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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Zane620 said
Aya kept trying to pull Hozumi out yet somehow found herself being hugged and the floating in space, where Aya was being hugged by Hozumi, which made her sniff and revert to her human form. "What do you mean how? You went with some strange lady! And then you went to hell, and then and then." Aya said sniffing as her grip increased on Hozumi. "You realize that as soon as you get home, that you are beyond grounded! You will be an old man before you are let off the hook! Aya said looking at him. " Yet I would assume you are taller, cause of whatever was in Viole's genes........ You are going to go away again aren't you?"

Hozumi let go of Aya and rubbed the back of his head when she yelled at him. His presence was much more different compared to before. He wasn't the helpless child like before, he was now becoming a man. "Hehe sorry about that. I felt like I just had that, that the answers I was seeking would all be there if I followed. And they were! But...I guess that was selfish of me" He said, feeling had for what he had done to his mother. He laughed, feeling happy for once after what she said "I had a feeling is be grounded. He'll doesn't sound as bad anymore, it's not as scary as your wrath" He remained silent after what she said, not answering the question just yet. He nodded"It is...I met him by the way. My dad. Just by seeing him, I could tell he was different, like me. But...He wasn't what I expected, he was goofier than I expected" He said with a laugh "But he seemed so tired, as if he had been fighting longer than any of us could imagine. I'm sorry mom, I can't come back. Not yet. I have to finish what he couldn't. And I can't let you get sucked into here mom, Hell will make you go into your demon mode until you die of exhaustion. I've seen it happen. But I'll be back" He said with a smile "Until then, please wait for me until I get strong enough to protect you" He moved forward, wrapping his arms around her once again. He hugged her tightly, not knowing when will the next time be until he feels this again "Thank you...for giving birth to me and being everything I could ask for...goodbye, mom" Leaving enough time for her to say their goodbyes, they would remain in the place they were for a little longer. Then, a white light enveloped the two of them, sending them back to reality. As soon as they came back, Aya's grip would slip off of Hozumis arm as she was sent back away from the gate by an unknown force. Hozumi pulled his injured arm out of the barrier, a smile on his face as the gates continued to close "I'll be back" Was all he was able to say, before the gates of Hell closed forever shut and faded away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Ayashi walked down the hall with Lelouch beside her, they had spent most of the day training. Of course she told Yu she was going to be training to make up for the past few months she hadn't since he agreed to watch Amaya for the day. Once to Yu's room she slowly opened the door stepping inside, her breathing a bit heavy with her Shihakusho top down wearing bandages around her chest and torso (To cover up her lady meat of course). She was sweating a little too, walking up to Yu she planted a kiss on his cheek, "Hi!" she said before looking up at Amaya who looked as if she just downed a whole pie in one bite, "She has more of an appetite than most Shinigami...." she commented.Lelouch stood in the doorway, sweating too with his Shihakusho down though nothing to cover his toned body. He gave a small smile sticking his hand up, "Hey Yu, how are you?" she asked before his eyes drifted to Amaya. "She's so adorable! Just like the first time I saw her!" Lelouch said. The first time he saw her, of course, being when he helped Ayashi out in that fight. Which Ayashi told Yu about, and about how how she found him a bit off....But they had seemed to grow a bit close throughout their time knowing each other, mostly as Ayashi felt he was a bit familiar....She had introduced Lelouch and Yu once before but didn't know how their relationship was like, probably just only spoke that once.

As Ritsuna left, Yu went back to work while Amaya finished off the rest of the pie, which Yu again cleaned her face and hands which made her giggle and pull on his hair, that made him smile and give her a hug, and then he received a kiss from Ayashi followed by a hi, which he nodded at and chuckled at her comment on Amaya's eating habits. "Indeed, I might have to take her to do some training with daddy. Would you like that sweety?" Yu asked which Amaya responded with a vigorous grr and then punched his desk, causing a break in the middle of it, which Yu stared at. Then he heard another voice which made him turn around looking at Lelouch, where Yu simply waved at him. He then went on about how adorable Amaya was, which she grr at him and held up her little arms at him. "Yes, you are my tough little warrior." Yu said which got him a giggle and a hair pull. "so how was training?"
Expllo said
Once he left Squad four Takeshi went back to Squad six. He went into his room and walked to the mirror looking in it, lightly touching his torso he winced. He wanted to do a mission to make up for being away during his healing time, but it was obvious he wasn't ready yet. One attack and he risked his wounds opening again, the most he could do was train himself....So that's what he set out to do. Strapping his Zanpakuto to the back of his waist again he left the Squad six barracks and headed into a forest. Once he was there he stopped in his tracks seeing a figure bending down to flowers, "E-Excuse me...." Takeshi said as he stepped closer, a flush then set on his cheeks seeing who it was, "O-Oh it's you......Didn't expect to see you here."

