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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio didn’t give up until he at least had the kido down to a small crackle. It would take more than one training session to get the technique completely down but at least he had the first part down. That in and of itself allowed him to ‘hold’ kido, or delay the activation. However he couldn’t really think of a combat application for it. He was already good at speed casting, so to speak, and holding might be more effective for bakudo until he could get this technique down. He decided to call it quits at that point, no reason to get worked up over something he only saw once. He still had to get the release down, which he got the feeling would be the harder part. Timing the instant of impact with the release of energy would take practice, and would probably wind up hurting as well.
“why do you not try it in shikai?” Sorareo-O echoes in his head as he took a seat
“I want to work with you, not lean on you. The better I get the better we get”
“you seek to prove your abilities?”
“more like I seek to prove our capabilities. I’m still just a third seat. All but mastered the art of Kido, but with the new head captains…order, its like what I thought was impressive is now the expected norm.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rio leaned back in her chair after hours upon hours of writing. Letting her pen drop from her right hand, she wriggled her fingers before shaking her hands to stop herself from getting cramps. "Well... almost finished the first draft..." Rio looked down at the papers in front of her before letting her mind drift for a moment. "I should let the Captain know of Takara Asuhara's situation... Although that woman, Sui Sanda I believe, didn't give me a chance to ask where she is at the moment... I just can't wrap my head around that situation though, why tell me that much despite not even knowing me personally? Information like that... could result in getting arrested so why be so open about it?... Killing is still murder, no matter what your Clan's traditions are..." Rio raised an eyebrow, truly confused at why that member spoke so openly about what had happened and acted as if attempted murder was nothing... Rio then sighed. "... I can't help but be reminded of the Clan I belong to... It may of be my origin... but... ... that clone" '"But Huerona is just a stupid nickname now, your real is Rio."' "A name or a place doesn't define a person... But... I'm not this 'Huerona'... I don't know anything about her... who I was, so how can I be her?.... Who even am I? Huerona? or Rio? Who even is Rio?... I really shouldn't let my mind drift too much.... It's best to just to stop thinking about this altogether...."

Rio closed her eye for a moment, feeling complicated and unsettled when other feelings started to rush through her, causing her to sigh once more as through her drifting she was reminded of a certain someone.... "... If only you were here Kenta... It's been... weird... knowing that I'll never get to look up to you again.... Three months have past and I still can't let you go.... I'm grateful that I have Kaizo back... but I can't help but want to see my best friend again, even if it's for a short amount of time... I just... want to know you're... Okay" Rio took a breath, feeling her head start to hurt as she held back her tears. After another deep breath, Rio opened her eye. 'Stop this... You need to get back to work....' Rio picked up her pen again and hovered the tip over the paper, but wasn't writing anything... She then placed her pen down and reached into the secret inner pocket of her uniform, pulling out the headphones Kenta had left her three months ago. Without another word, she placed them in her ears and closed her eye again. Despite not hearing any music, they made her feel a little more peaceful.... It was almost like she could feel Kenta's presence resonating through the headphones... She felt like at any moment, she'd be able to hear Kenta's voice through the headphones even though they didn't work and wasn't plugged into anything making the theory impossible... but, the thought made her feel happier and a less alone atleast so she didn't question herself. Focusing her senses so that she could feel Kaizo's spiritual energy calmed Rio completely but she kept the headphones in, still hoping that if she listened through them enough, she'd hear Kenta's voice. Looking down at her paper, Rio pressed her pen down onto it and started to write, working towards finishing the report and then re-reading it three times to ensure no mistakes and that it her writing was consistently neat, even re-writing a few pages if need be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka didn't say anything, she only nodded once and flash stepped away from the scene.

She made her way to squad four to get patched up a bit and scrambled out of there before someone could bother her about bed rest. A few quick stop was made for some food for herself, then she made her way towards the squad ten barracks.

