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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Henry nodded his head when Sango cam up from underwater and asked if he was watching her play with the big fishes. He kind of had to, had to make sure she didn't get eaten alive by a shark or something else that would consider her a meal. She then pulled herself up and marveled at the ocean, seemingly liking it a bit more than the ponds it seemed, since it was more clear and she could play with all the fishes. She then asked him to never leave her behind which made him look at her with a sad look before he gave her a gentle hug. "Of course I won't, it would be unbearable for me to do such a thing."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fumio watched Chie, looking around at the people laughing. Even though he didn't display any emotion, on the inside Fumio was imagining himself killing each and every one of them for laughing at his girlfriend... However he snapped back to normal when Chie dragged him into the cinema and made him sit down next to her, not like he was planning on sitting anywhere else anyway. He began watching the movie, unaffected by the jump-scares, if anything, he was chuckling at the horror scenes, finding them comical more than scary. Chie then suddenly jumped into his lap, which he didn't expect... but for some reason he was suddenly reminded of what Aya said when the both of them went on their first mission, when she told Fumio of how she looked after Chie. Smiling, he wrapped his arms protectively around Chie, hoping to make her feel better. Leaning forward, he whispered in her ear. "Don't worry Chie, you're safe, I won't let anything hurt you so there's no need to be scared honey~" He continued to look at her, stroking her back with his left hand to sooth her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Sango wrapped her hands around Henry as he hugged her and rested the side of her face against Henry's chest while still looking at the ocean. "I'm really happy to hear that.... but Henry, I mean it... no matter what, even if you need to go to a bad place... where people get hurt, I want to come with you... I still don't like when people get hurt, but I will go as long as I'm with you... I don't want you to ever go away..." Sango felt herself tearing up abit so she hugged Henry tighter and buried her face in Henry's chest. "Take me with you... no matter where you go, I want to be with you for as long as I can be...." She continued to hold onto Henry, trying not to cry or think about Henry leaving her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Fumio wrapped his arms around Chie, which made her look at him a bit, and try to hide a smile, which she tried to turn into a pout. "I'm not scared, this spot is just more warm." Chie whispered, when someone then started getting ripped apart on screen, which made Chie raise Fumio's hands so it covered her eyes. "Okay a tad scared..." Chie mumbled, as she lowered his hands only to see another person getting killed which made her raise his hands again. Dammit Aya, this is not amazing! Just cause you get off on this, doesn't mean I do! Chie thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fumio held Chie, looking down at her slight pout with an amused grin. "I see~ And I thought you'd think so~" Fumio smiled in amusment as Chie lifted his hands to cover her face before he started laughing at the scenes where the victims were being torn to shreds. 'How boring, this killer doesn't have any creativity at all. Where's the sense of wanting to be entertained? Atleast have fun with your victims before killing them or give them a false sense of hope? Just killing the victims straight off as soon as they discover that you're the killer is no fun. If this is what human's think is horror then that's just laughable' Fumio criticised the movie within his mind, still chuckling at the gory scenes before turning his head to give Chie a kiss on the cheek, allowing her to use his hands to cover her eyes from the movie. What Fumio found mostly amusing was that not only was Chie a demon of all things, she was scared of a movie that she chose to watch. This made Fumio feel a sense of happiness though, just sitting with Chie in his lap while watching a comedy warmed Fumio's heart a little... but the second he felt like this, Fumio let his amusement slip and tried to get rid of the feeling immediatly...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka shifted her sword and kept slashing at her sparring opponent. She managed to parry a blow before stepping into his guard and punching him in the face. The man flew backwards a few feet before he hit the ground. Before he could get up, her sealed zankapkuto was at his throat. He gave up accordingly.