Anges was relaxing in the forest observing nature at its finest, which she considered to be flowers, so she was in the middle of a group of flowers smelling them, when she then heard a familiar voice, so she looked over at him and smiled. "Ahhh Takeshi, or Big Brown which your friend calls you." She giggled slightly at this as she stood up a bit. "We haven't talked in a while, but I understand why, I heard you were gravely injured. Are you okay to be walking around?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Aya simply pouted at him as he spoke yet when he hugged her she couldn't help but cry a bit and hug him back. "You better come back, or I will come to hell and ground you there. I will do it, ill fight that stupid door and everything." Aya said, and soon found herself slipping away from Hozumi and being blown away from the door, which then closed and faded away, which made Aya look around sobbing a bit. She then looked at Kenji and pretty much did the biggest tackle hug ever, except she more so just cried on his shoulder.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I think Amaya will grow up to be a good Shinigami, if she decides to go down that route. We'd be giving a great contribution to the Soul Society," Ayashi said as she gave a small pinch to Amaya's cheek. She stopped and looked at Yu once again, "It went great, I think I've gotten faster. And do I look more toned to you?" she asked as she took a step back but shrugged, "I guess that doesn't matter all that much, but I have gotten better with my Shikai moves. So it was a good training day."
"Big Brown? I haven't heard that in a while," Takeshi said with a small laugh. Once she mentioned his injuries he looked down at his torso before he looked up at Anges again, "Well I was let out of Squad four without Fuma strapping me so I can only take that as an ok to walk around. Though it's mostly my torso that's been injured, not my legs....Luckily that second arrancar didn't seem to have much accuracy with his attack, so he managed to miss my heart and skull....Oh! I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make this all about me....How are you feeling, Anges? Have you found the two you were looking for?"
Kenji wasn't sure what in the actual fuck happened there but he assumed that fifteen year old kid there was her...Son? After he managed to avoid those shadows he just stood and watched, there really wasn't much he could do in that situation anyways. Once it was over he saw Aya turn....Then she tackled him and hugged him, then began crying on his shoulder. He gave a small smile as an arm went around her torso, his hand then held onto the back of her head, "I can only hope those are tears of happiness....You'll see him again, Aya."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Indeed, has more power than most children would have. Yet choice is hers when she gets older, she can become whatever she wants, not like most can tell her no. When she grows up, who knows how strong she will be." Yu said as he looked over at Ayashi who asked him a question in which he just smiled. "You've always had a toned body, so if anything its even more toned. Yet good to know that you improved a bit. Me however, I would probably be done with paper work if Amaya didn't try to draw on everything." Amaya then did an evasive look away, which made Yu poke her nose, as he looked over at Lelouch. "Oh sorry Lelouch, can I get you anything?" Just then Meowgi ran out from under the table and pounced at Lelouch yet fell short and landed near his feet on his stomach. Yu just stared at Meowgi, while Amaya walked over to Meowgi and picked him up and walked over to a seat on the ground and sat there petting the cat.
"Ah my apologies if it offended you, I just remember the little girl calling you it, and you didn't seem too upset about it." Anges then listened to him, chuckling a bit at the Fuma part, then nodding at the rest. "Ahh well good to hear you are up on your feet again. And good to hear Fuma didn't hold you hostage for moving, he really seems to have an issues with that, but it provides for some amusement if its not really you on the receiving end. And I'm quite all right, a little tired but otherwise okay. Ahhh yes I did, it was good to see my cousins it was quite funny to see how different yet close they were, although I didn't expect them to be.... how does one say it nicely? They can be offensive at times, but still I'm glad I meet them."
Aya just sobbed some more as he spoke and simply nodded her head, before sitting. "You might be wondering why he is so big, I didn't adopt him, its just the crystal that Viole gave me, and and, well I guess fast aging was just in his genes or something. Truthfully in time hes been born hes not even a year old yet." Aya said giggling a bit. "Geesh, my family just gets weirder and weirder...." Aya said sniffing a bit and then poked Kenji's nose. " C-can I have that Ice cream now? I could really use it now more than ever."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

