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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

AbigailTenshi said
Keisa's headbutt didn't land, instead Sinai shunpo'ed away. Keisa just stood up straight and watched Sinai without any expression, always looking neutral. She waited for Sinai to make her next move, sheathing her Katana when she noticed Sinai sheathed hers since the only reason she was using her blade was to block Sinai's blade and stop Sinai from cutting her. The woman didn't need her Katana to spar. After a little time, Sinai began dashing towards Keisa, in which Keisa stood still and awaited her approach. Sinai then jumped, Keisa's eyes following Sinai's body as she flew above her. While Sinai was in the air, Keisa bent her knees, preparing herself for something. Then Sinai's Hado hit her left shoulder. Keisa's left shoulder moved back but her right shoulder moved forward in turn, then just as Sinai landed, Keisa launched forward into a sprint towards Sinai, following the woman with her eyes as she darted for Keisa once more. While Keisa was running, she was planning to grab Sinai's face with her right hand, however Sinai moved to her left, preparing to punch. Keisa used this as an opportunity to aim a punch to Sinai's face instead while turning her body to the right a little, causing Sinai's fist to only brush passed her side, just about missing.Rio stood with her arms crossed the whole time, watching the spar. She was indeed rather pleased with what she was watching. Sinai seemed to show potential, just as most Shinigami would, however it seemed Sinai needed to work on calculating her opponent out while fighting, more than stopping and giving them a window to prepare for her next attack or attack themselves. This wasn't really a problem so it didn't bother Rio, overall she felt that Sinai was a good candidate for the Squad. Feeling that she had seen enough, Rio decided that Sinai's next move would be the last of this spar, she had enough information to aid her in her decision on whether or not to let Sinai join the Squad.

Sinai continued forward even as Kiesa moved toward her. What looked like an imminent clash turned out differently. Sinai saw the punch aiming for her face, so she tried to move. moving her head took a instant too long and the fist went against her cheek but it wasn't enough to deter her. She continued forward coming face to face literally with Kiesa. While her first Punch only grazed her opponent it basically insured that her following Punch, an uppercut to Kiesa's mid section, would at least connect. Infighting was most effective with multiple strikes, so she threw three more strikes at this intimate range, the last a palm strike intending to create a distance. At that close a range Sinai could have hit harder, aimed for kidneys, or even drew her zanpakuto for a kill since it was small in length, but this was just a spar. hopefully enough to get her in the squad. and because it was a spar she did not keep attacking, as her past would have preferred. She simply steadied her stance once again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
"Well that is the plan" Kagiko then sighed "Tis a shame. If only they lived a normal life...to them that life is all they have, I guess you can't blame them. A lot of them were bullied when in the Academy...they may be smart but their physical capabilities are poor. If I ever become Captain I'll make sure that changes..." Kagiko then chuckled "Oh come now, there are many friendly people around and if they choose to be rude then I will have to educate them in how to properly greet another Shinigami" Kagiko once again smiled. Souta may not have picked up on this but despite Kagiko always smiling and laughing away he did carry that creepiness about him...maybe not so creepy, it was more shady...a sort of...what is hiding behind the smile sort of thing. Kagiko then heard Souta mention a bar which peaked his attention "That sounds interesting...I don't see why not, could be some fun"

Souta continued to listen to Kagiko, starting to feel kind of bad for the Squad Twelve creeps now... maybe they just wanted to be accepted and be seen as actual people behind all of the creepiness. "Well... that's really a shame... Kind of upsetting actually" Souta raised an eyebrow in thought. "But, I guess if they let the past stop them from making friends and speaking to other people that they haven't met before, they won't exactly get anywhere.... However I see where they're coming from..." Souta sighed before looking up at Kagiko, making a note that this guy did smile quite abit... although he didn't really pay much mind to it. "Well, all I'm saying is be a little careful but hey, you seem to have your head screwed on pretty tight, I guess a little positive reinforcement won't hurt anybody eheh" Souta chuckled himself. "I'll take you to one, follow me" Souta began walking, hoping Kagiko would be following behind.