She walked into her room quietly and closed the door. A small yip made her freeze and turn slowly. The little pup sat on its haunches, not happy at the injuries her smelled on her. "H-Hey. Just uh...you know-" The look didn't change. His eyes flashed dangerously as he walled closer to her and gained a familiar scent. His body shook with a loud growl as he looked around for the ones that did this to him. "They're dead. All of them." she picked him up and held him against her chest and neck. His growls died down slowly as she went about fixing up a bowl of food for him. Still holding him, she patted his rump every now and then. The puppy licked her chin apologetically then settled in to watch her hands. This drew a small laugh from the shinigami, for this pup was entirely too smart.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Hikari walked into district 65 with his sealed Zanpakuto blade on his shoulder, pissed off and stressed that he was back here again. Someone came into his office and gave him a slip of paper saying Tabo wanted him to do it, was this apart of his training? Hikari didn't know, what he did know though was that he wanted to end this quick so he could go rest up. Also he needed a stress reliever, but he'd worry about that later along with eight million other things. He then saw some guy fighting a Shinigami which caused him to shoot over to them, standing inbetween them both, "I'm only giving you one warning, stand down."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Souta sat on his windowsill, peering out of the window with a certain leather-back book held tightly in his left hand... Dr Heigai's diary.... Souta sighed, looking down at the book. He hadn't opened it yet and every time he was close to, he just couldn't do it. 'It's not the right time... I'll wait until after the fight with Ursula... If I'm still alive then I'll read it...' Souta's eyes drifted back up to the window, watching the moon outside and admiring how peaceful the night looked. "Huuu... Just one week left, then we're going to finally go home... I hope I'll be strong enough to help the other two" Lifting up his right fist, Souta looked at it before clenching and unclenching his fist. "I refuse to let anyone die... If someone's going to die, it'll be me. I'm the weakest one after all... We'll get through this, somehow.... I believe in Kazuhiko and Huerona... they will end it" Souta just sat there and looked at his hand for a moment before standing up and walking over to when he stored Konome's Zanpakuto in his wardrobe. Placing the book behind the sword, Souta slid his wardrobe's door closed before taking a deep breath and smiling. 'Just one more week and we can all finally go home! Then I can see my parents again but... I doubt they'd want me still alive at this point, not after everything that's happened... Either way, I'd still like to see them again...' Walking over to his futon, Souta climbed under the covers and laid his head on the pillow, his eyes slowly closing as he drifted off to sleep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Caius looked back at him, while still fighting the man, then smirked before holding up his finger and covered the man with a fushibi without saying anything, then proceeded to burn him alive with haien. Cauis looked at Hikari as he slammed his buster sword into the ground, studying Hiakri. Caius then snapped his fingers and smirked. "Ahh Hikari Shinrai, the survivor of his clan. Its good to see you without watching from afar, believe it or not I know a bit about you. You have vizard powers, you also have decent intelligence plus strength. You also get rejected quite a bit, I think the number is over fifty I lost track though when you killed the one girl that did love you, what a shame though." Caius said pulling his buster sword out of the ground. The man clearly had a zanpakuto despite not wearing shinigami clothing. "However I'm going to have to ask you to leave, I rather not be disturb while I'm studying. And like you said, I only give warnings once." Caius said looking at Hikari not really terrified at all despite what he knew about him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Hikari showed no emotional change when the man got burned alive, he wasn't going to show remorse for every person that died. Once Caius began speaking on his information it seemed as if Hikari didn't care, which he really didn't. It was no secret that his clan was wiped out, but he was hardly a survivor of it. Being Lieutenant of Squad ten it also didn't hide he had intelligence and a fair bit of strength, so the words didn't faze Hikari. Though he did find it interesting how he knew about him killing the woman he loved, the rejections on the other hand....Well, everyone could guess that just by looking at him, but it didn't heavily concern him. It was honestly just something to pass the time, and got to the point where he would just do it out of boredom.

The man obviously didn't know much though, like the speed he could think which was usually faster than his opponent's bodies could even react, in which his thoughts would be like a few seconds in real time. He also didn't know his training with Tabo as Tabo liked keeping secret and set up a way that no one would know what he did in his cave, even if they found a way to break through his security, so that helped keep their training a secret. "Well, stop talking and die then," Hikari said as he swung his Zanpakuto at Caius' neck with his sheath swung at Caius' legs, both coming from opposite sides.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As soon as Fumio laid back down Chie instantly barged in to his room, and sat right down on his stomach, poking his forehead. "Hey Fumio, you should get up, too late to be lazing around. So get up you lazy pretty boy." Chie said bending down and giving him a kiss and stood back up stretching her arm, then held one of her arm out to him. "You've been acting like a stick in the mud as of late, so today me and you are going to go out and have fun, no work, no serious stupid stuff. Fun, and yes its an order. We may have the same rank, but you love me, so I automatically win."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Caius laughed at Hikari's response and didn't even move when Hikari started his attack, all Caius did was holding his sword out to block Hikari's sword, and using his left leg stomped on the sheath holding it in place. "Nice attempt, but I recommend using Shikai. Otherwise, you are going to die. Of course if you wish to die, then by all means, one less stepping stone for Sieg." Caiuse said as a black portal formed in front of Caius as he pushed his left hand through which then appeared on the right side of Hikari's head. And like the other hados, he wasn't saying anything although a Byakurai was on its way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
As soon as Fumio laid back down Chie instantly barged in to his room, and sat right down on his stomach, poking his forehead. "Hey Fumio, you should get up, too late to be lazing around. So get up you lazy pretty boy." Chie said bending down and giving him a kiss and stood back up stretching her arm, then held one of her arm out to him. "You've been acting like a stick in the mud as of late, so today me and you are going to go out and have fun, no work, no serious stupid stuff. Fun, and yes its an order. We may have the same rank, but you love me, so I automatically win."