"I don't even know where she got her strength from....Well, I might have an idea," Ayashi said then nodded at the other bit. She looked down and touched her stomach before looking back at Yu frowning, then looking at Amaya. "You know what happens when she has a chance to draw, she just does it no matter on what or where." She then gave a small smile showing she wasn't truly upset. Once Yu asked Lelouch a questioned he was about to answer but stopped when he saw the scene with Amaya and the cat. He gave a chuckle before speaking softly, "Oh no, I'm fine. I was just about to make my leave anyways. I'll hopefully speak to you later," Lelouch said before he turned and left the room while shutting the door gently.
"Oh no, you didn't offend me! Just that I haven't spoken to Jewel in a bit is all," Takeshi said before taking a small step forward, a bit hesitant though. "You know Anges, it's good to be fully rested....Though being a bit tired won't hurt, I guess....." Takeshi shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck as he began sweating a bit. He really didn't know where he was going with that, but continued speaking anyways, "I hope your feelings weren't hurt, that would be....Not good." Takeshi gave a small shrug again as he looked to the ground, blush on his face.
Kenji gave a small chuckle as both of his arms were wrapped around her, a small smile on his face, "Yeah, your family is a bit weird. But it's different, not everyday are people going through this. But that's probably for the better." Kenji then stood up still holding onto Aya with her pretty much pressed against his waist. He then began walking, "Yeah, we can get you ice cream," Kenji said as he then shifted a bit and carried Aya bridal-style, "We should probably hurry before we get interrupted again~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

training post 1

Gio thought up several combinations based on what Captain Mok showed him. It was a simple concept, one that Gio’s shikai already enabled him to do in theory. It would probably be better to perform such techniques without the aid of his shikai. The more he thought about it, the simpler it became. He was already a kido master. While his skills might not be on par with a more experienced captain he was more than capable of captain class feats. They just were not at the level of a captain. But because of how much he pushed himself, and how his ability worked anything having to do with Kido came easy to him. Hakuda on the other hand was a bit more difficult so he would probably stick with lower level skills even though he had been training for a while now.
Gio held out his hand gathering energy into it. It was a basic technique, one he would use as a foundation to learn his Captains Technique. Idly he wondered about the captains past, not that it mattered. But if the head captain was bringing people in to be captains instead of bringing people up then they were already up shits creek. Gio, of course didn’t mind outside sources, as made evident by his dealings with the Sect. He found himself curious as to if Captain Mok had any affiliation with them. It would be far too ironic if he was but Gio wasn’t inclined to ask him.

What he was inclined to do however was to go to the training area. “ a combination of Tessho and Byakurai.” He muttered to himself. The kido was lightning based, which meant it was fast unlike shakahho which could allow for more aiming. That was probably why one was traditionally shot from a finger and the other a palm. But the captain gathered the energy around his hand, so Giovanni held out his hand and tried. It took a few attempts to get a reign on gathering the energy without shooting it immediately. He had to release the energy while reigning it in. It helped to visualize his spirit energy, so that he could control and manipulate it. After about an hour he had gotten a handle on ‘holding’ the kido, so it looked like he was holding electricity. There had already been a researched concept in the corp about ‘holding’ a spell. It was one of the many useful bits of research that never got any application, until now. That in and of itself was a good thing. But it was only a step, towards something greater.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

(damn double)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Yu nodded at Lelouch as he left and waited a few minutes before shaking a bit. "Yeah I can see the odd or creepy factor about him, that and Meowgi is usually to lazy to try and pounce on people, well I'm sure hes a nice guy, when he doesn't feel like he is always watching you." He then watched Amaya walk over to him with a little drawing of him and Ayashi plus Meowgi and her, which made him smile and hold it up so Ayashi could see. "Well who knows maybe she will grow up to become an artist." Yu said which Amaya responded with by shaking her head and then throwing a few jabs in the air then flexing, which made Yu laugh. "Well shes without a doubt feisty, wonder who she got that from."
"Ah! Im glad to hear that then. Its never my intention to offend anyone, and well maybe you should go visit her." Anges said as she listened to him show some concern about her being fully rested which made he rub the back of her head. "Ah well you see, my clan is weird, well all that's left anyway. Well for starters we are demons, and well some of us have quirks, me for example only being able to sleep in ice or fire. Don't know why, maybe its cause that's where I've hid for a few years. And no my feelings aren't hurt, so no worries. Also I see that you appear to be a little nervous. I hope i'm not doing anything to cause this."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
Avatar of Expllo