After a short walk, the two made it to the nearest bar, it wasn't really that far away anyway. Stopping in front of the building, Souta turned to Kagiko to speak. "Well, here we are. I like this bar, however beware of the drunks that try to start a fight. I just tend to avoid them or if they try to hit me, I just dodge and walk away heh... I'm not the type to get into meaningless fights"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

After Gio had stuffed his face, he found himself bored. Everyone else in the squad was still reeling from either just having fought hollows or day one of training under Captain Mok, but Gio only cooked. He felt slightly gypped in that regard. While he could go find hollow on his own like he used to he decided to go to his new captain instead. Gio wasn’t in charge, and now answered to someone directly, so his actions needed a bit more discretion, at least for now. He probably should also ask about what responsibilities he will be retaining. Most, if not all the responsibilities fell on Gio because there was no Captain or lieutenant. But now there was a Captain. As a seated officer he role was theoretically just to lead sub-units and kill hollow. But since there was no lieutenant it was possible he would still maintain those duties as well. But all in all it was up to Captain Mok. So Gio went to find the man in his office. He knocked twice and announced himself before waiting for a response.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Nicias Askani said
Sinai continued forward even as Kiesa moved toward her. What looked like an imminent clash turned out differently. Sinai saw the punch aiming for her face, so she tried to move. moving her head took a instant too long and the fist went against her cheek but it wasn't enough to deter her. She continued forward coming face to face literally with Kiesa. While her first Punch only grazed her opponent it basically insured that her following Punch, an uppercut to Kiesa's mid section, would at least connect. Infighting was most effective with multiple strikes, so she threw three more strikes at this intimate range, the last a palm strike intending to create a distance. At that close a range Sinai could have hit harder, aimed for kidneys, or even drew her zanpakuto for a kill since it was small in length, but this was just a spar. hopefully enough to get her in the squad. and because it was a spar she did not keep attacking, as her past would have preferred. She simply steadied her stance once again.

Keisa's punch hit Sinai as intended, however Keisa didn't take a moment to relax as she expected another punch would of been been throwing, and it was, this time in the form of an uppercut. Keisa took the uppercut to her mid-section on purpose, letting Sinai get a hit in. Moving her left hand from Sinai's face, Keisa blocked all other incoming strikes. Sinai's palm strike met with a palm strike of Keisa's with the same amount of force Sinai was putting out. This would of knocked both girls backwards and indeed create distance between them. Keisa stayed standing straight, letting out one shallow breath before relaxing her body, once again her face displaying no emotion. Watching Sinai steady her stance, Keisa looked to Rio, using only her eyes to beckon Rio over and let her know that the two of them were finished.

Rio continued to watch the two, looking at Keisa when the woman signalled to her. "That was a good display you two. I'm glad this spar didn't spiral out of hand." Rio spoke as she walked closer to the pair, Keisa watching every step she took as Rio mainly looked at Sinai. "Sinai, I have seen enough. I can see your potential and that you would fit well within this Squad so consider yourself accepted. I will relay the information I've gathered from watching to two of you to the Captain as soon as possible. Now Keisa." Rio turned her attention to the Keisa, still maintaining her own professional expression. "You've done well, thank you for aiding me in this decision." "No problem Lieutenant." Keisa replied promptly then Rio continued to speak. "I'm going to go give the Captain my report on this and let him know of the new accepted recruit. If I am done before the end of the day, we can continue our training. If not then I will find you tomorrow and we will definitely resume then. Is this Okay with you?" Keisa nodded. "Perfectly fine Rio, just find me whenever you're ready." With that, Keisa began walking away. Rio watched her before looking back at Sinai. "Now, I'm going to make my way to Captain Kaizo, you are dismissed to do whatever you like." Rio then turned towards the door and began heading for Captain Kaizo's office.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

