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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko listened to Souta speak then followed him to the bar, once they arrived Souta stopped infront of the bar causing Kagiko to stop also. Kagiko listened to Souta then nodded, still smiling "Oh don't worry, I am sure I can handle a few drunks. May be a little fun...could maybe get some training done while I have fun...could become a regular thing for me" Kagiko continued to smile as he then spoke again "Plus...if you don't want to fight them I will. As the Lieutenant of the Twelfth Division I will not take disrespect from anyone other than my Captain..even if I am off duty..."

Souta chuckled as he listened to Kagiko. "Well if you want to do it, I won't stop you" Souta then continued to listen to Kagiko, his facial expression slipping into one of slight shock as he just blinked. "Wait... You're a Lieutenant? Well, damn, erm" Souta rubbed the back of his head with a nervous chuckle. "E-erm, is there like, a certain action that normal Squad members are meant to do when with Lieutenants? If so, I apologise for not doing it and I'll be more respectful from now on eheh.... I'm sorry though, I've only been around two Lieutenants and that is my friend and his girlfriend so yeah, things are pretty informal with us, however I'll be more formal if that's what I'm meant to do!" Souta was rather nervous at the moment since he hardly ventured outside of Squad Eight so he didn't really know how he was meant to act towards the people in other Squads with high positions.... He didn't particularly want to draw any attention to himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Rio couldn't help but blush as Kaizo spoke. The more he continued to compliment Rio, the more special she felt which did make her feel good but shy at the same time. Rio looked down at the flowers again, lifting them up a little more to try and hide her blush. "Eheh, thank you so much for the compliments hmhm~ Well, I am truly grateful to of found you on that day... Who would of known I'd run into such an Amazing man. You are someone really Special Kaizo, I'm so glad to be working under you~" Moving the flowers down, she smiled back at Kaizo, her cheeks still bright red which she ignored. "Well, everything is perfect, looks like you got what you wanted~" Rio watched as Kaizo pulled out her seat in which she walked over and sat down, placing the flowers on top of the table while she waited for Kaizo to return.

Kaizo couldn't help but notice Rio blush but he found this cute "You're welcome, you deserve them." Kaizo then chuckled before speaking again "Well I'm happy you found me to, who knows where I'd be right now if it weren't for you. Rio you forget that you to are special, at least to me you are and you do not work under me, you work alongside me...I treat you as an equal..." Kaizo then grinned a little as she said everything was perfect "Well it seems I did, I'm very glad you like it" Kaizo waited till Rio sat down before going to fetch the food which he brought out on two silver platters with covers, as he got to the table he stopped then set Rio's down and then his own. Kaizo then removed the covers from them both revealing a meal that had all sorts, Kaizo had forgotten the name of the meal but he had been practising cooking it for weeks to make sure it was perfect "I hope you enjoy it, I've tried my best to make it to perfection" Kaizo then set the lids aside and took his own seat. Sitting there across from Rio as he smiled "Well...time to tuck in" Kaizo said with a chuckle as he waited for Rio to start eating first before he did
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Nishiki hit Shiro, feeling pain throughout her left foot, however this didn't stop her from trying to get through those thick scales, which she soon found to be impossible... Shiro then slammed her into the floor, holding her down with his foot on her stomach and the tip of his Zanpakuto pointed at her face. At first she squirmed a little to attempt to get out from under his foot... however when Shiro started talking, she stopped moving and instead pouted. Shiro then soon moved his Zanpakuto to rest it onto his shoulder and moved his foot, extending a hand to Nishiki. She of course took his hand and lifted herself up to stand, still pouting. "Ulgh, I didn't do good enough! I was too busy waiting for Seki and the rag-doll to move so I could get in on the action! Hmpf! I'll do better next fight... Next time I won't be so friendly..." Nishiki narrowed her eyes to the passed out Seki who was being picked up by another Squad Eleven member supposedly rushing her to Squad Four under Shiro's command. "Well, maybe one day I'll be good enough to be your Luie... But anywho, did you enjoy those muffins I baked you?~" Nishiki's face quickly lit up, already over her disappointment for not being able to get involved in the fight more.