Member Seen 1 mo ago

"Yeah, he seems nice and hasn't pulled anything from the three months of knowing him, but....There's still that factor about him, maybe because he's a bit too nice? But it's just a feeling," Ayashi said shrugging a bit. She then giggled at Amaya when she started throwing punches, that's when Ayashi picked up Amaya, "Maybe she'll be both," she said as she poked Amaya's nose, "But whatever she chooses atleast we'll be able to see, see her grow up. But she probably gets the feisty part from you~" Ayashi and Amaya then made grrr faces at each other.
"You probably did pick it up from hiding....It wouldn't be a far off guess," Takeshi said as he looked at her, seemingly not fazed by the demon part. Once she mentioned the nervous part he blushed more, "N-No you're doing nothing really! I-It's just that I get really nervous around beautiful women....W-Well around people in general, b-but mostly beautiful people....I guess m-most people are beautiful though, if you take into account e-everyone's opinions and preferences, o-or just look past flaws, but there's endless possibilities on why....I'll just shut up now!" Takeshi said as he noticed his ranting, his eyes drifted away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Training post 2…kinda.
Gio found that, for the most part, the ‘hold’ techniques seemed to work across the board where Hado was concerned, though he didn’t go to high up on the numbers. Bakudo on the other hand was different. Hado was developed on a create and fire course of action, Bakudo was already intended to last longer, unfortunately that didn’t make it easier, it made it tricky. Of course only a few Bakudo would work. So he only tried Seki just to see if it was possible, he could play around with theories later.
Holding byakurai, was now simple, but not the way Captain Mok did it. His energy was wrapped around his hand, in a more pure form. Gio figured it was his energy just before the ‘ignition’ or ‘conversion’ to the kido. That would be tricky, and the most frustrating part was that with Sorareo-O it would be simple. The harmonizing ability that gives Gio almost full conscious control of hs spiritual pressure would have made this a breeze. But Just like with Sorareo-O’s ‘stipulation’ he had to do this one on his own.

Gio sat and focused, attempting to slow down the process. He worked his way through the steps mentally, remembering what they taught him at the academy. The basic mechanics of kido was the control of Reiatsu. Often condensing ones energy into a concentrated form, known as kido. Gio figured that Captain Mok altered this process at the concentration stage, elongating it and then holding it. Then triggering the kido at the instant of impact. This, unlike the first part, was not simple and Gio was running soley on theory at this point. Slowly he gathered energy into his hand, but converting it to kido was the issue. The change was almost immediate, even when fired from his whole hand instead of his finger. Such a fast paced kido was great for this. It made slower kido easier to slow down.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Teijo approached the gates to squad eleven, he could practically feel the tension, that and he heard a shit ton of yelling. So although he was advised not to, he entered through the gate anyway, and saw pretty much a deserted squad eleven, besides like one girl training, who looked over at him. "I'm guessing you want to join? Well you best hope that halfway through, Shiro decides not to well kill you." The girl said before resuming her training, while Teijo went inside near the Captain office and stood there, then probably thought it would be wise to activate his shikai ahead of time, he then knocked on the door, then took a few steps back
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Expllo said
Once the attacks hit Surin dropped to the ground with a small amount of blood dripping from her mouth. She had caught herself by stabbing her blades into the ground in which a bunch of shadows then surrounded Haruka's feet. The shadows then wrapped around Haruka until it covered her. Haruka would then notice the whole area was completely covered in shadows to the point nothing could be seen. A large arm then shot out of the darkness and aimed to punch Haruka.[The darkness is only to Haruka, though it's not an illusion]

Haruka growled in irritation that she couldn't move. She aimed the pommel at the oncoming hand and said, "Instant Crush." A tight beam of condensed spiritual energy was shot at the hand like a railgun towards the oncoming hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Guess so, and you don't seem quite fazed by the fact I just told you I'm a demon, you know the spooky tales parents would tell you to go to sleep. yet if you find this little demon girl beautiful, then who am i to say no." Anges said giggling a bit as she walked over to Takeshi smiling at him. "You don't have to be so nervous around me, I promise not to hurt you, If anything I can go into my demon form so you could consider me more enemy like.... That is unless this happens in battle too?"
Hyperion continued to trade punches with the man once again, before Hyperion got a bit annoyed and pretty much just said fuck it, as he threw a punch, which the guy blocked yet seemingly he got pelted by many hits at once which made the man stumble a bit. Hyperion took the advantage and jabbed him in the head with two left hooks then an uppercut. Yet then Hyperion punched him in the face again, and again and on the last strike electricity flowed around him and practically flew off his gauntlets, which Hyperion reeled his right arm back, and rammed it as hard as he could to the right side temple of the man and sent him flying across the room and straight into a wall, where his legs just dangle while Hyperions seethed a bit and cracked his neck, as his shikai went back to sealed state. "Little shit."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Henry walked into his room and watched some butterflies fly past him which made him smile as he looked at Sango and beamed happily at her, as he walked over to her and poked her nose. "Hey, I have a surprise for you, but it requires going to the human world, but I'm sure you'll love it. However, if you don't want to. I can understand. I will say this though, while we may see people, they wont be able to see us. Almost like we are invisible. So you up for it?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