So Kiesa had been training with the lieutenant. Sinai found that intriguing, hopefully she would be able to find someone to train under as well. but for now she was just happy to be accepted. She nodded "thank you" to the Lieutenant as she departed but turned towards Kiesa "Kiesa was it? um... thank you for well the spar. it helped me realize a few things so um...thank you" Sinai didnt want to keep her, but she wanted to at least express her gratitude for the experience. Niether of them relied on their shikai, in fact Sinai was never asked about Shikai. She kind of figured that it wasnt really important since she was unseated still. Besides as much as she loved her zanpaukto, she loved the thrill of hakuda just as much. She knew she had a lot to learn, and a lot of growing to do but on the inside she hoped to have the opportunity to spar with Kiesa again. For now it was probably a good idea to get a feel of the place, learn her way around and stuff like that.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

As Keisa turned away to resume whatever she was doing however Sinai's voice stopped her in her dead in tracks. Looking back over her shoulder, Keisa gave Sinai a simple nod before turning back and continuing to walk. She was making her way to a far corner of the training room, finding herself some equipment to train with. While training, Keisa generally didn't used her Katana, she mainly worked on her hand combat skills and such. Although she spent the vast majority of her time training herself, she knew that she wouldn't be able to accomplish as much as she would with partners so she tended to train with many other Shinigami whenever she could.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Rio made her way out of the training room and walked all the way to the Captain's office, helping Shinigami that spoke to her along the way. Once she arrived at his office, Rio held up her hand and balled it into a fist, just about to knock when she remembered something, causing her to pull her hand back. 'I almost forgot, I should fetch my report to give to the Captain, might as well try to minimise the amount of trips I take to his office to make sure I don't disturb him too much.' Stepping back, Rio turned to the direction of her own room, making her way there before opening her door and stepping in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio made her way out of the training room and walked all the way to the Captain's office, helping Shinigami that spoke to her along the way. Once she arrived at his office, Rio held up her hand and balled it into a fist, just about to knock when she remembered something, causing her to pull her hand back. Stepping back, Rio turned to the direction of her own room, making her way there before opening her door and stepping in.

Kaizo was off duty for the day and had decided to plan something nice for Rio, he felt like she had been working hard recently and needed to relax but he was not doing this from a Captains perspective, this was from his own personal perspective. Kaizo hadn't really treated Rio to anything since he got back so for once he put work aside and put her first. Kaizo had switched the lights off and dimly lit it with a few candles that laid scattered around however he had put one on a table, two plates were set with appropriate cutlery laid either side of the plates, Kaizo had even made the effort to dress up...it was a bit odd but without Rio knowing he had gone to the human world and read up about a lot of this stuff and had even managed to get himself a suit, it was comfy compared to his uniform but it did look good. Kaizo stood next to the table with his hands behind his back awaiting Rio's arrival. Soon she arrived and the second she did Kaizo opened his eyes and smiled at her he tried to look confident and calm but in truth he was actually kind of nervous, he didn't know what she'd make of all this, he was worried it may have been to much or not enough. Kaizo gulped a little before taking a deep breath and speaking "Welcome home Rio. I..um..thought it would be nice if I cooked us a dinner, in appreciation of the hard work you have been doing lately. I say this as just Kaizo, not your Captain..." Kaizo then pulled out some flowers from behind his back then held them out a little "T-These are for you...I hope you like them" Kaizo still felt a little nervous, this was probably the first time he had ever done anything like this and it made his heart race....but he knew this was what he wanted to do..despite everything he felt
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Henry simply listened to her and nodded, and when she finished speaking, she ended up falling asleep, where Henry then picked her up, and opened up a portal, where he went back to the soul society. Heading back to his room, he laid Sango down in the bed, and simply smiled as he stroked her hair. When I do what i need to huh? I might just take you up on that offer until then, you will have to bare with the chaos of this place a bit longer. Henry thought to himself.
Chie looked up at him describing how the movie was which made her flick his head. "Hey now, death doesn't have to be creative. It's just death, its not meant to be fun at all. Its taking someones life after all, no matter how bad that person is, they don't deserve a horrifying misleading death." Chie said, and when he said he would pay this time, she grinned and dragged him into the ice cream store, and looked at all the flavors, which she then asked for strawberry ice cream, and when Fumio paid for the ice creams she took a lick of hers and smiled as the sweet flavor.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Summary: Kenta and Rose continue on in the warehouse where they end up in a room with multiple doors. Somehow finding their way into the room they were hoping to find, they began fighting more of the experiments.
Tenchi and Akuma are also there, along with Keina (Kenta’s sister) and a new enemy that the group will face off against.