Her recent training had been going well, as was her care for the still unnamed dog. The pup was more than content though, given the large amounts of love and care she'd been heaping on him. Quite a few of her fellow unseated Squad 10 members wondered if her pampering of the dog was making her weaker. She didn't believe so. "Hm...what do you think of...Zwei?" she asked the pup as she walked over to him. The pup huffed as he sat on the practice floor and seemed to shake his head. "Ok. Um...Kitty?" the pup gave a small growl. "Haha, ok, ok. Not that. Man...you're really picky." the pup huffed again playfully before her leaped into her arms. She settled him against her chest and left the area. "You need a strong, terrifying name. Bahamut? I know he's technically a fish...but-" the pup nosed her cheek. "Oh come on! Harbinger of the Apocalypse! How is that not badass? Even if he is a fish...dragon thing...."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Phobos
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Phobos Quack

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Mukei walked out of the Shino Academy, a wide smile on his face. He held his zanpakuto, a tanto, in his hand. Despite its size, he knew it was a tanto for a reason. And by only learning shikai would he learn this power "If my theory is correct, it'll be more likely that my shikai would be more of a long ranged shikai. I doubt it'll be melee based, however it doesn't seem like it'll be Kido based. Hmm, I wonder what my shikai will be" He said to himself, in deep thought about his shikai. He recently graduated but already wanted to achieve shikai "Thinking about this will do me no good. The best chance I have at unlocking my shikai is through the Squad 12. They have the best equipment without a doubt and hopefully I'll be able to experiment on a few hypotheses" He grinned as his pupils began to dilate and vibrate"Just thinking of all the possibilities makes me want to loose my mind" He took a deep breath "No, I must remain calm, if I get too lost in my thoughts I may end up killing myself. Thats right, the best thing to do is remain calm" He released the deep breath, his eyes back to normal. He began to calmly walk, heading towards the Squad 12 barracks.

He reached the barracks after a very long walk "The Seireitei is so very large, I'll have to study every corner and nook of this place to understand it better and get around more easily. Walking is always such a pain. Hmm" At that moment, he had gained a new idea. But it would have to wait, he had to join Squad 12 before he could even do anything. He walked up to its giant gates, scratching his head "Now, how do I get in?" He wondered, knocking on the door
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

As Seki closed in on him so did Nishiki, things seemed to have been growing interesting and this was the point Shiro would show how far he stood above them. He wasn't as stupid as he looked and this was where he showed that, Shiro made sure his Zanpakuto clashed with Seki's, he then caught Nishiki's attack with his free left hand as his skin then formed into Iron scales, Shiro knocked away Seki's Zanpakuto and stabbed his into the ground infront of himself as he took his right hand off his Zanpakuto as his palm began to glow red "Hado 33...." Shiro charged up a Hado 33 however this was wildly out of control and resulted in an immense explosion that would cause a massive amount of damage as well as releasing a powerful shockwave. The only Hado or more Kido Shiro knew...was used to a devastating effect...and he knew just how to avoid damaging himself when using it...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
"Well, the Lieutenant and I are really close friends. We grew up together so yeah.... And it's more because of me never visiting the Captain's office, I tend to say out of anything to do with the Squad itself since I'm not planning on staying here much longer. Oh right, well damn, sounds quite boring... I guess maybe you're just too smart, but there's nothing wrong with that, I'm pretty sure you can still hang out in other Squad's whenever you're on a break so that's a plus. From what I've heard, Squad Twelve people tend to be... erm... rather different in a creepy way... However you seem not like that at all!" Souta rushed out the last part of his sentence to try and not offend Kagiko. "I guess I can't really say anything though heh, the people I know, or more knew, weren't normal, but they were nice...." Souta sighed before looking back at Kagiko. "Well anyway, were you heading anywhere?"

Kagiko nodded as he listened to Souta speak "I see, well guess it helps having friends in high places." Kagiko then sighed when Souta mentioned Squad 12 being boring "Well when you aren't working it is...sadly...they are all trapped in their own little worlds, it's no wonder they go insane. Well that is why I am here...to make friends...I need something to do instead of sleeping all the time and they really are...they all take on creepy appearances also which doesn't help." Kagiko then shrugged as he began to smile again "Well I was just walking around to try meet some more people...And I've met you so that's a bonus...I would like to know more about you but that would be something for a later date...At least that is what I assume, you'd have to get to know me better first correct?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko nodded as he listened to Souta speak "I see, well guess it helps having friends in high places." Kagiko then sighed when Souta mentioned Squad 12 being boring "Well when you aren't working it is...sadly...they are all trapped in their own little worlds, it's no wonder they go insane. Well that is why I am here...to make friends...I need something to do instead of sleeping all the time and they really are...they all take on creepy appearances also which doesn't help." Kagiko then shrugged as he began to smile again "Well I was just walking around to try meet some more people...And I've met you so that's a bonus...I would like to know more about you but that would be something for a later date...At least that is what I assume, you'd have to get to know me better first correct?"