The second Fumio closed his eyes, he heard his door being opened as someone came in. Too busy within his own mind, Fumio didn't even bother to respond, but soon he felt sudden pressure on his stomach which made him open his eyes to see Chie. As she spoke, Fumio only listened and didn't reply, however he did kiss her back when she kissed him before she stood up and held out her hand. Fumio looked at it for a moment before his eyes scanned up to Chie's face. "Okay Gemstone~" He gave her a small smile before taking her hand and standing up, stretching while rubbing his eyes and walking off to freshen up and get changed.

"How are you anyway honey?" Fumio asked, straightening his hair as he walked back over to his girlfriend, all ready to go. "And where do you want to go?" 'I'm going to have to tell her.... but not yet....'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie smiled proudly as she looked at him " Its a secret" Chie said which she then smirked and said. "Well actually its not. You kind of have to be involved, you see I stopped by squad twelve and got some things. And well..." Chie said walking out then tossed a Gigai into Fumio's room, then looked at him. "We are going to the human world, Aya told me its fun to go their to relax, and she also said there was this park of amusement with big objects that made you feel thrill, also these places that show people on a screen, and also a place where people jump in water clothed for fun!" Chie said waving her arms, not really having a clue about the human world at all. "So i decided we are going there, so you have to carry your Gigai, while I carry mine, I dressed yours like a fancy dandy guy." Chie said smiling at him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai was told to speak to the captain, and if he was busy the lieutenant would also be able to help her. She didnt ant to bother the captain, even though she really really anted to meet him. but he had to be a bust man so she asked the person if they would let the lieutenant know that there was a shinigami interested in joining the squad. the reason she asked that the messaged be passed was because she was certain they wouldnt let just anybody roam around the barracks. it was basically a ninja training camp, probably filed with booby traps, secret passage ways and all kinds of other awesome shit... ok probably not but the thought was entertaining her as she waited.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fumio caught his Gigai, looking at it with a raised eyebrow. He had never actually been in the human world before... but he did know alot about it through the academy. Looking up at Chie, Fumio listened to her speak about what she was told, seemingly excited to go. He was mainly just watching her more than listening, unable to help his small smile, she was being cute after all. Mentally Fumio sighed, knowing that this would have to come to an end soon... However, there was nothing wrong with enjoying himself with her for a little longer. "Well, if that's what you want to do then how could I object?~ And well..." Fumio promptly looked at the clothes she had dressed the Gigai in, not quite sure if he liked the style or not since he preferred to choose his own clothes and didn't really like when others tried to dress him or tell him what to wear... But, he looked back up to Chie with a charming smile on his face. "Looks good, I like your sense of style honey~" He decided not to show his slight dislike and just carried the Gigai. This was odd for him however, Fumio would usually always voice what he thought, not caring how others took it or if they got upset... It was different with Chie, she was different. Never before had he met anyone like her, someone who he truly did love... Honestly, he hated the fact that he loved her... Not because of her, Chie was truly someone special, but because he believed he didn't deserve to feel like this nor did he want to... "Lead the way sweetie~" Admiring Chie's smile, Fumio continued to smile back, waiting for her to start walking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nicias Askani said
Sinai was told to speak to the captain, and if he was busy the lieutenant would also be able to help her. She didnt ant to bother the captain, even though she really really anted to meet him. but he had to be a bust man so she asked the person if they would let the lieutenant know that there was a shinigami interested in joining the squad. the reason she asked that the messaged be passed was because she was certain they wouldnt let just anybody roam around the barracks. it was basically a ninja training camp, probably filed with booby traps, secret passage ways and all kinds of other awesome shit... ok probably not but the thought was entertaining her as she waited.

"Ahh, finally finished" Rio gathered her papers, stacking them in order before straightening the papers neatly. Just as she placed the stack of papers onto her desk, a knock sounded through her room. Standing up, Rio tucked her chair in and took Kenta's headphones out of her ears, placing them back into her inside pocket. 'This better be important.' She straightened her eye-patch covering her right eye before patting down her clothing and walking over to her door. After opening it. "Yes?" Rio found a Shingami standing on the other side, letting her know of a new face wanting to join the Squad. "Thank you for letting me know, I will deal with them now." The Shinigami bowed before walking off as Rio stepped out of her room, closing her door and making her way to the entrance.