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Nicias Askani said
After Gio had stuffed his face, he found himself bored. Everyone else in the squad was still reeling from either just having fought hollows or day one of training under Captain Mok, but Gio only cooked. He felt slightly gypped in that regard. While he could go find hollow on his own like he used to he decided to go to his new captain instead. Gio wasn’t in charge, and now answered to someone directly, so his actions needed a bit more discretion, at least for now. He probably should also ask about what responsibilities he will be retaining. Most, if not all the responsibilities fell on Gio because there was no Captain or lieutenant. But now there was a Captain. As a seated officer he role was theoretically just to lead sub-units and kill hollow. But since there was no lieutenant it was possible he would still maintain those duties as well. But all in all it was up to Captain Mok. So Gio went to find the man in his office. He knocked twice and announced himself before waiting for a response.

Mok was writing on a piece of paper, although it wasn't for work purposes, and on closer inspection of the paper, it was more so a ranking sheet of everyone in the squad from what he had seen so far. Halfway through it he heard a knock on the door, which was annouced to be Gio, which made Mok hide the paper in one of his capsules and then allowed him to enter. "Yes Gio, what is it that you need?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo was off duty for the day and had decided to plan something nice for Rio, he felt like she had been working hard recently and needed to relax but he was not doing this from a Captains perspective, this was from his own personal perspective. Kaizo hadn't really treated Rio to anything since he got back so for once he put work aside and put her first. Kaizo had switched the lights off and dimly lit it with a few candles that laid scattered around however he had put one on a table, two plates were set with appropriate cutlery laid either side of the plates, Kaizo had even made the effort to dress up...it was a bit odd but without Rio knowing he had gone to the human world and read up about a lot of this stuff and had even managed to get himself a suit, it was comfy compared to his uniform but it did look good. Kaizo stood next to the table with his hands behind his back awaiting Rio's arrival. Soon she arrived and the second she did Kaizo opened his eyes and smiled at her he tried to look confident and calm but in truth he was actually kind of nervous, he didn't know what she'd make of all this, he was worried it may have been to much or not enough. Kaizo gulped a little before taking a deep breath and speaking "Welcome home Rio. I..um..thought it would be nice if I cooked us a dinner, in appreciation of the hard work you have been doing lately. I say this as just Kaizo, not your Captain..." Kaizo then pulled out some flowers from behind his back then held them out a little "T-These are for you...I hope you like them" Kaizo still felt a little nervous, this was probably the first time he had ever done anything like this and it made his heart race....but he knew this was what he wanted to do..despite everything he felt