"Heh, well, it does, I guess" Souta chuckled a little before continuing to listen to Kagiko. "Ahh, I see, well it never hurts to get to know a few other people. And they really make themselves stand out... which is, as you said, not helpful" Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly with another short chuckle, Souta gave Kagiko a small smile when the guy smiled. "You should be careful when doing that, not everyone is friendly after all ehehe.... I guess some time you should pop by Squad Eight and I can introduce you to some of the people there, just to help you meet more people, then you can meet even more people through them also maybe.... Well, depends on what you want to know about me really... but we could get to know each other a little if you want but we should go somewhere.... Hmm, want to go to a bar?" Souta asked, not really sure where Kagiko would prefer to spend his time but it was only a suggestion. If he didn't want to go to a bar, they could chill out some place else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

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Angelo went to the training area and he went to train as he got to some dummies and started taking out his zanpacto and started slashing at the dummy with its sealed state needing to be ready in case he will face a fast opponent and wont allow him to unseal his zanpacto. If it would happen then he needed to be ready for it and be skilled in all his swords forms from sealed to unseal then if he is lucky he will find his bankai eventually. Angelo saw some other shinigami nearby training wondering who they were he got closer to see some different people that he hasn't seen before but he did know the captain was nearby, doing what he didn't know so for the time being Angelo would simply train till the captain would be free to talk to...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

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AbigailTenshi said
Kesia felt pressure from Sinai's sword, even though she could of simply raised her energy to force Sinai's sword back towards her, she chose not to. This was a spar to show Sinai's skills after all so to make Rio's job easier, Keisa held her sword with the same amount of pressure, allowing Sinai to push her backwards a little and land a kick to her side. Keisa strengthened her stance to take all of the force behind the kick without moving, which was a decent amount in Keisa's opinion. As she let Sinai wiggle out of her grip, Keisa's eyes kept on Sinai's face as the girl attempted a Tessho, which Kesia simply moved her head to the right so Sinai's palm moved passed Keisa's head across her left shoulder, meanwhile Keisa headed forward aiming to head-butt Sinai and send her flying back.

Sinais strike flew past Keisa head. instead of grabbing her hair Sinai Shunpo to her left. she paused a second to re-evaluate her opponent. she was sturdy and well trained, oddly enough she was left handed. On top of that, the lieutenant mentioned something about control.. Unfortunately sinai had not seen her make use of her sword yet. She sheathed her sword while eyeing Keisa. Slowly she rose to the balls of her feet into a stance. facing an armed opponent unarmed was something she was used to, after all it wasnt until she joined the academy that she ever held a blade. She felt more comfortable with this approach, needing to only dodge the blade to launch her attack. until she found out how well kiesa could use that sword she would minimize her offensive. Sinai dashed forward , as soon as she got just outside of Kiesa's range she jumped and flipped well over her, as if she envisioned a bubble around her. At the height of the jump she pointed at her "hado 1. Sho." The kido it itself was normal, the angle the invisible force would be coming from in such a flip might be a bit difficult to figure out, but it was aimed for Kiesa's left shoulder. When she landed she moved forward quick, to try to step inside her sword range, and volley her with punches. if she could get there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Henry smiled at her, yet what she said next did surprise him enough that he looked down at her silently even though she had finished speaking entirely. "I see.... Sango its.... hard, I've been in a bad place for a long time truly and the thing is, no matter where I go places are bad, I consider the current place we both are at bad, yet the place I'm at is also bad. It's so hard, one I'm helping out monsters, and the other is really no better. I.... I just don't know what to do, things were so much simpler when I wasn't a part of any of this, just roaming with my best friend....." Henry said also holding Sango tightly. "I'm not sure if I can involve you in this, but I promise you, when everything goes up in flames..... I will be walking away with you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nicias Askani said
Sinais strike flew past Keisa head. instead of grabbing her hair Sinai Shunpo to her left. she paused a second to re-evaluate her opponent. she was sturdy and well trained, oddly enough she was left handed. On top of that, the lieutenant mentioned something about control.. Unfortunately sinai had not seen her make use of her sword yet. She sheathed her sword while eyeing Keisa. Slowly she rose to the balls of her feet into a stance. facing an armed opponent unarmed was something she was used to, after all it wasnt until she joined the academy that she ever held a blade. She felt more comfortable with this approach, needing to only dodge the blade to launch her attack. until she found out how well kiesa could use that sword she would minimize her offensive. Sinai dashed forward , as soon as she got just outside of Kiesa's range she jumped and flipped well over her, as if she envisioned a bubble around her. At the height of the jump she pointed at her "hado 1. Sho." The kido it itself was normal, the angle the invisible force would be coming from in such a flip might be a bit difficult to figure out, but it was aimed for Kiesa's left shoulder. When she landed she moved forward quick, to try to step inside her sword range, and volley her with punches. if she could get there.