Shiro helped Nishiki up then listened to her as she spoke "Well that's how you think, maybe next time you should just bat them out the way...If you want something Nishiki you have to take it and fight for it. Not everyone likes to share their fight, me being a prime example of that...if I feel like sharing the fun then I will but that doesn't always happen. I have faith in you Nishiki, I am more than positive you will become my Lieutenant, you must work hard though..." Shiro then heard Nishiki mention the muffins which made him grin "Oh the muffins...they were great, they hit the spot and even got me raring for a fight, which is why all this happened...those are some pretty good muffins you baked"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kurisa
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Kurisa The Mortal God

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

AbigailTenshi said
Souta chuckled as he listened to Kagiko. "Well if you want to do it, I won't stop you" Souta then continued to listen to Kagiko, his facial expression slipping into one of slight shock as he just blinked. "Wait... You're a Lieutenant? Well, damn, erm" Souta rubbed the back of his head with a nervous chuckle. "E-erm, is there like, a certain action that normal Squad members are meant to do when with Lieutenants? If so, I apologise for not doing it and I'll be more respectful from now on eheh.... I'm sorry though, I've only been around two Lieutenants and that is my friend and his girlfriend so yeah, things are pretty informal with us, however I'll be more formal if that's what I'm meant to do!" Souta was rather nervous at the moment since he hardly ventured outside of Squad Eight so he didn't really know how he was meant to act towards the people in other Squads with high positions.... He didn't particularly want to draw any attention to himself.

Kagiko chuckled when Souta said about not stopping Kagiko he then noticed Souta's expression turn to one of shock which caused Kagiko to raise an eyebrow then he began rubbing the back of his head when Souta began speaking rather nervously or more respectful, he couldn't quite tell "I guess I forgot to mention that" Kagiko said with a little chuckle then began smiling after before speaking "Don't worry about it, I'm off duty anyway so just treat me as you would a normal person, besides I am the Lieutenant of another Squad, you do not have to show me any respect at all due to me being from a different Squad...if you do then that is your own choice however I cannot guarantee how I will react to you showing disrespect, although I'm sure you wouldn't" Kagiko said this with a smile pretty much still on his face
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kaizo couldn't help but notice Rio blush but he found this cute "You're welcome, you deserve them." Kaizo then chuckled before speaking again "Well I'm happy you found me to, who knows where I'd be right now if it weren't for you. Rio you forget that you to are special, at least to me you are and you do not work under me, you work alongside me...I treat you as an equal..." Kaizo then grinned a little as she said everything was perfect "Well it seems I did, I'm very glad you like it" Kaizo waited till Rio sat down before going to fetch the food which he brought out on two silver platters with covers, as he got to the table he stopped then set Rio's down and then his own. Kaizo then removed the covers from them both revealing a meal that had all sorts, Kaizo had forgotten the name of the meal but he had been practising cooking it for weeks to make sure it was perfect "I hope you enjoy it, I've tried my best to make it to perfection" Kaizo then set the lids aside and took his own seat. Sitting there across from Rio as he smiled "Well...time to tuck in" Kaizo said with a chuckle as he waited for Rio to start eating first before he did

Rio only smiled as she sat down, taking the time to straighten her clothes out, fix her eye patch and make her hair as neat as she could before Kaizo returned. Once he did, Rio placed her hands in her lap as she was presented with a covered plate. Then Kaizo lifted the cover to reveal an elegant-looking meal underneath. Rio took a moment to just marvel at the food, almost thinking that she didn't want to eat it purely because it looked really well-presented on the plate. Kaizo then took his seat opposite her. "I'm positive I will enjoy it, it almost looks too good to eat" Rio giggled a little before lifting the correct utensils and giving the food on her plate a taste. "Ummm~ This is delicious Kaizo!" Rio took two more bites before dabbing her mouth with her napkin and smiling at Kaizo. "Honestly I think this is the best food I've ever tasted so far~ I wonder what's your secret to making it taste so good. Is there a secret ingredient?" She asked before taking a few more bites of the food.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
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AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Shiro helped Nishiki up then listened to her as she spoke "Well that's how you think, maybe next time you should just bat them out the way...If you want something Nishiki you have to take it and fight for it. Not everyone likes to share their fight, me being a prime example of that...if I feel like sharing the fun then I will but that doesn't always happen. I have faith in you Nishiki, I am more than positive you will become my Lieutenant, you must work hard though..." Shiro then heard Nishiki mention the muffins which made him grin "Oh the muffins...they were great, they hit the spot and even got me raring for a fight, which is why all this happened...those are some pretty good muffins you baked"