Rio opened her door to find the lights were off, however candle light lit up the room. With an eyebrow raised in confusion, Rio stepped inside and closed her door behind her before hearing Kaizo's voice. She looked at him as he smiled, immediately noticing the suit he chose to wear. At first, Rio was speechless, this definitely came to a surprise to her... Right now she wished that she had atleast tried to make an effort with what she was wearing since Kaizo just looked so good and seemed to have put quite abit of effort into this surprise. As she was about to look down at herself and pout lightly, flowers suddenly appeared in her vision, which made her look back up to Kaizo. Taking the flowers, Rio gave Kaizo a cute smile, beginning to blush. It had been a long while since she had felt like this... It was rather nice. "O-Oh my... Kaizo... These are just gorgeous! Thank you very much, erm, honey. And well, I just want to make you proud, which is why I work so hard" Rio continued to smile while she looked at the flowers Kaizo had gotten her. "And by the way, you look dashing tonight~" She giggled a little, feeling a little weird doing it since she hadn't giggled in ages either. "I would never of thought that this room could even look as romantic as this~ You did a wonderful job, I really do appreciate it~" Rio could sense Kaizo's nerves so she tried to make as many positive comments as possible to show that she truly did like what he had done and there was nothing for him to be nervous about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Fumio clutched his head after Chie flicked it. "Ow. Hey what's the point watching a horror film with boring deaths?.... and that's funny coming from a demon" Fumio rubbed his head while mumbling the last part under his breath, being extra quiet to make sure Chie didn't hear since he knew that if she did, he wouldn't hear the end of it... The two of them then walked to the ice-cream shop. Fumio wanted to try something different, not like the usual vanilla, chocolate and strawberry so instead he went with. "Ummm~ Almond and pumpkin ice-cream go well together~" He got himself two scoops, one almond flavoured with dark chocolate sprinkles and one of pumpkin flavoured. Holding Chie's free hand with his free hand, he walked with Chie while enjoying the unusual taste of his ice-cream. "So where do you want to go next sweetie?~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said Rio opened her door to find the lights were off, however candle light lit up the room. With an eyebrow raised in confusion, Rio stepped inside and closed her door behind her before hearing Kaizo's voice. She looked at him as he smiled, immediately noticing the suit he chose to wear. At first, Rio was speechless, this definitely came to a surprise to her... Right now she wished that she had atleast tried to make an effort with what she was wearing since Kaizo just looked so good and seemed to have put quite abit of effort into this surprise. As she was about to look down at herself and pout lightly, flowers suddenly appeared in her vision, which made her look back up to Kaizo. Taking the flowers, Rio gave Kaizo a cute smile, beginning to blush. It had been a long while since she had felt like this... It was rather nice. "O-Oh my... Kaizo... These are just gorgeous! Thank you very much, erm, honey. And well, I just want to make you proud, which is why I work so hard" Rio continued to smile while she looked at the flowers Kaizo had gotten her. "And by the way, you look dashing tonight~" She giggled a little, feeling a little weird doing it since she hadn't giggled in ages either. "I would never of thought that this room could even look as romantic as this~ You did a wonderful job, I really do appreciate it~" Rio could sense Kaizo's nerves so she tried to make as many positive comments as possible to show that she truly did like what he had done and there was nothing for him to be nervous about.

Kaizo watched Rio, looking for what expressions she would show and to see her smile was a relief, he listened closely as she spoke and smiled as he did "Your welcome, You've made me very proud, I couldn't ask for a better Lieutenant, Squad 2 couldn't ask for a better Lieutenant and I couldn't ask for a better Girlfriend..." When Rio complemented Kaizo he gave a light bow then spoke "Thank you, I may not say it often but this is due to me being professional, however right now that is not the case. But. Everytime I see you you take my breath away with your Beauty, I am to blessed to have such a wonderful woman in my life and for that I am truly grateful." Kaizo then closed his eyes as he smiled before opening them and speaking "Thank you, I really wanted to make everything perfect...because you deserve perfection." Kaizo then walked over to one of the chairs and pulled it out then spoke "If you'd like to take a seat, I will go get the dinner I prepared for us" Kaizo continued to smile, he truly felt happy Rio liked this...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki's leg was caught by Shiro's free hand, however he didn't let her go. The grip on her right angle tightened as Shiro's skin turned into iron scales. Nishiki watched Shiro, but before she knew it, Shiro had created a large explosion due to a failed attempt at Hado 33, which she knew was a Sōkatsui. Immediately Nishiki crossed both forearms in front of her face to try and block as much of the explosion as possible, however she was unable to escape it and so had no choice but to endure the heat. She kept her eyes closed until she felt the explosion die down. Her clothes and hair were smoking, her clothes were also ripped in various areas and singed due to the explosion. Twisting her body to the right in Shiro's grip, Nishiki aimed to kick Shiro as hard as she could multiple times in the back of his head with her left leg until he let her go.