Keisa's headbutt didn't land, instead Sinai shunpo'ed away. Keisa just stood up straight and watched Sinai without any expression, always looking neutral. She waited for Sinai to make her next move, sheathing her Katana when she noticed Sinai sheathed hers since the only reason she was using her blade was to block Sinai's blade and stop Sinai from cutting her. The woman didn't need her Katana to spar. After a little time, Sinai began dashing towards Keisa, in which Keisa stood still and awaited her approach. Sinai then jumped, Keisa's eyes following Sinai's body as she flew above her. While Sinai was in the air, Keisa bent her knees, preparing herself for something. Then Sinai's Hado hit her left shoulder. Keisa's left shoulder moved back but her right shoulder moved forward in turn, then just as Sinai landed, Keisa launched forward into a sprint towards Sinai, following the woman with her eyes as she darted for Keisa once more. While Keisa was running, she was planning to grab Sinai's face with her right hand, however Sinai moved to her left, preparing to punch. Keisa used this as an opportunity to aim a punch to Sinai's face instead while turning her body to the right a little, causing Sinai's fist to only brush passed her side, just about missing.

Rio stood with her arms crossed the whole time, watching the spar. She was indeed rather pleased with what she was watching. Sinai seemed to show potential, just as most Shinigami would, however it seemed Sinai needed to work on calculating her opponent out while fighting, more than stopping and giving them a window to prepare for her next attack or attack themselves. This wasn't really a problem so it didn't bother Rio, overall she felt that Sinai was a good candidate for the Squad. Feeling that she had seen enough, Rio decided that Sinai's next move would be the last of this spar, she had enough information to aid her in her decision on whether or not to let Sinai join the Squad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

~Far from the Seireitei~

(Takes place around 70 to 100 years ago)

