoke that once.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Once he left Squad four Takeshi went back to Squad six. He went into his room and walked to the mirror looking in it, lightly touching his torso he winced. He wanted to do a mission to make up for being away during his healing time, but it was obvious he wasn't ready yet. One attack and he risked his wounds opening again, the most he could do was train himself....So that's what he set out to do. Strapping his Zanpakuto to the back of his waist again he left the Squad six barracks and headed into a forest. Once he was there he stopped in his tracks seeing a figure bending down to flowers, "E-Excuse me...." Takeshi said as he stepped closer, a flush then set on his cheeks seeing who it was, "O-Oh it's you......Didn't expect to see you here."
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