"Wh-why?!.... W!.... Hu!..." On the floor... cold, shaking and distraught, a little boy sat on his knees, hunched over with wide, trembling eyes that leaked endless tears. The boy had both hands tightly gripping his bright red hair, crying out his thoughts to himself. Within the room was nothing but a small ceiling light that swayed gently however the light was off. There were no windows to see through to the outside, no wallpaper, no carpet, not chair or bed, absolutely nothing... The walls were grey, cold stone, matching the floor and ceiling as the empty, dark room trapped the little boy. There was a door... a locked door. The room would of been completely pitch black if it wasn't for the specks of light leaking in through the cloudy glass window on the door. The glass on the window was opaque so it couldn't be looked through.

"WHY?! M-MOMMY?! D-DADDY?! WH-WHY DID SHE DO THAT?! WHY?!?!" Sobbing, the boy screamed out through his sobs, mouth wide and eyes sealed closed, still realising tears. He could hardly breathe from the sobbing, and by the looks of it, he seemed to only be a nine year-old boy.... Clearly something traumatic had happened mere moments ago... something that involved blood as the boy's skin and clothes were splattered with it....

'... Where am I-....u-uh?' Fumio found himself inside this room. Looking around, he almost immediately recognised the dreary walls and cold atmosphere.

"A-AHH!" The little boy suddenly screamed and shuffled himself backwards into a corner, looking up at Fumio with eyes filled with pure terror. Fumio jumped at this, not expecting the sudden sound before looking down at the boy, his own eyes widening once he finally took a look at the boy...

"Wh-who a-are y-ou?!" The boy tried to cower back into the corner as much as he could, still pushing himself when he couldn't move back any further....

Fumio's breathe hitched in his throat as he just stood there... A cold bead of sweat dripped down his forehead before he gulped to try and regain his voice. "..." However that didn't work...

"D-did she s-send y-you h-here?" The little boy asked before gulping himself, more desperately. "P-PLEASE DON'T H-HURT M-ME!! I... I J-JUST C-CAN'T T-TAKE AN-ANYMORE!!!" The boy screamed at Fumio, closing his eyes while still crying violently.

Seeing this made Fumio's eyes return to their normal size, simply staring down at the boy before taking a breath. "I'm not going to hurt you..." His voice was soft, and not a fake softness either. Crouching down to the boy's level, Fumio took a closer look which only made the boy move back, his eyes wide again. "... What... happened?" Fumio asked as the boy looked down. "Sh-she.... sh... she..." Before the boy could even try to form a sentence, he began sobbing again. "M-mommy.... d-daddy.... are g-g-gone.... a-and my b-big s-sis Huie.... sh-she's g-gone... my br-brother Sota.... I... I don't know where he is!" The boy continued to sob as Fumio gave him a frown.

"... I know w-" KNOCK KNOCK! Fumio was interrupted but knocks on the door. Instantly the boy became tense, stiffening while shaking more violently this time... His eyes were glued wide and stuck to the ground. "Sh-she's b-b-... b-back....." Fumio stood up, turning to look at the door before the boy yelled, snatching his attention once more. "PLEASE HELP ME!" The boy looked at Fumio as if the guy was his last life-line... Fumio only looked down at the boy's pitiful state with a straight face. "... I won't let anything happen to you..." Fumio's head then darted to the door when it was suddenly swung open.

"Why are you making so much racket boy? Get used to this. From this point on, this is your new room heheh" A woman entered the small, box room, the sound of her heels mixed with the sobbed cries for help from the little boy.

"You." Without delay, Fumio's eyes gave the woman a fiery glare of pure rage, as if the sight of this woman triggered an anger switch from within him.

The woman smiled, but not happily, more evilly. She didn't even acknowledge Fumio, looking directly at the small boy in the corner. "Stop that crying! You little shit, unless you want Fushimaru to die next!" The woman yelled at the boy, only causing him to push himself further into the corner, quieting his sobs while desperately looking at Fumio.