Nishiki listened to Shiro, taking note of what he was saying and storing it in her long-term memory bank. "You are right Captain... This is why you're my favourite Captain of them all! I will remember that~ And well, if you believe I can be then I will do it~ Besides, I don't think I can see anyone else being your Luie, but that's my opinion" Nishiki looked around at the other members, wondering if any of them would possibly be compatible with Shiro enough to become his Lieutenant but she couldn't think of anyone. "Ahh, I'm glad you enjoyed them Cap'ain~ I hadn't cooked in a while and just felt like doing it so I thought I'd whip you up a batch~ I should probably do that more often if you like them~" Nishiki grinned at Shiro as she spoke before clasping her hands together. "So! What's your plan Captain? Gunna go do something or chill out? Do you need me for anything? Because if you do, let me know~" Nishiki winked at Shiro after she spoke, smiling happily.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Seki opened her eyes to see the fighting was done and she was being dragged, which for some reason angered her as she pushed the man away, and looked around the area for her zanpakuto. Spotting it near where Shiro and Niki were, she walked over to them and just bent down and picked up the sword and them walked back into the squad eleven barracks mumbling to herself. The came back out shortly where she then walked out of the gates.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AbigailTenshi
Avatar of AbigailTenshi

AbigailTenshi BloodCovered Nephillim

Member Seen 5 mos ago

Kurisa said
Kagiko chuckled when Souta said about not stopping Kagiko he then noticed Souta's expression turn to one of shock which caused Kagiko to raise an eyebrow then he began rubbing the back of his head when Souta began speaking rather nervously or more respectful, he couldn't quite tell "I guess I forgot to mention that" Kagiko said with a little chuckle then began smiling after before speaking "Don't worry about it, I'm off duty anyway so just treat me as you would a normal person, besides I am the Lieutenant of another Squad, you do not have to show me any respect at all due to me being from a different Squad...if you do then that is your own choice however I cannot guarantee how I will react to you showing disrespect, although I'm sure you wouldn't" Kagiko said this with a smile pretty much still on his face

Souta gave a sigh of relief after Kagiko finished talking. "Phew Okay, good to know. I'm just a little oblivious to the rules here, hence why I generally stay within Squad Eight. But anyway, just let me know if I'm doing something wrong, I don't want to accidentally offend anyone or show any disrespect eheh... But yeah, my Clan do things... differently...Not majorly differently but yeah... So, lets go in then shall we" Souta started walking forward, entering the bar then taking a seat where there were two free next to each other. As he sat, he waved for Kagiko to sit next to him before ordering himself a drink, just a light beer.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AeronFarron


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Haruka stared at the ceiling of her room as she tried to come up with a name for the pup. The pup was napping next to her, more than content as she scratched his ears and head. He growled a little bit and shifted so she rubbed her ribs. Haruka looked down and let a throaty laugh escape from her. "Hm...Cerberus? Too obvious. Dracula? Meh...maybe?" she tossed it around in her head before the little thing nipped her finger playfully. His teeth were much sharper than before for some reason and a drop of blood beaded there. He licked the wound apologetically then laid her head on her hand with those big, bright puppy eyes. She was going to scold him, but...that face.

"Bah...I'm not mad. Long as it was an accident." she said before she scratched his ears again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Chie happily licked her ice cream, then looked up at him and casually took a lick of his. "Weird combo..." Chie said to him as she went back to eating her ice cream, when he then asked where she wanted to go next. That was when she heard people talking about an amusement park. "I also want to go to this park of amusement, where can we find it?" Chie asked the teenaged males who snickered a bit, but gave her directions. She then smiled and walked ahead while the males looked at Fumio and gave him a thumbs up sign most likely indicating him having a woman like that. Where Chie turned around and pouted at Fumio. "Hurry up Fumio, you are so slow!"
Fuma and Neil continued their little slug fest, well more so Neil continued while Fuma simply healed himself, that was when members from squad eleven were being brought in, so Fuma looked at Neil, then casually walked away from him, as he opened the door for the injured members to go through, and when all went through. Fuma looked inside, and for once had a sad looking expression, which soon went back to his cold blankness expression, as he went inside the barracks to help heal.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Zane620 said
Mok was writing on a piece of paper, although it wasn't for work purposes, and on closer inspection of the paper, it was more so a ranking sheet of everyone in the squad from what he had seen so far. Halfway through it he heard a knock on the door, which was annouced to be Gio, which made Mok hide the paper in one of his capsules and then allowed him to enter. "Yes Gio, what is it that you need?"