Hajiro walked through a forest towards a small wooden shack, his Zanpakuto that was taller than him rested on his right shoulder, still in it's sheath as he walked along happily. Hajiro then came to the wooden shack and walked up it's steps then knocked on the door, Hajiro then heard foot steps coming towards the door, He then took his Zanpakuto off his right shoulder and whilst it was still in it's sheath smashed it through the center of the door causing the door to practically explode and send the man who was about to open it flying into the far wall at the back of the shack, Hajiro then stepped through the hole in the door smiling "Hey there. I've got orders to capture you all, so if you don't want to get caught you best start running...I can highly recommend not fighting me but if you insist...then go ahead...I wont even unsheathe my Zanpakuto..." The men in the room looked to their comrade who had been knocked out by the force of the blow but due to Hajiro being a kid they almost ignored that fact. The men stood up then unsheathed their swords as they all ran at Hajiro, one after the other. The first man slashed down at Hajiro only for Hajiro to effortlessly side step his attack, he then slammed his sheathed Zanpakuto into the right side of the mans head sending him flying, as the man flew out of the way two other men attacked at the same time, Hajiro raised his sheathed Zanpakuto and blocked their attacks, he then pushed back on their Zanpakuto's then side stepped again, this time to the right, causing one of the men to stumble forward due to the pressure he was using, the man then met the end of Hajiro's sheath as it slammed him in the face breaking his nose, Hajiro then twisted his Zanpakuto and used it to force the other mans Zanpakuto away from him and once his sheath's tip was in line with the mans stomach he thrusted it forward and sent the man flying back. A man then ran at Hajiro with his sword held behind his head, Hajiro then stepped infront of the man, the hilt of his Zanpakuto aimed at the mans gut as he slammed it into the mans gut sending him flying. Hajiro then rested his sheathed Zanpakuto on his right shoulder smiling "I told you all to run. Now I have to make sure you can no longer move...." Fire then burst out from Hajiro before erupting violently and releasing a large amount of fire into the sky as the shack tore to pieces and burned. Once Hajiro relaxed the fire had burnt everything including the men who were now in a rather bad state yet a state in which they would no longer be able to run...instead they'd lay there in pain. Hajiro then turned to look back the way he had come then began waving "Hey brother! I can see you over there! you can't hide from the seeking master!" Hajiro's brother Genji sighed as he stepped out from behind a tree "As usual you got me...and you found them before I did." Genji then walked over to Hajiro and placed his left hand on top of Hajiro head and began ruffling his hair as he smiled "When you grow up, your going to make an excellent fighter...I wouldn't be surprised if you surpassed me, hell even our clan leader..." Hajiro then pouted and frowned as Genji began ruffling his hair "Grr!" Hajiro then grabbed Genji's hand and bit it as he then punched Genji in the balls "DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR! I MAY BE A KID BUT IT DOESN'T MEAN YOU CAN TREAT ME LIKE ONE YOU IDIOT!" Genji pulled his hand back as Hajiro bit it then he felt Hajiro try punch him in the balls, thankfully Genji wore armour down there for that very reason, Hajiro then turned around and tried to make it look like he was fine but in truth he was holding his left hand up as tears streamed from his eyes "Damn armour! why does he wear that! it makes it difficult to hit him there!" Genji looked at Hajiro then chuckled "You aren't crying are you? Come on you know our clan don't cry...no matter what..." Hajiro pretended to sneeze as he wiped his eyes quickly with his left sleeve "N-NO! Why would I cry? Hero's don't cry!" Genji chuckled once again then spoke "I know they don't...that's why you make such a good one..." Genji then looked around at the damage Hajiro had caused, it was incredible. For someone as young as him to be doing jobs the foot soldiers would do, it was impressive...Genji honestly thought by the time Hajiro was a teenager that he'd be an elite...by the time he was fully grown up and matured...he'd be the Clan Leader...he showed great promise, this made Genji proud and he knew it'd make their parents proud that their youngest son was so strong. "You really did a number on these guys...not bad...well...best tie them up and get them back to base" Hajiro turned to look at Genji then nodded "I I Cap'n!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie when she decided to look at the movie again, saw a disturbing clown showing rags down a mans throat, and truly at this point Chie just hide er face in Fumio's chest and waited for the movie to end. So when it did, Chie bolted out of the cinema with Fumio and looked up at him pouting. "You will not mention that to anyone! If you do, I will burn you as son as we get home. "Chie said flailing her arms, then saw some people eating Ice cream, which made her eyes widen, and look up at Fumio pretty much pointing at the ice cream shop.
Seki's sword was blocked by Shiro's while he also counter Nisihiki, then tossed Seki's sword away. Yet what came next was a shocker for her, she heard him say Hado number 33, which seemed an odd thing to do in squad eleven, yet that was the point. He had no intention of using the hado itself. He was using the hado for what happens when you are horrible at kido. Sure enough it then caused an massive explosion sending Seki flying off into the distance where she slammed against a wall, which seemingly knocked her out as her shikai reverted back to sealed state.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said "Heh, well, it does, I guess" Souta chuckled a little before continuing to listen to Kagiko. "Ahh, I see, well it never hurts to get to know a few other people. And they really make themselves stand out... which is, as you said, not helpful" Rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly with another short chuckle, Souta gave Kagiko a small smile when the guy smiled. "You should be careful when doing that, not everyone is friendly after all ehehe.... I guess some time you should pop by Squad Eight and I can introduce you to some of the people there, just to help you meet more people, then you can meet even more people through them also maybe.... Well, depends on what you want to know about me really... but we could get to know each other a little if you want but we should go somewhere.... Hmm, want to go to a bar?" Souta asked, not really sure where Kagiko would prefer to spend his time but it was only a suggestion. If he didn't want to go to a bar, they could chill out some place else.