"BITCH!" Fumio drew his Zanpakuto, holding it out in front of him with both hands for better control, eyes pinned on the woman. "URSULA! FUCKING LOOK AT ME!!" Fumio swung his sword back before bringing it over his head and down at the woman, heading for a long slice down her left shoulder.... but the sword went straight through. "Wh-what?!" "PLEASE HELP ME! SHE'S GUNNA HURT MY BROTHER!" The kid suddenly screamed as Ursula started to walk towards him, as if she couldn't see or even feel Fumio there.

Turning around, Fumio aimed to strike her again, but the same thing happened, he went straight through her...

"Enough of your pesky whining you weak little shit" Grabbing the boy by his neck, Ursula slowly lifted him up, the boy trying to gasp for air while attempting to force her hand off of his neck with both of his small hands. "Did you enjoy the show I gave you? Your parents were pretty shitty deaths... just so boring, hardly even screamed." Ursula looked down at the boy's clothes for a moment before her eyes darted to the boy's face.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!!! SHUT UP!!!" Fumio yelled, attempting two more times to slice through the woman, but again, unable to land a hit as he went through her again.... All he could do was watch...

"N-no!" The boy tried to push out as he continued his struggle for air. Ursula noticed this and slammed his back into the wall behind him, creating a dent in the wall. "You say no now, but I'll make you enjoy killing! You'll feed off of those screams! You'll be my own personal toy and dog who'll do as I order!" Squeezing her hand a little tighter, Ursula pulled the boy back off the wall before smashing the boy back into it again, this time causing rubble to tumble onto the floor and the dent to deepen.

Fumio couldn't believe what he was watching... or more, re-living. "S-STOP! STOP IT!!!" Fumio screamed this time, but none of these words reached the woman. Her excited eyes devoured the sight in front of her, making her grin widely. "Crying won't help you. Yelling won't help you. Killing... will help you. These things that you're feeling, this 'upset' emotion that's making you cry like a little bitch has got to go... You won't be a little bitch once I'm done with you..." The little boy's body began slowing down in it's struggle, in turn his hands began loosening as the lack of oxygen was taking effect. Ursula leaned in closer to the little boy's ear, saying one last thing before the boy passed out. "Remember this Kazuhiko. You... belong... to.... me. You will now serve me and do as I say. If you don't, Fushimaru and that little traitor bitch Umeko will be next ones on my list of who to execute. Once they're dead, I'll kill their parents, then I'll kill whoever else you've ever came into contact with during your sad little life." With that, the boy's body fell limp and dropped to the floor.

Ursula looked down at the boy, smirking before sharply turning around. Fumio only watched, paralysed with wide eyes while shaking a little himself... Remembering how it felt when he was in this situation... Instead, now he was just watching himself, although he never had anyone to cry out for help to back then.... Ursula's hair and body then drifted past him, but not before Ursula gave Fumio a quick glance with a hummed chuckle which Fumio noticed but was too paralysed to be able to react... Once she left the room and shut the door, Fumio dropped to his knees, staring at the boy's body with eyes glazed over with unshed tears.

"Ka-Kazuhiko..." The boy's arms began twitching as he opened his eyes halfway, looking directly at Fumio while speaking weakly. "Wh-why... haven't you killed... her yet?" Fumio eyes widened further before everything suddenly went black.
"HUUU!" Sitting up, Fumio blinked his eyes a few times, panting. Looking around, his mind slowly began catching up with him... "... Even in my dreams you won't fucking leave me alone! I couldn't even fucking kill you!!!" Grabbing a pillow beside him, Fumio chucked it at his wall out of anger before looking down at his bed sheets, gripping them tightly... " How many fucking nightmares do you have to give me.... why can't you ever fucking die... Every... every one of them is just a fucking flashback of your shit!! The shit I was put through!!" Fumio let his thoughts out to the empty room around him... The only time he ever felt able to was when there was no one around... He wanted to be able to let them out to Souta... but there were certain things Fumio couldn't even bring himself to tell him....