Once she made it to the entrance, Rio caught sight of a white-haired, violet-eyed individual. "Are you the Shinigami looking to join this Squad?" Rio asked, her face straight and posture perfectly straight. Her tone of voice and appearance had an air of professionalism to it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie hugged him then walked out of the room and then picked up her own Gigai which was dressed more like a boy, than a girl. Chie led him for a bit before they reached their destination which she opened the portal and skipped through it, and shortly afterwards made it to the human world in a forest near the city. Chie then went into her gigai and hide her sword under some leaves. She then looked at the city and giggled a bit as he waited for Fumio to get into his as well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Sinai stood up straight when she was spoken to. "Yes Lieutenant, My name is Sinai. I would like to Join Squad 2" This woman was the lieutenant? awesome, the soul society needed more strong women. Sinai blinked, to maintain her awareness of her surroundings. Maybe she was being a dramatic pessimist but until such time as she was proven otherwise she assumed that everyone else in the room was waiting for the Lieutenant to give the signal to attack her. she knew there was a giant possibility she was over reacting so she kept her face free of hints. She simple looked at the lieutenant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Zane620 said
As Teijo approached the gates to squad eleven, he could practically feel the tension, that and he heard a shit ton of yelling. So although he was advised not to, he entered through the gate anyway, and saw pretty much a deserted squad eleven, besides like one girl training, who looked over at him. "I'm guessing you want to join? Well you best hope that halfway through, Shiro decides not to well kill you." The girl said before resuming her training, while Teijo went inside near the Captain office and stood there, then probably thought it would be wise to activate his shikai ahead of time, he then knocked on the door, then took a few steps back

Shiro had been sat in his office and just finished eating some muffins Nishiki made, all this eating though was no good...he felt full of food but not full of fight, he wanted a fight...something entertaining...Shiro then heard a knock at his door which caused him to look up at his door and glare at it as a grin then formed on his face. Booting his desk out the way he walked up to the door, dragging his Zanpakuto across the floor as he then slashed up at the door cutting it clean in two as he then burst out of it, his Zanpakuto now above his head as he aimed to slash down at this random person, they had their spiritual energy raised...this meant they wanted a fight...at least to Shiro it did...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Teiji saw the door split in two which made his guess that backing up was probably for the best, however the man didn't stop as he then tried to cleave downwards at him, which made Teiji's eyes widen a bit as he brought his right fist upwards which stopped and cracked the air above him, also stopping the blade as well, then suddenly Shiro would feel immense shock waves pushing his sword up. The shock waves also blew part of the roof straight into the air. Yet Teiji then jabbed his left fist forward at Shiro's body Again the air cracked before his fist sending shock waves right at Shiro. Unlike a blade which would cause damage on the outside and inside, his zanpakuto was to destroy the opponent from the inside, and since he can very well control the shock waves, its tad dangerous for him to spar with people. However the captain of squad eleven should be able to handle it without dying.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nicias Askani said
Sinai stood up straight when she was spoken to. "Yes Lieutenant, My name is Sinai. I would like to Join Squad 2" This woman was the lieutenant? awesome, the soul society needed more strong women. Sinai blinked, to maintain her awareness of her surroundings. Maybe she was being a dramatic pessimist but until such time as she was proven otherwise she assumed that everyone else in the room was waiting for the Lieutenant to give the signal to attack her. she knew there was a giant possibility she was over reacting so she kept her face free of hints. She simple looked at the lieutenant.

"I see. I'm Rio Darishimo." Rio eyed the woman, looking her up and down while thinking of who she could pin the girl up against. "Follow me." Rio waved her hand as she turned around, walking towards the training room. Once she had lead the Sinai inside, Rio looked around and signalled for the closest Shingami to come to her.

"Yes Lieutenant?" A woman approached Rio. "Keisa Rune, this is Sinai, she would like to join our Squad and I'd like for her to spar with you so I can asses her current skill level." Rio held her professionalism as she spoke, Keisa only looked back at Rio with a face as straight as her's before looking Sinai in the eye. "Sure, I'll do it." Keisa drew her sword before walking to a spot a little further away from Rio and the girl but no too far. "Sparring time Sinai so get moving." Keisa watched Sinai and waiting for the girl. Rio looked at Sinai also, crossing her arms before speaking. "I'll watch and when I say stop, you both stop. Now you may start."
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