Shiro still had Nishiki in his grip however his Iron scales were still active and so when Nishiki attacked him with her left leg she would end up doing more damage to herself than him, Shiro however felt this had all gone on long enough now...people were beginning to fall and grow tired, this showed that this was a success...forcing everyone into a battle like situation, this would help them prepare for the unexpected. Shiro looked to Nishiki then slammed her down into the ground then put his left foot on her stomach and pointed the tip of his Zanpakuto at her face "This fighting session is over...everyone has done well." Shiro then looked up to everyone and spoke "Those who can still stand take those who are wounded to Squad 4...go rest, get healed up...I'm glad that this Squad has such great Shinigami." Shiro spoke in a rather serious tone as opposed to his rather brutish normal tone. Shiro then looked down to Nishiki as he raised his Zanpakuto up and rested it on his right shoulder, he then took his left foot of Nishiki's stomach and extended his left hand to her to help her up "You did well Nishiki...If you carry on like that you may end up my Lieutenant.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said

Souta continued to listen to Kagiko, starting to feel kind of bad for the Squad Twelve creeps now... maybe they just wanted to be accepted and be seen as actual people behind all of the creepiness. "Well... that's really a shame... Kind of upsetting actually" Souta raised an eyebrow in thought. "But, I guess if they let the past stop them from making friends and speaking to other people that they haven't met before, they won't exactly get anywhere.... However I see where they're coming from..." Souta sighed before looking up at Kagiko, making a note that this guy did smile quite abit... although he didn't really pay much mind to it. "Well, all I'm saying is be a little careful but hey, you seem to have your head screwed on pretty tight, I guess a little positive reinforcement won't hurt anybody eheh" Souta chuckled himself. "I'll take you to one, follow me" Souta began walking, hoping Kagiko would be following behind.

After a short walk, the two made it to the nearest bar, it wasn't really that far away anyway. Stopping in front of the building, Souta turned to Kagiko to speak. "Well, here we are. I like this bar, however beware of the drunks that try to start a fight. I just tend to avoid them or if they try to hit me, I just dodge and walk away heh... I'm not the type to get into meaningless fights"

Kagiko listened to Souta speak then followed him to the bar, once they arrived Souta stopped infront of the bar causing Kagiko to stop also. Kagiko listened to Souta then nodded, still smiling "Oh don't worry, I am sure I can handle a few drunks. May be a little fun...could maybe get some training done while I have fun...could become a regular thing for me" Kagiko continued to smile as he then spoke again "Plus...if you don't want to fight them I will. As the Lieutenant of the Twelfth Division I will not take disrespect from anyone other than my Captain..even if I am off duty..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Expllo
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Member Seen 1 mo ago

Zane620 said
Caius laughed at Hikari's response and didn't even move when Hikari started his attack, all Caius did was holding his sword out to block Hikari's sword, and using his left leg stomped on the sheath holding it in place. "Nice attempt, but I recommend using Shikai. Otherwise, you are going to die. Of course if you wish to die, then by all means, one less stepping stone for Sieg." Caiuse said as a black portal formed in front of Caius as he pushed his left hand through which then appeared on the right side of Hikari's head. And like the other hados, he wasn't saying anything although a Byakurai was on its way.

Hikari didn't expect much when he attacked Caius as it was just a size up, to see what he would do. Now Hikari had an idea of what his abilities were, portals. There was probably more to it than just that, but for now he knew he had portals atleast. Hikari had to be wary about that then, although he didn't know if Caius was limited to where he could see he could expect several surprise attacks. Hikari took into account what he said, Sieg? He'd keep that name in mind. Once the hand appeared on his right side he felt a Byakurai hit his head in which he felt a pain but didn't react to it, "Either you're trying to see what I can do, or you just had a really idiotic thought thinking a level four Hado would kill me."