"Well that is the plan" Kagiko then sighed "Tis a shame. If only they lived a normal life...to them that life is all they have, I guess you can't blame them. A lot of them were bullied when in the Academy...they may be smart but their physical capabilities are poor. If I ever become Captain I'll make sure that changes..." Kagiko then chuckled "Oh come now, there are many friendly people around and if they choose to be rude then I will have to educate them in how to properly greet another Shinigami" Kagiko once again smiled. Souta may not have picked up on this but despite Kagiko always smiling and laughing away he did carry that creepiness about him...maybe not so creepy, it was more shady...a sort of...what is hiding behind the smile sort of thing. Kagiko then heard Souta mention a bar which peaked his attention "That sounds interesting...I don't see why not, could be some fun"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Zane620 said
Henry smiled at her, yet what she said next did surprise him enough that he looked down at her silently even though she had finished speaking entirely. "I see.... Sango its.... hard, I've been in a bad place for a long time truly and the thing is, no matter where I go places are bad, I consider the current place we both are at bad, yet the place I'm at is also bad. It's so hard, one I'm helping out monsters, and the other is really no better. I.... I just don't know what to do, things were so much simpler when I wasn't a part of any of this, just roaming with my best friend....." Henry said also holding Sango tightly. "I'm not sure if I can involve you in this, but I promise you, when everything goes up in flames..... I will be walking away with you."

Sango moved her face back with a pout at what Henry said. "Too many bad places.... Wh-what if you get hurt really bad and I'm not there to help you then... th-then...." She bit her bottom lip to stop it from shaking while closing her eyes. After a few seconds, Sango took a deep breath and looked up at Henry with her teary eyes. "Just... stay Okay.... If you can't take me with you then... I'll stay in your room and wait.... b-but make sure you come back..." Sango looked down before speaking again. "Maybe... when you do what you need to do... we can go to a good place, like here, and just... be Okay together...." She hugged Henry once more, cuddling into his warm body before her eyes drifted shut.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fumio snapped back to Chie as she hid her face in his chest. A smile drifted unknowingly across his face while he gently stroked her hair and continued to watch the comical movie. 'Ahh come on! Light the rags on fire, douse them with something toxic or something! What's the use of just shoving rags down their throats if you're not going to do anything with them anyway? Hearing the victims scream is the best part of murdering them! To hear all of their pain through their voice is just... Uhh orgasmic~' He continued to openly laugh and chuckle at the gruesome scenes, gaining quite a few disturbed looks but he didn't care, it was too funny not to laugh at the killer's attempt at being scary.

Quite afew chuckles later, the terrible movie finally ended. Before he knew it, Chie had grabbed Fumio and darted out of the cinema, telling him not to mention her reaction to anyone. "Don't worry Gemstone, I won't tell another soul~ Besides, that film was utter shit. The killer was not creative at all, practically sucked all the fun out of watching him kill the victims. Honestly that film was more halerious than scary" Fumio chuckled once more before Chie gave him a cute look and pointed to an ice-cream shop. "Let's go in there then shall we~ I'll pay this time, get anything you want sweetpea~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nishiki's leg was caught by Shiro's free hand, however he didn't let her go. The grip on her right angle tightened as Shiro's skin turned into iron scales. 'Oooo~' Nishiki watched Shiro, but before she knew it, Shiro had created a large explosion due to a failed attempt at Hado 33, which she knew was a Sōkatsui. Immediately Nishiki crossed both forearms in front of her face to try and block as much of the explosion as possible, however she was unable to escape it and so had no choice but to endure the heat. She kept her eyes closed until she felt the explosion die down. Her clothes and hair were smoking, her clothes were also ripped in various areas and singed due to the explosion. Twisting her body to the right in Shiro's grip, Nishiki aimed to kick Shiro as hard as she could multiple times in the back of his head with her left leg until he let her go.
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