Bringing his hands up, Fumio covered his face, silently weeping to himself. "N-no... stop it... I'm not a-allowed t-to..." After whispering that, Fumio calmed down, wiping his eyes. "... I don't want to be this way anymore... being this very thing I tried so... so fucking hard not to become...." Fumio sighed. ".... Oh well, what does it matter anyway? I can't change what I am... it's too late for me..." Laying back down, Fumio looked up at the ceiling with an unexpected small smile. "Heh, well, everyone's got to die some time. Souta better enjoy my present to him" As Fumio smiled sadly, his eyes gently began closing as he drifted back to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

As the beam of energy and fist were about to collide the fist and shadows surrounding Haruka suddenly disappeared. When they went away Hikari stood some feet away from Haruka, holding Surin by her head with her body seemingly limp and her neck twisted a bit. The beam then shot through Surin's torso and then hit Hikari himself, though Hikari's Shihakusho didn't even look damaged except for a small bit of smoke rising that soon disappeared. If Surin wasn't dead from whatever Hikari did to her, she was sure dead now. He dropped the body and then looked back at Vahan who was on his hands and knees trying to crawl, halted by Hikari's giant blade that was implanted into his back that shot through his stomach. "It was lasting longer than it should have," Hikari said looking between Haruka and Hype, seemingly a different person all of a sudden. He seemed more....Harsh than what he had shown through introduction.

Anyone who knew him since his Academy and early Squad days like Kenta and Shiro would definitely see the change in him from when he was his nice self. Of course he was still nice and willing, but the bad guys never took their chance, so he was going to start limiting his warnings to one. It was either give up or face your death, death part being if he couldn't capture them or just simply ran out of patience. He smacked his blade towards the ground causing most of the blood to fly off and onto the ground. He reverted back to his sealed state sheathing his blade and looked at the man Hype sent into the wall who had slid down, Hikari looked back, "You two are dismissed, go get yourselves taken care of by Squad four, or train. Now that's an order from your Lieutenant, you're free to do whatever afterwards."

Hikari then walked up to Safi and grabbed him by the neck, slamming him into the wall, "You're going to give me every bit of information on what's going on here."

Safi then chuckled, "Fuck you, real order is Chaos!"

"Is that so?" Hikari asked as he swiped his hand over his face with a hollow mask forming. Hikari didn't have to hide it anymore thankfully, therefore it was free of use. He didn't necessarily like using a power he didn't train to get himself but it got the job done, and honor wasn't really one of the things he was sticking to in this situation, plus he was low on morals. He began charging a cero that aimed right at Sefi causing his eyes to widen.

"Ok! Ok! I'll tell you everything!"

"That's more like it," Hikari said as the cero went away and so did the mask.