Hikari raised his Zanpakuto and came slamming down at Caius with spirit energy backing him up, even if he blocked the attack with his bigger blade he would notice the amount of strength he wielded in just sealed form alone. One thing he had trained on throughout the three months was his strength, and some hollow stuff. The things Caius knew about him really wouldn't have mattered in terms of strength as Hikari hadn't even shown off a little of what he could do now, knowledge spreading back a year ago was pointless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Caius just stood there and smirked when Hikari tried to attack him again backing the strike up with some of his spiritual energy. Caius just smirked and held up his blade stopping the attack, while barely being pushed back. "Ahh, I hope you weren't thinking that I thought I was stronger based on my swords size. That is not the case. I'm stronger, for the single fact that I'm just better than you. And you were correct a level four won't do much, so lets bump it up to level 90." Caius said as he then appeared all around Hikari which they would all hold their hands out. "Seeping crest of turbidity. Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness!" They would all chant together. "Hadō #90. Kurohitsugi!" Then the famous hado itself would begin forming around Hikari in attempt to effectively take him out, but truly Caius wasn't even witht he group of his clones, he was watching from the distance to see how this would pan out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo watched Rio, looking for what expressions she would show and to see her smile was a relief, he listened closely as she spoke and smiled as he did "Your welcome, You've made me very proud, I couldn't ask for a better Lieutenant, Squad 2 couldn't ask for a better Lieutenant and I couldn't ask for a better Girlfriend..." When Rio complemented Kaizo he gave a light bow then spoke "Thank you, I may not say it often but this is due to me being professional, however right now that is not the case. But. Everytime I see you you take my breath away with your Beauty, I am to blessed to have such a wonderful woman in my life and for that I am truly grateful." Kaizo then closed his eyes as he smiled before opening them and speaking "Thank you, I really wanted to make everything perfect...because you deserve perfection." Kaizo then walked over to one of the chairs and pulled it out then spoke "If you'd like to take a seat, I will go get the dinner I prepared for us" Kaizo continued to smile, he truly felt happy Rio liked this...

Rio couldn't help but blush as Kaizo spoke. The more he continued to compliment Rio, the more special she felt which did make her feel good but shy at the same time. Rio looked down at the flowers again, lifting them up a little more to try and hide her blush. "Eheh, thank you so much for the compliments hmhm~ Well, I am truly grateful to of found you on that day... Who would of known I'd run into such an Amazing man. You are someone really Special Kaizo, I'm so glad to be working under you~" Moving the flowers down, she smiled back at Kaizo, her cheeks still bright red which she ignored. "Well, everything is perfect, looks like you got what you wanted~" Rio watched as Kaizo pulled out her seat in which she walked over and sat down, placing the flowers on top of the table while she waited for Kaizo to return.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro still had Nishiki in his grip however his Iron scales were still active and so when Nishiki attacked him with her left leg she would end up doing more damage to herself than him, Shiro however felt this had all gone on long enough now...people were beginning to fall and grow tired, this showed that this was a success...forcing everyone into a battle like situation, this would help them prepare for the unexpected. Shiro looked to Nishiki then slammed her down into the ground then put his left foot on her stomach and pointed the tip of his Zanpakuto at her face "This fighting session is over...everyone has done well." Shiro then looked up to everyone and spoke "Those who can still stand take those who are wounded to Squad 4...go rest, get healed up...I'm glad that this Squad has such great Shinigami." Shiro spoke in a rather serious tone as opposed to his rather brutish normal tone. Shiro then looked down to Nishiki as he raised his Zanpakuto up and rested it on his right shoulder, he then took his left foot of Nishiki's stomach and extended his left hand to her to help her up "You did well Nishiki...If you carry on like that you may end up my Lieutenant.."

Nishiki hit Shiro, feeling pain throughout her left foot, however this didn't stop her from trying to get through those thick scales, which she soon found to be impossible... Shiro then slammed her into the floor, holding her down with his foot on her stomach and the tip of his Zanpakuto pointed at her face. At first she squirmed a little to attempt to get out from under his foot... however when Shiro started talking, she stopped moving and instead pouted. Shiro then soon moved his Zanpakuto to rest it onto his shoulder and moved his foot, extending a hand to Nishiki. She of course took his hand and lifted herself up to stand, still pouting. "Ulgh, I didn't do good enough! I was too busy waiting for Seki and the rag-doll to move so I could get in on the action! Hmpf! I'll do better next fight... Next time I won't be so friendly..." Nishiki narrowed her eyes to the passed out Seki who was being picked up by another Squad Eleven member supposedly rushing her to Squad Four under Shiro's command. "Well, maybe one day I'll be good enough to be your Luie... But anywho, did you enjoy those muffins I baked you?~" Nishiki's face quickly lit up, already over her disappointment for not being able to get involved in the fight more.
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