Gio entered the Captains office, “Captain, I was hoping you might clarify my responsibilities and duties.” There was no real need for him to say anything about what he had been doing, or why he had been doing. The Captain, hopefully, had enough common sense to figure it out on his own. Gio just needed the record set straight so that he could be productive in the squad. He glanced around the office, it was bigger than his, but even though he had been in this squad for over a year he never actually looked in here. It was surprisingly well maintained for how long it had been vacant, but finally having a Captain sitting at that desk was a strange comfort even though Gio wasn’t really sure why.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Mok couldn't help but face palm and look at Gio. "You need me to tell you what to do as a shinigami? Responsibilities are to listen to my order and your duties are to complete those order, not that complicated. If you want something different then it's simple, you come ask me for whatever it is, and I'll consider it, yet lets see.... I have a report about a man with red hair dresses like a biker is trying to capture something from district 40. He apparently has something that is preventing him from being caught, so go see if you can do something about him. Get help if you really need it, I don't care." Mok said putting his feet up on the desk as he waved off Gio.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio's eye twitched, damn this man was dense "thats not what i meant. as a Shinigami my duties are simple. However a your third seat they become more numerous. since we had no captain until now i was doing the logistics, trainings, missions, reports and stuff that is normally the responsibility of the captain and the lieutenant. Im asking, since you dont have a lieutenant, do you need me to continue doing some of these things still or will I be a normal 3rd seat leading groups and missions? " Gio clarified hoping it would help him get a clearer answer before leaving. no shit his job was to follow orders, so much for a quick answer. He and Gio were going to get long real well....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Did i say for you to do those things? No. I said they were shinigami duties and that's what I meant, everything else will be taken care of by me since that is what my duties require. It was never your duty to begin with, if anything it more so relied on that traitorous head captain you guys had." Mok now stood up and looked at Gio. "Now anything else you wish to bring to my attention? Maybe how, while you are talking about nonsense a criminal is currently assaulting people? Or how people are probably dying right now? But no lets talk about logistics." Mok said sitting down again and tapping on his desk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

how Gio taking responsibility as the highest ranking officer in his squad had anything to do with the previous head captain escaped him. Kido corps on the other hand was a valid point, but not mentioned. " as you say Captain" clearly he was being dismissed out of frustration rather than duty. he had to pause a second to rephrase his next question. The first version of it was more of a smart ass remark. "District 40 of which Direction?" the captain had not specified and it was an extremely important detail, which was ironic considering he didnt want to talk logistics but was leaving out critical mission details, like where specifically he was supposed to be going. Sure the report could be missing that information but Gio somehow doubted a report wouldn't note where specifically these incidents were occurring. Oh yea this was going to be fun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Well according to this report, he was spotted all over the place, last place he was seen was north west, yet since you had to argue he is probably south east now. Now go on, go and claim honor for squad five and all that crap. Who knows I may even give you a cookie if you do a good job." Mok said smirking as he put his feet up on the desk again, as he pulled out a capsule and shooed him off again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio left the captains office, left the Squad 5 Barrack and left the Seireitei as a whole. He was flying blind and he knew it.He should have taken someone with him, but he had spent more time clarifying then rushing off. Either way he would probably be blind now that he thought about it. He moved quickly, doing his best to clear his head as he moved. missions took focus, and if 'somethin" was making it hard to capture this man it was probably something that as going to piss Gio off. It would have been nice to know what methods were previously attempted to capture this man. When he finally got to the 40th East district he sat on a roof top and closed his eyes. he was trying to sense for spiritual pressure that didnt fit in, as well as keeping an ear out for anything a kin to screams or cries for help.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

As Gio would arrive at the district, their was commotion all over the area, whatever this man had been doing, he did pretty fast. yet when Gio went to sense something, he would find the person squatting right behind him, holding a knife in hand as he looked at Gio with bored expression on his face. The man would then put head phones on which he got from the human world as he stood up, and with no introduction swung the knife straight towards Gio's neck. The man would certainly match the description of a red head dressed as a biker, who had a knife as a weapon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Nicias Askani

Nicias Askani

Member Seen 1 day ago

Gio shot his eyes open when he sensed the man so near him. he leaned ,forward, out of the knife range. "bakudo 4, Hainawa" from his left hand the rope shot out aiming for the knife arm. With his right hand, he drew his sword. If the rope connected, he placed his zanpkuto on the kido rope, "Tsuzuri Raiden" sending a bolt of electricity down the rope to electricute the man. Gio kept the kido numbers low for now, to see what made this person so resistant to capture. "harmonize Sorareo-O" he activated his shikai as a precaution, since he could already tell shit was about to hit the fan.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zane620


Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Tiz watched the man dodge the attack and proceed to let him use the bakudo which caught his arm. Yet Tiz didn't seem worried even when the man attempted a hado on top of the bakudo. Tiz just tossed the knife to his other hand. "Fill, Kujiraītā" Tiz spoke as the knife became wider with what look liked teeth in the middle of the blade. Tiz then held it towards the bakudo and hado, which the knife then opened up and started sucking in both the kido's, which Tiz then tossed the knife back to his right hand that was free and pointed the knife at Gio. The Knife then opened up again and shoot out the man's red spiritual energy in the form of a beam at Gio.
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