(So...Time-skip after this post because I'm going to be doing other things with Hikari. Feel free to still react to it still, just don't interact with Hikari here because I won't reply)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Neil stood proudly on a wall with his sword in the air posing like he was rather mighty or like how a leader would. "I am about to set off on a task to slay some monsters of chaos! Who wishes to join me in conquering these foul beast of hell! Together! Us allies of Justice can defeat the dangerous beasts!" Neil looked at everyone who looked more puzzled as to why he was shouting like a banshee, then their faces grew more panicked and ran away when suddenly Neil was strapped and fell off the wall backwards onto the grass and looked up at Fuma, who peered down at him. "Please be silent, others are trying to heal." Fuma said making the straps vanish, and walked away a bit while Neil jumped up and grabbed Fuma, before punching him across the jaw, sending him to the ground. "And I'm trying to prevent more people from being injured!" Fuma stood up with his hand glowing and healing his jaw, as he looked at Neil, then shunpoed behind him, the man was much bigger yet all Fuma really had to do was jump up and put him in a sleeper hold. Yet Fuma also had the red gauze around his arms, stretched out and hold his arm out, as Fuma slowly choked out Neil. Neil however continued to stand up, and then the air around him sucked into his mouth which somehow gave Neil a power boost as he threw Fuma off, and cracked his neck. "Okay little man, ya wanna play, lets play then!" Neil said while Fuma simply stood and blinked at him. "Please shut up." Fuma said getting into his own fighting stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Kaizo was sat upon to Squad 2 barracks roof, he looked out to the horizon, watching the sun set slowly. It was a truly pleasant sight however this was interrupted by a voice he hadn't heard in a long time "YO! Kaizo! long time no see! Wai-eh? is that a Captain Haori I see? are YOU the new Captain of Squad 2? well damn..." Kaizo looked down to the man shouting out to him, and upon seeing his appearance his eyes widened a little "K-Koujaku?" Kaizo then noticed someone else behind Koujaku which caused his eyes to further widen "Akira!? is that you!?" Kaizo immediately stood up with a smile and shunpoed down infront of them "What the hell are you two doing here?" Akira looked to Koujaku which caused Koujaku to look to Akira then nod and turn to look at Kaizo "Akira seems to think you know why...You know what our duty is and you know we'd never let you run off and become a Shinigami and take all the fun, plus what happens when your powerhouse ass falls? who's gonna back you up?" Koujaku then pointed to himself "We will be the ones to back you up...you know me and Akira make the ultimate team...one you have never been able to defeat...so...Mr bigshot, how about you try take us on again? Huh?" Kaizo looked at the two as Koujaku did ALL of the speaking, nothing had changed....they were still the same since they were all kids...Akira was always quiet but he had the brains and strength to do anything, his lack of speech though did greatly hold him back however but Koujaku seemed to understand Akira by simply looking at him...the two were an ultimate duo since they were kids...it's like they could read eachothers minds...and all that time they spent fighting together Kaizo spent it fighting alone...every time he tried to beat them he never could, his power was much greater than theirs but their teamwork would flatten him in seconds...it was humiliating...even now he knew these two could take on near on anyone and beat them...he knew these two very well and so his answer was no surprise "I'm afraid not...I know even now that fighting you two in my current state would mean nothing...I'd still get beat easily, I can see you two have improved so much since I last saw you....I'm not shocked or surprised that you two stand so high above me...some may say getting you two on your own is the way to beat you both but that doesn't work...you two are so adaptable it's unreal...so me turning your request down shouldn't shock you...you two both know I stand no chance...Bankai or no Bankai it makes no difference against you both..." Koujaku sighed then rubbed the back of his head "Well you best quit slacking and find yourself a partner or train harder...cause we have been itching to fight you for awhile now, well...I know I have...." Kaizo nodded then spoke "Well then you two...I hate to cut this short but I have to get a move on, I have a little plan for my Girlfriend tonight..." When Koujaku heard Kaizo had a girlfriend a grin formed on his face as he then threw his right arm around Kaizo's neck and spoke "Hey! how about introducing her to us?" Kaizo narrowed his eyes then grabbed Koujaku's right arm and threw him into a nearby wall "Hey! I'm I captain! you best respect that! and secondly I don't want you scaring her off!...Your okay Akira...but you Koujaku...I know what you're like, always one for embarrassing me!" Koujaku slammed into the wall, however quickly got back up and cracked his neck "Sheesh harsh Kaiz-Oh sorry...Captain Sh-" Kaizo then appeared infront of Koujaku, his left hand over his mouth "We never speak of the name around here...you refer to me as Captain Kaizo...and Captain Kaizo only...got it?" Koujaku then nodded as Kaizo removed his hand from Koujaku's mouth, Koujaku then turned his back to Kaizo and brushed himself down a little only to have Kaizo's right foot slam into his ass and send him crashing into the floor "Now get your ass outta here before I throw it out of here!" Koujaku once again quickly got back up then narrowed his eyes at Kaizo "Very well...but this isn't the last you will see of me Captain Kaizo! I will be back the next day and the next day and the next day and the next day and then the day after the next day cause I think I'm having a spa day that day...pretty good actu-" Kaizo then grabbed Koujaku and threw him flying "SHUT UP ALREADY!" Kaizo then took a few deep breath's and then looked over to Akira "See you later Akira...keep his stupid ass in check alright?" Akira gave a nod before Kaizo then shunpoed off, Koujaku then appeared next to Akira frowning slightly "Wow! how rude eh? throwing me like that...I aint a damn tennis ball used to play catch with...sheesh..." Koujaku then closed his eyes and sighed before speaking "On a serious note he's become a lot stronger...he's doing well Akira, it's not long now...I feel our jobs will be done soon enough...it's a sad thought but we were given one task since birth and we've spent our entire lives to fulfil that one task...let's get out of here..." Akira then nodded and the two then began to walk off to who knows where...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai, already had her mind made up. well not entirely, she was in between choosing squad 2 and squad 3. squad two would make best use of her talents and allow her to develop them more, but squad three has all the hell butterflies. with squad 2 she would get to be a ninja like Cho-Seji. that had to be some kind of divine clue right? her zanpakuto ninja was a ninja so clearly her affinity laid in squad 2. But its name meant butterfly, and squad 3 dealt with the hell butterflies. Sinai let out a long Sigh, "squad 2 it is" after all she had her own butterflies. she lept from the ground onto one of the wall structures and made her way quickly to the squad two barracks. she shunpoed here and there untill she made it to her destination. She entered quietly, "um...who do i talk to about joining this squad" she asked the first person she saw
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